Chapter 16 Cole's dream

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Alright, so before we start I would  like to apologize for not updating in a while I've been having a rough time lately I'm sorry I haven't updated I'll get back on track after tomorrow . Sorry again. Now before we start the story I got tagged.

1. Do I like someone- No
2. Do they like me- No
3. Not telling
4. Single
5. My bro
6. Angel with a shot gun
7. 90%
8. bookworm3355
9. Tyler
10. Birdflash/ Greenflame
11. Because I love reading and writing and I felt like it would help me get better and my English class and it did
12. Current lock screen

13. Birthday- August 1st

I tag

Now onto the story.

Cole's p.o.v


"Welcome to Yang's haunted temple, the historical landmark and former home of sensei Yang." Said the tour guide lady as we stopped in front of Yang's temple

She then took us over to his statue

"The notorious sensei without a pupil, infamous for creating the lost martial art of Airjitzu!" Said the tour guide lady

The was a chorus of Oo's and ah's from the rest of the group

"Unfortunately, we can't take out tour groups inside, for rumors say anyone trapped inside its walls at sunrise will be turned into a ghost permanently." Said the tour guide

There was another chorus of Oo's and Ah's from the group

"But if you listen closely, maybe we'll be able to hear the ghost of sensei Yang himself, looking for his lost pupils." Said the tour guide

"I hope it's not a rumor, for it is our only hope!" Shouted Zane

"Uh, sorry about my loud friend. He's a little hard of hearing." I said

"Know for his unusual teaching methods..." Said the tour guide but we stopped listening for a bit

"I thought you said you fixed him." Whispered Kai

"At least he's no longer talking backwards. I guess my tinkering got his volume level stuck." Said Jay as he chuckled

"At least you can understand me now!" Shouted Zane

"Dating back-!" Said the tour guide to get our attention

"To the Edo period." Said the tour guide lady

However we didn't hear what she said after that because we stopped listening for a bit.

"Well from now on, only speak if you have something really important to say." I said

"Who put you in charge?" Asked Kai

"I did. After you guys mucked it up, it's mine turn to be in charge. And like me, I like my plans simple. We sneak in, learn Airjitzu from the ghost of Sensei Yang, then get out before sun up." I said

"Since Morro already knows Airjitzu, we just have to hope he hasn't figured out the next clue." Said Kai

"Well the sun is setting which means we should head back to the bus. Wouldn't want anyone to turn into a ghost." Said the tour guide as she laughed a bit

The bus then left leaving us in front on the temple.

~time skip till its dark out~

Me and Jay tried pulling on the wood blocking the window trying to get in. However.... Kai and Zane found an easier way in, and with that me and Jay walked in.

"Ahhh" I screamed as I ran into a spider

"Relax, if this place is truly haunted, we just need to wait until he shows himself." Said Kai

"He should've been here by now. You heard the tour guide, if we're not out by sun up, we'll be ghosts." I said

"You didn't buy into that malarkey did you?" Asked Kai

"Hey, I don't want to be a ghost! Who wants to be a ghost? And why didn't anyone warn us this place would get so creepy after dark?" I said

"Um, remind me again why we agreed to put the guy afraid of ghosts in charge?" Asked Jay

"Listen to this!" Shouted Zane

"Allow me." Said Jay as he took the book from Zane

"Whoa! it says here,Though many believed Sensei Yang's unusual strict teaching drove his pupils away, others admit to never seeing any of them leave the temple grounds, suggesting a more sinister plot. How awesome is that?!" Said Jay

"Not awesome, not even a little." Said Cole

"Don't believe everything you read." Said Kai

"Yang worked hard on his pupils for a reason for in his words, as iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student." Said Jay

"Hmm I wonder what he means by that." Said Kai

The clock the started shaking and you could here a ghost noise coming from somewhere.

"It's him! He's in the clock!" I said

"You're the leader C-C-check it out." Said Jay as he nudged me towards the clock

I rose my hand to the nob on the clock... I then opened it.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed as something flew out of it

It was the falcon he then flew onto Zane's arm an Zane pressed a button to havw the falcon make the sound we heard. Everyone then started laughing.

"A prank! Really?" I said

"We were just trying to help you relax." Said Kai

"Yeah. You should have heard yourself scream!" Said Jay as he laughed

Zane then clicked a button and then the falcon replayed my scream. Witch caused everyone to start laughing again. Then a door slammed witch caused everyone to stop laughing.

"Ugh! Another prank? Real funny, didn't anyone teach you to quit while you're ahead." I said as I walked out of them room

As I walked I could hear banging

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, very scary." I said

I walked over to a door and its handle started moving

"As if I believe in ghosts."I said

"I swear Cole that wasn't us!" Said Kai

"Let's go back to the study!" Said Jay

"It wasn't us!" Said Zane

"Okay, I have to admit, this is pretty good. How'd you guys get the handle to move all by itself. Is Nya behind there?" I said

"Ah! Don't open that door!" Screamed Jay

I then opened the door there was nothing there but something that looked like a shrine to Yang

"Well that was anticlimactic. Sensei Yang's dojo. This is where he must have trained his pupils." Said Kai

"Or got rid of them." Said Jay

"Knock it off guys, if that wasn't you behind the rattling door who was it?" I asked

"The ghost of Sensei Yang." Said Kai, Jay, and Zane

"As Iron sharpens Iron, Sensei sharpens student." Said the voice of Yang

"Its the ghost of Sensei Yang!!" We all said

"Uh guys, what does he mean by sharpen?" Asked Jay as he looked at a sword

The weapons on the wall then started moving

"Let's not hang around to find out!" I Shouted

The weapons then flew off the wall

"Let's get out of here!" I shouted

We then started running as the weapons chased us.

"Ahhhhh!" We all screamed as the paintings moved and bats flew outta now where

You could here the laughter of Sensei Yang

"Does this mean he doesn't wanna teach us Airjitzu!" Said Jay

"Forget Airjitzu there's the window this way." Said Kai

We ran to the window but it wouldn't budge

"We're caged in like animals!" Said Jay

Yang then started laughing again

"Let's try the front door!" I said

"That's downstairs and in case you haven't paid any attention, there's flying weapons trying to slice and dice us!" Said Kai

"There's a dumbwaiter!" Said Zane

"Hey, watch who your calling...oh a dumbwaiter that can take us down!" Said Jay

We then starting pulling on the rope

"You said there'd be enough room for all four of us in hear." Said Jay

"My calculations aren't always correct!" Said Zane

"Ow my ear. Turn on a light or something,because I can't see a thing." I said

Zane then lit the dumbwaiter up but in the middle of it was Yang

"As Iron sharpens iron." Said Sensei Yang

Jay and Kai let go of the rope then we all ran out as we ran more weapons came at us. They swords hit the wall and we kept running.

"As Iron sharpens Iron, Sensei sharpens student." Said the ghost of Yang

We then opened the door but when we did we saw the house was off the ground we all fell outta the house but luckily I grabbed on to something then grabbed Zane and he grabbed Kai and Kai grabbed Jay.

"Oh what is it?! What's down there?! Oh wait don't tell me, I don't wanna know." Said Jay

"We appear to be trapped within some kind of inter-dimensional ethereal relm!" Said Zane

"Oh, I told you not to tell me Zane!Knowing that just makes things worse." Said Jay

I then pulled everyone back inside, as we did that you could hear Sensei Yang's laughter again.

"Alright so there's no way out of the haunted temple but at least all the commotions died down." Said Jay

"Yeah, we just gotta get through the night together. Show Yang we're not scared." Said Kai

We screamed as the clock chimed

"Its just the clock. We're not afraid of time. But we are afraid of not getting out of here in time. Oh My Gosh. Why did we spend the night in a haunted temple!" I Said

"Everyone get a hold of yourselves even if my volume wasn't stuck. I'd still be yelling at this decibel!" Said Zane

"Zane's right. What are we doing?We need to toughen up.We're ninja. We already missed out on the Airjitzu the first time. We can't let this opportunity pass." I said

"Uh guys, are paintings supposed to move?" Asked Kai

Jay walked up to the painting at touched it witch caused water to pour out of it.. along with a fish

"Why would you touch the scary picture Jay?!" I said

"I didn't know it would do that Cole!" Said Jay

The water kept pouring out.

"It's locked." Said Kai as he tried to open the door

"As Iron sharpens iron Sensei sharpens student." Said Yang

"Oh great back for round two!" Said Jay

"Water! I'm afraid of water!Were all gonna drown!" Said Kai

"It's all in your head Kai. He's trying to scare us out so we don't get Airjitzu." Said Jay

I then came back up from the water

"I don't know. Tase pretty real to me." I said

"Where's Kai!" Said Zane

Next thing we knew we all came out into the hall way.

"Well that wasn't refreshing." Said Kai

"First the haunting, then the water, what's next." I said

"That's it!He is testing us. Don't you see?Cole's afraid of ghosts, and Kai's afraid of water!" Said Jay

"As iron sharpens iron Sensei sharpens student. He's making us face our fears." Said Kai

"Which means whatever he throws at us next, we have to face together. And this time, no running away." I said

"Or swimming away." Said Jay

"Fine. But times running out and if we don't figure out a way of staying in this together none of us are gonna get out alive." Said Kai

We then tied ourselves together with a rope

"All right, no matter what happens no one can run away. We're in this together." I said

"Ha! Ain't no thing Sensei yang let's find him and get that Airjitzu." Said Jay

We then started walking

"Just so we're not surprised Zane, Jay what sort of things are you afraid of?" Asked Kai

"Ah! I think I know what I'm afraid of! It's Morro!" Said Zane

Behind us was Lloyd.

"Of all the times to have to fight him again." I said

"And he already knows Airjitzu we don't stand a chance." Said Jay

"Wait a minute if we're all afraid of Morro, this must be the next test. And how are we supposed to save Lloyd if we don't even have the courage to face him." Said Kai

"He's right. Let's get him." I said

We then started running towards him but he ran away.

"We weren't fast enough." I said

"There he is!" Said Kai

"Alright, lets step together. One, Two, Three,One,two,Three." I said

We then came to a stop

"He went up to the attic." Said Kai

"heh attics definitely near the top of the list of things I'm afraid of." Said Jay

We then climbed into the attic

"He's just standing there! What do we do?" Said Jay

"I don't know. But go face him Jay." Said Kai

'You! You face him!" Said Jay

"Look we'll all face him." I said

We then started walking towards him. As Kai went to touch him he disappeared which caused us all to scream. Sensei Yang was where Lloyd was.

"As iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student. You have passed the test." Said Yang

"Then you'll teach us how to do Airjitzu?" Said Kai

Yang held up a scroll

"Only those who see things threw will reap the benefits of the reward." Said Yang as he handed us the scroll

I took it from him

"That's not the only thing we see threw why is it I can see threw my hand!" Shouted Jay

Yang started laughing

"Now you will join my students." Said Yang

"He's not just their mentor, he's their captor." I said

"A new dawns upon us get out before the clock's last chime if you can." Said Yang

We all started running then we fell down the attic

"Why did we tie ourselves together!" Said Zane

"There's no time to complain. We just have to move." I said

We then started running again

"One, Two, Three." I said

"The door hurry!" Said Kai as we ran down the steps

I then tripped on something and dropped the scroll

"The scroll." I said

I then untied myself and grabbed the scroll

"Don't worry, I got the scroll." I said

They all looked at me

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked

"You didn't make it out in time." Said Jay

"Yeah, Cole your a-." Said Kai

I then looked at myself

"I'm a ghost." I said

Sensei Yang's laughter could be heard

I then woke up, I also looked at myself.

"I was a ghost? No way." I said

I then looked around my room. I saw a picture of me and the rest of my friends I was a ghost.

"So that wasn't a dream." I said

I looked around the room and saw mountains were painted on it.

"I need to find Lloyd and the others!" I said I then ran out of my room

I then ran into Jay.

Hey guys sorry if this chapter is bad.... anyways I promise I'll start updating regularly now. So Cole ran into Jay what do you think's gonna happen next. I hope you Enjoyed have a great day. Love you all.

Nya5555 out
A ninja never quits

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