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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with crossover stor. I hope you all like this fanfic as this this my first time doing a story of three anime shows, but meh. Also depending on how this fanfic goes the updates may or may not be slow as I'm still working on my other stories too. Enjoy!!!


(Cue Opening 1 - BOYS AND GIRLS)

(As the music starts, a closed-up notebook with the words "Hero's Journal" was seen lying on the ground before  a pair of red boots appear in front of it, causing the camera to pull up and reveal Izuku reaching down to pick the book up.)

[Boys & Girls be ambitious! Boys & Girls keep it real!]

(A hand taps his shoulder, causing him to turn around, before the camera changed visual to show Belle and Luna both smiling. Izuku grins back at them before they trio hear something at look up at the sky.)

[Boys & Girls be ambitious! Boys & Girls keep it real!]

(Camera pulls up to Goku Jr leaping into the air with a toothy grin, before jumping down on the ground with Izuku, Belle and Luna the camera caught sight of the U.A school building behind the group and moved closer, where dozens of bird could be seen taking to the sky with a digital engraving of 'Fairy Academia Z' forming over what looked like the Four-Star Dragonball with the Fairy Tail symbol in the middle.

[MANYUARU doori no mainichi no naka tobidashita. Kimi wa otoko no ko]

(Showing the inside of UA, Class 1-A could be seen interacting and goofing around while a few were standing up. Iida was ranting about something while Kirishima was a few feet away, sitting at his desk while speaking to the boys, though Todoroki just remained in the back. Uraraka was talking with Tsuyu, Momo, Jiro, Hagakure and Ashido. Mineta was sitting at his desk a perverted look on his face as he watched the girls interact. Bakugo could be seen sitting in his desk with an annoyed look, ignoring everything that was happening.)

[Otona ni narezu ni. Demo kodomo demo irarenai toki mo aru darou]

(Scene switches to Goku and Belle sparing against each other but then hear a voice behind him. He turns around to see Izuku write rapidly in his notebook while muttering. Luna shaking her head at the boy Goku blinks twice at the boy before laughing. With a devious smirk, Belle jumps at Goku, putting him in a headlock.)

[Daremo ga isogi ashi de sugite yuku sekai de]

(Scene switches to Goku, Izuku Belle and Luna were seen sitting together on some steps, with Luna sitting on Belle's shoulder. The group then raised their head to look up at the sky with small smiles on their faces.)

[Bokura wa nagare boshi ni tachidomatta]

(The setting changed to show Belle looking down with a solem expression as flashes of Team Natsu and Fairy Tail appear.The scene was switched to show Goku flashes of his Grandpa, Goku Sr, Puck, and Vegeta appear. Then they both spun around to face the screen with Belle raising a hand to brush away the lone tear falling down her face.)

[Yuzurenai mono wo hitotsu. Tatta hitotsu de tsuyoku nareru]

(Scene switches to show Izuku use a Smash against Villains in the water, creating a whirlpool. Goku reared a fist back as before punching forward at Nomu, who dodged out of the way with a large, fanged grin as he tried to strike Goku with his fists, only for Belle to intercept with a Sun Dragon's Talon. A clash continued between the three before Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan, while Belle rears her head back before going into her Dragon Force Roar as they rush at Nomu.)

[Kowagari na kimii no te wo hiite aruite yuku]

(Switching the image to show All Might, Recovery Girl, and the other teachers standing together in a circle like when they are having a meeting, they are replaced by a Nomu's maliciously growling face appears, as he roars at the camera. Screen splits in half as half of Kurogiri and Tomura Shigarki take the screen, their eyes shining ominously yellow and red, respectively.)

[Ikioi wo mashita mukai kaze no naka wo]

(Super Saiyan Goku clashes with Nomu, who had transformed into his Devil Slayer form, with the two of them exchanging several blows before Belle in her Dragon Force delivered an uppercut that sent Nomu flying into the air. Goku then fires a Kamehameha as Belle releases a Sun Dragon's Roar at the airborne Nomu,  before a giant explosion occurred.)

[Boys & Girls be ambitious! Boys & Girls keep it real!]

(Scene switches to a grinning Goku is shown rising to his feet, with Izku copying his friend's actions as he stood up as well. Goku turns his head to look at Izuku and raised a fist up, making Izuku look at it for briefly before he smiles and bumps his fist against Goku's.)

[Boys & Girls be ambitious! Boys & Girls keep it real!]

(Belle then appears behind the two, wraps her arms around both boys with a smile with Luna flying above them. The group then turns o the screen with big smiles as U.A  is shown behind them.)

Song ends.


Thunder rumbled across the chilly night sky as a cloaked figure sped through the streets of the dilapidated city beneath it. The figure, a tall, elderly man with a bushy white beard and sparkling blue eyes, ignored the rain pelting down upon his hidden form and paid no heed to his racing heartbeat, choosing instead to remain resolute in his journey as he tightly clutched a sack hanging over his shoulder.

He darted out of a dark alley onto a main road, only for the world around him to be set ablaze. Fires sprang up through cracks in the ground, and the already-decaying buildings in the vicinity collapsed with a ear-splitting boom. A savage bolt of lightning struck the empty road, splitting it in two as though it were a flimsy plastic toy.

The cloaked man breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth, the cool but tasteless air giving him a brief moment of comfort. As though a switch had been flipped, the flames receded and the toppled buildings rose back to their normal heights. The man wiped the sweat off his brow, visibly gleaming even among the raindrops, and continued on his way.

Upon seeing an abandoned warehouse, he burst through the door and slammed it behind him. His keen eyes hurriedly scanned his surroundings for a barricade of some sort, eventually settling on a dusty metal workbench. With notable exertion on his wisened features, he dragged the workbench to the door and set it as a makeshift barrier, praying to any deity who would listen that it would hold strong.

The man puffed and wheezed, his aging body exhausted and weary, but he knew he had to keep moving. Exhaling deeply in an attempt to calm himself, he turned around and proceeded deeper into the warehouse, but was halted in his tracks when the roof collapsed in front of him, exposing him to the sight of a meteor shower assaulting the Earth.

The man blinked, and the meteors went away while the fallen roof righted itself. He grimaced, knowing that time was running out, and ran through the building until he reached a door at the very back. After rushing inside it, he found himself in another gigantic room, with the only difference to the previous one being a glass ceiling instead of a concrete one.

His chest then spasmed and he fell to his knees, the sack over his shoulder slipping from his grasp. It hit the ground with a thud, and the man could only watch as seven orange balls with red stars on them slid out, rolling across the floor. He tried rising to his feet, but his legs wouldn't budge, forcing him to let out a weary sigh.

With trembling hands, he moved the balls close together, momentarily admiring how mystical they looked when glowing in unison. Once that was done, he bowed his head and bellowed at the top of his voice, "Arise, dragon of legend! Arise, and grant my wish!"

The balls began flickering like light-bulbs and started emitting a strange pulsating sound that grew louder the longer it went on. The room turned dark, clouds that had come out of nowhere suddenly covering the already faint moon, and leaving the glowing balls as the only light source in the area. A pillar of radiant yellow energy then rose from the pulsing spheres, shooting towards the sky and cutting through the glass roof with ease.

The long, thin and cylindrical energy then coiled around in the shape of a snake as the light slowly faded to reveal menacing reptilian features. When the yellow had disappeared completely, it left in its place a colossal serpentine dragon, its scaly green skin glistening in the rain. Two brown antlers jutted from its lizardike head, while green hair flowed from its cheeks. A pair of thin green whiskers protruded from its long snout, and its mouth opened to reveal razor-sharp teeth which matched the dangerous-looking claws on its four feet. However, the creature's most menacing features were its glowing red eyes, gleaming ominously in the darkness of the night.

The cloaked man who had called forth this beast was rendered awestruck at the sight, and could do nothing but stare slack-jawed into its crimson orbs. A sudden pressure struck his body to the core, making him feel like an insignificant ant in the presence of a god.

"Why have you disturbed me from my slumber?" the dragon roared, its booming voice reverberating through the room despite its mouth remaining unmoving. Lightning flashed in the background, further punctuating its commanding aura. "State your wish so that I may go rest once more!"

That broke the man from his stupour, and with a deep breath he mustered all the courage he had remaining and matched the monster's ferocious glare. "I have seen the future, and it is grim!" he began as disturbing visions started playing through his head like a roll of film, making him choke up. "This world is full of hate, anguish and sorrow... and if left to fester, it will cast a dark shadow upon us all! Try as I might, I find myself powerless to stop this!"

Tears now streamed down his face, and he made no move to wipe them away. "But while there is darkness, there is also light! There are good people on this planet, and they don't deserve to go out in such a way! Innocent men, women, children who want to live their lives in peace... pro heroes, police officers, doctors who want to help others... why should their lives be cut short at the whim of the mad few?

"Mythical dragon of legend... I have spent the better part of my life searching for you, in the hope that you can help put a stop to what's to come!" His heartbeat quickened; now was the moment of truth. "My wish is for you to bring heroes to this world who will save us from the awful future that looms ahead – a shining beacon of hope who will act as a light in the darkness, and one whose heroism will inspire future generations for years to come!"

Silence reigned for a few seconds, and the man found his spirits sinking as he took this to mean the dragon had rejected his wish. Just as his heart was about to shatter completely, the magical being's scarlet eyes glowed even brighter before fading. "Your wish has been granted. Goodbye."

With those parting words, the dragon faded from existence in a glimmer of golden glitter, and the orange balls from whence it came flew into the sky before rocketing off into multiple directions, quickly disappearing over the horizon.

The cloaked man's heartbeat steadied, and he allowed a small smile to spread across his lips. He had done it. Now all he had left to do was wait for the inevitable.

As though fortune had been smiling upon him, he didn't have to wait long. An emphatic crash was heard as the barred door in the other room was knocked down, and a cacophony of thunderous footsteps signalled the arrival of a small army.

With a sudden surge of adrenaline, the grinning man shakily rose to his feet. "I may not have been able to choose my place of death, but I can sure as hell choose how I'm going out!" He threw off his black cloak, revealing a simple vest with multiple sticks of dynamite strapped to it. "You want my body? Then you can have it... if you can find it, that is! Go beyond! Plus Ultra!"

With the pull of a trigger, a deafening explosion was heard, and the large warehouse went up in flames. A gargantuan pillar of smoke, fire and ash spiralled into the air like an erupting volcano, and the pouring rain could do nothing to stop its ascent.

Right before the the explosion, the man seen a what appeared to be a vision of three figures standing side by side.

One appeared to be a a teenage boy with black unkempt spiky hair and onyx/blue eyes.

The second appeared to be a young girl with long ash-blond hair and sky-blue eyes. Though she had what appeared to be some kind of fairy-mark on her right shoulder.

The third and last figure was a boy with green, bushy hair with emerald green eyes.


There you gave it! The prologue for this story. Tell me what you guys think of it! Like before please give a review and tell me what you like and dislike. Thanks for reading. 

Ending Theme - Light of Hope

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