Harry Potter- 2

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Months went on as I was having the best time of my life.

Yes it looks easy and enjoyable but really school will always be school!!

Frustrating and loads of work.
It's so cool to hang with Hagrid and the golden trio, but it's too irritating to attend Snape.

I tried to be a good child, but guess what, he is just like that.

Today is halloween and we were attending Professor Flitwick charm class.

"wingardium leviosar" Ron growled. "wingardium leviosar,wingardium leviosar"

No, stop, stop, stop!" Hermione said." You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosar."

"They are such a cute couple" I giggled.

"Couple??" Said Harry in confusion.

"Um..I mean they fight like couples do." I explained.

It's so hard to not give spoiler when you know what's gonna happen.

After the class got over I was with Parvati as she was asking me the work given yesterday. I was explaining her and was behind Hermione.

"It's no wonder no one can stand her," I heard Ron talking to Harry they pushed their way into the crowded corridor, "she's a nightmare, honestly."

Honestly Ron that much loud?

Hermione knocked into Harry as she hurried past him. I caught a glimpse of her face, as she was crying.

"I think she heard you." Said Harry.

"So?" said Ron, but he looked a bit uncomfortable. "She must've noticed she's got no friends."

"You are wrong here Ronald." I stated blocking their way. "I am her friend, and yours too, that's why am not saying much to you, and just think before saying or atleast look around."

"Ella I didn't mean that." Ron said as he follows me through the corridor. "Ella! Ella, come on-"

"Am just going to find Hermione." I told him.

"Ohky then we will meet you in flying class." Harry said.

They really don't give a damn about her.

I rushed towards the girls bathroom but was eventually stopped by the caretaker Flich.

"What?" I asked him.

"Go to your class." He stated.

"I am just going to the bathroom." I said impatiently.

"You can't make things." He said. "Go to your class, you are enough trouble."

"Ufff..fine." saying that I turned by the corridor and stopped.

What should I do now? What now what now!

I turned to the next corridor towards the stairs. When I finally climbed on the one, I heard someone behind me at the stairs.

As I turned around to see who's that.

"Snape" I gasped.

"So much respect you have for your teacher Miss." He said.

"Sir, I mean professor Snape sir, I mean Mr professor Snape sir." I muttered.

"I think you are quite free today, care for a detention in my office." He motioned.



After three hours of torture, and arranging ingredients I walked away from Snape's office.

He just left me because of the Halloween.

I ran towards the bathroom as I hear Hermione's sniffs.

"Atlast." I said knocking the door. "Come on Hermione open."

"No, leave me alone." I heard her trembling voice.

"You know I have a three hour of detention with Snape because of you." I said sitting down and still knocking."And you are saying me to go."

"Just go away."

"Are you really crying for those fools. They don't worth your tears Hermione." I said.

I know it's not right to protest, Ron and Harry aren't like that but I can't.

These months I really don't care about anything I just got close to Hermione and she is my friend.

"But but..I don't have friends right, they were saying the truth afterall." I heard her dull voice.

"So you consider me as nothing." I asked her.

"No..but..you are right..." She said and I heard the sound of the door opening.

I hugged her as soon as she came out.

"You know am so-"

That was the moment someone- the one which is equal to ten- entered with a growl.

It was a horrible sight. Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite gray, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut. It had short legs thick as tree trunks with flat, horny feet. The smell coming from it was incredible. It was holding a huge wooden club, which dragged along the floor because its arms were so long.

Both of us scream and the troll got sight of us.

Damn I forgot this part.

We both sat down as we watched it coming towards us.

Doesn't matter how many time I have watched Hermione being rescued by Harry and Ron, but the thing is I AM GOING TO DIE

I heard Ron's voice, but it was hard to see cause I was on tears.

I can't hear, I can't see, I was just shocked so much.

I heard Harry as he shook me, but I can't take my eyes off the troll.

I watched as Harry jumped on the back of troll and the troll growled. And then Ron hitting him with the spell.

"Ella," I heard Hermione as we both got up and saw the motionless troll.

"Is it dead." Said Hermione.

"I don't think so..." Said Ron.

"Are you alright?" Said Harry rushing towards me, I gasped as he hugged me tightly. "Who takes five hours to find Hermione?"

"Um..it's just.." I tried to explained as he loosen his grip.

To hell with being nearly killed by a troll, Harry hugged me.

The bloody Harry Potter, the choosen one, the one who lived, hugged me.

"What's going on here?" We heard Professors.


I was on my bed laying quietly.

It's boring!
I am just in first year man, I want more.
Second year- Ron gonna shine.
Third year- Hermione gonna rock.
So I must shine in fourth but it's far away-

"So what do you want?" A voice rang and I screamed.

"Fairy..." I wishper as I saw her floating above me.

"So you aren't enjoying..and I thought that hug would be a great idea." She shrugged.

"You...you planned that hug?" I asked. "Hm..but we are kids you know, atleast my body, but what can I do about this sixteen year old mind."

"Don't worry the time would fly soon." She assured. "Soon."

3 years later (cause this writer really haven't plan 2nd and third year so we are jumping on 4th)

"Wake up, sweetie you have to go to the Weasley's" I heard my mom's voice.

Weasley was enough for me to jump up in my bed.

"Now get ready, we would meet the Weasley's and then you would behave like a good girl at the Quidditch world cup." I heard dad as he kissed my forehead. "At the time you return your new books and things would be send to Mrs Weasley."

I nodded. Am gonna watch quidditch world cup.

I tried my luck in quidditch, but Wood said I have to practice more.

I would try my luck in fifth year.

But Quidditch world cup is a whole different thing. I jumped down the bed and start changing my clothes.

After an hour we reached at the place where the Weasley's would meet.

"Ella!" I heard a happy voice of Ron as he ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Gosh you are tall!" I said as he was towering over me.

Everything aside, Ron is best! He is my Bestfriend, obviously on second as Hermione came first, but he is nice to talk . Me and Harry aren't tht close by now but I don't care that much cause we are good friends.

"Ok then I would take my leave." Dad said as he handed me my bag. "Auther if she does any mischief, just let me know and next time she wouldn't be allowed-"

"Come on dad I don't do mischief-"

"Aside the fact when you help us in driving the car to Harry'!" Said Freddie.

"Or the time you irritated Charlie by talking wrong about dragons" said Georgia.

"Pranking Bill that you cut his hair, when you have Ron's hair in your hands!" Said Freddie.

"And nearly knocking out Percy when he was babbling about his prefect batch." Continued Georgia.

"Oh come on you two!" I growled.

They are worse then Fred and George.

Maybe I like Weasley's a bit too much, but I was just joking all this time.

"She didn't knock me out, I just got a little nap." Hissed Percy.

"Surely brother." They both said together.

"Don't worry, she is a good girl." Mr Weasley said to dad, and he took his leave.

We walked a bit inside the forest as Jin and Harry talked about Quidditch.

And then the main thing happen. Cedric Diggory.

The charming boy was just standing in front of me, and his smile was priceless. I can't help but smile seeing him as he said hello to everyone.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Asked Hermione.

"I don't know." I laughed.

Gosh I love this man so much-

"The what?" Again(am tried of this shit) the fairy appeared in the middle of no where.

"Why do you read my mind? And why do you disturb me everytime." I growled. "You just keep give me realisation that this is just a play??"

"Cool down cool down.." she said, not even a slightest effect of my anger. "I know how you feel, but I have to make the story according to you, I have set the next 4years according to your choice and now you are saying that you love Cedric?"

"Um..I mean obviously I want Harry, but I want Cedric too." I said. "Um..but you know...um..there shouldn't be a Cho too!"

"You are a over possessive girl." She said.

"Now that's true!"

"So you are saying you want to be with Cedric and after his death, you want Harry's sympathy and then Harry? What a villan type mind you have." She said.

"Yes...but no...but yes..."

Am confused...am not selfish...but all of this make sense...

But it's my life now I would enjoy as much as I want. And just talking with Cedric for a month or two won't change my love for Harry right.

"I would do that it's not wrong!" I told her.

"As you wish!"


What do you think, is she doing wrong???? Is she being selfish.

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