Chapter 17- Changes

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Levy POV

It is the first holidays of the school year. I suppose the year has been good so far but things have definitely changed, for the better is what im not sure about.

Lucy and Natsu had finally told everyone they were dating not long after they got caught skipping class down near the big oak tree at the back of the school. She spends a lot of time with him now, instead of skipping class they hang out during, before and after school. I never get to see her really except when we are in a class that Natsu isnt. Lucy is the same girl don't get me wrong but I just wish that I saw her more.

Juvia is off with Gray most of the time. It isn't as bad as Lucy but it is a strain on our friendship. Everytime we talk is Gray-sama this and Gray-sama that. Gray's life was interesting until hearing it a second time over. I think I have heard the same stories about 30 times each, not fun.

Erza still hangs around with me most of the time but I don't see her after school anymore. She has been way more strict with her martial art regimen. I think at some point she is going to over do it one day, I am really worried about her. I dont even know what brang this on, it just started one day.

Gajeel and I have been keeping up with the whole fake dating thing. He sometimes even comes over to my house after school, neither really has anyone to hang out with after school so its the next best thing. We have gotten really close now and we actually know a lot more about each other. I never knew he was so great to hang out with or how good of guy he actually is, I couldn't even believe that deep down he even had a caring side. Tutoring is paying off for him too. Im a great teacher even if I say so myself.

All these changes are so hard to keep up with. I have like some of these changes but some aren't so great. I do miss some of my friends sometimes.

'knock knock'

A knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts. I stand from where I lay on my bed and head towards the front door. Mum and Dad aren't home because they have this event they were invited to, they asked me if I wanted to go too but I declined, I couldn't be bothered with their friends.

I open the door and there stands Gajeel, leaning against the door frame.

"Hey what's up?" I ask him semi surprised to see him on the first day of the holidays.

"Just came to see what you were up too" He said seeming bored, I know how he feels.

"Come in" I say gesturing to him to come in. He happy enters the house and heads straight for my kitchen. "Hey, what are you doing? I didn't say I was going to feed you"

"You aren't, i'm going to find food and feed myself" He says chuckling.

"That isn't what I mean" I say slapping the back of his head. " So what are your plans for the holidays?"

"I dunno probably coming to annoy you everyday.......we could go to that rollercoaster park thing sometime if you want" He says as if asking permission.

I havent been to a theme park for over ten years, I dont even know what they are like anymore. What do you do there? I guess I could go just to waste some time and I would actually be spending time with someone I know. Mum hates it when im cooped up in my room and not socialising with my friends.

"Sure" In response, he smiles at me and continues to look for something to eat.

"Do you want anything?" He asks pulling out a whole lot of food and putting it on the bench.

"You better be good at making a sandwich" I say laughing at him. He looks at me as if i'm being an idiot and makes me the best sandwich ive ever had.

Time skip

"i'll see you tomorrow?" Gajeel asks stepping out the door and turning to look at me.

"I suppose you will" I say giggling. I wave him off and close the door behind me.

I think I might actually look forward to tomorrow. It should be really fun. I run up to my room and start reading a book to pass the time so tomorrow can hurry up.

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