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It was the time of evening, the birds were hovering in the sky. Avni and Shweta were standing in the room and Neil heard them.

Neil was shocked. The shopping bags fell from his hands. Avni and Neela maa turned their faces and were shocked to see Neil. Avni saw the bags on the floor then she looked at Neil who was panting and his eyes were tears. Neil came to them while looking at them and especially Avni. Avni was looking at him. Avni and Shweta looked at each other then they looked at Neil.

Neil: what is Mom saying?

Avni touched Neil's arm: Neil.

Neil jerks his arm. Avni was shocked. Neil gulped and he squeezed his nose. Neil was angry.

Neil: what is Mom saying?

Avni looked down. Neil got angry and he held Avni's shoulders who flinched.

Neil: How can you do this?

Avni was looking at him.

Shweta: Neil, relax, she is pregnant.

Neil was fuming and Avni was sadly looking at him. Neil left Avni and he gulped then he looked at Avni and took steps back while looking down and he goes. His feet hit the bag by mistake and Neil stopped. He got hurt to see them. He was happy and excited but not anymore. Avni also saw the bags. Neil turned his face to Avni who also looked at him. They were hurt then Neil goes.

Later, Avni was sitting on the bed in the darkness, the dim light of the moon was peeping into the room. Shopping bags were on the bed. Someone came and sat on the bed near her. It was Neil. Avni looked at him and she got alert.

Avni: Neil.

Neil was not looking at her. Avni got hurt. They remained silent. Neil looked at Avni who was looking down then he turned his face straight.

Neil: how can you do this, Avni?

Avni looked at Neil. Neil looked at her.

Avni: Neil, I am perfectly alright. I consult the doctor and she said, I can conceive.

Neil: this is not the answer of my question. I didn't ask why did you do that. I asked, how can you do this?

Avni remained silent. Neil got emotional.

Neil: Avni, how can you hide about your coma from me?

Avni: I didn't want to give you stress and then everything was going well so I forgot about it.

Neil: and when I asked you about the second baby then? Then you can tell me about it but no, you choose to not tell me.

Avni looked down. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: why?

No answer.

Neil: why, Avni, why did you do this?

Avni remained silent and was looking down. Neil got angry.

Neil: It is about your life damn it.

Avni looked at Neil. Suddenly, Neil remembered something.

Neil: one minute.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: I was the one who wished for a second baby. I asked you that I want a child, a baby girl, and want to enjoy this phase.

Avni was shocked.

Neil: This means, this means, you took this decision because of me.

Neil looked at Avni. She cupped his face.

Avni: not because of you but for you, for us.

Neil: both things are the same. Today, you are in danger because of me.

Avni shook her head.

Avni: No, Neil, nothing is like that. I am fine.

Neil: yeah, you are fine but this pregnancy can be risky for you.

Avni: no, Neil, at Neav’s time, I was stressed about you and because of your surgery but now everything is fine.

Neil: and how can you be so sure that nothing bad will happen in these nine months.

Avni looked down.

Neil: can you give any guarantee? No, right?

No reply.

Neil: No, we can't take this risk. We will abort this child.

Avni was shocked. Neil got up and Avni was looking at him.

Neil: get up. We are going to the doctor, we will abort this child.

Avni got up.

Avni: Neil, what are you saying? It is our baby, our child. How can you think of doing this?

Neil got emotional. It was also difficult for him but he made himself strong. Neil squeezed his nose.

Neil: We will do it and that's final.

Avni was shocked.

Avni: no.

Avni panicked.

Avni: Nooo. I. I will not let it happen. Neil, if you try to do it then I will go away from here.

Neil was shocked.

Avni: Yes, I will go.

Neil: Avni?

Avni looked at Neil and held his hand.

Avni: Please, don’t do this. It is our baby if something happened to it then I will also die.

Neil was shocked. Avni got emotional.

Avni: Neil, it is our baby. Neil, remember, you wish for a baby girl. It was your dream to carry our baby first when it comes into this world and now when your wish is going to come true, you want to break this dream.

Neil got emotional and cupped Avni's face.

Neil: Avni, it is about your life. I admit that I want a baby but not at the cost of losing you. I love you and nothing is more important than you. I love you, Avni. I love you.

Avni: and I love you, I took this decision for you, for us. It is our baby please don't do this.

Neil turned a side and caught his hair.

Neil: what did you do, Avni?

Avni cupped Neil's face and turned his face to her.

Avni: I am fine, Neil. Last time, the situation was different and now everything is fine. Please, don’t snatch this child from me. Please. If you do this then I will die.

Neil cried.

Avni: I will be responsible for it and I will not be able to handle it. Please.

Avni held Neil's hand and kept it on her belly. Neil looked there.

Avni: It is our baby. Please, don’t kill it. Please.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him with teary and hopeful eyes. Neil suppressed his lips and nodded. Avni smiled and Neil hugged her. They cried.

Flashback ends.

Avneil's eyes were teary to think about that day. After that day, Neil did extra care of Avni. He didn't even let her stand for a minute and helps Shweta before Avni. Neil gave a shower to Neav and daily take Avni and Neav for a walk and to the park. Avni felt lucky. Neil made Neav and Avni sleep and Avni smiled to see that.

Neil's point of view.

I was so happy when Avni gave me the news of her pregnancy. I was on cloud nine that night. I still remember that sleep was far away from my eyes that night. I spent the night while checking the time on my phone because in the morning, we were going to the doctor for confirmation and when it started to light, there was no limit to my excitement. I got ready at 6 o'clock and Avni didn't even wake up till then and when the doctor confirmed the news, I had gone mad. There was no limit to my happiness. I was numb and left cold. I was so, so, so happy. On the way home, I bought sweets for the family and gave them the news of the new members coming. They were shocked to hear the news and I felt strange but they covered that and smiled. In my excitement, I ignored that. I went shopping and bought cute, cute, little and soft things for the baby. I wanted to buy the whole shop and when I came home, I got a shock. I felt the fear of losing Avni. I got angry on her and more than her, I was angry with myself because I wanted a baby girl. I was in dilemma about what to do but I was sure that I want my Avni safe. We argued and like always, Avni won. Since that day, I became her shadow and history repeats itself but the difference was this time, I was at Avni's place and she was at my place. Now, I can understand her fear. I can understand that why Avni wanted me to have surgery. Why she was searching for the best doctor like a mad. Why she was running with the time. I understand her condition now. Tomorrow is her operation and I am tense for her. I want my Avni and baby safe. Only my God and I know how I pass these eight months, especially the last two months. Today also sleep is far away from me and like I got the good news that day, I want to get the good news tomorrow also.

Neil's point of view ends.

A tear fell from his eyes. Avni looked at him with teary eyes.

Avni: Neil?

Neil wiped his tears and turns his face to Avni.

Avni: again you are crying.

Neil smiled and turned to Avni.

Neil: No.

Avni was sadly looking at him. Neil leaned to Avni and kissed her forehead. Avni smiled.

Neil: sleep now.

Avni: you also.

Neil lay beside Avni who had turned her face to Neil. Avni knew that Neil is worried for her. Avni took Neil's hand in her hand and kissed it. Neil smiled.

Avni: I love you.

Neil got emotional but he managed to smile.

Neil: I love you too.

Avni smiled.

Neil: sleep now.

Avni nodded and she closed her eyes but was not sleepy. She was not afraid of c-section but was worried for Neil that if something happened to her then he will shatter. For him, she took that step but now she is worried for him.

The next day, Avni was taken to the operation theatre. Neil, both families were also there except Bebe because she was at home because of Neav. Neil was getting emotional and worried. Avni smiled to see him and showed thumbs up. Neil smiled. They stopped and Neil leaned to Avni. Neil caressed Avni's hair and kissed her forehead. Neil cupped Avni's face with his second hand and caressed Avni's cheek. Avni smiled with teary eyes.

Neil: five years ago, you asked me to come back to you and I fulfilled my promise now you also have to come back to me.

Avni smiled.

Avni: take care of yourself and Neav.

Neil: you have to come back to us for our taking care.

Avni got emotional. They took Avni and Avneil was looking at each other. The door closed and that's it. Neil broke down. He suppressed his lips and took steps back while looking here and there. Neil cupped his mouth and cried. Everyone got emotional  Prakash came to Neil and he tried to console Neil. Neil gulped and nodded. He was trying his best to control his emotions.

Neil was sitting on the bench by joining his hands on his mouth. Neil was waiting for the good news. Neil heard the sound of opening the door and Neil looked there. The doctor came out and Neil instantly goes to her and his family too.

Neil: Doctor, my wife, and child?

The doctor smiled.

Doctor: Relax, Mr. Khanna, your wife and your daughter, both are absolutely fine.

Neil got a sigh of relief by closing his eyes and he kept his hand on his eyes. The family smiled. Shweta and Neela maa were smiling with teary eyes. Suddenly, Neil registered what the doctor said. Neil looked at the doctor.

Neil: what did you say? Daughter?

The doctor smiled.

Doctor: yes, Daughter. It's a baby girl. Congratulations.

Neil's happiness was on cloud nine. Nei smiled and tears of happiness formed in his eyes. Neil kept his hand on his forehead and ran it through his hair. Neil smiled widely.

Neil: Daughter?

The doctor was smiling.

Doctor: Yes, Daughter. The nurse will get her soon. Avni will also be shifted to the room then you all can meet her.

Neil nodded.

Neil: Thank you, Doctor.

The doctor nodded and she goes.

Shweta kept her hand on Neil’s shoulder. Neil looked at her and then he held her shoulders.

Neil: Mom. mom did you hear what the doctor said. My daughter, my princess came.

Shweta nodded and Neil hugged her. His eyes were teary and were smiling.

Shweta: Congratulations.

Neil was very happy. Prakash kept his hand on Neil’s shoulder and Neil turned to him.

Neil: Dad.

Neil hugged him.

Prakash: Congratulations.

Neil: thanks, Dad, and congratulations to you too.

Neil broke the hug and turned to Neela maa who cupped his face.

Nm: congratulations.

Neil smiled. Neela maa hugged Neil.

Neil: congratulations to you too.

They broke the hug and then Ashish cupped Neil's face and hugged him. He also Congratulates Neil. They smiled.

The nurse came with a baby and gave her to Neil. When Neil took his princess in his arms, tears formed in his eyes. Neil was looking at his daughter. Tears fell from his eye and he kissed his daughter's forehead.

Neil: my princess.

Neil kissed her cheek.

Soon, Avni got her consciousness and she tried to open her eyes. After a few attempts, Avni opened her eyes. She looked around and realized that she is at the hospital. Avni remembered that today was her operation. Avni turned her face and was shocked to see an empty cradle.

Avni: My baby.

Avni thinks and she heard the sound of opening the door. The nurse came and she saw Avni. Avni looked at her but was still feeling her head heavy.

The doctor checked Avni.

Avni: My child?

Doctor: Avni, don't talk. You just need rest.

Avni: My baby?

Doctor: your baby is absolutely fine, now relax.

Avni was relieved. She closed her eyes and she slept.

Soon, Avni woke up and she again looked around and realized that she is in the hospital. She didn't remember that doctor told her about her baby. Avni looked at the cradle and again she got a shock.

Avni: My baby?

Avni panicked and she heard the sound of opening the door. Avni looked there and saw Neil is coming carrying a baby. Avni smiled slightly. Neil smiled to see Avni.

Avni: Neil.

Neil nodded and he came to her.

Neil: see, Avni, our princess. Our Navya.

Avni smiled and tears fell from her eyes. Neil bent and Avni saw her doll. Avni smiled. Neil made his princess lay on Avni's arm and Avni smiled to see her.

Avni: my baby.

Neil smiled. Avni looked at Neil. Neil caressed Avni's hair and kissed her forehead. Avni smiled and opened her eyes.

Neil: thank you, Avni. Thank you so much for this precious gift

Avni smiled. They looked at the baby. The baby cried. The doctor was on a visit so she came. She saw the baby crying. She checked Avni. Neil picked up his princess who was crying. Neil was trying to calm her.

Doctor: feed her and yes, don't talk much. Ok.

Avni nodded. The doctor goes. Neil goes to keep the baby in the cradle and he came to help Avni. Neil made Avni lay in a fowler's position by adjusting her bed and then he took the baby.

Avni: come, this side.

Neil nodded and he goes to the right side. Neil gave the baby to Avni and he goes to lock the door. Neil came and took away the hair from her back. Neil opened the button at Avni's back.

Neil: lay back. Slowly, slowly.

Avni suppressed her lips and her doll was in her arms. Neil covered them with the shawl for Avni's comfort because he know her very well. Avni smiled.

When Avni fed her baby after that Neil closed the button of Avni's dress and made Avni lay. Neil took his princess from her.

Neil: now, you have rest.

Avni nodded.

Avni: Neav?

Neil: don't worry, he is fine. Mom and Dad went home. You just have rest.

Avni nodded.

Avni: you also go at night else he will not sleep.

Neil: hmm. I will go.

Avni nodded.

Neil: now you have rest.

Later, Neil came and saw Avni and his princess sleeping. Neil smiled to see his daughter sleeping by making a pout. Neil adored her. Neil saw Avni and came to her. Avni woke up.

Neil whispered: hey, relax. It's me, Neil.

Avni was looking at him with a frown.

Neil: your Neil.

Avni closed her eyes and sighed.

Avni: Neil.

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: Nothing. I was going home so I thought to check on you both.

Avni: you are going?

Neil: Yeah, you know, Neav don't sleep without you and me. Any one of us should be with him always.

Avni nodded.

Avni: yeah, you go and take care of yourself and Neav. And yes, made Neav drink milk. He will not have it without chocolate syrup.

Neil nodded.

Neil: ok. Neela maa and Ashish papa are staying here with you if you need anything, just ask them to call me. Hmm.

Avni nodded.

Avni: and inform mamma and papa when you reach home.

Neil: ok.

Neil kissed her forehead. Avni smiled.

Neil: take care of yourself and our princess.

Avni smiled.

Neil: Bye.

Avni: Bye.

Neil moved back and he sighed. Neil doesn't want to go but Shweta called him and said Neav is not eating anything and is crying for them.

Avni: Go, I am fine.

Neil smiled and Avni also smiled.

The moon was shining in the sky. A car stopped and Neil was sitting in it. Neil got down from the car and heard Neav's crying. Neil panicked.

Neil: Neav.

Neil fastly goes and he stopped at the entrance. The whole Khanna family was trying to pacify Neav who was sitting on the couch. The table was filled with his favourite food. Toys were there, Video games. The staff was standing by wearing caps but nothing worked.

Neil: Neav.

Everyone looked at Neil. The Khanna family sighed.

Neav: Papa.

Neil came to Neav who ran to him a few steps. Neil picked up Neav.

Neil looked at Neav and cupped his face.

Neil: what happened, baby? Why are you crying, han?

Neil hugged him.

Neil: ssshhhh. Relax. Papa came, now stop crying. Ssshhhhh. Stop.

Neav sobbed.

Bebe: Thank God, you came.

Neil looked at Bebe.

Bebe: we tried a lot but he was saying one thing. I want mamma, I want papa. I want mamma, I want papa.

Neil looked at Neav and cupped his face.

Neil: what happened, Tiger? You are papa's strong boy, papa's tiger and you are crying like this.

Neav hugged him. Neil smiled but he felt bad when he heard his tiger's sobbing.

Neil: mom, ask Bheema to get a half glass of milk for him, and please ask her to add chocolate syrup.

Shweta nodded. Neil nodded and goes.

Neil entered his room by carrying Neav in his arms.

Neil: and here we came to our room.

Neav smiled.

Neav: it is your and Mamma’s room, papa.

Neil smiled and was going to his bed.

Neil: oh, yes, I forgot now Neav is a big boy, he has his own room.

Neav smiled and then he got sad. Neil sat on the bed while carrying Neil in his lap.

Neil: aah.

Neil saw Neav is sad. Neil cupped his face.

Neil: what happened, tiger?

Neav made a crying face: Mamma.

Neil felt bad.

Neil: aww, my baby. Mamma will come back soon, she is with your little sister. You know she is ituu. (Neil showed with his two hands that Navya is a small baby.)

Neav: really?

Neil smiled.

Neil: hmm.

Neav: Dadi also said that. Papa, when will Mamma and my sister come?

Neil: in one and two days.

Neav got sad. Neil noticed that and he smiled. Neil tried to divert Neav's mind.

Neil: Neav, I have clicked pictures of your cute sister. Do you want to see it?

Neav got excited and he nodded. Neil smiled and he took out his phone from his pocket. Neil showed the pictures of Navya. Neav smiled. Shweta came with a cup of milk. Neil took it and made Neav have milk. Neav finished the milk.

Neil: good boy.

Shweta capped.

Shweta: yeah.

Neil smiled to see Shweta and Neav. Neav got sad again.

Neil: what happened now?

Neav looked down and cried. Neil cupped his face.

Neil: You are my strong boy then why are you crying?

Neav: I am missing mamma.

Neav made a puppy face. Neil and Shweta felt bad.

Neav: mamma will come back soon.

Neav said in a crying tone: why she didn’t come today?

Shweta made a sad face. Neil looked at Shweta and then he looked at Neav.

Neil: mamma wants to come but the doctor said that they will give Navya after two days. You know na, we went to get your little sister from the hospital?

Neav nodded.

Neil: so, when they will give the baby then mamma will come. Mamma asked papa strictly to take care of her Neav else she will scold me. Do you want that papa gets scolded?

Neav shook his head.

Neil: then stop crying.

Neav nodded.

Neil: smile.

Neav smiled. Neil and Shweta smiled. Neil cupped Neav’s face with one hand.

Neil: my tiger.

Neil kissed Neav’s cheek who squeezed his eyes and giggled because he felt tickle because of Neil’s beard.

Neav: but, Navya was in mamma’s womb then how did she come?

Neil was speechless. Neil looked at Shweta. Shweta also looked at him.

Neil: ab.

Neil looked at Neav. Neil smiled.

Neil: it’s magic. Doctors do this magic.

Neav smiled.

Neav: Really?

Neil nodded.

Neil: ok, now it is sleeping time so sleep. Today, Papa and Neav will sleep together in papa’s room.

Neav: really?

Neil nodded.

Neil: yes.

Neav got excited and he clapped. Neil and Shweta smiled. Neav lied his head on Neil’s shoulder who starts telling him a story. Shweta signed that she is going and Neil nodded. Shweta switched off the light and the dim light was on in the room. Neil caressed Neav’s hair and soon Neav slept. Neil looked at Neav and caressed his side hair. Neil kissed Neav’s forehead and then he sighed. Neil thinks.

Neil lied Neav on the bed and leaned to him. Neil again caressed his side hair. Neil kissed Neav’s forehead and smiled to see him then Neil thinks. Neil came after changing his clothes and he lays on the bed by hugging Neav.  Neil smiled and he was tired because of the hectic day. The whole day, Neil was at the hospital, and now Neav. Neil closed his eyes and soon he slept.

The next morning, the roads were flowing with the vehicles. The birds were sitting on the terrace of the hospital.

Avni was laying in the fowler's position on the hospital's bed and Navya was in her arms. She kissed Neav’s hand while holding it.

Avni: your hands are so shmall.

Navya opened her mouth. Avni smiled to see her.

Avni: aww, my baby is hungry. Hmm? Do you want miku (Milk)? Hmm? You want to fill your this shmall, shmall tummy. Hmm. Wait, mamma call her mamma, your grandmother then mamma will feed you, ok.

Avni smiled. Avni looked up and the door opened at the same time. Avni smiled to see Neil.

Avni: Neil.

Neil looked at them and smiled.

Avni: please lock the door. Navya is hungry.

Neil nodded and he turned. Neil goes to close the door.

Avni: see, Navya, papa came for our help.

Neil smiled and he turned to them.

Neil was coming while saying: so, my queen and princess are enjoying their rest.

Avni smiled. Neil came. He side-hugged Avni.

Neil: Good morning.

Neil kissed her side head.

Avni: good morning.

Neil: Good morning, my princess.

Then he kissed Neav’s forehead.

Avni was smiling.

Avni: your princess is hungry. Help mamma to feed her.

Neil: yes, boss.

Neil opened the button of Avni's dress at her back and cover them. Avni fed Navya then Neil sat beside Avni while hugging her from the side. They played with Navya and were smiling.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: hmm.

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: Neav?

Neil: he is fine. He is missing his mamma.

Avni got sad. Neil cupped Avni's face.

Neil: it's ok. You will get discharged tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Avni nodded.

Neil: He is excited to meet his little sister.

Avni smiled and she looked at Navya.

Two days passed and in two days, Neil was running with the speed of time. Neil comes to the hospital and goes to Neav also and again comes by carrying lunch or dinner. Neil made Neav sleep and handles him. Whenever he goes home, he bought something for him to pacify his angry bird. Now, Neil understood what anger is. He was used to get angry on small things and his son is like him in fact, Neav’s anger is more than his. Sometimes, Avneil gets worried to see his anger.

In the evening, Avni got discharged and they went home. As soon as the car stopped. Neav came while running. Avneil smiled to see him.

Neav jumped.

Neav: yeah, mamma, Navya, and papa came. Yeah. Navya, mamma, and papa came.

Neil got down from the car and goes to Avni's side for her help. Neil helped Avni to get down from the car and then he closed the door. Avni cupped Neav’s face.

Avni: How is my baby?

Neav: I am fine.

Neil: Neav, be careful. I told you about mamma's wound, right?

Neav nodded.

Neil: good. So be careful.

Neav: yes, papa. I didn't hug mamma.

Avni cupped Neav’s both cheeks with one hand.

Avni: aww, my baby.

Neil smiled. Neil picked up Neav and Neav smiled to see Navya.

Neav: she is so small.

They smiled.

Avni: hmm, when you were a small baby then you were also of her size.

Neav: really?

Avni nodded.

Avni: hmm.

Neav giggled and Avneil's smiled.

The Khanna family welcomed them. Neil was carrying Neav and Navya was in Avni's arms. They came inside together and Shweta captured their picture in which Neil side-hugged Avni. They looked at each other and smiled. Shweta again captured their picture.

Neil and Avni came to the room downstairs. They will live there for Avni. The room was decorated and a cradle was kept there. Avni smiled to see the decoration. She looked at Neil.

Avni: Thank you for this surprise.

Neil smiled.

Neil: Your beloved son also helps me.

Avni smiled. Avni looked at Navya.

Avni: see, Navya, your room. When you will grow up then we will renovate this room for you.

Neav came there.

Neav: for her?

Avneil looked at him and smiled to see his anger. Neil goes to pick up Neav. Neil came to Avni.

Avni: you know, Neav, when we came back home after your birth. We stayed in your room and now we renovate it for you according to your choice and now we stay here with Navya and when she will be of your age then we will renovate this room for her. Simple.

Neav: oh.

Avni: yes.

Neav: ok. Navya, you take this room.

Avneil smiled. Neil side-hugged Avni and they smiled to see each other and their baby. They looked at each other and many dreams of the future were in their eyes. Neil kissed Avni's forehead and they smiled to see each other.

Avneil lived happily with their perfect family after that.

The end.

Here, the story ends. I hope you like it.


Life doesn't give second chance to everyone so think twice before taking any decision and don't take too much time because once the time passes then it will never come. Avneil were lucky but everyone is not lucky like them so take decisions wisely, not in anger.

Thank you.

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