Chapter 1: Where am I? Who are you?

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A constant beep was the first thing I heard when I woke up. I didn't want to open my eyes. This thing that I am lying in is comfortable. Who knows? Maybe I'm dead. Maybe, they moved me to a better lab with a better prison.

Is this the feeling of being dead? No, if I'm dead, then why is there a beeping sound?

Curious, I opened my eyes. However, the first thing that I saw was blinding light. Even after blinking rapidly, my eyes did not adjust to the light. Hissing, I hid my head inside the warm blanket that was on me.

Strange. Why am I on a bed? Why am I not locked up? Why do I have a blanket?

Still covering my eyes, I glanced inside the weird cage that I am in. Why does it have a door handle? Do they want me to escape? Why is there a window?

This thing that I was lying on was an arm away from the large, open window. Standing up, I stood up so I can see what was outside... but my hand felt weird.

When my gaze fell to my hand, I froze.

A tube like thing was connected to my arm. However, I couldn't see the tip. It somehow disappears inside my arm. They always put it  in my arm during and after an experiment.

I snapped out of it and violently tore the thing off my hand and suddenly, that thing that made the constant beeps made a strange continuous noise.

Startled, I slightly jumped and covered my ears. The sound is very annoying and it hurts my ears. I hear a voice outside the door that is shouting commands at someone and footsteps that are getting louder and louder by the second.

I don't what to do. So I did the first the first thing my mind told me to do.


So, I leaped out of the window at the same time, I hear the door burst open. The fall hurt a lot, and my right foot took most of the damage but I needed to escape. They might bring me back. They might send me back to them.

I struggled to stand up and when I did, I stumbled a few times but I guess it was worth it. I don't want to go back. Every single day was hell. I never want to go back there.

Limping, I wandered around the place but tried to hide at the same time. I wasn't allowed to go outside so I obviously won't identify this place even if I saw the whole place.

I'll just look for a place to stay first. I thought as I limped to who knows where.

A hours had passed and I found a place to rest. I am now currently leaning on a tree. Correction: slumped on the tree.

My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier and I want to rest. My eyes slowly closed and I was about to doze off when I heard a sobbing noise that is getting louder and louder by the second.

My eyes snapped open and put my guard up. I narrowed my eyes and saw the figure of a person coming towards me. Getting ready to defend myself if needed, I slowly slide up using the tree to support me.

Since it was getting closer, I could see it better. It was a girl. She's shorter than me, has brown hair and is sobbing hysterically while trying to cover her face with her hands. In a blink of an eye, she jumped on me and cried in my chest and because of that, I lost my balance and fell on the floor.

I froze. I don't know what to do! I mean, what would you do if a random person jumps on you and suddenly cries on you? It made me feel uncomfortable then that feeling increased tenfold when she hugged me and started talking gibberish.

I didn't know what to do so I simply did what my instincts were telling me to do. So, I patted her head slowly and awkwardly, while looking away.

After a few minutes, she stopped crying but still didn't let go of me or raised her head for me to see her face. Something awful must have happened to her for her to cry that hard.

"I'm not a bitch right?"

The statement caught me off guard. What...?

▪◽◾◻ End of Chapter 1 ◻◾◽▪


Andddd there. After years of recovering from an extremely annoying writer's block, I am baaccckkkkkk~! And with a shitty chapter too! I written this a long time ago honestly. I just never thought that it was enough to satisfy readers.

Anyway, I'm sorry ;A; I'm so sorryyyyy. The update was delayed but my insecurity ;-;
In other words, I suck. So here's a author's note that I wrote a year ago :

Guys, I have been thinking, and I want your opinion on it. Would you like it if I turn this into a crossover? I really have no idea what to do with this. I mean, I know the plot but I realized that its a bit... Childish... So I thought, maybe, put a little crossover to add up some spice? I'll even let you guys decide what anime would be crossed with this (I'm feeling generous...?).    

But before we talk about the other anime, I want you guys to decide if you want it to be a crossover or not.

That's all I want to say about that matter. Anyway, thank you for bearing with me, sorry for the giant author notes, and... comment your opinions...?

Have a nice day :)
Isa-chin out~

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