Chapter 1

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Smokey and Jack walked into the forest silently, They were enjoying their night.
"The night is so beautiful under the moon." Meowed Smokey as they walked. Jack nodded. They soon heard a ruffle in the brambles, their heart raced in fear as the ruffle got louder. A cat pounced out from the bush scaring Jack making him run. Smokey growled and hissed at the mysterious cat, Her fur was held straight up. The mysterious cat stopped running and stood still staring at Smokey. Smokey huffed and growled but let the cat sit up. 
"Hi, I'm Mousepaw!" Meowed the cat. Smokey rolled her eyes and hissed.
"I'm Smokey, What are you doing running in the middle of the forest like that?" Smokey asked with a growl. Smokey seemed upset for she was disturbed enjoying her one night out.
"May I ask you that? This is MoonClan territory." Mousepaw meowed. Smokey flinched in anger, Her claws unsheathed and her teeth bared. 
"Why can't you and your MoonClan share territory?" Smokey asked making Mousepaw a bit angry with this Kittypet. 
"You don't know anything about the Clan's do you, Kittypets aren't allowed in the forest and we need prey a lot right now." Mousepaw answered.
"Could you tell me why you need so much prey?" Smokey asked a bit for calmer. Mousepaw looked sadly at the ground. 
"We don't have much prey, MetalClan keeps taking it and keeps trying to kill our clanmates. There are four Clans, MoonClan, FeatherClan, WaterClan, and MetalClan. MetalClan suggested all the Clans split up and have our own territories, The other three Clans didn't agree and decided to move MetalClan far away from the other Clans so they could be in peace. We eventually had to split up and MetalClan found out, MetalClan is seeking revenge and is taking the Clan's prey and killing Warriors. We don't have much prey so I decided to go hunting and that's why I'm out here. You're not part of MoonClan so you can't be here." Mousepaw answered. Smokey was amazed by her story and felt bad about being angry with Mousepaw. 
"I'm sorry, I had no idea. I'll leave." Smokey meowed turning around. 
"Wait, Smokey is it?" Smokey turned her head. She saw another Brown tabby, she was taller and looked older than Mousepaw. 
"Y-yes." answered Smokey to the stranger. The tabby smiled and looked like she had found hope. 
"Would you like to join MoonClan? You seem to be really interested in the Clans and we could really use more Warriors. I'm the leader of MoonClan, Rabbitstar." Meowed Rabbitstar. Smokey looked happy and excited. 
"Yes!" Smokey purred. Rabbitstar nodded her head in agreement then walked off with Mousepaw. Mousepaw looked behind her staring at Smokey. 
"How do you know we can trust her? She's a Kittypet!" Mousepaw meowed at Rabbitstar. Rabbitstar stopped in her tracks and then looked over to Smokey. 
"She will have to prove herself to the Clan before she joins it as an apprentice." Rabbitstar meowed calmly before she started to walk. Smokey seemed happy and determined to join the Clan.

"Smokey, How come you aren't dead?" Jack asked Smokey sitting on the fence. Smokey leaped up in the air landing on the fence next to Jack. 
"They asked me if I wanted to join them, I have to prove myself." Smokey answered with a light purr of joy. 
"Are you actually going to join a group of cats you just met? They could be tricking you!" Jack meowed. 
"Please stay." Smokey sighed and then shook her head at Jack's pleading words, Jack was her best friend and she couldn't leave him.
"Maybe I could ask if you can join, That way we'll still be able to see eachother." Suggested Smokey. Jack looked at Smokey with fear and then started to smile, it was a good idea. 
"Okay, See you tomorrow!" Purred Jack as Smokey jumped off the fence into the twoleg garden.
"See you tomorrow, Jack."

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