Chapter 1 - Slush

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"..." the sleek, black-furred cat, stared on his back at the pitch black sky of the Dark Forest, and said nothing. He couldn't be actually sure if what he was looking at truly was the sky. For all Raveneye cared, it could be a very large crow, spreading it's wings across the gloomy forest, or just an empty nothing. But whatever was up there, Raveneye would like to think that it was more hospitable than the Dark Forest.

Raveneye knew exactly what he did to get here. He remembered being exiled from ShadowClan, and walking into the pine trees, where he would then walk a path of solitude. But strangely...

He didn't remember anything after that.

Not like he cared. Raveneye liked to think that he was lucky that he didn't remember his death. What if it was something gruesome, like painfully dying on a twoleg trap? Or embarrassing, like accidentally falling into the river and drowning? Or perhaps the most embarrassing, starving to death? He was probably the worst at hunting in ShadowClan, that was definitely true, but that just made it even more... humiliating.

"Oh mighty cats of StarClan who wouldn't hear me anyway, why does the Dark Forest have to have so much slush?!" Raveneye whispered sarcastically, which slowly turned into a yowl. He was right. There were gumps of slush that he had collected on his pelt from various parts of the Dark Forest. And Raveneye couldn't bother to clean himself up, because it was just disgusting to lick it. Not to mention the rivers in the forest were also dirty.

Sighing, he rolled over and picked himself up, and started walking somewhere aimlessly, his ears down with annoyance. Dying was probably the worst thing that ever happened to him. He stared at his claws. Or maybe murdering other cats was.

No... they deserved it. I think. Yep, definitely, Raveneye said with a small growl escaping his throat. They were planning to do something bad. I had to do it.

Just thinking about his actions annoyed Raveneye, perhaps even angered him. He started picking up his pace, paws squishing against the mud-like dirt, leaving paw-prints with every step. 

Several heartbeats later, Raveneye realized that he was feeling something different. Like a less gloomier area of the Dark Forest, and there seemed to be... grass? Dead grass, but still, grass. He hadn't seen that in a moon. Looking up, he saw what was the reason for this.

The border between StarClan and the Dark Forest. There were some signs that you were getting to the border, but otherwise, there was a drastic change between the two. The trees of the Dark Forest were barren and rotten, while the trees of StarClan were lush and bright. Too bright for Raveneye, but that's what living where everything has pretty much a dark color does to you.

Raveneye just stared, in awe. He had never actually seen StarClan himself before, so this was all new to him. But that moment of breathtaking was interrupted by a cheerful meow.

"Oh hey, it's another cat!" Raveneye briskly turned his head to the side to see a small, fluffy black cat with grey eyes. Most likely an apprentice.

"...who are you?" Raveneye asked, with curiosity. Could this apprentice not tell that he was a Dark Forest cat?

"I'm Blackpaw! From SkyClan! I was climbing a tree, but then I fell, and now I don't know where I am..." the apprentice said with a droop in their voice. Raveneye sighed.

Poor Blackpaw, he doesn't even know that he's dead, Raveneye thought to himself, before lifting a paw. "I'm Raveneye, but listen. You best run off into the forest, and find some other cats. I won't be much... help to you," Raveneye said, while trying not to make eye contact.

"Why? Why can't you help?" the persistent apprentice questioned.

"Well... because I only know this part of the forest," Raveneye started to explain, and pointed his tail at the gloomy Dark Forest, "And I don't think you really want to go in there."

"Oh... ok," Blackpaw said, but then quickly asked, "Can we be friends?" Raveneye seemed a bit startled, that his fur spiked up a bit, before falling flat again.

"Sure, I guess. But don't expect us to meet up often," he said, and sat down with a yawn. Blackpaw grinned at Raveneye's reply, and said, "Bye Raveneye!" before bounding off further into StarClan territory, like Raveneye told him to.

Raveneye just yawned again.

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