Chapter 80

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It was the time of night, the lights of the Khanna mansion were on. At the door, Avni was standing with the Khanna family and she was just looking at Shweta who was hesitating to say something. Avni looked at others and then she looked at Shweta.

Avni: What happened, mummy Ji?

Shweta gulped.

Shweta: ab, woh, Av, Avni, Neil, Neil is not fine.

Avni was shocked.

Avni: what happened to him? Juhi told me that Neil is not fine. He looks pale. What happened to him?

Prakash came to Avni and he cupped her face. Avni was confused.

Avni whispered: what happened to him?

Prakash looked at her with moist eyes and he held Avni’s arms. Prakash sighed. Others were crying. Avni looked at them.

Avni: you all are scaring me. What happened to him?

Prakash was not able to tell her so he turned and cried. Avni was looking at them.

Avni shouted: why you all are not telling me what happened to him?

Shweta shouted: brain tumour. He is suffering from a brain tumour.

Avni was shocked. She felt like someone pulled the floor from under her feet. Shweta cried. Avni stumbled and she collided with the shut of the door and was about to fall but she held the door. Everyone was shocked to see Avni and they came to Avni. They talked with Avni who was in shock. Avni fell to the floor. Everyone was shocked to see her. They looked at each and Shweta sat beside Avni. Shweta was crying.

Shweta: Avni? Avni?

No answer. Shweta looked at Prakash and Bebe. Shweta again looked at Avni. Shweta was crying.

Shweta shouts, Avni, I am talking to you.

No answer. Shweta shook her and called her name.

Shweta: Avni. Avni, say something.

No use. Shweta cried. Others were also crying but Avni was sitting lifelessly.

On the other side, Neil was restless. He got up from the bed and walked into his room. He was confused too. Neil ran his hand in his hair.

Neil: why I am feeling that my Avni needs me. She is near me. Is she alright? How do I get her information?

Neil thinks.

Neil:  Ashish papa.

Neil searched his phone in his pocket and his hands were shaking. Neil looked at the bed and he saw his phone on the bed. Neil goes to the bed and picked up his phone. Neil dialled Ashish’s number but he didn’t pick up the phone.

Neil: papa, pick up the phone. Why papa is not picking up my call?

No answer and the call cut.

Neil: Tch.

Neil thinks.

Neil: does he busy with Avni’s…

Neil got upset.

On the other side, Avni was sitting on the floor like a statue. Prakash sat beside her and kept his hand on Avni’s hand.

Prakash talked to Avni: Avni.

No answer.

Prakash: Avni, please don’t do this to us already, we are losing our Neil please don’t give more pain to your old father. Now, I have got tired, now, I don’t have the strength to handle one more trauma. Please spare your old father.

Prakash cried by looking down. Avni looked at Prakash and she kept her hand on Prakash’s hand. Prakash and others looked at her. Avni cupped Prakash’s face and she wiped his tears.

Avni: fathers don’t look good when they cry.

Prakash cried. Avni looked at them.

Avni: nothing will happen to our Neil, he will be fine.

All were looking at her emotionally.

Shweta: his brain tumour is in the second last stage.

Avni was looking at her. She got worried but she controlled herself.

Avni: so what, he will survive and he has to. He has troubled me a lot now not anymore. He always troubles me and now when I got my turn then he is doing cheating. I will not let him go away from me. He sucked my blood till now, now it's my turn.

They smiled while crying. Avni wiped her tears and she got up with the help of the door because she was wearing a heavy dress. She wiped her tears and sighed. Avni looked at Shweta.

Avni: where is he?

Shweta pointed back. Avni looked at Shweta’s back and then she looked at Shweta.

Shweta:: in your and his room.

Avni was looking at Shweta and she nodded.

Avni: Iiii…

Avni signed them that she is going and they nodded. Avni goes. They turned and they were looking at Avni.

Shweta: I hope, everything will become fine.

Prakash: hope for the best.

Shweta sighed and then Bebe and Shweta pray for Avneil.

Avni climbed the stair and she was looking up with moist eyes. She looked at the stairs and goes up. Neil felt Avni and he turned his face. Neil frowned. Avni was passing by the corridor with teary eyes and was looking around. Neil turned and moved slow steps to the door. Avni was coming towards her room and her heart starts beating fast and Neil's condition was the same. Neil saw a shadow and he got curious to know who is coming. His heart was saying him that his Avni has come but he was not ready to believe his heart. Avni stopped outside the door and looked at it. Avni wiped her eyes and sighed.

Avni looked at the door and fresh tears formed in her eyes. Neil was curiously looking at the door and Avni moved to the door. She came in front of Neil’s eyes and she turned her face to see. Neil was shocked to see her. Avneil were looking at each other and Avni slowly moved to Neil who was just looking at her. Neil blinked his eyes to assure that Avni is coming to him or it is his imagination.  Avni stopped near Neil and they both were not ready to take off their eyes from each other. Avni moved her hand to touch Neil’s face and Neil was looking at her. Avni touched Neil’s cheek and Neil shivers. Neil looked at Avni’s hand and then he looked at Avni. Avni moved to Neil and she hugged him by encircling her arms around Neil’s neck. Neil was surprised and was not able to understand. Neil slowly hugged Avni and then he tighten the grip. Avni also tightens the grip on his back. Avni closed her eyes. Their eyes were teary and Neil wanted to hug Avni more and more. Neil closed his eyes.

Avni: I love you, Neil.

Neil: I love you too, Avni. I love you too.

Avni smiled and she opened her eyes. She was smiling with teary eyes.

Suddenly, Neil realized the reality and he opened his eyes and he loosen his grip. Avni felt that and they moved back. Avni was looking at Neil who avoids eye contact.

Neil: wh, what are you doing here?

Avni was looking at him. Neil looked at her and then he turned away. Avni smiled.

Avni: what is this baseless question? This is my home. I came back to my home.

Neil closed his eyes to hear it because he felt a peace and he fists his hand. Neil turned to Avni. He made a stern face.

Neil: your home?

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: did you have forgotten that we are divorced?

Avni was looking at Neil with hurtful eyes. Neil wanted her to go away from him.

Neil: and by the way, today was your wedding then what are you doing here?

Neil chuckled sarcastically: did your would-be husband leave you?

Avni was looking at her.

Neil: what do you want from me now? Sympathy? Han?

Neil smiled. Avni didn’t utter a word, she wants to see how more can he try. She wondered how can someone do that. Neil was surprised to see calm Avni. Avni was just looking at him and Neil thought to be harsher.

Neil shouted: just get out from here, I don’t want to see your face.

Avni flinched but she did not move. Neil was shaking not because of anger but because Avni is not moving and he was panicking to see that.

Neil: Avni…

Before, Neil say anything, Avni hugged him by keeping her head on Neil’s chest and Neil was surprised.

Avni: I know everything.

Neil was shocked.

Avni: I got to know the truth so please, please stop it.

Neil: what do you know?

Avni: everything.

Neil was shocked, He moved away Avni from him who looked at him. Neil was trying to read her eyes. Neil was shocked to see Avni. He thought she got to know about his and Juhi's truth. Neil tightens the grip on her shoulder.

Neil: oh, you got to know about my and Juhi's truth that's why you came here.

Avni was just looking at him.

Neil: what did you think that I will accept you after what you have done with me? Han?

Neil tightens the trip. Avni felt pain and Neil felt more pain than her because he was hurting his love.

Neil: such a cheap person you are. I never saw a cheap person like you in my life.

Avni was looking at Neil. Neil jerked her.

Neil shouted: get out from here.

Avni flinched. Avni looked at Neil and she came to him. Neil looked away to hide his emotions. Avni cupped his face. Neil was amazed by Avni’s act and got emotional.

Avni: no need to act more. I know about your brain tumour.

Neil was shocked.

Avni: nothing will happen to you.

Neil was shocked.

Avni: we will go abroad for your treatment and you will be fine.

Neil got emotional.

Neil: Avni…

Avni hugged him again.

Avni: we will talk later. Right now, I just want to be in your arms. Please, don’t make me away from you. Please

They both badly need each other and Neil hugged her.

Avni and Neil were laying on the bed and Avni was in Neil’s arms. Avni was still in her bridal dress. Avni’s head was on Neil’s chest and Neil was holding Avni with one arm and was caressing her hair. Avni’s eyes were closed but Neil’s eyes were open. They were silent because they just want to feel the closeness of each other. As it says that silence speaks louder than words. They heard the knock on the door. Avni opened her eyes and they raised their head up and they saw Shweta so they sat on the bed.

Shweta: ab, woh, Neela Ji and Ashish Ji have come.

Avni was shocked. The fear of losing Neil engulfed her because she knew if Neela maa gets to know about Neil’s brain tumour then she will take Avni with her. Neil and Avni looked at each other and then Neil looked at his mother. Neil nodded.

Neil: mom, we are coming.

Shweta nodded and she goes. Neil got up and Avni moved and she also got up from the same side. Neil was looking at her when she got up.

Avni: Neil.

Neil cupped her face with one hand.

Neil: nothing will happen.

Avni almost whispered: You don’t know mamma. She...

Neil: I am with you.

Avni holds Neil’s hand in her hands.

Avni: promise me that you will not tell mamma about your brain tumour.

Neil: Avni…

Avni cuts him.

Avni: no, Neil, you don’t know mamma, she will take me away from you if she gets to know about you. Neil, please…

Neil: Ashish papa knows about my brain tumour.

Avni stopped and was shockingly looking at Neil.

Avni: what?

Neil nodded.

Neil: and Neela maa must have gotten to know about my health issues.

Avni was shocked. Neil was looking at her. Neil cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: don’t worry, now no one can separate us except death.

Avni was shocked and she got angry.

Avni: Neil.

Neil smiled. Avni looked away in anger and then she again looked at Neil. Avni hugged Neil and closed her eyes.

Avni: nothing will happen to you. Please don’t say like this.

Neil smiled. They broke the hug and then Neil held Avni’s hand. Avni looked at the hands and then she looked at Neil.

Neil: come.

Avni nodded but she was worried also. Neil took her from there.

Avneil came downstairs and they saw Neela maa and Ashish. Avni looked at Neil who turned his face to her and then they looked at the family. Neil was holding Avni’s hand. Both families were looking at them. Avneil came to them and stands there. Neil was looking at Neela maa and Ashish. Avni held Neil’s hand tightly and was looking at her mother.









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