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I was tagged this time by AlexisAwesomesauce . I need to state five facts about myself. Let's go?

1. I'm actually a very shy person until you get to know me very well because then I never shut up..

2. I own two dresses, I bought them both at Hot Topic and the only colors they have are they are both Black and White.

3. I recently counted how much band merch I own. This included posters, tickets, CD's and shirts. They all mustered into a total of.... 342 pieces of merch!!

4. I already have my first tattoos I'm getting planned out. I'm getting Carpe Diem (Sieze the day) on my left wrist and Carpe Noctem (Sieze the night) on my right. I'm also really wanting to get a tea cup and tea pot with the tiny mouse from Alice In Wonderland on my ankle, and I wanna get a Batman tattoo. Preferably Batman Forever because it's my favorite batman ever!! I might have pics of the tattoos I want?

Except make the Noctem one in the area where the Diem one is.

Except way way smaller and with a tea cup.

5. I'm writing a lot of music right now and I'm kinda proud of it? I'm just really working on making this dream a reality you know?

Well that's it!! I don't remember how many people I have to tag so I'll just tag as many as I want.








Well! That's it from me! Love ya guys! Good bie!!

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