Chapter 26

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At the time of the night, the Khanna mansion was decorated. The stage was also set there with the red carpet and Avni's trophy was kept in the glass on the stage and something was also kept in the second glass which was hidden under the red veil. A projector was also set there.

People were standing in the hall and were enjoying the party. Some were talking by looking at Avni's trophy and some were talking about the thing which was covered with the veil.

KK and Riya came into the centre.

KK: Hello, ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention, please.

People looked at them.

Riya: we know that you all are waiting for whom?

KK: but now your wait is over because the two personalities for whom you were waiting have joined us.

Riya: so welcome the best and the talented couple with a huge round of applause.

Avneil came to the party.

Man: here come the shining stars.

People saw Avneil and clapped. They met them and congratulates Avni on her achievement. She was thanking them.

Man: we are really happy about your achievement, Mrs Khanna.

Avni smiled, Neil too.

Man: she is my daughter and she specially came to meet you. You are her inspiration.

Avni smiled.

Girl: hi.

Avni: hello.

Girl: I can't explain my feelings in words, you, the Avni Neil Khanna, is standing in front of me, it's a dream come true. I can't explain how happy I am. You are my inspiration. I also want to work as a freelancer.

Avni: that's good. Don't follow others, believe in yourself and make your own identity that others will follow you, they get inspired by you.

Neil smiled.

Girl: I will. We saw your trophy and it is so beautiful and attractive.

Avni frowns. She looked in the direction where the girl pointed while talking and Avni was surprised to see her trophy in the glass on the stage. Neil also saw that then he looked at Avni and was smiling. Avni turns to him and Neil smiled.

Girl: how do you manage it? I mean you are a housewife then it must be difficult to manage. Can you give me some tips?

Avni smiled.

Avni: if you have dedication towards your work then you can manage everything. The main key behind success is dedication and hard work if someone has these things then the person can manage everything easily. And time management is also very important. These are the key factors of success.

Neil smiled.

Girl: I will work hard and get success.

Avneil smiled.

Man: thank you for your time others must want to meet you. We will talk later.

Avni: sure.

They go. Avni turns her face and saw her trophy.

Neil: it is actually beautiful and attractive.

Avni turns to him.

Neil: second surprise for you. I hope you like it.

Avni: How did you find her?

Neil: I searched for it in the cupboard and luckily got it.

Avni in mind: why are you doing this?

Neil was looking into her eyes.

Neil in mind: for your happiness.

They were looking at each other. They heard the sound of glass and saw the waiter passing from there. Avni looked down and Neil looked at her. People came to meet them. They go then Juhi came to them.

Juhi: Hi handsome.

Neil smiled and she hugged Neil. Avni looked down.

Juhi: how are you now?

Neil: better.

Juhi smiled she shakes hands with Avni.

Juhi: how are you?

Avni: good. How are you?

Juhi: fine.

Avneil smiled. Juhi holds Neil's hand who was shocked. Avni saw that. Neil looked at Avni.

Juhi: come, I want to make you meet my friends.

Neil: Juhi.

Juhi: come.

She dragged Neil from there who was looking at Avni. Avni was looking at them. She sighed and turns around. She saw her parents who were looking at her, Avni smiled and goes to them. Neela maa was looking worried. Avni hugs Ashish.

Avni: how are you?

Ashish: fine, how are you?

Avni: fit and fine.

They smiled. Avni hugs her mother who smiled.

Nm: how are you, bacha?

Avni: fine. You say.

Avni breaks the hug.

Avni: How is your foot now?

Nm: it is much better.

Avni smiled. Neela maa cupped her face.

Nm: I am so proud of you, bacha.

Avni smiled.

Avni: did you see my trophy? Sorry, I couldn't come to see you and show it to you. You know about Neil's accident.

Neela maa smiled.

Nm: I know, you don't need to give any clarification we talked about it on phone, right?

Avni smiled.

Nm: and yes, I saw your trophy and felt really very proud of you. I wish, you get more and more success and get the name.

Avni smiled.

Ashish: that will surely happen.

They smiled. Ashish saw someone.

Ashish: I am just coming.

Avni: ok.

He goes.

On the other side, Neil stopped Juhi. Juhi looked at him.

Neil: Juhi, what is this behaviour?

Juhi: what did I do, Neil?

Neil: how can you drag me like this? I was standing with Avni.

Juhi: so what? What is a big thing in that?

Neil looked away.

Juhi: Neil, you know what is our relationship? Right?

Neil was looking at her. Juhi looked at him.

On the other side, Avni was standing with Neela maa.

Nm: Avni, why did Juhi take Neil like that?

Avni looked at her, she smiled fakely.

Avni: she wanted to make him meet someone.

Nm: still what was that way? She should have stayed within her limits.

Avni: they are good friends and it's normal in friends.

Nm: but...

Avni: Mamma, I and KK are also like this so relax it is not a big deal. You know me and KK even pull each other's hair.

Nm: but he has set his limits after your marriage.

Avni looked at her.

Nm: anyways, if you have no problem then who I am to say anything but as a mother, I want to say you one thing don't let anyone else take your right. Open your eyes.

Avni was looking at her. She looked in the direction where Neil was standing with Juhi and her group. They were smiling. Avni looked down.
KK and Riya come and Avni meets them.

Riya: congratulations.

Avni: thank you.

They talked and smiled. Neil turns his face and was shocked to see Avni normal and smiling. Neil recalls how possessive she was for him but now Juhi dragged Neil and she did not react even is smiling.


Avneil's reception.

Avni: I am talking to my husband who the hell are you to interfere in between us.

Avneil were in the room. Neil holds her arm and pulls her.  Avni looked at him. Avni looked down and was in anger.

Neil: let’s go and apologies to Juhi nicely.

Avni: I will not apologise to her, I did not do anything wrong she was the one who interfered between us.

Flashback ends.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Neil in mind: there was a time when you were possessive about me but now you are behaving as you don't care about me.

Neil thinks.

Neil in mind: did I lose her?

Neil thinks and looks at Avni.

Later, Neil goes onto the stage and a man gives him the mike.

Neil: may I have your attention, please.

All looked at him. Avni was standing with her both families.

Neil: thank you. You all must be thinking that why we have organised this party. Some of you must have guessed it and of course, have seen this trophy and have guessed it. But there is not one, nor two, there are three reasons behind this grand party.

People were surprised.

Neil: yes, you heard it right, three reasons. The first reason is my wife, Avni Neil Khanna's achievement. She got an award for the best freelancer and here is the reward for her work, you all must have seen that till now. Congratulations, my wife.

Neela maa and all smiled but Avni looked down. Neela maa touched her arm, Avni looked at her and smiled.

Neil: really proud of you.

Avni thinks.


Avni and Neil were standing in the room.

Neil: why did you keep it here? To make me feel jealous.

Avni shook her head.

Neil: to show me that I did not get the award but you got it. You are showing me the pride of your victory.

Avni: no, Neil.

Neil: then what do you want to prove that you are a winner and I am a loser. You wanted to make fun of me.

Neil: Oh please, stop this drama, you are so cunning, you knew I am nominated for the best businessman but I am not getting the award so to show me attitude, you hid about your coming there because you wanted to make fun of me in front of others.

Avni looked at him with tearful eyes. Neil clapped for her.

Neil: Wow, just wow, how smartly you played your cards. Impressive.

Flashback ends.

Avni looked at Neil who was smiling and all clapped for Avni she smiled.

Neil: now let's move to the second reason which is a surprise. Actually, this should be shown at a business party but due to some reasons, we have to organize this party here at the mansion. Anyway, let's just disclose it. We are introducing a new model of car. Here are some designs and a short demo of the new model.

Neil moved aside and they showed the pictures and a short video. All clapped. Neil comes to the centre.

Neil: now the turn is of the last surprise which is very special to me and is the motive of my life.

Neil sighs.

Neil: today, for the first time we are going to show the model of my City "The Paradise city".

The wall of the glass slides down and Neil goes to take off the cover and he showed the model of his dream project. All clapped. Neil was so overwhelmed by seeing the model, his happiness was reflecting in his eyes. Neil took the remote and showed the video of the construction and demo. Avni smiled to see him happy. The video ends and all clapped for him.

Neil: thank you. Media wait for their turn after some minutes we will start the press conference so please wait. Thank you. I hope, you all have liked it. Paradise is not only a housing scheme it is my dream, my life.

Neil gives the speech and all clapped for him. Neil looked at his family and smiled. He came to them and Prakash hugs him.

Prakash: I am proud of you.

Neil smiled. All met him, he looked at Avni who smiled to see him. The family looked at each other.

Shweta: come, Neela Ji, I introduce my friends to you.

Neela maa nods.

Prakash: Ashish, did you have the special drink of tonight's party.

Ashish: no.

Prakash: oh, you should try that. Come, let me give that to you.

Ashish: ok.

They go. Neil looked at Avni who forwards her hand.

Avni: Congratulations.

Neil looked at her hand then at her.

Neil in mind: am I a stranger to her that she is shaking hand with me.

Avni looked at the hand then at Neil. Neil smiled and shakes hand with her.

Neil: thank you.

Avni smiled. They were standing together but were feeling awkward.

Avni: ab excuse me, I have to attend to the guests.

Neil looked at her, Avni goes, and Neil was looking at her. Neil was disappointed by her act, he was not liking her going away from him and maintaining distances but he was also confused that why he is feeling that. He was not ready to accept his feelings.

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