Chapter 47 Together

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Cole's P.O.V

I sighed as I closed the door to Jay's room. I then made my way to the training area with everyone else.

"Guys...I'm sorry." Said Lloyd

I looked at him confused, "What are you apologizing for?" I asked

"If I would've just left you all alone none of this would be happening." Said Lloyd

"Lloyd none of this-" said Wu before Lloyd interrupted him

"No Uncle, let me finish."

We were all staring at him

"This is all my fault. If I would've just left you guys alone. You'd still be friends, Jay wouldn't be thinking about leaving, and more importantly, Jay wouldn't be broken." Said Lloyd as he held back a sob

"I was selfish to pull you guys away from your lives thinking that I could fix everything... I just wanted my family back. But in the process I broke everyone apart even more." Said Lloyd

Lloyd sighed before speaking again, "If you guys want to leave and return to your normal lives I understand. I'll try my best to help Jay out of this and convince him to stay. Then, I-I won't bother you anymore." Said Lloyd

At this point tears were streaming down his face. He put his head down and started to walk away... that is until Kai stopped him.

"Woh, where do you think you're going?" Asked Kai

Lloyd wiped some tears off his face before speaking.

"Away...I'm going to try and find a way to fix Jay." Said Lloyd

"Without us?" Questioned Zane

Lloyd look at us confused

"Yeah, there's no way you're doing this alone." Said Nya

"But... I ruined everything for you guys. Don't you hate me?" Asked Lloyd

I shook my head and put a hand on Lloyd's shoulder

"Lloyd, we could never hate you. Yeah, without you our lives would be normal, but normal is boring and I think I speak for everyone when I say our lives wouldn't be better without you. Ever since you've come back into our lives I've felt more complete. Before it always felt like something was missing. This was missing Lloyd, you were missing. What's going on right now May be difficult but we will get through it. Most importantly, we'll get through it together." I said with a smile

"Yeah Lloyd, we might have still been friends without you but it wouldn't have felt right. Don't ever doubt that." Said Kai

Lloyd began crying even more, until everyone decided to hug him.

"I love you guys." Whispered Lloyd

"We love you too Lloyd." Said Nya

After a few more moments of hugging we pulled away.

"So Lloyd, what's the plan to get Jay out of this funk?" Asked Kai

"I think we should all talk to him at first. See if anyone of us can get him to respond with anything else other than 'nobody'." Said Lloyd

"Who should go first?" I asked

Lloyd pondered for a second before speaking, "I think Nya should go first because of the bond they shared."

"Works for me! I'll let you guys know who it goes." Said Nya as she walked away

"And what if Nya can't get him to talk?" I asked

"We'll each try and if we don't make any progress then I'll get Wu involved." Said Lloyd

I nodded my head. Don't worry Jay, we'll help you get out of this funk.

Nya's P.O.V

I knocked on Jay's door.

"Jay? Are you awake? Can I come in?" I asked

After a few moments there was no response but I heard movement from inside.

"Jay, I'm coming in." I said

I opened the door and saw him on his bed crying. I tried approach him carefully till I was sitting on his bed with him. He didn't acknowledge me sitting down.

"Jay?" I asked

No response

"Jay please talk to me. We're all worried about you." I said

Jay mumbled something that I couldn't quite here.

"What was that Jay?" I asked

He turned his head around," "Nobody is worried about me. I'm nothing more than just a comedic relief. I can't do anything right."

He turned around again.

"Jay please, don't say that." I said

No response. I moved to try and hug him but he quickly flinched. I had an idea, a stupid one but it was my last shot.

"Jay please, I've missed you. I've missed being with you. Don't you wanna go out on a movie date? It's been a while." I said

"Why don't you go with Cole, at least he's somebody. Then you won't have to be seen with someone worthless like me." Said Jay

"Jay please don't say that about yourself." I said

Once again Jay didn't acknowledge me. I sighed before getting off his bed.

"I'm sorry Jay." I said before leaving

Cole's P.O.V

We saw Nya approaching with a sad look on her face.

"I'm assuming with that look in your face that you weren't successful." Said Kai

Nya sighed before speaking.

"Whatever they did, whatever they said to him hurt him deeply. He doesn't even want to go on a date with me." Said Nya

"I'll go next." Said Kai

Before any of of could object he walked away.

~Time skip

Time has gone by and everyone has gone expect for me. Lloyd was the last one to try and he too came back with a glum look.

"No luck Greenie?" I asked

"Unfortunately no." Said Lloyd

"What should we do next? Is it time to tell Wu?" I asked

"Cole you haven't even tried yet." Said Nya

"What makes you think he would want to talk to me?" I asked

"You too used to be best friends." Said Kai

"Yeah, use to. Anything he has remembered about me has only been bad. Do you guys really think that would be a good idea." I said

"Cole, you and Jay were best friends. When the team first started you two were inseparable. Yeah Jay has only remembered bad things but that doesn't mean he can't remember good things. If anyone can snap him out of this it will be you." Said Lloyd

I sighed

"Fine, but if this goes wrong don't say I didn't warn you." I said

I approached Jay's room and knocked on the door. There was no response.

"Jay, I'm coming in." I said not expecting a response

"No I-" I heard but it was to late and I already opened the door

Jay glared at me as soon as I walked in.

"Hey Jay." I said with a smile

Jay turned away from me

"Can we please talk?" I asked

"Why? What's there to talk about. Are you here to tell me how worthless I am." Said Jay

"Jay your not worthless. Please it pains me to hear you say stuff like that." I said

"Pains you to hear what? The truth? You guys should've just left me there." Said Jay as he started crying

At this point I had enough. I got up from Jay's bed and walked in front of him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Jay Walker I don't want to hear anymore of this nonsense talk. None of it is true do you hear me?!" I said

Jay scoffed, "That's rich coming from you. After all you did so much to me, I would've assumed that you would agree with them." Said Jay

He stared at the floor but I grabbed his face with my hand and made him look at me.

"Jay whatever happened is in the past. We need to move on. I'm sorry for what I did okay? I may not remember but I truly am sorry. Before any of this happened before we even lost our memories we were best friends. Jay there is no one else I feel as close with as I do you. You're my best friend and in pains me to hear you talk about yourself like this. The road to recovery may be long and difficult but we can do it as long a we're together. What those snakes told you, none of it is true. You are worth so so much, even if you don't see it yourself. You mean so much to everyone out there, so much to me. Even if you don't ever remember even if none of us ever remember. Don't let what they told you define your self worth." I said

Jay broke down crying at this point.

"I-I'm sorry. It's just so hard to not believe, especially when I get dreams about feeling like this before." Said Jay

"Jay, it's okay you don't have to speak, you don't owe me an explanation. I'm just glad you're talking to me again." I said with a smile

"I need to talk to someone though. I'm tired. I'm tired of not knowing where I belong or what I should do. My parents say one thing, Lloyd says another-" said Jay before I cut him off

"Jay none of what anyone thinks matters. What matters is what you think. I know it's easier said than done but stop listening to what others what. It's time to listen to yourself. So, what is your heart saying." I said

Jay sniffed before speaking, "I-I don't know what I want."

"And that's okay too Jay. We'll figure this out." I said

"Together?" Asked Jay with a smile

"Together." I said

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