Chapter 1: The Shapeshifter of Death!

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It was the year X772, exactly 5 years since the destruction of the large and glorious town, Flevance. Millions perished at the impact of the giant meteor that struck the entire town but as millions of lives were lost in the catastrophe there was luckily one survivor hailing from the town of Flevance.

Her name was Trafalgar D. Water Law. A once kind and loving child full of hope and wonder but now she sees the world in a new light. A world full of sadness and tragedy, a world where the strong survive and the weak die. Spending 5 years alone in such a big and unforgiving world can do that to you.

Law was born boyish looking girl, leading others to believe that she was actually a boy but her and her parents knew that she was actually a girl though being born a futanari didn't help her much. She had short black hair, black eyes with faint shadows under them and a round face. She wore a fur hat littered in brown spots, a raggedy shirt, shorts with white spots on them and black shoes.

In her hands was a long katana with a black sheath that had white crosses diagonally running up the sheath's sides. On the upper part of the sheath was a red string that was tightly tied around the sheath, taking up a portion of the sheath. It had a furry white guard and a purple handle with a golden hilt and a golden base.

This was her family's sword, more specifically her father's. It was the only thing left in the massive crater that was once her town. Ever since that day, Law has never smiled and has always had a neutral look on her face or a deep frown. Though this was not her only distinct feature.

Law had always wanted to save lives and do good in the world, this led her to have an admiration to wizards and all the good they do with their magic and this made her have the dream of becoming a wizard herself and helping people with her magic but that wouldn't be the case.

Law found out that she was born without any magical prowess, crushing her dreams and saddening her greatly. Law didn't give up though as she decided that she would save lives the normal way and so she strived to become a doctor, the best doctor in the world. She was a very smart, being able to read in just 9 months and reading and memorizing every book concerning biology, science, history, languages and geography.

She practiced in surgeries and was mentored by her father, who was a famous doctor in the kingdom of Fiore. She was a prodigy and just at the age of two she was already helping her father with performing surgeries on people.

When the meteor struck the town, everything was destroyed though Law was luckily out of the town gathering groceries from a nearby town. When she saw the meteor she ran into the burning town and towards her family home, only to find it completely crushed by the meteor including its inhabitants.

Law tried her best to lift the meteor, though that was clearly impossible. When she touched the meteor though, something incredible had occurred. The meteor had exploded in a blue flash and when the smoke died down, everything was gone. The town was gone, the meteor was gone and the only thing it left behind was its gigantic crater with Law standing in the center with her family sword lying in front of her.

Something changed about law that day, not just her personality but her appearance as well. She now had tribal tattoos on her arms; on both of her hands are letters spelled as D E A T H tattooed in black on each of the back of her fingers. On the back of her right hand was a black cross tattoo. On her chest was a tribal style heart tattoo with a smiling face on the center, on her shoulders was a simpler heart tattoo and the same smiling face was tattooed on her back.

These tattoos made her feel different, they made her feel powerful. Throughout her journey, she discovered that she had the power to shapeshift into beings with great power. She has only managed to shapeshift into one being and when she tried to become others, all her energy was immediately drained though this being has become her favorite.

She trained and managed to master the powers and aspects of the creature she is able to become. She travelled from town to town, taking jobs to earn money and destroying any dark magic guilds, shady businesses and any enemy that comes across her path.

This caught the attention of some guilds and even the Magic Council. With the mysterious disappearance of Flevance and the number of deaths at her hand, the Magic Council had placed a bounty on the seven-year-old.

She was wanted dead or alive, given the title 'Shapeshifter of Death' and given a bounty of 500,000,000 Jewel.


Law continued her walk through the forest. She stayed on the dirt path, not because she was scared, no not by a long shot, but because she was tired of dealing with the idiotic creatures that reside in said forest. She could understand why they attacked her since she entered their territories but what she couldn't understand was why they tried to kidnap her when she clarified to them that she was a girl, it doesn't matter now anyway.

Hopefully she could sell the Gorian's fur that she took from them after she killed them. She wanted a real meal, when she cooked and ate the Gorian's, they were unsavory and extremely bitter. That was why she was walking along the path right now, to reach the next town and get some good food.

'Hopefully there won't be any bounty hunters there, they can get really annoying especially the ones with magic.' Law thought as she continued on.

When she reached the town, she stood at the entrance and her frown deepened as she saw the amount of people that were walking around the town. She always hated interacting with people because they would either talk about her behind her back or ask too many questions regarding her inhabitants, family and tattoos. She looked to her left and saw the name of the town on a sign: Clover Town.

She walked through the town looking at all the buildings and people of different shapes and sizes, it has been a while since she's seen civilization and it felt a bit relieving to know that she wasn't in constant danger anymore though her guard was still up and her grip on her Katana never faltered, if anyone attacked her then they would soon meet a swift end.

As she expected, the people she passed all avoided her. Some with looks of concern, some with worry, some with fear, others even began whispering to each other, thinking that she wasn't aware of it. She ignored them though, people could say whatever they wanted. It's not like Law actually cared about their opinions.

Walking around the town, she stopped in front of a bar. It was a medium sized building with a large barrel on the roof with words written in front of it: Lucky's Bar! Her stomach growled, knowing that she wasn't old enough to drink but there would also be food served in the establishment.

Entering the bar, she noticed quite a number of people paying her no mind. They were either laughing, exchanging stories or just having fun drinking even though it was still 10 A.M. She walked over to the counter and jumped on one of the seats, she saw the bartender talking to a short old man and they seemed like they were good friends.

Law held up her katana and slammed it onto the counter, gaining the attention of everyone in the bar and effectively silencing them all. The bartender excused himself from the old man and approached Law while everyone else watched on.

"Who's the kid?" One of them asked.

"Check out his tattoos." Another whispered.

"Never see someone so young with that many tattoos, he must be trouble." Another said as he sipped on his drink.

Law ignored them and stared at the bartender who gave her a big grin. He was short round man with thin legs and a large piece of meat in hand. He wore a shirt with green and white stripes with a green collar that was tied up by a white rope and the shirt barely fit him so it exposed his round belly, he also wore tanned pants that was being held up by a green fabric and green/white shoes with green socks. He also wore a bandana that was the same color as his shirt and small brown goggles around his eyes.

"Yo! Name's Lucky, what can I do for ya young one?" Lucky exclaimed.

Law removed her katana from the counter but she still held onto it under the counter as she looked at Lucky and answered "I came for some food."

That was all Lucky needed to hear as he nodded and walked out into the door that was behind the counter, which was what Law guessed to be the Kitchen. Things slowly returned to normal in the bar as people started talking and laughing again.

Law noticed, from her peripheral vision, the old man shifting his seat towards her until he was only sitting a few meters away from her.

He was an extremely short, elderly man. He had black eyes and was growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair and a thick white mustache. He wore a white shirt, a sleeveless red blouse with yellow buttons on top, blue pants, a white cloak and brown shoes. This man, to everyone was known as the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, Makarov Dreyar.

"What do you want?" Law asked coldly as looked at Makarov.

"Excuse my sudden appearance young man, I was just wondering if I may join you." Makarov asked with a kind smile.

Law didn't answer as she chose to rest her left arm on the counter and rest her head on the palm of her hand. Makarov took this as a yes as they both sat in silence. There was something interesting about the girl next to him and not just her appearance but the energy she was exuding. He could feel it, for now it was dormant but he could feel it. A dark energy that was being contained, a strong and dangerous one indeed.

Lucky came out of the kitchen with a large whole cooked chicken and two pieces of bread. He placed the plate in front of Law and a cup as well, reaching out from under the counter he grabbed a bottle of cola and poured it in the cup.

"Here we are!" Lucky exclaimed still with a big grin on his face, he held out his right hand in front of Law as he took a bite of his chicken "Now that'll be 1,000 Jewel."

Law immediately dug in, eating the food as if it was her last. She would never admit it out loud but the loud fat man was an amazing cook.

She swallowed the food and looked at Lucky with a dull expression "I'm broke."

Lucky and Makarov blinked in shock at what she said and Lucky let out a loud laugh as Law continued eating.

"Boy you almost got me there, now pay up young one." Lucky said.

Law continued eating but she was able to answer Lucky with the food in her mouth "I told you I'm broke."

Lucky blinked once again and grit his teeth though he was still unusually smiling "Why you little-"

"It's okay Lucky, this one's on me." Makarov said as he took out a coin from his pocket and gave it to Lucky.

Lucky happily accepted the coin as he took a bite from his chicken "Ah Makarov I didn't know young one was with you, almost lost my cool there."

"No worries Lucky, it's the least I could do." Makarov answered.

Lucky excused himself to go help another customer while Law continued eating throughout their entire conversation.

Makarov sighed as he looked at Law "That was a close one. Lucky is not one to forgive those who swindle him or steal his food, whether it be grown men or children."

Law hummed as she drank her cola while Makarov chuckled.

"Even mages like myself would not escape his wrath." Makarov said as he laughed.

Law gulped down the last of her drink and put the cup on her empty plate then she looked at Makarov with slight interest. She has met mages before but all of them were apart of some dark guild and their magic wasn't impressive in the slightest.

"You're a Mage?" Law asked.

Makarov nodded "Yes, boy. I am Makarov Dreyar! Guild Master of Fairy Tail, the best guild in all of Fiore!"

Some of the men in the bar cheered while some looked at him curiously.

"Fairy Tail...the one known for their destructive mages?" Law asked

Makarov turned pale and tears were streaming down his face as the words destruction slammed on his head.

"So you have heard of it although I would've preferred a different reason." Makarov said sadly.

"Hm. What would a Guild Master want with me?" Law asked suspiciously.

"Just wanted to make conversation is all, although I wonder why such a young child as yourself would come to a bar. Wouldn't your parents be worried?"

"Corpses wouldn't need to worry." Law answered.

Makarov understood what she meant and pitied her. He reached out and patted her back gently. Law visibly tensed but she soon relaxed into the touch, the last time she has ever been touched this softly was the night before everyone she ever knew and loved died.

"I'm sorry for bringing that up, my boy." Makarov said "Have you any friends at least? Someone to protect you?"

"Only had one and he's dead. I don't need someone protecting me Makarov-ya, I've been doing that for a while now." Law answered.

Makarov felt even worse, knowing that a child had faced such extremes on her own.

'No wonder his eyes look so empty...' Makarov thought "How long have you been alone?"

Law sighed "5 years."

Makarov was in shock. 5 years!? A child her age would have died in one, he couldn't comprehend it. She looked frail and tired and the way she ate her food was as if she hadn't eaten for a while, she hadn't been living, she's just been surviving.

"H-How?" Makarov asked, a bit afraid of what the answer might be.

Law just shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, which it wasn't for her.

"Do you have magic? Are you a mage?" Makarov asked, that's the only way she could have survived in he's mind.

Law rubbed the tattoos on her right arm "You could say that."

Makarov folded his arms in thought. The girl in front of him was strong, strong enough that magical energy was practically leaking out of her but the question was if she was able to control it. But he knew, he knew who she was. She was the most wanted person in the world, the 'Shapeshifter of Death', someone worth so much Jewel, if you'd captured her and collected her bounty you would be set for life. That was partly the reason he approached her, he knew about her bounty and the amount of people she had killed at least that's what the Magic Council had told him. The actual reason he approached her was because he saw a child in need, someone who would never ask for help but was in desperate need of it. Now that he knows a little more about her, he knew what he had to do. He couldn't just abandon her, he wouldn't abandon her and the only way he could was simple.

"Young man, would you like to join Fairy Tail?" Makarov asked.

Law widened her eyes in shock, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Why would a Guild Master like Makarov Dreyar invite her to join his guild? Doesn't he know who she is? He has to, unless this was part of his plan to capture her. She wouldn't put past him; anyone would try anything to earn 500,000,000 Jewel.

"No thanks." Law she said as she jumped off her seat and walked out of the bar.

Makarov looked at her fading figure in shock and decided that he wouldn't give up so easily, he jumped off his seat and chased after her shouting out "W-wait!"

Unknown to them, throughout their whole conversation they were being watched. Three shadowy figures that sat at the corner of the bar were watching Law and Makarov, more specifically Law.

"Is that him?" one of them asked for reassurance.

"It has to be, he looks exactly like the picture." Another said as he looked at the bounty in his hands.

"Then what are waiting for? Let's kill the kid and collect his bounty." The last stated smirked and stood up.

The other two followed suit and they all left the bar.


At this point Law and Makarov have made it out of Clover Town and are walking through the forest outside of the town. Law walked ahead and Makarov was following behind her, the old man was persistent and it was starting to annoy her greatly.

"Why do you keep following me?" Law asked in annoyance.

"Because I see a child in need of help and that is what I am here for." Makarov answered.

"I don't want your help."

"No but you need it. Like it or not, I am here to help you." Makarov said with a kind smile.

Law glanced at him over her shoulder then looked forward "Tch, do what you want. I don't care."

Makarov chuckled as they continued walking. They eventually reached a clearing, it was a grassy field that was by a river and there was one tree at the center of the field. Makarov noticed that there was a bag leaning against the tree.

"Is this...where you've been staying?" Makarov asked.

Law didn't answer and she instead approached the tree and leaned against it as she stared at the river. Makarov walked up to her and they both stood side by side, staring at the calm stream.

"Why do you want me to join Fairy Tail, Makarov-ya? Surely you've heard of me?" Law asked after a moment of silence.

Makarov folded his arms and shut his eyes as he spoke "Yes I have, but all of that doesn't matter to me."

"It doesn't?" Law asked.

Makarov nodded "No, it doesn't. I know what you must be thinking, if I agree to go with him then all he will do is turn me in to the Magic Council. Well under normal circumstances that would be true but for the short time that we've know each other, I began to see the real you. You are not the murderous demon that you are made out to be, you are just a scared child that is alone in this world, looking for what everyone needs. A friend, a family. I may not know much about you but I can tell that you have lost those you hold dear and I promise you that with Fairy Tail, you may never replace the family you have lost but you will come to find a new one."

"" Law asked, uncertain of what Makarov was saying.

Again, Makarov nodded "Yes. Fairy Tail is a special guild if I may say so myself. Unlike some other guilds, Fairy Tail is a place where all of our mages are treated as family. We are there to support and help each other grow, through tough times know that Fairy Tail will always be the family that will stand by you."

Law was awestruck, of course she was having a hard time believing what the Guild Master was saying but she wanted to believe it. She wanted to find a place where you can be a family and stand by each other.

Makarov noticed that she was still unbelieving of his words and spoke once more "Tell me young man, do you know why the guild is called "Fairy Tail"?"

Law shook her head "No, why?"

"Because the question still remains to this very day. Do fairies have tails? Do they even exist...? Like them, the guild has an eternal mystery...A never ending adventure!"

"A never ending adventure..." Law muttered.

"So what do ya say? Would you like to join Fairy Tail?" Makarov asked as he held out his hand.

Law thought about the offer. A chance to have a true family? That seemed impossible, you can only have one family and her's was gone but...would it really hurt to try? There's nothing left for her anyway. A never ending adventure as well. That seemed like things that would only happen in a book but the same question remains...would it really hurt to try?

"I-" Law cut herself off as she felt something coming towards them and it was coming in fast. Law tackled Makarov and they both flew away from the tree and to the ground a few meters away from it.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Makarov exclaimed.

Law stood up and nodded her head towards the tree, Makarov looked and his eyes widened to see a lightning bolt lodged in the ground where they were just standing.

'A lightning bolt? Had someone been watching us this entire time?' Makarov thought.

Makarov looked to see Law staring at the forest so he spun around faced the forest, his fist growing in size "Whoever you are, come out! Or will I have to force you!"

An eerie laughter filled the atmosphere and the bushes began rustling, soon enough three men walked out. The first man was tall and lanky with yellow eyes, spiky yellow hair that was covered up by a yellow hat. He wore a frilly yellow shirt with yellow tights and pointed yellow shoes, in his hands was a normal wooden bow. The second man was tall and big and he wore a full suit of armor and a golden crown on his head with a long sword on his back. The third man was a man with brown hair and brown eyes with a brown beard, he wore a green long sleeved shirt, a sleeveless brown shirt, baggy pants, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat with two guns strapped on both sides of his hips.

"Well, well, never thought I'd be the lucky rancher to collect the bounty of the Shapeshifter of death, heehaw!" the cowboy said with a cocky smirk.

"Indeed, it will be thy honor to slay thee, Shapeshifter." The knight agreed.

"And I wouldn't mind liberating the old man, so he doesn't talk." The archer said.

"Bounty hunters." Law growled as she glared at them.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Makarov questioned.

"Well if you must know partner, the name's Jack, Jack Rancher, heehaw!" The cowboy, now named Jack introduced.

"I am the legendary magic knight Arthur." The knight, now named Arthur introduced.

"And I fight for the freedom of others, you can call me Robin." The archer, now named Robin introduced.

"And we are the Magical Elements!" All three announced.

"The magical Elements? I've heard about you, your part of the Flaming Emperor guild!" Makarov shouted.

"Flaming Emperor?" Law asked.

"That's right, the Flaming Emperor guild is a Dark Guild specialized in Bounty Hunting but they were disbanded because their master beat a Guild Master from another guild to death and burned the whole guild down as well and the Magical Elements are his top dogs!" Makarov explained.

"Master still has trouble controlling thy rage, oh I pity thee." Arthur said.

"Can't blame him, that other guild was annoying! All of them deserved to die, but don't worry your pretty little heads. Even if we were officially disbanded it doesn't mean we can't still do our jobs as Bounty Hunters, heehaw!" Jack said.

"We shall bring you to justice, shapeshifter!" Robin said.

"Stay back-" Makarov was about to say but Law already rushed forward and drew her sword.

He watched in disbelief as Law slashed Arthur's chest and sent him flying back into the forest, Robin and Jack looked at Law in shock as she stabbed her sword in the ground and spun around it, kicking them away.

'Incredible! I didn't even see him move and he didn't use any magic as well!' Makarov thought "Just how fast are you?"

"Damn it! Take this you little bastard!" Jack shouted as he drew his guns "Guns Magic: Homing shot!"

Jack fired both his guns and glowing red bullets flew towards Law at exponential speeds, luckily Law managed to dodge them but that wasn't the case as they made a round trip and aimed for Law's back. She dodged the bullets once more but they still followed her with the same speed they had as when they were fired.

"Don't forget about me!" Robin shouted as he pulled the string of his bow back and a lightning bolt appeared and acted as his arrow "Lightning Arrow: Thunderbolt!"

Makarov heard this and saw the thunderbolt flying towards Law at lightning level speed "Watch out, behind you!"

Law turned her head to see the thunderbolt flying towards her from behind and the bullets coming from the front

"Tch!" Law clicked her tongue and spun in a full circle. As she spun, she managed to cut the bullets in half and disperse the lightning bolt away by cutting it.

"No way!" Jack shouted in shock.

"He somehow managed to cut high velocity bullets and a thunderbolt that's as fast as actual lightning!?" Robin shouted in utter shock and disbelief.

Hearing this, Makarov was in complete and utter shock. He couldn't believe that the child in front of him was that fast and he didn't even use magic. He was about to step forward but he stopped when he felt a powerful aura of energy hit the area around them, it was so powerful that it brought him to his knees. Robin and Jack weren't faring any better as they felt the energy as well and both fell to the ground, unable to stand anymore.

"W-WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Robin shouted.

"WHAT POWER!" Jack shouted.

All three saw that the aura coming from Law, her eyes were shadowed by her hat but the light blue aura was clearly visible around her.

"I'll make this quick." Law said "Shadow the Hedgehog."

And with that Law's body disappeared in a bright blue flash that caused Makarov, Jack and Robin to cover both their eyes. When the flash died down, they were shocked to see a different figure standing in her place.

It was an anthropomorphic black hedgehog with red stripes on its quills, around the edges of its eyes and on its arms and legs. It had red eyes, a patch of white fur on its chest and its muzzle was tan. It has six quills on its head, four of which curved upwards and two curved downwards, two spines on its back and a small tail. It was wearing white gloves with black cuffs and red tongues, white Air Shoes which like its gloves, have black cuffs and red tongues. On each of its wrists and ankles, it wore a single gold ring.

Jack and Robin were both cowering. A second ago, Law looked like a harmless kid. Now, she turned to an animal they have never seen before and it was radiating an unknown power. This must be why she had such a high bounty and this must be why they called her a shapeshifter. What they expected would be a normal take-over mage, turned out to be something entirely different and way scarier.

"Die." Shadow said and as he stepped forward he was gone, only to reappear once again but this time he was sheathing his sword.

Once he was done sheathing his sword, both Robin's and Jack's heads flew off them and fell to the ground with their blood gushing out in massive quantities. Shadow walked over to his bag and picked it up then looked at Makarov.

Makarov was flabbergasted and horrified, the child he has just met was fast enough to keep up with seasoned bounty hunters that were renowned for always catching their prey and to top it all off she transformed into a being that was so fast that in only a blink of an eye it decapitated both bounty hunters who were in two separate locations and this was all done in under a minute. From what he has seen, Law was someone who was not to be trifled with. She had the Magic Power to defeat Gildarts, no, she had the Magic Power to defeat even him and she was still just a child!

"Law." Shadow said and in a blue flash, Law returned.

She started walking away but noticed Makarov was unmoving, she looked at him over her shoulder.

"Well? Are you coming or not, Makarov-ya?" Law asked.

Makarov gulped as he tried to control his fear "Where are we going?"

"You talked about Fairy Tail so much, I wanted to see this family of yours for myself." Law said "Only then will I make my decision on joining."

Makarov coughed "R-right, we should be going. Onward, young man."

"Oh and Makarov-ya." Law said as she suddenly stopped and gave him a deadly glare.

Makarov froze in fear "Y-yes!?"

"I'm a girl." Law stated.

Makarov blinked "Eh...EH!!!!!!!!!"


East Forest

A yellow flash appeared in a dark room and as it dispersed, Arthur fell to the ground in a dark room. He was breathing heavily and his chest plate was missing, revealing his muscled chest but there was a slash mark running along it and blood was gushing out.

Arthur coughed up some blood and groaned in pain 'That was close! It's a good thing I had a spare teleportation Lacrima or I would've joined Jack and Robin in thine afterlife.'

"Arthur..." A deep voice that almost sounded like a growl said.

"M-Master..." Arthur whimpered.

"What the hell happened to you? You look like absolute shit!" Another voice laughed as he stood in the shadows by a large man who sat on a throne, both hidden in the shadows.

"W-we failed, master!" Arthur said as he bowed in fear.

"Oh?" the master mused.

"Y-yes, we saw the Shapeshifter of Death and went in to attack him but he was too strong! He completely wipe us out, both Robin and Jack are dead but I managed to escape alive." Arthur expressed.

"Figures someone with such a high bounty would be strong but ain't he just a kid?" the man next to the master asked.

"That was no child, it was more like a demon in human form and when it was like a nightmare." Arthur said.

"Hmm...and was he alone?" The master asked.

"N-no master, he was with thine old man. He was a short old man who was able to turn thine fists into a giant's arm." Arthur explained.

"A giant's arm?" the man asked.

The master smirked as he stood up "Makarov! Finally, I can have my revenge on that old fool and prove that I am the better mage, where are they now!?"

"W-we fought them in Clover Town, M-master."

"Clover Town? Then that must mean they'd take the train back to Magnolia." The man stated with a smirk.

"Then that's where we're going." The master walked towards the railings of the second floor and looked down at the hundreds of men in his guild "Did you hear that!? Get ready boys, we've got a train to catch!"

The men cheered as Arthur slowly stood up.

"And what would you have me do master?" Arthur asked.

The master outstretched his left hand and a fireball was launched towards Arthur, it exploded upon contact and Arthur was nothing more than ashes at this point.

"Well that was a waste." The man said as he stood next to the master.

"Him and his team lost to a child, A CHILD!? I will not have weakness in my guild." The master said.

"It's a shame too, those guys really were fun to hang with." The man stated.

"You'll be in charge of the Guild during the attack, you'll need them." The master said.

"Oh?" the man asked.

"I will handle Makarov, you and everyone else will handle the Shapeshifter of Death." The master stated as he laughed maniacally.



Shadow the Hedgehog:

· Sonic Adventure 2

· Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

· Sonic Pinball Party

· Sonic Battle

· Sonic Heroes

· Sega Superstars

· Sonic Gem Collection

· Shadow the Hedgehog

· Sonic Riders

· Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

· Sonic Rivals

· Sonic and the Secret Rings

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

· Sonic Rivals 2

· Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

· Super Smash Bros. Brawl

· Sega Superstars Tennis

· Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

· Sonic Unleashed

· Sonic and the Black Knight

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

· Sonic Free Riders

· Sonic Colors

· Sonic Generations

· Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games

· Sonic Jump

· Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

· Sonic Dash

· Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

· Sonic Jump Fever

· Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

· Sonic Runners

· Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

· Sonic Runners Adventure

· Sonic Forces: Speed Battle

· Sonic Forces

· SEGA Heroes

· Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

· Team Sonic Racing

· Sonic Racing

· Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

· Sonic at the Olympic Games (2020) 

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