He's Alive

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Thalion looked up at his brother in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he was alive!

Yet Thalion quickly realized that something was wrong with Legolas, he had a confused and pained expression in his eyes. It seemed like he was struggling to remember something.

"Legolas it's me, Thalion."
Thalion slowly stood to his feet, never taking his eyes off of his brother.

Legolas stared at him in silence. He backed away as Thalion stood. The two brothers faced each other, both tense and ready for the other to attack.

"I'm your brother."
Those words seemed to bring Legolas out of whatever trance he was in. Confusion and the slightest trace of recognition passed Legolas' face.

His words were cut off by an agonizing scream. Thalion watched in horror as Legolas fell to his knees, clutching the sides of his head and yelling.

Thalion ran over to him, he didn't know what was happening to his little brother, all he knew was that he was in pain.

Before Thalion could reach him Legolas shot up and slammed his fist into Thalion's jaw. The elf stumbled backwards and watched wide-eyed as Legolas charged towards him.
"Legolas! Daro! Saes daro!"

Legolas stopped, just before he struck Thalion again. That was when he saw his eyes. Black had seemed to mix with the blue in Legolas' eyes, slowly moving like a shadow in them.

For a brief moment the black seemed to disappear altogether, and Thalion saw Legolas. The real Legolas, his brother. In a strained voice that barely rose above a whisper, Legolas begged his brother.

"Help me."
The moment passed in an instant, the shadow returned to Legolas' eyes, he dealt another blow to Thalion's head.

As the elf fought to remain awake he watched as Legolas called out in a strange tongue.

He watched as the orcs attacking the village surround Legolas, and the last thing Thalion saw was his brother leading the orcs away from the village.


Thalion shot up in his bed. He gasped for breath as his eyes darted around the room in fear.

What happened? Where's Legolas?

Elrond entered the room and stood beside Thalion's bed.
"Are you alright?"

"No. No I am not."
Thalion threw off his covers and tried to stand. Elrond placed his hands on Thalion's shoulders and forced him back onto the bed.

"You need to rest Thalion."
Elrond narrowed his eyes at the elf.
"I need to find my brother."
Thalion tried to rise again but Elrond would not move.

"I know you fear for Legolas. But there is nothing you or anyone else can do for him right now."

The news about Legolas had spread through Lothlorien like wildfire. Everyone had believed the young prince to have been dead.

But now he was alive, and seemed to be leading orcs and destroying villages and slaughtering people.

What Gandalf and the others were going to do about it was unknown to Thalion, and he wouldn't wait for them to come up with something.

He would go and find Legolas himself. His brother needed him, he had seen the fear and desperation in his eyes.

He was in pain, so much pain.
Thalion once again tried to get up, but at the moment he was too weak to force Elrond to let him go.

"Thalion, I promise you that we will do everything we can to save Legolas. We do not know where he is or how dangerous he has become-"

"Legolas is not dangerous."
Thalion glared at the elf before him.
"He needs me Elrond, when I mentioned his name and told him who I was, it did something to him. He told me to help him Elrond! I cannot sit here and do nothing!"

"I am not asking you to do nothing. I am asking you to rest while we discuss what to do about Legolas."

Elrond stood up and left the room, casting one last glance over his shoulder.

"We will have made a decision before you awake. Until then rest."

Sighing in defeat, Thalion closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


He couldn't comprehend what he was feeling, what he was thinking.

He had not thought for himself for years. Why was he starting to now? He felt the familiar presence of the shadow enter his mind. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be taken in by it.

Legolas searched the darkness for any sign of his master. He knew that he would have a few words for him.

Are we having problems Legolas?

Legolas spun around and faced the shadowed figure of his master.

He tensed as he prepared himself for what he knew was to come.
The pain tore into him like the fangs of a wolf.

Ripping into his mind and heart just as it always did. While he screamed the shadow spoke calmly, while a cold threat was laced in his words.

This is not the first time you have defied my orders. So tell me, why didn't you kill that elf?

Legolas was released and collapsed onto the ground. Hos entire body trembled as his master awaited an answer.

"I do not know. Something happened, the elf did something to me."

You could have killed him easily. I think that you are either lying to me, or weak.

The pain returned to him once again. Legolas could do nothing as the claws ripped into his skin, he could see blood forming a small pool around him.

However, since I can read your thoughts I can see that you are not lying. Therefore, you are simply weak.

He released Legolas once again. Watching as the elf collapsed onto the red ground.

I have been far too easy on you. I will show you no mercy from now on.

Legolas didn't look up at him. He refused to meet his gaze.

Next time you see that elf, kill him. If you fail, then you will take his place. Is that clear?

"I- I understand."

The shadow said nothing and slowly vanished. Legolas' eyes shot open. Revealing the small clearing where he had his orcs set up camp.

He checked himself for any sign of the scars that his master had inflicted on him. Only to find nothing, just as it was every other time.

Legolas shook himself and turned towards the direction they had come. He had to kill that elf. Not because he wanted to, but because his master ordered him to.
And there was nothing he could do to oppose his master.

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