Chapter 14 Zane's dream

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Zane's p.o.v


I watched as fish went by me. One stopped in front of me, I put my hand out and petted it. The fish then took off. I wonder how long it's been. I then went to the surface. I stared at my friends when I got to the surface.

"Amazing." Said Cole

Cole, Kai, and Jay all started cheering.

Jay got down on his knees.

"We're not worthy!" Said Jay

"I broke the record." I asked

"You destroyed it." Said Kai

"Ok, ok, is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we could get any better. Just think of what all we accomplished." Said Jay

"The question should be raised, perhaps we have reached our full  potential." I said

We then went to go see Sensei

"Well every morning I do 500 push-ups." I said

Kai then opened the door to Sensei's room

"500, ha try a thousand." Said Kai

"Ahaha, I do a thousand and one." Said Jay

"What is this amateur hour? Sounds like my warm up. Sensei what does true potential look like if-" said Cole before he realized that we must have interrupted sensei

"Our apologies Sensei, we've interrupted you." Said Zane

"Ah, I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been else where, since Lloyd has gone missing. What can I help you with?" Asked Sensei

"Sensei what if we've done enough training, what if we've reached out full potential, what if we're ready." Said Cole

"Hmph, you might've reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one of us there are obstacles that hold us back, only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free, only then you will reach your true potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the serpentine from releasing the great devour." Said Sensei

"There's more to the great devour then you've lead on, isn't there Sensei?" I asked

"Ah, I to have obstacles within my heart. There's a story Iv never told you. Long ago when I was a young boy, Garmadon and I were more than brothers, we were the best of friends-" Said Wu before Jay cut him off

"Wait a minute, now I know you two were brothers but, really? The king of cruelty, the doer of destruction, the captain of chaos, and you to were friends?" Asked Jay

"Please no interruptions. You see he did not always have a wicked heart. One day I lost this very katana, knowing our father would be mad, my brother told me to go retrieve it. But I refused. He told me not to put off what can be done today and went to get it himself. When my father found him, he was very ill. For he was bitten by a legendary snake, that would grow forever as long as it consumes. A great evil had found its way into my brothers heart. For the snakes venom could turn the purest of things wicked." Said Wu

"Leave it leave me alone, I don't need you I hate you. Is what Garmadon said to our father." Said Wu

"The snake is the same one the serpentine want to reawaken today." Said Wu

"Ahh, it hurts. It's all Wu's fault said Garmadon to our father." Said Wu

"It is the snake that took my brother away from me." Said Wu

"So the great devour turned your brother into the dark lord?" Asked Kai

"Ah, it was all my fault." Said Wu

He then shut his case and picked it up.

"You four have finished your training, you must now focus on stopping pythor from collecting the four fang blades. But never loose focus on the obstacles that lye within each of your hearts, that hold you back from true greatness. Unlock your true potential." Said Wu

"But how are we supposed to do that Sensei?" I asked

"It is up to each of you to discover. Now, I must go on a personal journey of my own." Said Wu

"Where are you going?" Asked Jay

"To a place you cannot follow." Said Wu

"If your going for Lloyd, the city of Ouroboros is filled with hundreds of serpentine. You'll never do it alone." Said Cole

"I am going to find someone who can be of aid, the serpentine have united and grown stronger we will need all the help we can get." Said Wu

~le time skip~

We watched as Nya put up a sign for a missing fang blade.

"*sighs* this is silly." I said

"You have any better ideas?" Asked Cole

"Hey, maybe Sensei's gonna go get the Samurai for help." Said Jay

"The Samurai? I'm sure she's- I mean he's busy looking for the gang blades as well." Said Kai

"Hey, is everything alright?" Asked Cole

"Ya why wouldn't it be?" Asked Kai

"100% were not hiding anything." Said Nya

I look off into the distance and without relizing it down flyers started floating away.

"Hey weirdo, you making a mess of my store front. You who? You got a problem?" Asked a guy but I didn't pay attention

I dropped the rest of the flyers.

"Maybe I should teach you a lesson on manners." Said the guy as I started walking away

"I'm sorry sir, sometimes our friend is in another world." Said Kai

"He's littering all over the place." Said the guy

"We will pick it up, so sorry." Said Cole

"Zane, what's the deal?" Asked Jay

I then pointed to the falcon flying in the sky.

"It's the falcon, oh my gosh. Every time we follow it, it leads us to good fortune." Said Jay

We then started chasing after the falcon. First he took us three a dessert, then he took us in threw a snow storm.

"I guess good fortune is really far away." Said Kai

He then took us threw some Rocky Mountains.

Once I got to the top I saw Cole and Kai almost there but I saw Jay lying on a rock.

Jay started panting then spoke

"Keep going on...... I'll- I'll catch up later." Said Jay

We then ran across a tree branch.

Once I got off I turned around to see Cole crawling on the branch over to us.

"I'm good...just.... just taking a breather... I'll...I'll meet up with you shortly." Said Cole

We then ran across another snowy biome.

"Ahh, good thing.... we're in.... peak.....physical.... condition." Said Kai

I could barley hear him do to the fact that he stopped to take a breather. We then stopped in a place that was snowy with a hole bunch of trees.

"Gosh that bird just keeps going.... hey what do you make of this." Said Kai pointing to a sign that said

Beware of treehorns

"I am not familiar with a treehorn." I said

"It's probably just some wild squirrels." Said Kai

I looked up to see the falcon flying away.

"Well don't loose him, I'll wait for the other guys to catch up." Said Kai

I then took off after the bird

"Where are we going.... my mysterious friend?" I asked

I stopped to see the falcon falling to the ground. As soon as he hit the ground I ran over to him. The falcon then did something unexpected sparks starting flying outta him.

"Your a.... a robot?" I asked

I then picked him up. I started waking a bit then put him down. I then heard a weird sound. The sound then started getting closer. I put up my hands getting ready to fight. I turned around to see a giant robot. Blue lights came out of his eyes and then came onto me. I then put my mask on. The robot then started saying

"Intruder, Intruder, prepare to be terminated." Said the Robot

The robot then started shooting lasers at me. I then used my shurakins of ice to make my vehicle. I started driving away to avoid the lasers. I flew off a big thing off ice use my shurakins to put the vehicle away. I then threw one shurakin into the thing that was shooting lasers at me. He the tried punching me but I dodged it. I then saw his power source on his back. I then got my other shurakin back. I used one of them to taunt him. He then got ready to shoot me again. I then jumped out of the way onto a tree. I then jumped off the tree.

"Ninja go!" I shouted

My spinjitzu almost buried him all the way in snow.

"Prepare to be terminated." Said the Robot

It the started shooting at least again. I then ran up the snow he was almost buried in did a flip over him took my shurakin and started jamming it into his power source. The robot then started doing weird things and then fell to the ground. I looked at his power source again.

"The same symbol." I said

I then went over to the falcon and picked him up. I looked on the back of him to see the symbol that was on the robot on him.

"Where have you brought me my falcon friend?" I asked waking over to a tree

I then opened the door to the tree. I then started walking down the stairs. I went over to a tank that had blue prints on it. I put the falcon on the table.

"So this is your home mysterious friend." I said

I looked at the blue prints to see how to fix him. I did what I had to then he started sparking again and then he was back online. I smiled as he started flying around. I put out my arm and he landed on it.

"You brought me here, but why?" I asked

He then flew onto a pipe somewhere

I looked at the blue prints again to see a smaller one under neath. I grabbed it and then looked at it.

"No!" I shouted dropping the blue prints

"It can't be, nooooo!, noooooooooo!" I shouted falling onto my knees

"Wow would you look at this place." Said Jay

"Zane, what's wrong?" Asked Jay

I didn't say anything and kept staring at the floor. This must have scarred three because they started running do the stairs and ran over to me.

"Are you hurt?" Asked Kai

"Are you okay?" Asked Cole

I just sighed then looked over to my blue prints then looked over as well. I grabbed the blue prints, and looked at them.

"Hey, what are-" Said Cole before I cut him off by opening my chest

"Ahhhh!" They all screamed

"Your a..... robot!" Shouted Kai

"All this time and I never knew." I said

"Ah, guess his explains why your always acting so weird right? Hehe." Laughed Jay

"The reason I never had a sense of humor, was because my funny switch wasn't on." I said

I then flipped it on. I then started singing and dancing.

"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my rag time gal, send me a las by wire." I sang

"Ahahahahahaha." Laughed Jay

I then turned it off and fell to the floor.

"It just makes you more special. Your still the same Zane just more uh... gears." Said Cole

"No matter what your made of your still our brother." Said Kai

"Really?" I asked

"In fact I bet it makes you an even better ninja." Said Cole

"Yeah and how cool is it that I can honestly say my brother is a nindroid." Said Jay

"A nindroid?" I asked

"Now come on, pythor is still out there. Looking for the first fang blade, and we need you." Said Cole

I turned away from them

"You'll have to go on without me.... I just don't feel right." I said

I then heard them walking away.

~le mini time skip~

I looked at the blue prints again.

"A... a memory switch." I said

I opened my chest again and flipped the memory switch.

First memory:

"Hello Zane." Said my farther putting on his glasses

I took a step almost falling as I looked in the mirror, but lucky my farther was there to make sure I didn't fall.

Second memory:

I kicked a ball at the wall but it bounced back at hit me knocking me on the ground my farther ran over to me to make sure I was alright.

Third memory:

I held a spoon in my hand looking at it then at my farther he nodded and then I started stirring whatever was in the bowl. I then took a sip of what was on the spoon and smiled. My father smiled as well.

Fourth memory:

I was holding some weird thing in my hand hugging it and petting it, my farther was behind me looking at me.

Fifth memory:

My father was putting the finishing touches on the falcon. The falcon then flew off this hand and started flying around the room.

Sixth memory:

I was playoff with a race car while the falcon was on my shoulder. My father then called me over and he stood by me as the camera took our photo.

Seventh memory:

My father was sitting on a bed.

"You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Said my farther as I let a butterfly go

Eighth memory:

I was staring at my farther who was lying on a bed.

"You were always the son I never had. It's time you begin your next stage in life, and the only reason I'm about to do this so because I love you." Said my farther

I smiled at him

He then opened my chest and turned my memory switch off.

I then shut my chest and looked around the room I was in.

*memories of his father over*

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I then opened my eyes turned around and saw something that looked like a picture and I took the cloth that was on it off. It was the picture that my father took of us. The falcon then came over to me I put out my arm and he landed on it. I smiled. Then I started running up the stairs.

"Hey guys, wait up!" I shouted

I ran outta the tree to find my friends in trouble. Treehorns were kicking them around. I then put my mask on.

"Leave my friends alone!" I said running over to them

"Ninja go!" I shouted and started attacking the treehorns

"What's gotten into Zane?" Asked Cole

"I don't know but I like it!" Said Kai

"Ninja go!" We all shouted

We all then started attacking the treehorns. Cole used his sythe in the ground to stop there balance one kicked him back but I caught him.

"Are they...regrouping?" Asked Jay

"Who's that?" Asked Jay as a giant treehorn came outta no where

"The Queen." I said

I walked up to it a bit.

"You will not hurt my friends! There is nothing that will hold me back! I know who I am!" I shouted

The rest was a blur.

"What's happening to him was he programed to do that?" Asked Kai

"Iv never seen a robot do that" said Jay

"You mean nindroid." Said Cole

"Yeah, whatever." Said Jay

"Zane's unlocked his true potential." Said Cole

Next thing I knew I shot ice outta me and I started freezing the queen. I then fell onto the ground.

"Ah, what happened?" I asked

"That's was awesome!" Said Jay

"You should've seen yourself." Said Kai

"Iv never seen anything like it." Said Cole

"This must be what Sensei meant about unlocking our hearts. I remember now. I remember everything, I remember my father and how we cared for me I remember where I came from, and I feel stronger for knowing." I said

"I'm so jealous his powers are so cool." Said Cole

"We have our very own nindroid." Said Jay

We then all high fives

"Watch our pythor were coming to get you." I said

I then woke up. I saw I was in a room it was white with little snow flakes painted on it. I looked over to see a dresser with a picture on it. It was the same one from my dream

"Wait if this is the same picture then does that mean?" I said

I looked down at my chest wondering if I should try it or not. I went to see if I could open it and it worked.

"I'm a Robot I really am one." I said

"I must find the others." I said

I then ran out of the room.

Hey guys what did you think of this chapter it was a long one huh. I started crying typing some of this 😭this was probably one of my favorite episodes. So only 2 make dreams left who's do you want next Cole's or Jay's comment below.

Nya5555 out

A ninja never quits

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