Goals For Next Year

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So, my goals for my next school year, sophomore year woah! Is to:
• Try and be less as emotional as I was last year, I would often walk out crying and having panic attacks and I'm hoping my prescription will help that.
• Try and keep my grades up. I really want to get a job next year and I will not be able to do that if I have C's all over my student portal. So I want to keep A's and B's all year.
• Keep myself occupied. Last year I got in a really bad funk and I think if I would've done something to occupy my time I would've been happier a bit.
• Keep all toxic people cut out of my life. I have cut out a lot of toxic people in my life since last year and I am not going back on that anymore.
• Broaden my music taste. Of course I've been very into Emo music for a while now, and I do like most of the stuff here, but I also want to broaden my stuff out. I want to listen to more classic rock, more heavier rock, more punk stuff, more pop, more rap, more country. I've just now gotten to a point where I can like at least one song from the big genres. I want to be more open to music.
• I want to finish writing and recording my EP. I want to have my EP out before July of next year.
• I want to keep more of my private stuff, private. Again, last year I let a lot of people know what was going on in my private life and I don't want that anymore.
• I want to look more into colleges I want to go to and I want to get into this Arts High School. I can not stay at the school I am at. The school is not a challenge for me, there is barely any structure in the classes and I just plain do not like the management of things in this school. The school I'm looking into takes mental health at a high standard and cares very much about the arts and is somewhere I really want to go.
• I want to keep up with my college class as well, I really want to do good in the college.

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