Chapter 94

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It was the time of night, the moon was shining in the sky and the stars were twinkling. The white curtains of Avneil's room were flying with the wind and the room was lit by candles and was decorated with roses. Avneil were standing in the room, Avni was crying by catching Neil's shirt and her head was on Neil's chest. Neil was standing helplessly. He didn't even hold Avni's arm. Neil closed his eyes and cried. Avni was slowly bending but before she collapsed, Neil held her arms.

Neil: Avni.

Avni looked at Neil and her whole face was wet. Neil felt a pinch in his heart. Neil made Avni stand and cupped her face. Neil wiped Avni's tears and nodded. Avni got a ray of happiness and Neil kissed her forehead. Avni opened her eyes and was crying. Neil turned to go. Avni panicked.

Avni: Neil?

Neil looked at Avni and smiled.

Neil: I am going to close the windows

Hearing that, Avni blushed and Neil smiled to see her.  Neil goes and Avni was looking at him. Avni wiped her face and then she sighed and sobbed. Neil closed the window and curtains then he goes to the other side and closed the curtains. Avni was looking at him then she turned to the other side in shyness. She was rubbing the palm of her hand with her thumb. Neil turned and he thinks. Neil saw the candles and came to them. Neil blew the candles and looked at the candle and looked at Avni.

Avni turned when Neil didn't come back. Neil looked at Avni and kept his hand on the candle. Avni was shocked. Avni came to him and held his hand. Neil was looking at Avni who looked at him with teary eyes and then she kissed Neil's hand. Avni looked at him. Neil touched Avni's face who closed her eyes and then Neil cupped Avni's face and caressed her cheeks with his thumb. Neil kissed Avni's forehead, eyes, nose and cheeks and then he looked at Avni's lips and saw her eyes closed. Neil smiled and he looked at Avni's lips and moved to them. Avni moved away in shyness and Neil held her saree's side. Avni was panting. Neil moved to Avni and was looking at her. Neil covered Avni's back with the saree then he took Avni's hair at her side while brushing his finger at Avni's back. Avni clenched her saree and her eyes were closed. Neil kissed Avni's back who squeezed her eyes. Neil opened the string of Avni's blouse by looking at Avni and then he nuzzled Avni's neck. Avni stretched her body. Neil turned Avni to him and they looked at each other. Neil held Avni's hands in his hands and pulled her to him then he kissed Avni's hand while looking at her and Avni shivered. Neil opened his shirt's button and Avni felt shy then Neil kept Avni's one hand on her eyes and his second hand on his heart. Avni felt Neil's fast heartbeat and then Neil took away his hand and they looked at each other. Neil turned Avni and hugged her from behind. Neil caressed Avni's cheek with his lips and Avni squeezed her eyes then Avni turned to Neil and she looked at Neil with teary eyes and gulped. Avneil hugged each other and Avni kissed Neil's neck who went crazy. They moved away and Neil looked at Avni's lips. Neil touched Avni's lips and tracked them with his thumb. Avni's eyes were closed. Neil cupped Avni's face and looked at her then at her lips and he leaned toward Avni. Neil kissed Avni. Avni gripped Neil's shoulder then she moved her hand to Neil's hair and ruffled Neil's hair. They looked at each other. Neil took Avni to the bed and made her sit. Neil removed Avni's jewellery while kissing her and then he made Avni lay. They looked at each other. Avni's eyes were closed.

Neil: I love you, Avni and will always love you.

Avni: I love you too Neil and will love you till my last breath.

They looked at each other.

Neil leaned to her neck and Avni closed her eyes and held Neil's back. The two souls united that day and will become one in every sense.

Avni and Neil were laying on the bed under the duvet and dim light was lit. Neil was turning his side to Avni who turned her face to him and then she turned to Neil and cupped his face with one hand.

Avni: are you ok?

Neil did the same and he cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: are you ok?

Avni smiled and nodded.

Avni: I am feeling complete. Thank you.

Neil: thank you for trusting me. Thank you for giving me the right on you.

Avni smiled and kept her head on Neil’s arm and closed her eyes. She adjusted her head on Neil’s arm by closing her eyes. Neil smiled and hugged her. Neil hid his face in Avni’s hair.

Later, Avni was laying on her back and Neil was laying by hugging her and his head was on Avni’s shoulder. They were covered with the duvet and Avni was wearing a white shirt. She was caressing Neil’s hair and was lost in her thoughts. Avni looked at Neil and smiled. Avni kissed Neil’s forehead and then she thinks.

Avni in mind: Neil, now, only a little soul can awaken the desire of living again in you… God, please, please bless us with a baby soon, please. Please, save my Neil.

Avni sighed and a tear fell from her eye and then back to back tears drop from her eyes.

The next day, the sun rises and people start their day. The sun was shining over the Khanna mansion and the flowers were moving to the music of the wind. Avni was getting ready and Neil was sleeping but he stirred because of the sun's rays he opened his narrowed eyes and to clean his vision, Neil blinked his eyes and cleaned them. Neil again tried to open his eyes and the first thing, Neil saw Avni who was wearing the mangalsutra and Neil saw Avni and smiled to see her wearing mangalsutra. She applied the sindoor. Neil got up and he sets his shirt while wearing his footwear. The buttons of his shirt were open.  Neil came to Avni who was wearing her bangles and Neil hugged her from behind. Avni smiled while wearing the bangles. Neil got cosy with Avni and he nuzzled Avni's neck. Avni closed her eyes and gave space to Neil.

Neil: I didn't get enough from you last night. I want more and more from you, Avni.

Avni smiled and she turned to Neil. Avni encircled her arms around Neil's neck. Neil saw that then he looked at Avni.

Avni: You will get as much as you want.

Neil smiled.

Avni: but.

Neil frowned.

Avni: At the night.

Neil made a face.

Neil: no, I want it now.

Neil nuzzled Avni's neck.

Avni makes Neil away by calling him: Neil.

Neil made a sad pout.

Avni pulled Neil's cheek: aww, my baby.

Neil got irritated.

Avni cupped Neil's face.

Avni: you have complete right on me and you can love me at night but if we go for it now then you will get late.

Nei: so what? I am the boss there and I can go at any time.

Avni smiled and kept her hand on Neil’s shoulder.

Avni: indeed, you are the boss in your office but today, you are going somewhere else.

Neil frowned.

Neil: somewhere else?

Avni nodded by blinking her eyes.

Avni: hmm.

Neil: where?

Avni: today, your appointment is fixed with Mr Ashish Mehta, the investor of your dream project.

Neil was shocked to hear that.

Neil: Avni?

Avni: yes, Neil, I want you to start your dream project again.

Neil: Avni, I…

Avni: please, Neil. Neil, you stopped that project for me today, I want you to start that project for me.

Neil: Avni, I understand that you want my happiness but Avni, now I don’t have the strength of handling two works at the time. I am weak now, I get tired soon and feel fatigued. I can’t handle two works at a time.

Avni cupped Neil’s face.

Avni: Neil, don’t worry about papa’s business. I will handle that. You just focus on your dream project.

Neil: And what about your freelancing work?

Avni smiled.

Avni: don’t worry about that, I have the best team they will handle everything.

Neil: Avni, I don’t want to work on that project now. That is not my dream project now.

Avni was looking at him. Neil cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: that project is not my dream project anymore. The day, you got hurt because of that, at that day that project lost its value in my eyes. Now, my life’s motive is your happiness only.

Avni: then think it as my dream.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Avni: Neil, the day, our lives connected to each other, we got connected with the knot of marriage since that day even before that, I had accepted everything about you. I accepted you with your good and bad and connected my happiness with your happiness and made your dreams, my dreams.

Neil got emotional.

Avni: that project was not only your dream project, it was my dream project. And if today you think that it has lost its value in your eyes then take it as my dream project. I want to see it completed.

Neil suppressed his lips and his eyes were teary. Neil shook his head. Neil sighed.

Avni: so, tell me, Neil, will you complete my dream project?

Neil nodded and Avni smiled. Their eyes were teary.

Avni: thank you.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: that you. You understand me so well.

Avneil smiled with teary eyes and then they hugged each other.

Neil: I love you.

Avni: I love you too.

They were happy and getting emotional. Neil broke the hug and kissed Avni's forehead. They looked at each other with teary eyes and a smile was on their faces.

Neil was getting ready for the office and was brushing his hair. Avni came to Neil carrying a coat and Neil saw her in the mirror and smiled. Avni was smiling and Neil sets his hair and then he kept the hairbrush on the table. Avni was holding the coat and then Neil turned and Avni goes behind him. Avni made him wear the coat and Neil turned and Avni came in front of him. She sets his coat and caressed his shoulder and then she kept her head on Neil's shoulder and closed her eyes. Neil smiled and was holding Avni's waist then he kept his one hand on Avni's hair and closed his eyes.

Avni: All the best.

Neil smiled.

Neil: thank you.

They smiled.

In the time of noon, Avni was roaming in the living area and was in tension. Shweta and Bebe were sitting on the couch.

Bebe: Avni, sit till when you will walk like this. He must be on his way home.

Avni: but, Bebe, he is not picking up my call even papa is also not receiving my call.

Shweta: maybe, they were still in the meeting.

Avni: Mummy Ji, five hours have passed.

Shweta looked down and she also got worried. Avni again starts walking.

Avni murmurs: it is my mistake, I should not send him there. Don't know what has happened to me. I have gone mad, doing odd things. Avni, you are stupid, idiot. You are mad.

They heard the sound of a car horn and Avni turned.

Shweta: I think, he came.

Avni smiled but she got emotional and was panting. Her feet got free and were not able to take a step. Avni was waiting for Neil.

Someone entered the home and Avni was just looking at the person with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes but when she saw the person, her smile faded. She was just looking at the person.

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