//chapter thirteen\\

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The pale sun shone easily through the bare branches. A soft layer of blinding white snow blanketed the foliage of the forest floor, and covered the tops of bare branches. Imprints of large and tiny paws were molded into the earth, and led into a medium sized clearing where the rough trunks of trees were thinned, and the sky was completely open.

Robinpaw, Hollypaw, Rubblepaw, Softpaw, Adderpaw and Nightpaw all worked tediously. Rubblepaw and Softpaw were rolling heavy rocks to the sides of the clearing, their gray and white pelts blending perfectly with the surroundings. Robinpaw and Hollypaw argued in the center, perhaps about who should do what. Nightpaw and Adderpaw seemed to be the only ones quiet.

Nightpaw was shuffling snow out of the way. It had fallen more heavily here since there wasn't many branches to catch it. Nightpaw was still fascinated at the white flakes, and now they were even more common now that it was Leaf-bare. While shuffling snow, Nightpaw thought about Finchpaw, who had been put on den duty. He felt bad for the brown tabby, for he knew how boring changing out moss could be.

ThunderClan still had no medicine cat, and Nightpaw had been collecting any herbs that he could find. He would treat the regular injuries of his Clanmates, and sometimes a common cough. He thanked Dustshine for his knowledge of basic herbs. However, he made sure Witheredstar knew that it wasn't his path to become a medicine cat. Graytalon disapproved greatly, and looked down on Nightpaw even more, so he also made sure to keep his warrior training in check.

"Roll these rocks over there!" Sparrowsight called, causing Nightpaw's ear to twitch. He never knew the deputy could be so loud and demanding. He had noticed how harsh Sparrowsight had been on Adderpaw, but it seemed to do the small apprentice good.

He had learned that Adderpaw was the runt of the litter. He couldn't remember quite how he found out, but he guessed he had heard someone gossiping about the tom. Softpaw was just as boisterous as ever, and he sometimes found her annoying. Though he knew she was just a happy cat, he couldn't bring himself to talk to her.

When Nightpaw and Adderpaw finished shuffling snow around, and the clearing was only a layer of brittle grass, the apprentice broke up into groups. They were finally beginning to battle train, as they had mostly only hunted since they had arrived at the lake territory.

Since then, prey had grown scarcer every minute. Nightpaw and his siblings had grown exceptionally, too. The black and gray tom with white freckles had long legs now, and a more narrow face. He had lost the kit fluff around his ears, and he felt more adult in general. He was nine moons now.

"Nightpaw!" Graytalon's agitated voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "What did I just say?" The gray tabby narrowed his blazing eyes.

"U-uh..." Nightpaw looked around at his denmates hopelessly. To his dismay, Softpaw nor Rubblepaw helped him out.

"Enough daydreaming, Nightpaw," Graytalon mewed, disappointed. "Battle practice is not the time."

Nightpaw nodded slowly, and focussed his attention on the mentors. "As I said," began Graytalon again, "we are practicing partner training." He nodded to Dawnblossom.

The she-cat dipped her head. "Softpaw, you already know this, so help the others." The white apprentice gave an enthusiastic nod. "For you two, I want you to stand on your hind legs and press your backs together."

Nightpaw pressed his flank against his brother's. Rubblepaw lifted up first, being the more sturdy of the two, followed by a wobbly Nightpaw. His eyes widened as he looked down at the ground beneath him. He immediately forced himself to look up and focus himself on Dawnblossom's honey colored pelt.

The she-cat gave him a nod of encouragement, and he felt more reassured. Suddenly, he came topling down into the earth, and a large weight had him pinned down, face buried in the ground. The weight lifted, though, and Nightpaw scrambled to his paws. He gasped in deep breaths as he turned to his attacker, only to find Cinderwing looking at him calmly. "You should've been ready for that."

Nightpaw felt a sense of agitation, and he lashed his tail. He knew better not to speak out, though. Besides, everyone knew he was always too scared to speak up for himself. He sighed and reared back up again, pricking his ears and watching warily. Graytalon leapt toward Rubblepaw, and his brother swatted Graytalon's head with a paw.

"Good," Graytalon nodded in approval.

Dawnblossom and Cinderwing both launched themselves at opposite sides. Nightpaw's golden eyes widened in surprise, and he flailed his paws at the air. Eventually, he hit something hard, and realized it was Cinderwing's forehead. "Sorry!" He squeaked.

"Don't be sorry! You're fighting! You're defending your Clan!" Cinderwing charged at him, but sidestepped at the last moment and pushed him over. Before you could say "mouse," she was on him.

Nightpaw groaned. "When is this over?" He muttered to himself, rearing back up behind Rubblepaw. His brother was doing much better. I'll never be a good fighter! The thought flared determination through him.

Softpaw, who had seemed once so calm and placid before, leaped at him. He swatted her down, surprised at the power he hit the white cat with. She landed with an hmph but showed no signs of injury to Nightpaw's relief. Feeling triumph course through him, he lifted his head proudly.

His brother, meanwhile was batting down both Graytalon and Cinderwing. Nightpaw was then leaped on again, caught off guard. Rubblepaw fell down with him with a yowl of surprise. He saw the other apprentices glance at them curiously before turning back to their training.

"Nightpaw!" Rubblepaw pushed himself up on his paws. "You ruined it again! We were doing great until you had to fall! Why can't I have a better partner than him!?" Rubblepaw added to the accusations, turning to Dawnblossom.

Nightpaw felt his heart break. I've had it! I'm tired of everyone making fun of me! I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm weak! I'll show them! With the last thought, he tackled his brother, a red haze clouding his vision. He felt his claws unsheathe and he tore through the gray fur of his brother. A strong hatred coursed through him, and he felt his claws reach flesh.

A yowl of pain rang through the forest, and he was dragged off and thrown against a nearby tree. He felt his back hit hard against the trunk, and the red haze cleared. He laid there for a moment, his gaze bleary. Finally, it cleared and he saw Rubblepaw staggering to his paws and breathing heavily. Parts of his fur was ripped, and speckles of red dotted his brother's gray pelt.

With horror, he realized what he had done. He had attacked his brother. All the apprentices and mentors stood over Rubblepaw, a few glaring at him. Hollypaw's and Adderpaw's were mostly sympathetic and they started toward him. Immediately, Nightpaw rose to his paws and dashed off.

The wind flattened his fur and he pushed against it, thankful for his long legs. He closed his golden eyes and kept on running. He dodged trees and underbrush, and even a small river, and until he felt like he had run the whole way back to the old Clans did he stop, panting.

He flopped to the ground and took in deep breaths. His muscles ached and he curled against the cold. His thin fur  was bristled along his neck and shoulders, and he just wished to be alone. For moons he seemed to have laid there, until a sympathetic voice made him leap to his paws.

Nightpaw faced a calico she-cat with golden orbs just like his own. The calico stared at him, and Nightpaw noticed she was almost identical to Maplewish and Robinpaw. StarClan..? Oh great, I've ran myself to death. I probably deserve it...

"You are not dead, little one. But you must go home. ThunderClan needs you." The she-cat had a soft voice, very gentle and calming.

"I can't," Nightpaw hung his head, being blasted again by the strong gusts of wind. "I've hurt Rubblepaw. And I've run away. They'll never accept me!" Nightpaw longed for Maplewish's comfort. He felt like a two moon kit. He knew he was being whiney, but he couldn't help it.

"Go," the calico urged. "They will accept you. I promise." With that, another flurry of snow blurred his vision, and when it cleared, the calico was gone.

Nightpaw flopped back on to his stomach. Questions burned inside him. Who was she? Why did she want him to go back? Why did she care? Reluctantly, Nightpaw lifted himself to his paws. He had to go back. He smelled heather, which must mean he was on WindClan territory. He would've normally panicked, but he didn't have the energy.

He reached the river that bordered ThunderClan and WindClan territory. Bunching his strong haunches, he leaped onto a thick branch that was just over the stream. He padded precariously along it until he was comfortable with walking on the branches. He jumped slowly from tree to tree, memories of his old home flooding back to him.

He scented squirrel not too far away and followed the trail into a small tree cavern. Two squirrels lay side by side, breathing faintly. Free prey! He licked his lips in delight. Perhaps his Clan would appreciate him when he brought back two squirrels! He put his paw through and dug his claws into both their necks, killing them swiftly and hopefully without pain.

He gripped the squirrels in his mouth and started his way home.

So, I've decided to start doing shorter chapters with shorter waits. It'll fit better with my schedule. Sorry to those who like longer chapters, but I have a life outside of Wattpad too. Anyway, sorry to leave you guys on sort of a cliffhanger again.

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