Chapter 3: Stirrings

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Legolas sat in one of the windows overlooking the forest, he watched the stars glittering in the sky.

Watching the stars always comforted him, especially on nights like this.
The nights where he had nightmares.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?"
Legolas jumped at his father's voice.
He turned his head towards him and tried not to look as startled as he felt.
"I was not tired."

Thranduil looked at him skeptically, there was no light in the hall, only the soft glow of the moon shone down on the two elves.

Legolas looked outside the window again, taking in the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.

"When will Thalion be leaving?"
Legolas asked without looking at his father.
"I was going to give him three days to rest, but he insisted on setting out tomorow."

That's Thalion....
Legolas thought laughing softly to himself.

"At least he is willing to defend his home."
Thranduil commented.
"I am proud to call him my son."

Legolas' smile vanished in an instant. His father always did this to him. Why did he make it sound like he favored Thalion over him?

"Tell me the real reason why you are awake Legolas."
Thranduil stared at his son with his icy blue eyes.
Legolas sighed, he still refused to look at his brother.
"I had a nightmare."

Legolas turned to face his father whose expression, as usual, was unreadable.

"What kind of nightmare?"
Thranduil asked curiously.
"I do not know why, but for as long as I can remember, anytime I have had a nightmare it has been the same."

Thranduil waited for Legolas to continue, the elf shifted uncomfortably in the window and continued,

"Every time I have it, I am always surrounded by orcs. They claw at me, and then carry me away into darkness. The dream never changes, it is always the same."

Legolas searched his father for any sign of concern but he found none.
"Do elves usually have different dreams, or are they all the same?"
No response.
"Perhaps it is not a dream."

The last comments caught Thranduil's attention.
"What do you mean?"
Legolas flinched at his sharp tone.
"What if it is not a dream, but a memory?"

"How could that be possible Legolas? You have never encountered orcs before, although you did at your birth, you would have no memory of that."

Legolas pondered his father's words. He was right, according to him and Thalion he had never seen an orc before.

Unless they are lying.
Legolas shook the thought away.
Why would they lie to him?

"Have you had this nightmare often?"
Thranduil asked.
"This is the first time in many years."
Legolas replied.
"Perhaps you heard something today that caused you to think about orcs before you fell

Legolas tried to remember everything that he had heard that day....

"Thalion had mentioned orcs near the borders."
Legolas informed his father.
"There is your reason then. Thalion mentioned orcs near our lands, and you became afraid and had a nightmare about them."

Thranduil crossed his arms and studied his son.
"Of course, why you are afraid of something you have never seen is beyond me."

Legolas bristled in anger. He wasn't afraid, and he wanted to tell his father that he wasn't, but he never got the chance.

"Go back to sleep Legolas. I will see you in the morning."
Thranduil disappeared down the dark hallway, Legolas sighed and looked back up at the stars.

He tried to assure himself that his nightmares were just dreams and not memories.

You have never encountered orcs before Legolas, and even if you had you would not fear them.

Legolas looked longingly at the sky, the stars reflected in his blue eyes. He wanted to be brave, just like Thalion and his father were.

He felt the familiar chill run down his spine. Once again the wind picked up and he expected to hear the voice again.

He leapt from the window and back into the hall, he quickly bolted it shut.

Not only do you fear imaginary orcs, but wind and voices inside your head.

Legolas turned away from the window and walked softly down the darkened hall.

He hadn't heard the voice that time, but he could sense it calling his name.

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