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A room was lit by lamplight and a girl was sitting on the floor by resting her back to the bed and a picture frame was in her hand, the picture was of a handsome boy, his eyes were blue and his hair was light brown.

Girl: why Neil, why did you do that to me? Why did you break my trust? Why? Where my love lacks that you...

A mansion had shown there was complete darkness and the cloud of sorrow and grief were hovering about it and on a window, a boy was standing, it was Neil, he was looking at the sky and his eyes were teary.

Neil: Trust me, Avni. I did not cheat you, I can't even think of it. Trust me.

Neil closes his eyes and tears rolls from it.

Neil: Neil, whatever is happening is right. You can't snatch her happiness, you know you...

Neil stopped. Neil thinks.

Neil: tomorrow is her wedding!

Neil was shocked.

The venue was decorated beautifully. Avni was sitting in her room, she was in a bridal dress. She takes out a picture frame and saw Neil's picture. Avni's eyes were moist. She heard the footsteps and keeps the frame in the drawer.

Lady: let's go. The priest is calling you.

Avni looked at her mother with hopeful moist eyes.

So, here is the teaser of my new story. Hope you like it. It is a requested story. I had made some changes. Hope you will support me.

Thank you.

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