Fair Fun?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

May' POV

"Come on!"


"It will be fun!"

"It won't."

"Why not?"

"I don't like fairs."

"How can you not like fairs?"

"Because I don't."

"You need to loosen up."

"I'm not going."

"Yes, you are. I will use force if necessary."

"You? Use force on me? Ha!"

"Blazikin! Take the stage!"

I sighed. If you can't tell by now, I was trying to convince Drew to go to the local fair with me. And failing miserably. Fortunately, Blazikin can be rather persuasive.

"Hey! Put me down!"

"This way Blazikin! To the fair!"


I gasped as we reached the entrance. There were Roller coasters, haunted houses, food venders, games, a circus, and even a Ferris wheel.

"You can put him down now." I said, grabbing his wrist before he could make a dash for it.

"Oh! This way Drew! I said dragging him in to a tent labeled Ms. Skitty's Circus. (A/N try saying that five times fast!)

-one circus and one lunch later-

"I know! let's go there next!" I Said pointing at the Ferris Wheel.

"Uh... Are you sure you want to go there next?"

"Yeah, unless you want to go on one of the roller coasters first."

He shrugged, not saying anything. That was when I realized that Drew had been really quiet today. Even more so then usual. I frowned.

"You feeling ok?"

"...Yeah. I'm fine." He said, turning to look up at the Ferris Wheel.

"You sure?" He was beginning to worry me.

He simply nodded.

Ok, something is really wrong. He has hardly said anything, he hasn't insulted me since we entered the park, he didn't say anything on how much I ate and hardly ate anything himself, he has seemed distracted all day, didn't have a smart comment on how I was concerned if he was ok, and over all just... not himself.

"Drew... If anything is wrong, you can tell me."

"I already told you, I'm fine!" He said, almost snapping at me.

"Sorry..." I muttered.

I hope he is just tired. He probably didn't get much sleep after staying up training.

I grabbed his wrist again, this time a lot more gently and pulled him into the Ferris wheel line which was surprisingly short. I guess not many people come on Tuesdays.

Soon, it was our turn to get on, but Drew didn't move. I reached out and gently grabbed his hand, leading him on to the car.

I sat on the right, and we started our accent. We were about twenty feet off the ground.

I heard Drew gulp.

"Hey Drew... You OK?"

"Yeah, yeah just fine..."

I turned to admire the scenery.

A few minutes later, we were only half way up and already the people below looked like little ants.

"Wow..." I breathed. "Isn't it beautiful, Drew? ...Drew?"

I glanced over at my friend. He looked really pale, his emerald eyes were squeezed shut, his hands were tightly gripping the safety bar in front of him, and he was breathing in and out rapidly.

That was when it hit me: Drew was scared heights.

I felt a little bit guilty. I was the one who had dragged him on this ride. I was the one who hadn't noticed that he was scared to get on.

Drew's grip on the safety bar tightened even more, if that was possible.

I felt even more guilty. If Drew was terrified at this height, then I didn't even want to think about how scared he was going to be once we reached the top.

I had two choices now. I could try to comfort Drew, or I could try to distract him.

I didn't really have anything to distract him with, so I tried the first one.

I placed gently my hand on his. He turned to look at me but immediately clamped his eyes closed again.

"It's ok..." I whispered. He slowly released his right hand, and held mine instead. He held it tightly, but he didn't crush it.

We began the climb down.

"Its almost over..."

At this point, he was shaking. I had no idea that highs terrified him so much.

My rival, my calm, cool, collected, cocky, arrogant rival, was visibly freaking out in front of me. He must be hating this so much right now.

Finally, we finished the loop and had both feet on the ground. Well, more or less. Drew was so shaken up that I needed to support him so that he could so much as stand.

I quickly led us over to the nearest bench. I sat down next to Drew and waited for him to recover.

He was slouched over and still breathing heavily. I didn't even notice that I was still holding his hand.

-five minutes later-

Drew still seemed to be zoned out, so I did the first thing that came to my mind: hug him. That snapped him back to reality.


"Welcome back from Lala Land." I said, releasing him from the wrath of my arms.

"Don't ever make me do that again."

"You could have just said something in the first place." Yeah, right. His pride would never allow that.


"Thought so."

He turned away from me.

"Um... You can let go of my hand now..."

"Huh? Oh..."

I dropped his hand and faced the other direction to hide the fact that my face had begun to turn pink.

"Uh... Want to go play some of the games?"

He flicked his hair

"Of course the child would want to play the games."

Yep. Drew is back.

I grinned "You're just afraid that I'm going to beat you."

He smirked. "You wish. I could beat you at any one of those games."

I laughed. "You're on!"


Me: Ok, I'll admit. That was pretty lame.

Drew: do you enjoy torturing me?

Me: yes, actually.

May: ...!

Me: sorry that Drew was so OOC. I tried to make up for it in the last few lines, but I think I failed...

Drew: yes, you did.

Me: hey!

May: not nice!

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