//chapter ten\\

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Nightpaw padded through a grassy, starlit clearing. Streams flowed around him, and drops of dew slowly fell onto leaf after leaf. The tom looked around, his gray face expressionless, but his ears pricked. Suddenly, he remembered when he had been here last.

He recalled the StarClan cats that had argued by a large rock that could be seen not too far away. They were gone now, and Nightpaw decided to look around while he was here. He ambled cautiously towards the rock, and his golden eyes widened in surprise when he saw crimson drops that scattered the grass.

He sniffed the drops, aware now that the argument must have turned into a battle. He suspected that it was his own ancestors against the other Clans' ancestors. Or... Maybe they had been attacked by the rogue's ancestors? The thought made him shiver and he turned to investigate further before bumping into a furry creature.

Startled, Nightpaw stepped back. He stared into the golden orbs of another cat, and recognized the cat he had talked to before the sun disappeared. He let out a sigh of relief to know that it was a StarClan cat he could trust. "Hi." He mewed softly.

The dark gray and black tom only gave a simple nod of greeting back. Finally, he opened his jaws to speak as he overlooked the clearing. "We won against the other five Clans," he began. "But now, without their ancestors, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and SkyClan have each fallen. They are scattered now, and have no need or want for Clan life. Only your Clans remain."

"Get to it already, Cavestar!" A silver tabby limped out from a bush, her pelt shining. When Cavestar didn't respond, she spoke. "Your home will not be taken back. They are lost to the rogues forever. I need---"

"What?" Nightpaw interrupted, astonished. Our homes are gone? "No! That's not possible!"

The she-cat looked down sadly. "It is. But there are new homes waiting for you at the old Clan's camp," she meowed, a new hope brimming in her eyes. "It will be a long journey, but I have faith in you, Nightpaw."

Nightpaw blinked, confused. "So what do you want me to do?" His tail tip twitched and he seemed to shrink at the possibility of having the Clans' fate into his own paws.

"Don't worry," Cavestar meowed. "Charlie and Lagoonstar are giving the medicine cats a message. You won't do this alone."

"But why tell me?" Nightpaw asked. "I'm not a medicine cat. I mean--- I want to be one, but I'll miss a lot about being a warrior apprentice."

Creekstar nodded. "Sometimes we are left to choose our own path. StarClan can only guide you to the right way. But if you choose the wrong path, then all will be lost," she sighed. "Nightpaw, it is not your destiny to be a medicine cat. It is your job to find a future CavernClan kit to become one."

"And then the other medicine cats will train him or her. They won't refuse," he nodded to Nightpaw. "But you must use your basic knowledge of herbs to help your Clan. Because, when you get to the new camps, there will only be you to heal their injuries, as all the Clans will separate into their own groups again."

"But how will I know which kit to choose? There aren't even any CavernClan kits, or even a queen! And Finchkit's going to be a warrior!" Nightpaw questioned, feeling the weight of his responsibility.

"You'll know in time. But remember, you must carry on your warrior duties, for the path of a medicine cat is not yours." And with that, the two StarClan cats vanished.


Nightpaw jerked awake. He was inside the box he had found with Hollypaw yesterday. The two had decided to carry it home for some shelter, since only the elders and kits had dens. Hollypaw was curled to his left and Rubblepaw on his right. He supposed Robinpaw had already gone out to train.

Nightpaw sat up and began to groom his ruffled, gray chest fur. It didn't take long, and he padded out of the box right after. He needed to find the other medicine cats. Once outside, he breathed in the musty air and looked around. Nightpaw caught sight of white rimmed, blue eyes, and recognized them as Dustshine's. The tabby tom beckoned him over.

Nightpaw bounded over, his gray, black, and white speckled fur smoothing in the light wind. He stopped and sat down, taking notice of the other medicine cats around him. A cat who he now knew as Deerstride was shifting her black paws nervously, as if she was worried about the future to come. Littlespark looked calm and opened her jaws to speak.

"I'm sure we all know what has happened," she meowed, her old voice cracking. "So what do we tell them? We already know that Stormstar will most likely deny, as he believes StarClan has abandoned us."

"We tell the truth," Nightpaw blurted out.

Dustshine looked at him questioningly. "What?" The tabby blinked at Nightpaw, his blue eyes hinting with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

"We tell them the truth. Why would we lie?" Nightpaw mewed again, more confident.

"Nightpaw, you shouldn't have a say in this. You are not a medicine cat." Deerstride commented.

"But he is acting as one. Well, partly. He has a say in this, even if he's only going to choose a future CavernClan medicine cat." Littlespark chimed in.

"ThunderClan," Dustshine corrected. "Lagoonstar told me that CavernClan is to become ThunderClan, MoorClan to become WindClan, CreekClan to become RiverClan, and LagoonClan to become ShadowClan."

Nightpaw's golden eyes sparked with surprise. StarClan was telling them directly. How unusual... Nightpaw shrugged the thought off. At least they're being useful. Nightpaw thought back to which Clan would be which. He would soon enough be a ThunderClan cat. But... Did he want to be a ThunderClan cat? From stories he had heard of the original Clans, ThunderClan was snobby, and always got in other Clans' business. Perhaps StarClan would tell him where his destiny lay.

"Don't you, Nightpaw?" Dustshine looked at him expectantly.

"What?" Nightpaw cursed himself for not paying attention.

"I asked if you knew any herbs?"

"Oh. Of course! You taught me some during the time I was stuck in your camp." Nightpaw responded.

"See?" Dustshine glared at Deerstride.

"Alright, alright. Let's stay on topic now, shall we?" Littlespark eyed the two bickering cats. When the quieted, Littlespark continued. "We tell each of our leaders about our dreams and what we have to do. Agreed?"

Nightpaw nodded, glad to know that his suggestion and come through. Dustshine nodded as well. Deerstride was more reluctant, and looked coldly at Nightpaw, and he felt that the she-cat would jump at him.

"Then get to it," Littlespark stalked off.

Nightpaw watched as the other cats left. The morning sky was filled with clouds above, and the air felt damp. It hinted rain would be coming soon, and Nightpaw didn't expect the box he and Hollypaw had found to hold. However much he wanted to find a safer shelter from the rain, he knew that telling his leader the news was much more important.

Nightpaw lifted himself up to his paws and looked around, trying to recall where the den Witheredstar slept in was. Spotting a stone tunnel, he padded towards it. It was dark inside and a little wet, but it must've reminded Witheredstar of home. The home they could never go back to.

He sniffed before padding warily inside. His golden orbs glowed in the darkness, and he caught Witheredstar looking at him with interest. "Why have you come?" The almost black, scarred and matted furred tom stepped out of the gloom.

"I-I had a message from StarClan. And me and the other medicine cats discussed it," Nightpaw started. "We each agreed on telling our leaders."

Witheredstar immediately straightened, his amber eyes widening in surprise. "A message? Are we now able to travel back to our home?" Nightpaw felt a stab of grief. They would never be going back. Not ever. It greatly pained Nightpaw to tell his leader, and he forced himself to stay.

"No," Nightpaw saw grief, anger and depression swirl in the depths of his leader's eyes.

"No..." Witheredstar whispered.

"But, StarClan has not gave up on us. They have requested all the Clans to go to the lake territories. Where the original Clans once lived." Nightpaw mewed quickly.

"Once lived?" Witheredstar questioned, confusion mixing in with all the other feelings.

"Yes," Nightpaw shifted his paws. "There was a battle in StarClan. Our ancestors ended out on top, and the original five Clans fell completely apart. Cavestar asked us to rebuild them, and become ThunderClan. CreekClan will be RiverClan, MoorClan will be WindClan, and LagoonClan will become ShadowClan." He finished his report.

Witheredstar didn't speak for a long moment. "It's not safe to travel in our conditions. Besides, we don't even know the way."

Realization hit Nightpaw. We don't know the way... He blinked at Witheredstar, having nothing else to say. It was true. If they didn't know the way, how could they expect to get there? And his Clanmates were still not fit enough travel, too. Perhaps Nightpaw could help with that?

"You may leave, Nightpaw. Thank you for the news." Witheredstar dismissed the black and gray tom with a flick of his tail, and Nightpaw left.

Once outside, he saw the Clans bustling and sharing tongues. Most seemed happier than before. Perhaps some hope had been restored in some of them? "Nightpaw!" Nightpaw jumped at his name. He turned to see Graytalon stalking toward him.

"We need to train," the gray tabby tom meowed once he had reached him. "You can't expect to become a warrior when you don't know any battle moves. We'll practice the basics."

Nightpaw nodded. Finally! I've been waiting to get back to this! He thought excitedly. There was no way he would let Robinpaw or Rubblepaw ahead of him. As mentor and mentee ambled into a small clearing, of soft, fresh smelling grass. Paved walkways cornered the square of grass, and buildings towered nearby.

"We'll start with a basic paw swipe." Graytalon said as he turned to face Nightpaw. The tabby reared up on his hind legs and then swiped a strong paw down on to Nightpaw's white freckled muzzle. His claws were slightly unsheathed.

Nightpaw felt a stinging pain come from his nose. He crossed his eyes to see the tiniest speck of blood on his nose. He decided not to complain, for it wasn't a big deal, even if warriors were supposed to train with claws sheathed. Besides, it was only an accident.

"Try it," Graytalon ordered.

Nightpaw nodded and tried to lift himself up. He wobbled and didn't stand up for long. He found himself staring into the soft grass. He lifted his head and shook it to clear it. He stood back again, still wobbling because of his unfamiliarity with the odd stance. I wonder how twolegs do this? He thought, slightly frustrated. If a twoleg can do this, then so can I!

He focused, looking down at his hind legs. He widened them slightly, and found some kind of balance, though he was still wobbly. Quickly, he tried swiping his paw down, but fell on to his stomach. Graytalon immediately had him pinned hard to the ground. "Too slow."

"But it was good for a first try!" Nightpaw insisted on keeping his spirits up. Graytalon only snorted.

"I'll say it's good when it's actually good. If you're ever to survive, then you better know how to do the basics." Graytalon glared coldly at him.

Nightpaw shrunk into his thin fur, disheartened by Graytalon's words. But when Graytalon simply stared coldly at him again, he stood up, trying to find his balance once more. And so, the training went on. It seemed to be moons until Nightpaw had gotten down one move!

So far, he had learned the front paw blow, the belly rake, and play dead, which he did exceedingly well on. Nightpaw sighed as they parted their own ways into camp, his head down. "I'll never be a good warrior..." He muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, a pain shot up through his tail, and he whipped around. He curled his tail protectively to his side and looked down at his attacker.

A brown and white tabby she-cat stared innocently up at him. "Sorry!" The kit squeaked. "I'm Fallowkit, and my sister Seedkit is over there!" She pointed to a pale ginger she-kit who stood laughing. "We were playing truth or dare, and she dared me to jump on your tail!"

Nightpaw wrinkled his nose, annoyed but also amused. "Go on and continue your game." The black and gray tom ambled off to his box before rain started to drip down slowly. It was a peaceful drizzle, and Nightpaw enjoyed watching it from the shelter of his box. The other CavernClan apprentices huddled tightly inside the box. Some slept, and some simply watched patrols with slimy fish trot into camp.

Beaverleap and Beetlepaw in particular caught Nightpaw's eye. He soon grew tired of watching patrols come in and out, though, and his muscles ached. He was hungry, but didn't care to get up and fetch one of the slimy fishes. He buried his head in his paws and hoped silently that StarClan would visit him again.

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