Chapter 90

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It was the time of night, the stars were twinkling in the sky and the moon was shining between them.

The door opened and Neil frowned to see the lights off.

Neil: Avni?

No answer. Neil switched on the light and he saw the room is empty. Neil frowned and he moved forward.

Neil: Avni?

No answer.

Neil saw the time on his watch and it shows 08:30 which shocked Neil because he knew that his family went to their rooms after having dinner and the thing that shocks him more is that Avni or any other member didn't come to call him for dinner. He understood that Avni and Shweta would be angry with him for refusing surgery but they didn't even send Bheema and on top of that they are not worried about his medicine. Neil was in his thoughts then he heard the sound of bangles and Neil frowned by looking at the balcony. Neil slowly went there and he was surprised to see the scenario. The balcony was decorated with balloons and candles. Avni lit the last candle and she turned her face to Neil and that's it, Neil was lost to see Avni, his beauty queen. Avni smiled to see Neil and then she kept the candle on the stand and she stands.

Avni slowly approached Neil by looking at him. Neil was lost in admiring his wifey. Avni stopped near Neil and smiled.

Neil was stunned to see the decoration but was confused also because he thought, Avni would be angry with him but here, she planned a dinner date for them but he doesn't know that once his wife decides something then she can go to any extent to do that. His wifey is on a mission to make him agree to the surgery and she is determined about it.

Neil: Avni (Neil looked at the side) this?

Neil looked at Avni who smiled.

Avni: this.

Avni moved to his side and she encircled her arm in Neil's arm. Neil was looking at her acts.

Avni talked while taking Neil to the table: this is our candlelight dinner. A surprise from a loving wifey to her (Avni pulled Neil's cheek) handsome hubby.

Avni smiled and her behaviour was scaring Neil. Avneil stopped and Avni took her hand back. She turned to Neil.

Avni: You wanted to go for dinner that day but I refused and promised you that we will have candlelight dinner soon so, see, I fulfilled my promise.

Avni smiled and Neil was just looking at her. Avni felt Neil's silence and she found him lost. Avni's smile faded.

Avni: what happened, you didn't like it?

Neil shook his head to deny her statement.

Neil: no, Avni, I love it.

Avni: but, your face is saying something else.

Neil smiled and he cupped Avni's face then he moved a step toward her.

Neil: nothing is like that. I loved it. It's just that I am a little bit surprised to see it. Nothing else.

Avni asked cutely with innocence.

Avni: really?

Neil smiled to see her cute expression and he nodded. Neil kissed Avni's forehead and then he nodded yes.

Neil: yes.

Avni smiled and Neil was looking at her. Neil remembered his behaviour and he looked at Avni. Neil got emotional.

Neil: Avni. Avni, Iii...

Avni kept her finger on Neil's lips. Neil looked at the finger then he looked at Avni who shook her head.

Avni: I don't want to talk about anything right now. I just want to live this moment. I just want to live in it and want to forget every other thing. This is our time. Our "us" time, only you and me, and our love.

Neil smiled with teary eyes and he nodded. Avni smiled with moist eyes. Avni smiled and she wiped Neil's eyes because the tears were about to fall and then she cleaned her eyes. Avni held Neil's hand and she took him to his chair. Avni moved behind the chair and pulled the chair for Neil then she made Neil sit on the chair and she turned the plate for Neil then she was about to open the lid of the bowl but Neil kept his hand on Avni's hand. Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: it is our time, our candlelight dinner so there should be equality we both have to enjoy it.

Avni was looking at him. Neil signed her to sit on the chair with his eyes.

Neil: Sit.

Avni smiled and Neil took his hand back. Avni goes to sit on the chair. They had the food on the plate and Neil passed the first bit to Avni who gladly took it then Avni fed Neil. They smiled. They had dinner then they sat on the couch which was kept near the wall on the balcony. Avni intervened her arm in Neil's arm and kept her head on his shoulder. Neil smiled to see Avni and kissed her forehead. They looked at the sky.

Avni gave medicine to Neil and then she again sat with him.

Later, Neil was sitting on the bed and Avni came with a glass of water and a tablet in her hand it was the last medicine of the day. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: Avni...

Avni: first medicine.

Neil looked at her. Neil was about to say something and Avni made a face. To give Neil a 440-volt jolt, Avni sat on his lap. Neil widens his eyes and he looked at his lap then he looked at Avni who took out the tablet from the packet and Neil was shivering inside. Avni put the tablet in Neil's mouth and Neil opened his mouth as Avni had done some spell on him. Avni made Neil drink water and Neil gulped the medicine. Avni smiled and kissed Neil's cheek.

Avni: Good boy.

Neil got another shock. Avni looked at Neil and she found him in shock. Neil's mouth was open.

Avni shut Neil's mouth by saying: Neil, mou to band kar lo warna makhi chali jayegi.

Neil again opened his mouth and Avni again closed it but Neil's lips parted again. Avni rolled her eyes.

Avni: oh, come on, Neil, I am your wife, not a random girl that you are behaving like this. I have the official right to sit on your lap so relax.

Avni got up and kept the glass on the side table and turned to go but Neil held her hand and pulled Avni to him. Avni fell on Neil's lap and Neil held her waist with both hands now it was Avni's turn to blush. Neil smirked to see that.

Neil: oh, come on, Avni, I am your husband, not a random boy that you are blushing like this. I have the official right to make you sit on your lap so relax.

Avni blushed hard. Neil held Avni's chin and made her face up.

Neil: Avni.

Avni was looking down.

Neil: look at me, love.

Avni looked at Neil who smiled. Neil looked at Avni's lips and Avni felt that. Neil gulped and cupped Avni's face. Neil controls his emotions. Neil touched his forehead to Avni's forehead who smiled and cupped Neil's neck. Avni caressed Neil's face with her thumb and Neil did the same but he caressed Avni's both cheeks with his thumbs.

Neil: I love you.

Avni: I love you too.

They look at each other and smiled. Neil rubbed his nose to Avni's nose who smiled.

They want to live a normal life and were trying their best but the situation is not on their side. Destiny is playing its game.

The next day was Sunday so, the whole Khanna family was at home. As it was Sunday so, Avni wanted to make a special breakfast. Avni was preparing breakfast. Neil came there and he hugged Avni from behind. Avni was stunned.

Avni: Neil, what are you doing here? Leave me, someone will come.

Neil hugged Avni more tightly.

Neil: hmm, so, you again started in the early morning.

Avni: Neil, leave me. Someone will come.

Neil: so, what? You are my wife. I am romancing with my wifey, not any random girl.

Avni smiled.

Avni: Mr Khanna, it's a kitchen, not our room.

Neil squeezed Avni's shoulders in his hug and pressed his nose on Avni's cheek.

Neil: then let's go to our room.

Avni smiled.

Avni: you are really crazy.

Neil smiled.

Neil: in your love.

Avni smiled.

Avni: ok, now, go from here.

Neil: no, I came to get my morning dose.

Avni smiled while stirring the spoon. Avni kissed Neil's cheek.

Avni: now, you got your morning dose so now go.

Neil: no, first you answer me, why did you come here leaving me alone in the room?

Avni smiled.

Avni: you were sleeping so what did I do in the room?

Neil: you could give me, my peace. See, my sleep got disturbed when I did not get your warmth.

Avni smiled.

Avni: today is Sunday, so I thought to make a special breakfast for everyone.

Neil smiled and he picked up Avni by holding her waist.

Avni: aah, Neil, what are you doing?

Neil moved to the side.

Avni: Neil.

Neil made Avni sit on the slab and turned her to him. Avni was confused and she looked at Neil.

Avni: Neil…

Neil kept his finger on Avni’s lips.

Neil: ssshhhhh…

Avni looked at the finger then she looked at Neil.

Neil: Today, I will prepare breakfast.

Avni was shocked.

Avni: Neil, you…

This time, Neil kept his finger on his lips.

Neil: ssshhhhh…

Avni was looking at Neil.

Neil: kitna bolti ho tum?

Avni made a face.

Neil: Today, I will prepare breakfast and that’s final.

Neil moved to the stove.

Avni: Neil, I am making puri chickpeas and halwa. You cannot prepare that.

Neil was standing holding the spoon.

Neil: then you guide me. You give me instructions and I will prepare it.

Avni: Neil.

Neil starts stirring the dish.

Neil: Avni, please. You ladies daily prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner and never take a leave and no one asks you ladies to have rest but, but, but, I am not from those cruel husbands so, today, I will prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner with Dad.

Avni widened her eyes.

Avni: papa Ji?

Neil nodded and said yes.

Avni: he will beat you.

Neil: han, in your dreams.

Avni: no, this time in reality.

Neil: we will see.

Avni: Neil, I and Mummy Ji worked together and Bheema Di and other staff members helped us so, there is no workload on us. So, please, you go.

Neil: now, what should I have to add?

Avni remained silent.

Neil: Avni?

Avni thinks.

Avni: Neil, if you go from here now, then I will give you one forehead kiss and one, one kiss on each cheek.

Neil stopped stirring the spoon and he looked at Avni.

Neil: really?

Avni nodded.

Avni: yes.

Neil made a face.

Neil: I am not a kid that you are giving me a bribe.

Avni made a face and she got down from the slap. Avni goes to Neil.

Avni: move a side.

Neil looked at Avni who took the spoon from him and switch off the flame. Neil saw that then he looked at Avni.

Avni: go and have a shower else I will not talk to you.

Neil made a sad face. He got irritated.

Neil: Avni, please, I want to help you.

Avni: you want to help me?

Neil nodded.

Avni: then go and have a shower.

Neil made a sad face and he looked down. Avni felt bad.

Avni: ok, sit here and give company to me.

Neil looked at Avni and his face light up.

Neil kissed Avni’s cheek.

Neil: thank you.

Avni smiled. Avni sighed Neil with her eyes to sit on the chair. Neil nodded and he goes to sit and Avni started her work again. They were talking. Shweta came there and she saw them. Shweta smiled to see them happy and she goes from there. Neil and Avni were talking then Neil came to Avni and stands by leaning his back on the slab. Avni smiled to see him and looked at the pan. Avni was making puri and Neil was stirring the Halwa with the spoon. They were talking and enjoying the morning in their way. They looked at each other and they smiled.

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