Chapter 42 Liessss

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Lloyd's P.O.V

"And that brings us to now." I said

"Wow so me and Jay actually fought over Nya before." Said Cole

"Yup, the things Jay's parents told him was right, but they neglected to tell him that you guys made up." I said

"I don't understand how you guys are still friends." Said Kai

"That's something we always questioned. The good thing about your friendship was you guys always forgave each other. No matter what happened you guys were always the best of friends." I said

"Until now." Said Cole with a frown

I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Cole what happened wasn't your fault."

"Then whose was it." Said Cole as he smacked my hand away

I looked at Wu.

"I don't know if I should say." I said as I looked away.

"Lloyd if you don't tell me I swear-." Said Cole before Wu cut him off.

I looked at Wu once more, he nodded his head. I signed and spoke, "It was Jay's parents." I said

"What do you mean?" Asked Zane

I told them everything. Everyone's jaw dropped. Cole closed his eyes and stood up. When he opened his eyes I saw furry in them. I don't think I've ever seen him this angry before, not even when Kai ate his last piece of cake.

"Cole-" I said before he pushed me away.

He started to walk out the door.

"Cole." I said

He ignored me and kept walking and opened the door.

"Cole where are you going?!" I shouted

He paused before walking back, he looked over his shoulder and said, "To settle a score." He slammed the door shut.

I started to go after him but Wu stopped me.

"Let him go." Said Wu

"Uncle are you out of your mind?!" I said

I went to the door and left in search of Cole but he was no where in sight. He must've ran. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around.

"What?" I asked

"We're coming with you." Said Kai

"I don't-" I said before Nya cut me off

"You're in no shape to deal with an angry Cole." Said Nya

I signed and then said, "Okay, let's go."

We then started our journey to the junkyard.

Jay's P.O.V

"Listen I think you go the wrong guy, I'm not a ninja." I said

"You can ssssay that assss many times asssss you want but that won't change anything. Why elsssse would you have out with the other ninja." Said Scales

"Listen here! I'm tired of you telling me someone I'm not, I wouldn't even be hanging out with those people if it weren't for school!" I shouted


I signed before another Snake came in, he whispered something to Scales and he had a shocked look on his face.

"Sssssay it ain't ssssso."

He slithered his way over to me.

"Ssssooo you really don't remember." Said Scales

"Remember what?" I questioned

He smirked.

"Perfect." He said

I heard a rattle noise and I looked at him in fear, next thing I know I feel really tired.

"Look into my eyessss." Said Scales

I looked at him I'm fear, as I started to back up. He got closer, next thing I knew I blacked out.

Cole's P.O.V

I slammed pick him up by his shirt ready to punch them.

"WHY!" I shouted

"I-it wasn't my idea it was hers." He said in fear.

I dropped him and walked over to Edna and back her into a wall.

"Y-y-you wouldn't hurt an old lady would you?" Said Edna


I tried to do something but I couldn't move my arms.

"Cole snap out of it!" Shouted a voice

I looked over to see Lloyd and everyone else holding my arm. I looked to see what I was doing and backed up.

"Oh my God." I said

I dropped to me knees.

"I can't believe I almost did that." I said

I started crying.

"I'm sorry." I said

"Cole what you were doing was wrong but also I think they need to explain everything right now." Said Lloyd glaring at them.

"Listen were-" said Edna before an explosion was heard.

"This isn't over." Said Lloyd

He walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"To stop whatever's happening." Said Lloyd

"Let us come with you." Said Zane

"Alright let's go." Said Lloyd

We put on our GI's and headed out. When we got to the city we saw snakes attacking the city. We saw someone in a blue and black GI. When he saw us he walked over and stood in front of us.

"Who are you and why are you doing this" Said Lloyd

He didn't saw anything and 5 more explosions went off.

"We're gonna have to split up." Said Lloyd

"You guys go I'll handle him." Said Lloyd

"No I will." I said

"Cole-" Said Lloyd before Kai cut him off

"Lloyd just let him we don't have time." Said Kai

"Fine but call me if you need me." Said Lloyd

They then ran off in different directions.

He walked closer to me.

"You're not gonna get away with this." I said 

He pulled his hood down and it reveled Jay.

"Jay come on let's not fight we've do e this before let's calm down and-"

"No!" Shouted Jay

"I'm not going to let you get away with this." I said

"I'm not gonna let you get away with trying to make me think you care about be." Said Jay

"What are you taking about?" I asked

"He told me everything how you all were using me, making me think you cared about me." Said Jay

"Jay whoever said that was lying." I said

"Enough! Lets finish this." Shouted Jay

He ran toward me and tried to stab me and I dodged out of his way. He turned around and has anger in his eyes. He ran towards me again but this time I wasn't able to dodge. He slammed me to the ground.

"Please Jay this isn't you." I said

"I'm more me than I've ever been." Said Jay

"No Jay you aren't. Lloyd told me everything we were-are best friends, best friends don't do this to each other. I care about you and I know you care about me, I know you wouldn't do this to me." I said pleading with him

His hand started shaking and he dropped the sword. I quickly pushed him away and got up.

"C-Cole?" Said Jay

"Yes Jay." I said

"H-help me please." Said Jay

He held his hand out and then started to fall. I quickly caught him before he bit the ground.

"I got you Jay." I said hugging him

I hope the wait was worth it, it took me a while cause I wanted to write a longer chapter since I haven't updated in a while. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Nya5555 out

A ninja never quits

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