You Have Changed

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Special thanks to purehoney101 for helping me with this story's description. It really captures the plot of the story way better than the one I came up with!

Thanks mellon nin!


Estel awoke fully rested with his wound properly dressed and cleaned. He had fallen asleep on their way to Rivendell and he was glad to once again be home.

The events of last night entered Estel's mind. He still couldn't believe that after all these years he had found Legolas.

Although he wasn't as thrilled as he thought he would be. Something about the elf was very different from when he had known him as a child.

His thoughts were interrupted as Elladan entered his room.
"How are you feeling Estel?"
"Better, although I wouldn't mind some food."

Elladan chuckled as Elrohir entered behind him, carrying a tray of food.

"We had all of your favorites prepared for you Estel."
Elrohir set the tray beside his brother and smiled in amusement as Estel tore into the food.

"When was the last time you had a proper meal, Estel?"
Elladan asked shaking his head.
"Far too long. This winter has been hard and cruel."

"Perhaps you would enjoy remaining here until the winter passes?"
Elrohir suggested.
"We miss having our little brother around."

"I wish I could, but I promised Halbarad that I would return to Arnor after I met with Gandalf."

At the mention of his meeting with Gandalf Estel suddenly remembered Legolas.

"How is Legolas? And why did you take him by force like that?"
Elladan glanced at Elrohir and sighed.

"We did not want to Estel, but we were told by both Mithrandir and adar that if we were to ever come across Legolas we were to bring him here to Rivendell."

"Even if it was against his will."
Elrohir concluded.
"But why? What do Gandalf and adar want with him?"

"Legolas has been a visitor to Rivendell before, it was a very long time ago when he first came here."
Elladan began.

"His older brother had been slain by orcs and his father sent him here for protection and healing."
Elrohir added.

"He returned home and we had not heard from him since. Elrohir and I were not here when adar found Legolas unconscious and wounded on his way back from Lothlorien."

"I remember that night."
Estel commented.
"I saw adar carry Legolas inside."

"Then I assume that you know the rest of the story."
Elrohir said.
"Legolas disappeared and we have not seen him since last night. As for why adar and Mithrandir want him I can only assume it is because of his

"Who is his father?"
"Thranduil, the King of Mirkwood."
Estel's eyes widened in surprise. Legolas was a prince?

He does not act like one.

"Where is he now?"
"I believe that he is speaking with adar and Mithrandir."
Elladan replied.
"I wonder how that is going."
Elrohir shook his head as he made his way towards the door.

"I think I will see for myself how they are faring in getting answers out of him."

"I'm coming too."
Estel said getting out of bed.
"Are you well enough Estel?"
Elladan asked in concern.
"I will be fine, we are not going far."

Throwing his brother a skeptical look he watched him as he walked towards Elrohir with no trouble.

Without a word, Elladan followed them out of the room.


"Oh yes, it sounds as though things are going splendidly in there."
Elrohir rolled his eyes as angered shouts came from their father's study.

The door was open so the three brothers had no problem peering inside.

Their father was standing with his hands firmly clenched into fists at his sides, clearly furious. And Gandalf was sitting in a chair facing Legolas, who himself was seated and had his arms crossed.

"Do not sit there and tell me that nothing is wrong Legolas."
Elrond narrowed his eyes at the younger elf.
"You have been missing for nearly fifteen years and according to Elladan and Elrohir you were quite desperate to avoid returning here."

Legolas refused to look at Elrond or Gandalf and fixed his gaze on the floor below him.

"We only want to help you Legolas."
Gandalf said.
"But we cannot do that if you do not tell us anything."

"If you truly wanted to help me you would let me leave!"
Legolas snapped as he stood abruptly from his chair.

"Where I have been and what I have been doing are none of your concerns. I am leaving."

Legolas stormed towards the door only to be blocked by the twins and Estel.

"You are not leaving here Legolas."
Elrond stated firmly.
"Not until you tell us why you left."

"Why I left is none of your concern!"
Legolas whipped around to face the elf lord, his blue eyes were ablaze with anger.

"Did it ever occur to you how many people you have worried?"
Gandalf narrowed his eyes at Legolas.
"Myself, Elrond, the twins, Arwen, and your father. Do you not care that he is suffering?"

"My father does not care about me."
Legolas stated coldly.
"If he did he would be here now instead of hiding in his palace."

"Your father was here Legolas."
Elrond stepped closer to Legolas who kept his emotions hidden under a mask of indifference.

"He arrived a month after you had left, you cannot imagine the fear in his eyes when he heard that his son was missing."

"He spent weeks searching for you Legolas."
Gandalf added, noticing that Legolas' true emotions were about to be unveiled.

"He would not sleep or eat. He refused to give up searching for you, and it was only because of his duty to his people that he returned home."

The slightest hint of sorrow appeared in Legolas' eyes but quickly passed.

"He wasted his time. I would not have gone back with him even if he had found me."

"Are you even listening to yourself Legolas?!?!"
Elrond shouted banging his fist onto his desk.

"Your father loves you, more than you could ever fathom, and you act as if he does not even matter! Do you not feel any remorse for the grief you have caused him?"

Legolas fell silent again. His silence answered Elrond's questions for him.

"You have changed Legolas."
Gandalf stood until he was eye to eye with the elf.
"I do not know what kind of darkness has set in your heart, but I do know what will happen to you if you do not get rid of it."

Legolas stormed away from the wizard and Gandalf and stood with his back facing them and his arms wrapped around himself.

"If you knew what I have been through then you would understand! You would know why I ran away, and you would not keep me here any longer against my will!"

"If you would tell us what has befallen you then we will understand."
Elrond said softly.

"No, you would never understand. None of you would."
Legolas refused to look at them.
Estel stared at the elf in stunned silence. How could this be the same elf he had befriended as a child?

"We already know part of it Legolas. Your father told us what happened at Ravenhill."

Legolas tensed but still didn't turn around.
"We know that you were almost taken captive, and were harmed while your father tried to save you."

"He told us that you were growing delirious from blood loss."
Elrond added.
"And that you were afraid of your father dying because of you as your brother did."

Legolas' hands tightened into fists at the mention of his brother.

"Was that all he told you?"
Elrond and Gandalf nodded.
"Then he did not tell you everything."

As their eyes widened in surprise Legolas stormed towards the door and managed to push past a startled Elladan, Elrohir, and Estel.

Elrond followed him out of the study with Gandalf close behind. The twins and Estel hurried after them.

Legolas ignored the elf lord as he ran up behind him.
"Legolas I cannot make you tell me what is truly wrong or what happened to you, but I can tell you that running away will not solve anything."

Legolas continued walking as Gandalf joined him at his side.
"We know you are in pain Legolas; even if you do not show it. We want to help you but you must let us."

"I told you before if you want to help me you will let me go."
Both elf lord and wizard sighed in defeat as Legolas quickened his pace and put as much distance as he could between the two.

"You are not going to let him leave are you?"
Elrohir asked as the three of them finally caught up.

"No, although I fear that keeping him here will do more harm than good."
Elrond replied grimly.

"What are you going to do about him adar?"
Elladan asked.
"I do not know ion."
Elrond shook his head sadly.

"There is one thing we could do."
Gandalf said.
Elrohir asked curiously.
"Instead of keeping Legolas here against his will, or allowing him to wander on his own,"

Gandalf paused as he turned towards Estel.
"Why not allow him to join the Dunedain?"

The twins stared at the wizard in shock, while Elrond's face remained impassive.

Estel scoffed and gestured towards the hall Legolas had disappeared down.

"Were you not listening to him Gandalf? He clearly wants to be alone. He is mad Gandalf! I have no desire to travel with someone like him."

"This would be for his own good Estel."
Gandalf insisted.
"He has been wandering alone without a purpose for nearly fifteen years. He will not go home but he can aid the Rangers in defending the north."

"He is a very skilled fighter."
Elrond added.
"And he can detect an enemy long before they arrive. He would be a valuable ally to have among your people."

Estel shook his head.
"I will not do it."
"Listen to me Estel, he needs someone that he can trust. Someone that will be there for him and protect him, just as you do."
Gandalf said.

"I do not need protection and certainly not from him."

Even though he has already saved your life twice. In a way, you do owe him.

Gandalf sighed.
"Very well, it was only a suggestion. You are free to return to your travels whenever you are ready."

As the wizard turned away Estel could hear him say, "I thought that you of all people would understand. Legolas has lost so much in his life, and just like you, he is running away from his path."

Estel stiffened at Gandalf's words. He knew what he was implying, and so did Elrond and the twins.

"Still, it was worth asking. Even if you had agreed to bring Legolas with you I doubt that he would have wanted to himself. Although it may have ended up helping him."

Estel sighed and looked up at the ceiling in exasperation.
He wanted to help Legolas, he just didn't know how bringing the elf with him would solve anything.

But still, it could be worth a try, couldn't it?

"I will do it."
Estel announced.
Elrond and the twins looked at him in surprise while Gandalf turned around to face him.

"I am glad that you decided to have a change of heart Estel."
Gandalf nodded his head in approval.
"Do not expect this work though Gandalf."
Estel warned.
"I doubt that he will even agree to go with me."

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