//chapter seven\\

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The bright yellow sun iluminated the forest, it's yellow light spilling through the treetops. It was sunhigh, and it was a warmer day than usual. Leaf-bare was still a ways off, and Nightpaw was grateful for the warm weather. It had been a quarter moon since he had escaped the LagoonClan camp with Dustshine and Finchkit, and he was also glad to be home.

His paws fizzed with excitement, mixed in with an extreme nervousness. The gathering was tonight, and he hoped he would be chosen to go. But, the thought also scared him. Many cats from all Clans would be there, and Witheredstar would announce the new warriors, and himself and his siblings.

But, Nightpaw didn't have to worry about that now. He had been added to a hunting patrol consisting of himself, Graytalon, Maplewish, and Newtfang. He had proved to be an excellent hunter, his slimmer body making him swift. He was great at catching rabbits that had strayed away from MoorClan territory, and was best when chasing after squirrels.

So far, though, Nightpaw had only managed to catch a small mouse. His leg had healed, but not completely, which made him slower than how he would usually walk. He wondered when it would fully heal.

His mother had scrambled up one of the large oaks. Maplewish had spotted a bird perched on a high branch. Nightpaw's heart lurched as he saw the branch tremble beneath the calico's weight. He watched as Maplewish climbed higher and higher until she was level with the bird. She bunched her muscles and pounced, but the Finch had seen her first and screeched. The bird took off, but Newtfang, who was on the opposite tree, jumped up and caught the bird by it's wings.

The black and orange she-cat battered at it's wings and quickly brought the small bird down. Graytalon finished it with a clean killing bite. Nightpaw was awed at how well the cats had worked together. They must've trained together.. Nightpaw thought, thinking of his own litter mates. Perhaps they could work that well.

A rustle in the bushes caught Nightpaw's attention. He immediately crouched low, his stomach fur just brushing the ground. His tail hovered low, and he had to force it to stop twitching. He sniffed, recognizing the scent of squirrel. He licked his lips joyfully, as squirrel was his faveorite prey.

He pounced, only to discover that it had dashed off and begun climbing a nearby trunk. Nightpaw took after it, slowed by his healing leg. He dug his front claws into the trunk and scaled his way up easily. However, the squirrel had vanished and he snorted in disappointment. He went back down the tree and rejoined the patrol, who were beginning to gather up their catches.

Maplewish carried the bird in her jaws, while Graytalon and Newtfang each had a vole. Nightpaw scooped up his mouse, it's body dangling from it's thin, pink tail. The black tom found himself falling into step with his mentor. "Disappointing you only caught a mouse this time." His mentor commented, looking ahead.

Maplewish's ear twitched and she swiveled around. "Don't talk to my son like that! He caught something to feed the Clan-" she was cut off by Newtfang.

"Would you two stop arguing? Great StarClan I thought it would stop after your apprenticeship!" Newtfang rolled her amber eyes and nudged Maplewish ahead to lead the patrol. Nightpaw figured it was to stop the two bickering warriors from arguing.

However, Graytalon's words stung. He thought he had done good with the mouse, considering he wasn't the best at pouncing. But Nightpaw learned to brush it off his shoulders. He'd make Graytalon proud one day.

As the patrol entered the camp, there was a loud commotion in the clearing. Cats were clustered around Witheredstar, Sparrowsight, and Palespots murmuring anxiously, and even angrily. Uh oh... Nightpaw thought. He bounded towards the crowd and wriggled himself into the front row.

"StarClan has sent a warning!" Palespots' voice rang out, silencing the cats in the clearing. "They have told me that the light will vanish and bring with it the night," her voice seemed to falter. "It may seem like it is simply telling us that there will be a tomorrow, just like everyday. But StarClan wouldn't send me a warning about the sun rising."

Nightpaw's eyes widened and he looked at the sky. There wasn't even a cloud! Nightpaw shuddered. We're they in trouble? Was StarClan telling them that the Clan's we're about to collapse?

"I ask you to be cautious and very wary of what is around you. We don't know for sure what the warning means, but it is definitely dangerous," he nodded to Sparrowflight to continued.

"Patrols and duties will resume as usual. And, to prevent whatever the warning means, any cats you catch inside our borders are to brought into camp immediately!" Sparrowsight gave all his warriors a stare, then rested his gaze on Nightpaw for a moment longer than he had any other warrior. His heart lurched. "Condorgaze, I want you to lead a border patrol at the LagoonClan border. Take Dawnblossom, Smallriver and Briarsnout. I will lead a patrol to the CreekClan border." He flicked his tail at Hailpuddle, Squirrelleap, Tatteredleaf, and Robinpaw.

"Before you leave, I would like to announce who is going to the Gathering tonight!" Witheredstar bounded onto highledge. "Myself, Sparrowsight, Applepaw, Ebonyskip, Shadowflurry, Sageheart, Dawnblossom, Rubblepaw, Graytalon, Nightpaw, Acornfall, Antbite, and Plumface." He took in a breath after listing all the names. "I would like you all to eat and rest up. Palespots will also be here to heal the Clan if anything happens while we are away."

Nightpaw bounced on his paws excitedly. He was going to the gathering! He looked over at his siblings. Robinpaw looked murderous while Rubblepaw gave her a long, sympathetic stare. He decided to pad over and comfort his sister. "You'll get to go next time." Once he said it, he knew he made her more angry. With a hiss, the calico stalked off to join her patrol.

Rubblepaw snorted in amusement. "She'll get over it," the gray tabby padded to the Fresh-Kill pile and motioned for Nightpaw to follow. The tom followed and picked up his scrawny mouse he had caught earlier. The two brothers found a small corner and crouched down. Nightpaw took the first bite of his mouse, and licked his lips when he swallowed. It wasn't as good as squirrel, though.

"Is Graytalon a good mentor to you?" Rubblepaw looked sympathetic as usual.

Nightpaw said nothing, unsure of what to say. Graytalon was a good mentor, but sometimes very abusive. He shuddered at what the tom had said when he had first arrived at CavernClan camp. Nightpaw had limped off to his nest after the scolding and had his from his mentor the next day. "Not really." Nightpaw finally replied.

"Maybe it'll get better eventually. You're a great hunter, so I don't see why he's so ashamed of you." Rubblepaw looked around, resting his gaze on the she-cat apprentice Softpaw. When he quickly looked away, Nightpaw grew suspicious but didn't ask any questions.

Once the brother's had finished their meals, the two parted ways. Nightpaw decided to sit atop the large trunk that he loved to sit on, which was also the medicine den. Finchkit and Wrenkit had joined him, Wrenkit unable to keep still. So, Nightpaw and Finchkit watched the day go by. And, the sun had gotten partly covered by a shadow.

Wrenkit scrambled up the trunk, her long legs allowing her an easy hold. She pushed herself up and sat on the other side of Nightpaw. "Do you like being an apprentice?" The she-cat asked, her wide eyes looking up at him.

"Of course. It's great. Though it can be scary at times," he added quickly, hoping the kits wouldn't get any ideas.

"Scary? Pfft, nothing scares you!" Finchkit mewed, his yellow eyes shimmering with admiration.

Nightpaw shook his head. He was scared of almost everything. He had been an extremely jumpy kit, and had always been distracted. When he was out alone, the rustle of leaves always made him jump, and monsters still always made him want to run for cover. Was there even a single thing he wasn't scared of?

Nightpaw sighed and rested his head on his paws. The kits lay down on either side of him. He heard Finchkit snoring loudly beside him as the basked in the half sun. Wrenkit was twitching as always, but she's, too, also found a restful sleep. Lulled by the kits' soft --- and loud --- snores, he felt fell asleep, too.


Nightpaw found himself on a glade. It was dark and many cats moved around, anxiously murmuring. "They don't understand what it means!" One voice yowled. "We must tell them directly!"

"That is not how StarClan works!" A she-cat hissed, her blue eyes blazing. "ThunderClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, and WindClan have been through this before! There is no reason why these other Clans cannot handle it either!"

"How absurd can you be, Bluestar? This is far different than what your own Clans have faced!" The tom arched his ginger tabby pelt. "It could bring the Clans to their death!"

"Says a former city cat!" Bluestar mocked. "Charlie, you must see reason! If we tell the Clans straight out it could only mean more danger. Not for just your Clans, but all the Clans."

A ginger tom stepped forward, his expression calm. "Bluestar... Calm down," he rested his ginger tail on the blue-gray she-cat's back. "Surely you four see reason? It will bring destruction to all the Clans, as Bluestar said."

A light brown tabby she-cat stepped forward. "SkyClan never went through the disappearance of the sun, but other cats are coming with it. They will not rest until every single Clan cat is killed."

Killed? The sun is disappearing? Nightpaw shuddered in horror. He shook his head, wanting to get rid of the vision. He had to wake up! He had to want his Clan!

"There's no use." Growled a voice behind him. A black and gray tom with many scars looked straight at him, gold orbs boring into gold. "The sun has already disappeared."

GASP! Left y'all on a cliffhanger again! ;). What do you think will happen? And remember, don't be afraid to comment! Also, for the next part of the story I am doing a more detailed Clan description of the main characters. Hopefully it'll give you a better visual of all the cats, especially of Nightpaw's weird, genetically impossible markings! Also, while you wait for that, I have a name that apprentice book up. So, if you'd like to request and compete with others on what Adderpaw's future warrior name will be, feel free to check it out!


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