Chapter 37

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At the time of the morning, Avni was standing near the dressing table and was lost in her thoughts. She heard the car horn and she moves her face slightly. She turns to the mirror and saw herself in the mirror. Avni thinks. She goes to the balcony and she saw Neil's car.

Avni: Neil?

Avni smiled to see Neil's car. She was about to go but she stopped.

Avni: but Neil, at this morning?

Avni thinks.

On the other side, Neela maa opened the door and she saw Neil who smiled. Neela maa was surprised to see him, she smiles.

Nm: Neil?

Neil took her blessings.

Nm: what a pleasant surprise? Come, come inside.

Neil nods they came inside.

Neil: how are you, Neela maa?

Nm: I am fine.

Neil: and your foot?

Nm: it is also fine now.

Neil nods. Neil looked around, his eyes were finding Avni. Ashish came.

Ashish: Neil?

Neil smiled to see him. Ashish comes and he hugs Neil.

Ashish: how are you?

Neil: good, how are you?

Ashish: I am good.

They break the hug.

Avni came there. Avneil looked at each other. Their eyes are locked and they have tears in their eyes. Neela maa and Ashish smiled to see them. Avni looked down and she wipes her eyes to hold her tears from falling to hide them from everyone. Neil did the same.

Nm: see, Avni, who came?

Avni smiled. She came to them.

Avni: Hi.

Neil: Hi. How are you?

Avni: fine.

Neil nods by looking down.

Nm: Neil, sit.

Neil: no, I came to bring Avni home. Everyone is missing her.

Avni was looking at him when Neil looked at her, Avni looked down.

Ashish: ab, Neil, I came home yesterday please let her stay here for some time.

Neil was shocked. Neela maa looked at Neil.

Neil: ab, aa, ok. If, if Avni wants to stay then she can stay here.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him. Neil wants her to say that she wants to go with him.

Avni: Ab, aa, papa, Neil came to bring me so I should go. I will come some other day.

Neil smiled, he was very happy.

Ashish: ab.

Ashish looked at Neela maa who blinks her eyes.

Ashish: ab, ok.

Nm: But I will not let you both go so easily. Today's day, Neil has to spend with us.

Neil: ab, aa, Neela maa, I...

Nm: no excuses.

Ashish: at least let me spend some time with my princess.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him hopefully.

Neil: ok.

Avni smiled. Neil smiled to see her smiling.

Nm: Neil, sit. Why we all are standing?

Neil: aa, Neela maa, I have to inform Dad and in the office that I am not coming today so I have. to. talk. to. them.

Neil stopped.

Nm: ok, we understand. Avni, take Neil to your room.

Avni nods. Avni looked at Neil

Avni: come.

Neil nods.

Avneil goes from there. Ashish and Neela maa smiled.

Avneil entered the room. They both were silent and were looking down, here and there.

Avni sighs at the bed with her hand: sit.

Neil nods. Avni goes to the table to get water for Neil. She poured the water into the glass and goes to Neil, she gave him water.

Neil: thank you.

Avni smiled.

They heard the knock on the door.

Avni: come in.

Neela maa came.

Nm: Avni, KK is on line, he wants to talk to you.

Neil was shocked, he got angry and looked away in anger.

Nm: And when are you going to buy your phone please do it fast, I can't climb up and down the whole day.

Neil frowns.

Avni: mamma. He called yesterday and now he has called me and you are saying as he calls me the whole day. I will not talk to anyone from your phone from now on.

Neela maa smiled.

Nm: now stop this emotional blackmailing and take this phone.

Avni made a sad face and took the phone.

Avni: Hello. Did you hear what mamma said?

Avni looked at Neela maa maa who smiled then she goes.

KK: yes, I heard her and that's why I called you. Did you select a phone?

Avni: KK, I am not understanding anything. I am so confused, I searched at different websites but didn't get a single nice phone. You buy what you like.

Neil got jealous. He looked at the other side.

KK: can I buy the model which I use?

Avni: no, I don't like its look.

KK: then tell me which model you want?

Avni: I don't know.

KK: then buy the same model.

Avni: no, it broke just by falling.

KK smiled.

KK: then which model do I buy?

Avni gets irritated.

Avni: I don't know.

KK: fine, now you have to keep the phone which I will buy.

Avni: ok and please do it fast. I am having problems, I can't contact anyone.

KK: ok, ma'am, you will get your phone in an hour. Happy now.

Avni smiled.

Avni: very happy.

Neil rubs his wrist in jealousy. Avni cuts the call and Neil looked at her but when Avni looked at him, Neil looked away.

Neil: what happened to your phone?

Avni: it broke.

Neil nods. Neil was not looking at Avni.

Neil said by looking down, here and there: if you wanted a phone then you would have told me, you will get that in an hour.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: what was the need to ask a stranger.

Avni frowns.

Avni: KK is not a stranger and you were not here so I asked KK. Also, he has a good knowledge of phones that's why I asked him. Plus, my phone had broken so how would I contact you?

Neil in mind: you can contact KK by Neela maa's phone but you could not contact me.

Neil: fine.

Avni was looking at him. She feeds his behaviour strange.

At the time of the evening, Avneil were standing with Neela maa and Ashish. The stormy wind was blowing.

Nm: I am still saying that don't go. Look at the weather, it is not good to go outside in this weather.

Neil: Neela maa, rain will start at any time and once it started then we will not be able to go so it will be right that we go now.

Nm: ok, as you wish. Drive safely and do inform us when you reach.

Neil nods.

Neil: Sure.

Avneil took their blessings and hugged them. Neela maa cups Avni's face.

Nm: take care.

Avni: you too.

Avneil looked at each other then they got in the car and Avni waved her hand after that they go.

Nm: please God, they reach home safely.

Ashish: don't worry, Neela, everything will be alright.

Neela maa nods and she thinks.

Avneil were on the way and the dark clouds were ready to shower rain. Avni's hair was disturbing her because of the stormy wind. Neil saw that so he closed the window. Avni looked at Neil whose focus was on the road. Avni was looking at him for some time then she turns her face. Neil looked at her then suddenly the car jolts. Neil frowns, Avni looked at Neil and the car stopped.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: Don't know, you sit here, I am going to check.

Avni nods. Neil got down from the car and opened the bonnet. Avni was waiting then she got down from the car and goes to Neil.

Avni: what happened, Neil?

Neil: don't know, everything looks fine.

Neil was not understanding what is the actual fault. Neil was looking at the parts of the car.

Neil: People say right that listen to your elders. Neela maa prohibited us from coming out but I didn't listen to her. Now see this.

Suddenly Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: one minute, why did you come out? I asked you to stay in the car.

Avni: I just came to ask.

Neil: if it would have started then why would I stand here. Am I mad that I have stopped the car in the mid-road in this rainy weather? Already the weather is not good, the car has stopped and you, you are increasing my problems. What if you caught a cold.

Avni was looking down.

Avni: I am sorry.

Avni goes to the car's front side door and Neil was looking at her. He took out his phone from his pocket and turns his face. Avni was about to sit in the car and the rain started. Avni looked up.

Neil: oh no.

Neil kept the phone on his ear and goes to sit in the car. Neil got in the car.

Neil: Hello, DD.

Neil closed the door of the car.

Neil: where are you?

DD: sir, I am on my way home. Why, what happened?

Neil: I am on XYZ road, my car has stopped and I want a car as soon as possible.

DD: Sir, give me 15 minutes, I will be there in fifteen minutes.

Neil: ok. Come fast

Neil cuts the call.

Neil: DD will reach in fifteen minutes then we will go home till then we have to stay here in the car.

Neil turned his face and was shocked to see the empty seat. Neil got worried, he looked at the front glass but due to heavy rain, he couldn't be able to see anything. Neil came out and looked around.

Neil: Avni.

Neil moves forward. He was looking around. Neil stopped to see something and was surprised to see that.

Avni was twirling by spreading her arms in the air, her eyes were closed and a smile was stuck at Avni's face. Neil was just staring at her. He slowly moves to her. Avni's arm touched Neil's arm while twirling. She stopped and looked at Neil. Avni was surprised to see him and she looked down by holding her wrist. Neil moved a step to her. He touched her face and Avni feels a shiver in her body. She closed her eyes. Neil keeps the hair behind her ear, he holds Avni's waist and pulls her to him. Avni flinched and she looked at Neil who was looking at her with a different emotion. Avni's heart starts beating fast. Neil looked at Avni's trembling lips, he touched the outline of her lips with his thumb and Avni closed her eyes. Neil looked at Avni then he looked at her lips and moves his thumb at her lips from her upper lip to the lower lip then he caressed her cheek with the thumb by looking at Avni. Neil again looked at Avni's lips and moved to them. Neil closed his eyes and they can feel each other's breath. Neil's lips touched Avni's lips and were about to kiss her but they heard the thunder and Avni flinched. Avni opened her eyes and Neil also came back to reality. Avni looked at Neil. Neil looked at Avni who was looking here and there.

Neil: relax, it was thunder's sound.

Avni looked at him then they realised what they were going to do. They felt embarrassed and they looked here and there. Neil rubs his nose. Neil was not looking at Avni.

Neil: ab, DD is coming to bring us, he will come anytime till then let's go and wait for him in the car.

Avni nods by looking down. They go and get in the car. Avni was looking down and Neil looked out from the car from the side window.

Neil in mind: what has happened to you, Neil? What were you going to do?

Neil thinks. Neil looked out from the side window. Neil glanced at Avni and saw she is shivering. Neil grabbed his coat from the back seat and passed that to Avni who looked at the coat and then at Neil. Neil was looking at her, he signs take it. Avni took the coat and covers her with that. Neil looked straight. They heard the car horn.

Neil: I guess, DD reached. You stay here, I am going to see.

Avni nods by looking down. Neil got down from the car and he saw DD coming to him. They talked. Neil came back to the car. Neil leans to the window of the driver's seat.

Neil: come, Avni.

Avni nods and she came out. Neil locked the car and they go to DD's car.

DD: come, Bhabhi.

Avni smiled. DD goes to open the door of the car for Avni. Avni goes there.

Avni: thank you, DD.

They smiled and Avni got in the car. They all sat and goes from there.

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