Chapter 39

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It was a pleasant morning. The sun was shining over the Khanna mansion. The beam of light was peeping into Avni's room where Avni was sleeping on her back. Her one hand was on her stomach and the second hand was on her forehead. Avni stirs and she opened her eyes. Avni looked at the roof, here and there. She catches her head and sat on the bed. Avni thinks, her eyes fall on her nighty. She saw the string of her nighty is loosely tied. Avni frowns. She feels weird as her nighty was slightly hiked from one side. Avni sets her nighty and clenched her nighty. Avni thinks.

Avni: what happened, last night?

Avni thinks. Neil came after taking shower. He was wiping his hair. Neil looked up and stopped wiping his hair. Neil smiled to see Avni who was looking at him with a frown.

Neil: you awake?

Neil came to her and sat in front of her.

Neil: how are you now?

Avni: what happened to me?

Neil looked at her.

Neil: Avni, you...

Neil stopped. He looked at Avni and understood that she doesn't remember anything about last night.

Neil in mind: I think, Avni doesn't remember about last night.

Neil stretched his neck.

Neil in mind: Now it will be fun.

Avni was looking at Neil who makes a serious face and looked down.

Neil: Avni, last night, last night, you were unwell and was shivering so I, I came close to you.

Avni looked down in embarrassment. She blinked her eyes.

Neil: and then, then we, we lose our control and...

Avni squeezed her eyes. Neil blushes. Avni opened her eyes when Neil did not say anything. Avni looked at Neil and was shocked to see that Neil is blushing.

Avni: a, a, and.

Neil looked at Avni who instantly looked down.

Neil: and everything happened between us.

Avni was shocked.

Avni: bu, bu, but, but I don't remember anything.

Neil acted to be innocent.

Neil: what? You don't remember anything about our special night, about the union of our souls.

Avni looked down sadly.

Neil: Avni, I came to you and you asked me to hold you in my arms as you were feeling cold and then...

Avni: Ne, Neil, Neil.

Neil looked at her.

Avni: please stop.

Neil: why, Avni? We are husband-wife so what is wrong with it if we got intimate.

Avni was looking down.

Avni: n, no, nothing is wrong with it. You are my husband, you have complete right on me.

Neil shocked.

Neil: this means you are not angry with me.

Avni shook her head. Neil was shocked.

Neil: you don't remember anything still you are not angry with me.

Avni shook her head.

Avni: no, you have a complete right on me.

Neil didn't like that. Avni looked at Neil then she looked down and got up and was going to the cupboard. Neil got up furiously and goes behind her. Neil holds Avni's arm and pulls her to him. Avni flinched, she looked at Neil who was angrily looking at her.

Neil: nothing has happened between us. Nothing. Yes, I am your husband but I will never do anything without your consent. I know my limits. You were ill and were shivering because of fever. I tried a lot but your fever was not coming down and your condition was getting worse, you were shivering badly so I came close to you to give you my warmth, that's it. Nothing else has happened between them.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: But you, Avni, why you did not ask me anything, when you don't remember anything then why you did not confront me, why, Avni? Answer me, Avni, answer me, why you didn't hold my collar and ask Neil, this can't happen, you are lying? Why you did not ask me anything, Avni? Why, Avni, why?

Avni was looking at him with soft eyes.

Avni: because I knew that nothing has happened between us.

Neil was surprised. He left her arms.

Neil: you knew?

Avni nods.

Avni: I am not feeling any pain if something has happened between us then I must have pain but I am all ok.

Neil was stunned, he was just looking at her.

Avni: plus, I know that you will never take advantage of sleep or unconsciousness. I trust you.

Neil: still, after what I did with you?

Avni: yes.

Neil was astonished.

Avni: You can hurt me but you can never take advantage of my sleep. Whatever you will do, you do that in front of me, not at my back.

Neil looked down. Avni was looking at him. Neil was guilty for his acts. Neil thinks.

Avni: now, are you satisfied?

Neil looked at her. Avni smiled.

Avni: I knew that you are teasing me that's why I was normal.

Neil had no reply. He felt a burden on his heart and shoulders. Avni turned and goes to the cupboard. She took her clothes. She was going.

Neil: if you knew (Avni stopped) then why you did not say anything?

Avni turns to him.

Neil: why you did not react to that? You could also take that as fun. You are not an introvert. You openly talk with KK, with mom, dad, and Bebe then why do you always hold you back in front of me? Why? Why do you never show your right at me? Why do you never complain to me? Why, Avni, why?

Avni looked down then she looked at Neil.

Avni: you know the reason.

Neil was sadly looking at her. Avni stared at Neil then she goes to the bathroom. Neil looked down. Neil goes to the bed and sat.

Avni came back, she saw Neil sitting on the bed cupping his fingers. She looked down and goes to get ready. Neil heard the sound of bangles and he came back to reality. Neil looked up then he saw Avni getting ready. Neil thinks. He got up and goes to him. Avni saw him from the mirror.

Neil: I want to talk to you.

Avni was looking at him. Neil looked at Avni's hand and holds that. Avni looked at their hands then she looked at Neil who also looked at her. Their eyes were locked. Avni broke that then Neil looked down, here and there. Neil looked at Avni and he took Avni to the bed. Neil holds both arms of Avni and makes her sit and he also sat with her. Neil holds Avni's hand in his hand.

Neil: I want to talk to you about something very important. Avni, please, don't misunderstand me.

Avni was confused. Neil looked down and Avni was confused, she got worried to see Neil.

Neil: Avni, it is true that nothing has happened between us last night, but one truth is that, that I came close to you.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: but trust me, I didn't do anything.

Neil pinched his throat: I swear. Actually, you were suffering from fever and shivering. I tried a lot to treat you even though I wanted to take you to the hospital but it was raining outside so I couldn't make that. Even I kept wet cloth on your forehead but nothing had worked so Iiii... I came close to you.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him then Neil looked down in guilt.

Avni: you did that to save me and I already said that I trust you. I know you will not take advantage of me.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: And you came close to me but you didn't cross your limits.

Neil looked down in guilt.

Neil: I opened your nighty.

Avni was shocked. She recalls that her nighty was tied loosely and was hiked from the left side. Avni looked at Neil. When Neil did not get any reply then he looked at Avni.

Neil: Aa, Avni, I. I...

Avni looked down.

Avni: Neil, you are my husband you have right on me.

Neil was looking at her.

Neil: Avni, trust me, I didn't have any wrong intentions. I didn't look at you. I switched off the lights and covered you with the duvet. My only intention was to give you my warmth, nothing else. I...

Avni: Neil.

Neil looks at her.

Avni: I said, I trust you and we are married so you can come close to me, you have right on me.

Neil cups her face.

Neil: but I want your consent. I don't want to show my right on you. I want equality.

Avni smiled slightly.

Neil: you are not angry with me?

Avni: Should I be angry with you for saving my life.

Neil smiled.

Neil: I saved my life.

Avni was surprised to hear him.

Neil: thank you for understanding me.

Avni smiled. Neil also smiled.

Neil: by the way, I have asked DD to buy a phone for you.

Avni: No, KK has bought it, he called yesterday at mom's number but he was stuck in some work and then the weather was not good so he couldn't be able to come. He will come here to give me the phone so no need for that.

Neil got angry, he looked away in anger. Neil thinks, he shook his head by closing his eyes, and Neil smiled.

Neil: ok. Oh, I forgot that I bought the gifts for you. Wait, let me get them.

Neil goes to the cupboard and came back to her carrying shopping bags. Avni got up. Neil passed them to Avni.

Neil: these gifts are for you. (Avni took them from him.)

Avni was surprised to see them.

Avni: these all?

Neil frowns.

Neil: yeah.

Avni was looking at the bags. Neil looked at her then at the bags and again at Avni.

Neil: now don't be overdramatic, you are my wife so I bought these all things for you.

Avni smiled.

Avni: thank you.

Neil smiled.

Neil: pleasure is all mine.

They smiled.

Neil: open them.

Neil said while taking the bags from Avni

Neil: give them to me.

Neil keeps them on the bed and takes out the gifts one by one. First, Neil took out the bag and showed it to Avni who took that.

Avni: it's beautiful.

Neil: I know.

They smiled. Avni keeps the bag on the bed.

Neil took out the box and opens it. Neil showed the saree. Avni smiled to see that. She looked at Neil who raised his eyebrows to ask. Avni touched the saree.

Avni: It's really pretty.

Neil smiled. He keeps that on the bed then he took out a small box. Neil made a pout, he opened the box and Avni was surprised to see the pendant.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at the pendant.

Neil: how is it?

Avni: beautiful.

Neil: not more than you.

Avni looked at Neil and smiled.

Neil: wait, let me make you wear it.

Avni: I will wear it some other day.

Neil: I want to see it now at your neck. I want to see how it will look on you.

Avni didn't say anything. Neil took out the pendant and tied it around Avni's neck. Avni was looking at him. Neil holds Avni's arm and looked at the pendant.

Neil: now it is looking beautiful.

Avni was looking at Neil who smiled. Neil spreads his arms and signs Avni to come who smiled and hugs him. Neil captures Avni in his arms and they closed their Avni. Neil felt a peace. Avni opened her eyes and she thinks.

Later, Avni kept the bags in the cupboard and she remembered something. Avni goes to the dressing table and saw the pendant on her neck she touched that and holds that in her hand. Avni caressed that. She looked at herself in the mirror then she looked at the pendant.

Avni in mind: Does happiness can be bought by gifts?

Avni looks at herself in the mirror. She was thinking about what is happening in her life. She is unable to understand what is her fault, and where is she lagging. Why Neil's behaviour is so weird? Why does he ignore her in front of Juhi? If Neil loves her then why does he forget her when he was with Juhi. So many questions were in her mind.

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