✿ Request WIP + Potato ✿

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Heyyy it's Queen Fae!

I've done the lineart for my first request!! Yaaay :3

This is ShortBirb 's OC, Basil, she's so adorable! Had heaps of fun drawing her and I'll have more colouring, too :3

If I've missed anything or need to change it please tell me! I'm probably going to make that shirt a bit more symmetrical though...

I feel like I've half developed a style or it could just be I'm not good enough to do anything no chibi XDD T^T

OH and here's a very dodgy dodgy drawing thing that I made to explain more of Queen Faery :3

I gave up halfway HHAHA the image in my head looked a lot cooler but I'm so done with it =.=

To explain there's a fairy (her adviser or smth?) telling her to get her butt back to the Fairy Kingdom cuz right now she's living in the 'human' (slash Wattpad) world with her friends SpiderPrincess and seasonal_dragon.

She's pretty sad at the moment (kinda abandoning her kingdom to do other stuff) but she doesn't wanna leave T^T

Annnnd the reason as to why she's like human-sized in comparison to fairies is cuz fairies of Royal blood (huehue) have the power to like morph slash change sizes--kinda like Wasp from Avengers or AntMan--but only to a certain extent.

I think that's it? I drew her a bit wrong her hair isn't poofy as much T^T but too lazy to change :3


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