Chapter 29- Where we go

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Gray POV

Juvia is resting at the moment. She has been doing really well with remembering crap, she still doesn't remember everything though. I still want to know what set her off the day of the accident. No one has any idea what happened.

Bzzt Bzzt

From: Flame Brain

Hey, can I stay at your house tonight.

That's weird. Natsu has never wanted to stay at my house more than a couple hours, because he said it was too quiet, let alone stay the night. I wonder is something is up.

From: Popsicle

Sure, but you will have to come to the hospital to get the key.

From: Flame Brain

I'll be there in ten.

"Who are you texting Gray?" I hear Juvia's voice and see her sitting up on her bed staring at my phone curiously.

"Natsu, he wants to stay at my place tonight" I say in response.

"What? Does he want to spend some guy on guy time with you?" She responds laughing and then her face freezes in a look of disbelief. She is set in concentration. Maybe a memory.

"What's up? Are you remembering something else?" I say a bit worried. The expression on her face is quite sad which makes me think it could be what made her cry that day. She doesn't respond though. She sits there, looking straight down as if to avoid eye contact with me. "Come on Juvia, tell me"

She looks me in the eye with tears running down her face and her mouth trembling. "I remember everything. You don't have very much time to explain yourself either." My mouth drops in disbelief, what is she talking about?

"Um is this a bad time, I mean I can come back in a couple hours or something" Natsu stands at the door with an uncomfortable look on his face. He always looks quite distraught but I've got other things to concentrate on.

I get up and walk over to Natsu while Juvia is still crying. "Here, plenty of food in the fridge, might want to check the used by date first though. Don't do anything stupid and bring the key back when you're done"

"Thanks man, is everything alright?"

"Yeah just don't mention anything you heard to any, ok?" He nods his head and waves to me as he leaves. I turn around and head back over to my seat next to the bed. She now won't look at me.

"What is going on?" I ask getting really pissed and the way she is acting.

"You, I saw you almost kiss another guy. I thought we were dating."


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