Is something wrong?

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Patton felt worried. Something wrong was happening. He couldn't tell what was wrong though. Scared, he started checking in on his friends.

Patton knocked on a plain wood door, belonging to Logan. "Yes?" called out a voice from inside the room. "Can I come in" Patton asked, assuming the voice was Logan. "Of course" he responded.

Patton entered. "So, What brings you here?" Asked the intellect side. Patton sighed. "Something feels... off. It's hard to explain. I just know something bad is going to happen. So, I'm checking up on everyone." Logan gave Patton a small smile. "I'm fine, and I'm sure everyone else is okay. Though it's good to check on them anyway, so continue." Logan told him.

Patton thanked Logan and went on his way. He knocked on the next door, white with a Disney poster on it. "Roman, can I come in?" Patton asked. "Of course!" Responded Roman on the other side.

Patton walked inside. "What brings you to my fine room today?" Asked Roman. "I just had a feeling I should check up on everyone, so, how are you feeling" Patton asked. "Oh, that's all. I'm great Patton" Roman said, confidently. "Okay, I'll continue then. See you later Roman!"

Patton knocked on a black door, with caution tape on the outside. Virgil's, of course. "Kiddo, can I come in?" Patton asked, and Virgil opened the door.

"What do you need?" Virgil asked, slightly irritated. "I was checking up on everyone. You okay?" Patton told Virgil, thinking he might have found the cause to his fatherly sense. "Oh, sorry, I'm fine. Just in the middle of something, no need to come in!" Virgil said, happily. Patton know Virgil was trying to get him to leave.

"What are you doing?" Patton asked. "Nothing, don't worry!" Virgil said. Patton then walked into the dark sides's room. "Patton wait!" Virgil screamed. Patton found Virgil's laptop open. "Oh, okay, well, sorry to bother you!" Patton said. Virgil was watching a Prinxiety playlist on YouTube. Patton knew Virgil had a slight crush on Roman, so it wasn't a surprise that Patton didn't think anything much of it. At least, for Patton. Virgil, being Virgil, worried for a while.

Patton was confused to say the least. What was wrong. Patton, lost in thought, entered another part of the mind scape. He realized he was in the dark side section, and started walking back to his room. He then heard a few whimpers. Patton looked for the source of the sound.

The sound was coming from a door covered in a snake design. He knocked on the door. "Who's there" said a voice. Patton winced. They sounded angry, but could also hear they were a little scared. "It's me, Patton. Are you okay Deceit?".

The door opened a little. "Go away," Deceit told Patton. "Can I come into your room please" Patton asked. "No." Patton coughed. "I'm coming in, are you decent?" Patton told his. "Yes" he said, sadly.

Patton went inside the room, and looked at Deceit. He gasped. "Deceit your-" "I'm fine." Patton was angry now. Deceit was not fine, and the both of them knew it. "Deceit, you are not fine, and I don't care what you say, your coming with me." Patton said strictly.

Deceit was sitting in the main common room. Anyone could see him now. Patton went to get Logan. Deceit looked at his hands and sighed. They were transparent. He was fading. He planed to do it in peace, considering it was a good way to go. Now Patton wanted to 'fix' him.

Logan and Patton were in the hallway. "Patton, is helping him the best idea? He doesn't want help." Said Logan. "I'm sure." They walked into the room. "Deceit come here, I need to examine how bad the fading is," Logan told him.

Deceit didn't look like his normal self. He was wearing a black tee shirt, jeans, no gloves, and no make up. The only way you could tell it was Deceit was his yellow snake eye. Considering this, and that you could see through his skin and hair, Logan felt a little bad.

Logan took Deceit's hand, making Deceit flinch, though didn't pull away, because it was going to happen, despite what he wanted. Logan looked at Deceit's hand, then took a piece of paper out of his pocket. He put it under his palm, then looked at it through the top of his hand. You could read it perfectly.

Logan then was able to learn, this wasn't something time could fix. This was more of a case where if nothing changed, Deceit was a goner.

It could only get this bad two ways. First way, the host, in this case Thomas, stopped needing and using the side. If this was the case, they couldn't do anything. Logan knew this wasn't the case though, Thomas told white lies all the time. The second way was more concerning, but could be fixed. The second way, the side stoped using there side. In this case, Deceit had stopped lying. For the most part, anyway.

"Deceit, come with me please," Logan said, walking to his room. Deceit followed. Logan sat on a desk chair, Deceit sat on the bed. "I assume you know what I want to talk about?" Logan asked Deceit. "You know why I'm fading?" asked Deceit. "Yes. Even that statement shows it. It is hard to hide things when I can find clues. So, why did you stop lying? You know it's hard for a side to just stop subconsciously, so you can't say that" Logan rambled. "Heh, I can tell you can understand Logic, Logan. And that you can't understand feelings. You tell Patton, he could hang out with me for 5 minuets and know" Deceit said.

Logan sighed. "Yes, that's why I'm asking you. Why?" "Do you think I'm proud of who I am?" Deceit laughed. "Fuck no! It's eating me from the inside. Imagine wanting to tell everyone what was wrong, why you did it, but I can't. I can't even fade, you should know that! Lie of omission! But I'll be fucking honest, I'd rather just not tell not tell anyone and suffer. But then again, who care about me? Virgil hates my guts, Roman could care less, you don't like me, the only person who cares for some reason is Patton, and look at me, I'm trying to push away from him too!"

Logan sat there, speechless. Deceit was shaking, face in his hands, laughing. "Are you.. okay?" Asked Logan, hesitantly. Deceit took his face out of his hands, tears rolling down his face. "What the fuck do you think" Deceit said, voice shaking.

Logan understood then, that this wasn't going to be easy to fix. Most of Deceit's lies he had to make consciously. He had easy lies, that he make. Like 'I'm okay'. But you can't drill lies into your personality. At least, not enough to be fine, in a side's case. He had to go out of his way to lie.

"I think I should get Patton. I'm not good at feeling." Logan told the crying mess on his bed. Logan left the room before Deceit could object.

Patton was cooking lunch. "Patton, I need your help." Logan told him. "With what?" Asked Patton. "I'll give you a summery. Deceit needs help, fast. But the solution is more of an emotional one." Patton, concerned, asked "What do you mean?" "Well, you know how we can just... be ourselves. I can just be Logical, you have a high sense of Morality. We Deceit doesn't have that. He has to try to lie. But he needs to lie to live. And his... mental state does not help this all." Logan explained. "Mental state?" Asked Patton. "He doesn't seem okay." Logan again explained. "I'll go talk to him" Patton told Logan, then headed to Logan's room.

Patton sat down next to Deceit. "I'm assuming Logan told you everything," Deceit told Patton, looking at the wall. "He told me you are having a hard time lying. He also said you weren't to well mentally, but he didn't really explain that" Patton told Deceit. "It makes sense. He doesn't understand emotions" Deceit said.

"So kiddo, what are planing to do" asked Patton. "Nothing. I've been defective sense I was a kid. Remember how Virgil hates me?" Deceit started. "Yes" Patton said, listening, so he could plan out what to say. He knew at this point, every word was important.

Deceit continued. "Well, a while ago we were friends. Great friends. He believed he was the only one who I told the truth. I didn't. He found trust, and we became lovers. I lied. And lied. And lied. He figured out our relationship was based on lies. I even cheated, meaning only you was a lie. He got angry. Upset. I left him scarred. I left him hurt. I left him angry. I hated it. I stared being friends with him so I could have someone to lie to. I lied so much. He is the only reason I lived. And I went insane. I felt so alive. But when we became lovers, every lie hurt me. I kept going. I felt alive, yet broken hearted when I lied. When he found out, it was a slap in the face. I loved him, so, so much. And he was gone."

"So, why is this story one to be told?" Patton asked. "I hate lying. It hurts to do it. The punishment, hurts. So about a month ago, I stopped lying if I didn't feel it needed to be a lie. Not enough to live, as you can see. The only lie that kept me alive. This. You didn't know about this. So, I guess I'm as good as gone."

Patton felt so bad for Deceit. "So how are you defective?" Asked Patton. "I go against myself." Deceit told Patton. "Okay, So, how big does the lie have to be?" asked Patton. "I think it can be any lie." Deceit told Patton. Patton looked around the room. He found a red pen. "What color is this?" asked Patton, small smile on his face.

Deceit caught onto Patton's idea. "Blue" he told Patton. "What is my name?" Patton asked. "Steve" answer Deceit.

"Are you a boy or girl?"


"Favorite color?"


They continued for hours. Deceit and Patton ended up having some fun. After a while, Patton was asked the weirdest of questions, and Deceit gave the best incorrect answers. Patton stopped the game. "So, Deceit, how do you feel?" Patton asked Deceit. "I'm guessing this is supposed to be truth. I actually... feel better!" Deceit realized happily.

Logan knocked on the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to to sleep." "Logan, come in!" Patton said to Logan. Logan sat on the chair. "Logan, do your test things to see if he's any better!" Patton said, hopping he did something to help.

"Okay? I don't think the will be different." He did the test. "What did you do? It's hard to notice, but he got the tiniest bit better" Logan questioned. "I found the way to help Deceit!" Patton exclaimed. Deceit smiled. "He asked me questions, and I answered them in lies." Deceit told Logan.

"That's a pretty creative solution. Good job guys. Though I don't know if this will work if Deceit is alone. Patton, Deceit is in bad conditions, and I would say the best thing is to do this every day for an hour. Are you okay with that?" Logan asked. "Of course" Patton said. "Really?" Deceit questioned. "Of course Kiddo!" Patton said.

"Okay, so, we should set times." Deceit said. "How about 5 am? After that, I'll still have time to set up for Thomas's day!" Patton exclaimed. "I'm okay with that. Just make sure to wake me up. I have a hard time doing it myself." Deceit responded. "Okay, now he have this all settled, get out and go to sleep. You both have an early morning, and on my bed, where I sleep." Logan told them both.

"Sorry Logan, see you later!" Patton exclaimed. "Thanks." Deceit told Logan. Deceit walked to his room. He took a shower, and then put on his PJs. He flopped onto his bed. He drifted to sleep. And unlike before, happy thoughts guided his, rather then worries keeping him awake.

I wanna take a moment to thank anyone who read this. I think I might just keep this as the end. Though if this becomes popular, I might turn this into a story, though if that does happy, please do not expect chapters this long. If you liked it, please give it a like. 15 likes, I'll continue. If I can, and writing block stays away of course! Again, thank you for reading, see you later!

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