Chapter 35 - I asked you to leave

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Happy chapter 35 everyone. I would just like to say thank you again for all the reads and votes. I know I say it a lot but I do appreciate it and I want to keep letting you know so you feel good about making me feel good. Not in a perverted way. Sorry I've been slow on this update but i really haven't had any idea on what to do next with this fanfic. Be aware that I will be finishing this fanfic soon but not for another 5-10 chapters so nothing to really worry about but it is just a warning. Also sorry if this chappie is crap its just that I'm getting this out for you guys. Sorry for shortness as well.

Natsu POV

I walk out of my room and make my way to the kitchen. To be honest, I feel completely starved. I don't even know if I have food, haven't gone shopping lately.

I wonder how Luce is this morning. That reminds me, I have to call her up today to ask if we were still going out together today.

As I reach the fridge I see a figure out the corner of my eye sitting at the table. I freak out for a little bit then remember that dad came back. Great just what I need to start the day.

"Did I make you jump?" He asks with a slight chuckle. I just shrug him off and continue to look for something to eat. I'm not really in the mood to fight again because I know that if we start to talk then its not going to end up civil.

"Good morning?" My father says.

"Can we talk please?" He asks sounding slightly worried.

"There's nothing to talk about" I simply reply while pouring myself a bowl and cereal and starting to make my way back to my bedroom.

"Natsu" He speaks up just before I'm completely out of the kitchen. I halt in response. I haven't completely lost all my manners. "I want everything to be OK between us"

I turn around slamming my bowl on the bench and almost breaking it. Making eye contact with him I say, "If you wanted everything to be OK between us you wouldn't have left me. The least you could have done for me now is stay the hell away. Even though its only been two years, you have missed out on so much and put me through more than you think. I don't care why you had to leave, if anything I should've been more important but I guess not. So do me the favour of leaving again. This time don't come back" My father sits at the table before me with a shocked look on his face.

Then my phone vibrates in my pant pocket causing a disruption in the tension between my father and I.

To: Natsu

Juvia wants you and I to come to the hospital for some unknown reason.

From: Luce

To: Luce

Yeah OK. I'll be there to pick you up in ten

From: Natsu

I then, without another word, chuck on a hoodie and make my way out to the car.

"Natsu wait" I hear as I exit the house but this time I don't stop, he doesn't deserve my time.

-Time skip to the hospital-

Luce and I walk hand in hand down the hallway of the hospital. Nothing much has been said between us. I'm just not to rage over my father's arrogance.

"Are you OK, Natsu?" Luce finally says after almost reaching Juvia's room.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lie.

"Don't be stupid Natsu, I know you are lying. To be honest your not that good at it." She is right. I can't lie to her even if my life depended on it.

"Don't worry about it now, we are here for Juvia. I'll tell you about it later"

"Promise?" She says with a stern look.

"Promise" I say with a reassuring smile.

We walk into Juvia's room and everyone sits there happily talking. Gray sits with Juvia on her bed like nothing happened the other day. So everything must be OK again.

"Hey Lucy, Natsu" Juvia greets us both.

"So want have you called us here for?" Luce asks cheerfully.

"Gray-sama has something to say to all of us when Erza arrives"

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