Chapter 98

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Happiness is that feeling that awakens the desire of living more in person and Sorrow is that feeling that shorts life. The same thing was with Neil. The doctor gave him a time of six to one year but he lives more than that because he got his wifey back and now is a happily married man who is waiting for his baby.

One day, Avni was laying in a fowler position and was scrolling down her phone. Suddenly, she winces.

Avni: ouch.

Avni held her womb and again she winced and smiled. The tears of happiness formed in her eyes. Neil entered the room then he looked up and found Avni crying. Neil panicked and ran to Avni. Neil sat on the bed and kept his hand on Avni's arm.

Neil: what happened, Avni? Is it paining?

Avni was looking at her belly.

Avni: Neil. Neil.

Neil: yeah, Avni.

Avni: Neil, baby, baby kicked me.

Neil: what?

Neil was confused. Avni looked at Neil and the baby again kicked. Avni winced.

Neil: Avni.

Avni smiled and tears were falling from her eyes. Neil remembered that doctor told them about it.

Avni: it kicked me again.

Neil smiled.

Neil: this means... our baby is moving.

Avni looked at Neil and nodded while smiling. Neil smiled. Neil wanted to touch Avni's womb. Neil forwarded his hand which was shaking and he was panting. Neil touched the womb and shivered to feel his baby. Avni smiled with teary eyes and Neil's eyes were also filled with tears. A tear fell from Neil's eye and he suppressed his lips. Neil squeezed his nose and looked at Avni. Neil smiled to see Avni who was looking at him. Neil cupped Avni's face and kissed her forehead. Avni opened her eyes and looked at Neil. Neil hugged Avni.

Neil: Thank you, Avni. Thank you so much for giving me this happiness.

Avni smiled. She wiped her eyes.

Avni in mind: I hope, you change your decision now.

Avni thinks and again she winced. Neil broke the hug.

Neil: what happened?

Avni: baby again kicked me. I think, junior Neil is in the mood to play so, it is kicking its mother.

They chuckled. Neil touched Avni's womb and gave a soft kiss to her.

Neil: baby, papa loves you.

Avni kept her hand on her womb too.

Avni: Mamma too loves you and papa.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: I love you.

Neil gave a flying kiss to Avni. Avni smiled. Avni cupped Neil's face.

Avni: I love you too.

They smiled.

Later, Avni was laying in fowler's position and was reading a book by wearing eyeglasses. Neil entered the room and stopped to see Avni. Neil smiled and he went to the right side of the bed and sat. Avni looked at Neil and smiled. Avni resumed her reading. Neil thinks and he lays his head on Avni's lap. Avni saw Neil and smiled. Avni resumed her reading. Neil looked at Avni and then he looked at Avni's womb. Neil kissed her womb.

Neil: I love you, baby.

Avni smiled. Neil looked at Avni and made an angry face. Neil got irritated.

Neil: Avni. Avni, I want to talk to you and you are reading this book. I am getting bored.

Avni smiled and she closed the book then she kept the book on the bed and removed her glasses. She caressed his hair and kissed Neil's forehead. Neil smiled.

Avni: say, what do you want to talk about?

Neil smiled.

Neil: I want to spend time with you and our baby.

Avni smiled. They talked and enjoyed their time.

The next day, Avneil was sitting in their room. Avni was sitting by making an angry face. A tray of food was kept on the bed in between them.

Neil: Avni, have it.

Avni: No, no, no.

Neil: Avni...

Avni looked away.

Neil: ok, I am sorry.

No reply.

Neil: Avni.

No answer.

Neil: Avni.

Neil got angry.

Neil: Avni. Avni, have it.

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: No.

Neil gave her a look. Avni looked away.

Neil: Avni, the mistake was yours still I said sorry to you and you are showing attitude to me.

Avni looked at him.

Avni: what was my mistake in that if I forgot to buy my medicine?

Neil: that was not your mistake?

Avni: No. I am also a human being. Things also slip from my mind. What was the need to shout at me?

Neil made a face.

Neil: ok, I am sorry now have this then you have to have medicine.

Avni looked away.

Neil: I am saying sorry na.

Avni made a face.

Avni murmurs: It is nice. First yell at the person then say sorry as if sorry sorts out everything.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Neil in mind: I think, she is having a mood swing.

Neil was thinking.

Neil in mind: Neil, you are gone. What was the need to put your hand in the tigress's mouth now face the consequences.

Neil was shaking his head and Avni looked at him and found him making faces. Avni narrowed her eyes. Neil looked at Avni and gulped to see her anger.

Avneil heard the Knock on the door and saw the Khanna family. Shweta was standing by carrying a bowl in her hand. Avneil looked at each other. The Khanna family came inside and signed Neil what happened. Neil shook his head. Everyone looked at Avni. Shweta smiled.

Shweta: ab, Avni. See, what I bring for you?

Shweta showed the bowl of flattened rice to Avni. Avni looked at the flattened rice and gulped. Neil cupped his chin and enjoyed Avni's expressions. Avni's mouth was watering and she gulped.

Shweta: have it.

Avni was about to take the bowl and everyone got happy but Avni took her hands back.

Avni: No.

Everyone's smile faded.

Shweta: have it, bacha.

Avni looked down.

Bebe: Avni, putter, what is this? Think about your baby.

Avni looked at Bebe innocently. Avni's eyes filled with tears.

Avni: then ask your grandson why he yelled at me.

Avni sobbed: he, he sco, scold me.

Neil panicked and he took away the tray of food and moved to Avni. Neil rubbed Avni's back.

Neil: Avni.

Shweta gave a glass of water to Neil who made Avni drink water.

Shweta: what was the need to scold her? See, her condition.

Neil looked down. Avni sobbed and Neil felt guilty. Shweta hugged Avni by standing beside her.

Shweta: don't cry, my baby. Don't talk to him.

Shweta moved away and cupped Avni's face. Shweta wiped her tears.

Shweta: My baby.

Shweta kissed Avni's forehead. Shweta glared at Neil who looked down then he looked at Avni. Shweta took the bowl from the side table and tried to feed Avni who shook her head.

Shweta: have it, bacha.

Shweta: Neil is sorry. Right, Neil.

Neil nodded.

Neil: yes, I am.

Neil held his ears.

Neil: I am sorry. Please, forgive me.

Neil made a cute face: please.

Avni melted.

Shweta: See, he said sorry, now have it.

Avni smiled but she frowned the next second. Everyone was confused.

Shweta: what happened now?

Avni: he apologised for today but he daily troubles me.

Neil made a face.

Avni: you know, one day, we were having dinner and he pinched my waist.

Neil widened his eyes and was shocked. The Khanna family got embarrassed. Neil also felt embarrassed. He looked down in embarrassment.


The whole Khanna family was having dinner together silently. Avni was not pregnant at that time. Neil had a bite and was chewing it. Neil looked at Avni and thinks. A naughty idea came into his mind and he made a naughty face. Neil looked at his family and then he had a bit. Neil took his hand under the table and caressed Avni's waist. Avni widened her eyed and moved. Avni looked at Neil who had a bite. Avni looked down and had a bite. Neil again caressed Avni's waist and Avni moved. The family saw her.

Shweta: what happened, Avni?

Avni looked at her. She shook her head. Neil suppressed his lips.

Avni: no, nothing, Mummy Ji.

Shweta: ok.

They focused on their plates. Neil squeezed Avni's waist. Avni was shocked and tried to control herself but Neil again squeezed her waist and Avni moved.

Shweta: Avni, are you ok?

Avni: Yeah, yeah, Mummy Ji.

Shweta: then?

Avni: Nothing, I think, it's a mosquito.

Neil widened his eyes.

Shweta: mosquito?

Avni nodded.

Avni: yeah.

Shweta: ok. I think we should call a pest controller.

Avni: yeah (Avni glared at Neil) it is a must needed. We have to control this mosquito.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him. They resumed eating and this time, Neil pinched Avni's waist and Avni coughed. Neil panicked and rubbed Avni's back. Neil took the glass and made Avni drink water. Avni looked at Neil while coughing but she was much better now. Avni glared at Neil who was trying to control his laugh.

Bebe: Avni, be careful. Food is not going anywhere.

Neil: yeah, Avni, eat carefully. Food is not going anywhere.

Avni glared at Neil while saying: yes, Bebe.

Neil looked at his plate and kept his hand on his mouth. They ate silently after that.

Flashback ends.

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: that day, the mosquito was him. He was troubling me.

Neil was shocked and the family was surprised.

Avni: and you know, one day, he...

Neil: Av, Avni.

Avni looked at Neil. Neil smiled awkwardly. The family was trying to control their smile.

Neil: why, why are you digging past things? I said sorry.

Avni: No, let me tell them. You know, Bebe.

Neil: mom...

Neil took the bowl from Shweta.

Neil: I will feed her.

Shweta nodded. The family turned and Avni was looking at them confusingly. They go. Neil closed the door and turned. Neil gave an angry look to Avni and he came to Avni who looked away.

Neil: what was that?

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: what?

Neil: that you did. How can you tell the family about our private matter?

Avni realised her mistake and bit her lips but now she has to cover her mistake.

Avni: so, so. Then the same thing is applicable on you also how can you do that in front of family.

Neil looked at Avni. Avni picked up the bowl.

Avni: now, don't disturb me and let me eat. Already because of you, I and my baby are hungry for a long.

Neil opened his mouth in shock because he was trying to pacify her and she was throwing tantrums and now she is blaming him. Neil shook his head and sighed. Avni stole her gaze on him and ate a bite. Neil smiled to see her.

Leap of two months:

Two months passed like this but Avni never craved for things because she was very well aware of Neil's condition. She knew that if she woke up Neil at late night then he will wake up with a jolt and it can cause strokes in his brain so, so she always tries to control her desires but Neil was also aware of that all so, he always make sure that the fridge was filled with her favourite things like cake, chocolates, sweets like Gulab Jamun and Rasgula. Dry fruits were also available. He was trying his best but as Avni was pregnant so, she craves for odd things but never ask for them to Neil.

Avneil were in the sonography room where the doctor was doing her work and Avneil were adoring their baby and were smiling to see it moving in the womb but tears also have made their place in their eyes. Avni looked at Neil who was busy in adoring his child. Avni saw the desire and the spark of seeing his child. Avni found that the moment, she was waiting has finally came. Avni smiled with teary eyes. Now, Avni was six months pregnant.

It was the time of night, the stars were twinkling in the sky and the moon was shining among them. The wind was blowing and the curtains of Avneil's room were flying where Neil was sitting on the bed in his room and was lost in his thoughts. Avni was slowly coming to the room and she stopped at the door to see Neil lost in his thoughts. Avni thinks.

Avni came to the room and she came to Neil who came out of his thoughts and he saw Avni then he looked down. Avni slowly sat on the bed and sighed. Avni wiped her forehead and upper lips then she looked at Neil.

Avni: What happened, Neil? You are looking lost since we came back from the hospital.

Neil looked at Avni and he broke down. Neil hugged Avni who was stunned to see his condition. Avni hugged Neil who was crying.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: Avni, I don't want to die.

Avni was not understanding anything.

Neil: I want to live, Avni. I want to see my child, want to it growing. I want to play with it. I want to live with you two and our family. Please, save me, Avni, please save me.

Avni gulped and her eyes were teary. Neil tightens his grip and cried. Avni started caressing his hair. Avni tried to calm Neil then she held Neil's arms to break the hug but Neil was not ready to leave Avni.

Avni: Neil.

Avni moved back and Neil left her but he cried by looking down and Avni felt bad to see Neil's condition. Avni cupped Neil's face.

Avni: Neil?

No reply.

Avni: Neil, look at me.

Neil didn't look up.

Avni: Neil?

Avni tried to lift Neil's face up.

Avni: nothing will happen to you. You will see our baby.

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: Not only see but you will play with it. It is my belief. Just wait and watch, how you will become a horse and your son or daughter will ride on you.

AvNeil smiled with teary eyes.

Avni: not only this, he or she will trouble you a lot then you will understand my pain.

Neil smiled slightly.

Avni: You just need to come with me. Just say yes for the surgery.

Neil: I will be able to see my child if I say yes for the surgery?

Avni nodded.

Neil: Really?

Avni: Yes.

Neil thinks then he looked at Avni.

Neil: I am ready.

Avni was surprised but she has to assure it.

Avni: think about it then you can't back off.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: No, I have thought about it. I am ready.

Avni smiled.

Neil: I am ready to do anything, I just want to see my child.

Avni again cupped Neil's face.

Avni: you will see it. We will live happily with our perfect family.

Neil: it will happen, right?

Avni nodded. Neil smiled slightly and hugged Avni who also hugged Neil. Avni smiled, she was really very happy. Finally, she got for she was waiting for a long.

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