Chapter 23 Wanting to learn the truth

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Hey guys quick A/n so sorry I kinda went MIA for a while my school's musical was last week and I had rehearsal 3-9 every day then the musical was Friday-Sunday so sorry but it's over now but I'm also sorry because this Friday I'm going on a field trip from like Friday to Saturday won't get back till 11 at night so I'm updating now schools almost over for me June 1st is my last day so like 3-4 weeks I think then I'll have more time to update! Once again I'm so sorry now on to the story

Jay's P.o.v

"Hey, son, how'd the tutoring go?" Asked my Mom

"It went good I feel like I really helped them." I Said

"Who'd you tutor?" Asked my dad

"Cole." I mumbled

"Who?" Asked my Dad

"Cole." I said louder

My dad just stared at me

"Don't look at me like that Dad I can't control who they want me to tutor." I Said

"I know I'm just proud/surprised that you helped someone you don't like." Said my dad

"Thanks?" I questioned

"You should eat Jay I made pasta for dinner." Said my mom

"I think I'm gonna pass and go to bed night mom, night Dad." I said

"Night son." They both Said

I walked up to my room got ready for bed then fell asleep.

*In Jay's Dream*

"She's yours Jay I should've backed out a long time ago now win this." Said Cole

Chen then pulled a lever and Cole fell threw a hole

I woke up a startle

"That dream wasn't true was it?" I asked myself

"Were me and Cole actually friends did we actually make up?" I asked

I sighed

I know I don't want to do this and my parents are probably not gonna be happy but I need to talk to Lloyd I don't know what to believe anymore... now hopefully I can fall back asleep. I put my head back down on my pillow.

*Beep Beep Beep*

I rolled my eyes then got out of bed. Guess it's time to get ready for school.

Zane's p.o.v

As I got to school I saw Cole and the others. I walked up to them.

"Greetings friends." I said

"Hey." Said Kai

"Hello." Said Nya

"Hi." Said Cole

"Where's Jay?" I asked

"He's not here Zane." Said Nya

"You know how he is sometimes he's fine with us sometimes he acts like we killed his pet Cat." Said Kai

As he said that Jay walked up behind Cole and them

(Before anyone says anything yes I know it's usually a dog but I'm a cat person)

"Uhh." I Said seeing Jay behind them

"What's wrong Zane?" Asked Kai

"Wow, I'm not even here for a minute and you guys are insulting me." Said Jay

"Jay!" Shouted Nya as she hugged him

Jay returned the hug

"Hey Nya." Said Jay as he smiled

"I'm sorry Jay I didn't mean-" Said Kai Before Jay cut him off

"Kai it's fine really, so are you guys ready for rehearsal tonight?" Asked Jay

"I know I sure am Jay." I Said

"That's great Zane you're doing great with your part it's like you're an actual robot." Said Jay

"Thanks Jay I think you do great with your part as well." I Said


"Well there's the bell see you guys after class bye." Said Jay as he walked away

"I wonder what's up with Jay. Even when he's not mad at us he's usually not this friendly." Said Cole

"Come on at least he's getting better." Said Kai

"Now let's get to class." Said Nya

Lloyd's p.o.v

I'm glad Jay's getting better maybe He's finally starting to not listen to his parents. My phone then went off.

Jay: Hey, Lloyd do you think I could talk to you after school my drama rehearsal doesn't start until 5

I sent him a text back

Me: Yeah sure just meet me at my place

~le time skip~

There was a knock on my door

"Come In!" I Shouted

The door opened to reveal Jay

"Hey Jay." I said

"Hey Lloyd." Said Jay

"So what did you need to talk to me about?" I asked

"Lloyd I had a dream and it was me and Cole fighting in this Arena type thing and then we made up and there was this guy named Chen there." I Said

"The tournament of elements." Whispered Lloyd

I don't think he knew I could hear him

"I want to know the truth I think I'm ready." Said Jay

"Alright well the truth is-" Said Lloyd

Hey guys hope you ended the chapter once again sorry I went missing for a while what do u guys think is gonna hope next comment below now before I go I also got tagged by Niki-fnaf1499 so here I go

1. Favorite song

It's a tie between Save me, Mic Drop, and not today by BTS

2. Favorite sport


3. Favorite band

I don't really have a favorite

4. Favorite show

Tie between Ninjago and Mech x4

5. Favorite movie

Tie between Lego Batman movie and the Lego ninjago movie I really like legos

6. Favorite color


7. Favorite food


8. Favorite drink


9. Favorite video game

Just dance

10. Tag 15 people


Nya5555 out
A ninja never quits

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