Lucy's fate: 1) the beginning

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Lucy pov

I sighed as i placed my head on a table near to mira bar. I wonder just how long has it been I was treated badly by the most of my ex nakamas.
7 months had passed, since mostly everyone in the guild started to lgnoring me when Lisanna came back from Edolas (the alternative world of our world). They threw a big party to celebrate her return and the celebration doesn't seen as it can end.

I always wanted to get to make friend with her, but i never get a chance to do so. Before I could ask her, everyone always brushed me off and I tried to to talk to the others they always given me a cold shoulders and ignore my greeting. Even worse Natsu and the rest of team excpect wendy and began to distant themselves from me and would invite Lisanna instead of me for a job requests.

For some unknown reason Erza, natsu, Gray and Lisanna always giving me death glares whenever i entered the guild and alwas give me cold greetings.

Few weeks passed Some people like to throw bottles and magics on me as well as some want to rip my clothes.... Well is stopped by mira who were monitoring at her bar and Gajeel, thunder tribes, when they/he/she was/were in the guild. I needed to be stronger, stronger than what i was, even though i already knew, i will be going to be stronger during my 18 years old, as I my training to become stronger, I had found a crimson red with black wings dragon shaped like spirit key that I can't use it right now and a set of dragon shaped like designed guns and blades. I started to use gun and blade combat as my fighting style among with my spirits.

Only Master, Mira,Wendy, Levy, Gajeel, thunder tribes and the exceeds are the ones that acknowledges my pressence and they were the only one that always greet me with casual greeting every morining when I enter the guild and every evening I leave the guild if they are in the guild.

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday, that's mean my hidden power will be awaken. Celestial spirit magic has some hidden secret, when the Celestial spirit user has more than 10 Celestial spirit keys and he/she is 18 years old, also has a strong blond with the spirits that being contracted with, the user will be able to get to awaken his/her hidden power, as the guidance of the star has blessed every Celestial spirit users when they start to use this magic, it's up to them to be able awaken their hidden power.

Today wendy, gajeel, Levy go for a quest that only want them to go for the quest and master have gone for meeting.

I sit on the chair next to Mira bar. I order a strawberry oreo cocktail. I wait for Mira to prepare my cocktail, I look at the dragon bracelet which I notice it was on my wrist when I woke up this morning.

Mira: here your strawberry oreo cocktail

As she hand over me the cocktail, I start to drink it

I: hey Mira, I will like to take on a huge monster hunting quest with 777,777,777 jewels and 77 legendary Celestial beast key as the rewards, hey Mira, I will take this quest.

Mira: sure, you can choose which one you want to do, just make sure be safe at all times.

I: I will be, beside I am stronger now and I feel I will be much stronger later.

I smile as I continue to drink my cocktail, out of sudden a few of bottles fly to my direction, I cover my head with one hand and casually shot multiples bullets, I do not realize my body releases a bright golden dragon like aura roar at the people that throw bottles at me, as the bullets I shot penetrate the bottles and nearly hit the ones that throwing the bottles, until I hear what mira says and turn to face where the people that thrown bottles at me, they are totally frozen in fear.

Mira: stop throwing random things to lucy. *as she sees the ones that thrown thing at me, tremble in fear as multiples bullets almost hit them and a dragon roar aura from me* ..... Serve you guys right hahaha. Lucy you just release a dragon aura that tremble all the people that thrown bottles at you in fear.

I: this might be my Partially awaken hidden power* as i drink my cocktail.*

Mira: hidden power? Wow lucy how you get it? it's so cool and awesome.

Lucy: Mira I forget to mention to you about the secrets of Celestial spirit magic, here this is why I have the hidden power, Celestial spirit mages are blessed by the guidance of the star with hidden power. they can only to be able to use that hidden power when they meet the conditions to that require them to awaken the unlock power, the condition are the mage has to collect more than 10 Celestial spirit keys, have a good connection with spirit that the mage had contract with, last must be at least 18 years old .

Mira: wow that's incredible, Lucy and also you have achieved most of the requirement speaking of your birthday tomorrow we have a special party for you at tomorrow night.

I: great I will be back as soon as I had complete my quest. Bye Mira*i have done drinking my cocktail.*

Mirajane: bye *mind: 'weird I didn't saw this quest notice before, not even an hour ago and no new quest notices have sent since an hour ago. Nvm, Lucy must be very lucky to get to do that quest.'

I leave the guild for the quest.

1st july 786, 1 year after
Sakura Nasumi Angelise Rainie Exconoblitz pov

Firstly july 785 (note tenhou island incident is not in this book yet it will at other chapter so stay tune) is the beginning of the war of dragons and humans in the human realm called celestka.

Fairy tail is disbanded afterward the incident, everyone that care for lucy aka my sister Lucilyna Angelise Nasumi Celestine Exconoblitz are teleported to the dragon realm or where dad aka the Nercolancer crimson flame lighting dragon, the dragon emperor of Exconoblitz Celestial, Ballom Ecsalynor Laxus Igneel Exconoblitz or faraway high technology kingdom Cyber Genesis if they are commoners.

First master Mavis in Fairy tail had a deal with us the three dragon princesses of Exconoblitz to help Fiore to end the demonic war. The condition is from the deal onwards , the deals is a easy one, that is fairy tail members will not trying harm the life of any of us and any person related to us, or else all the dragons in Exconoblitz Celestial are going to crush the entire fiore.

Mavis agreed to our deal, but who knows 100 years later my sister, Luciliya has been critical injured, close to death by fairy tail members. Luciliya is awaken by me and my sister, Crystifer Hibiko Angelise Celestine Exconoblitz as she and i teleported to their guild then the spirit of mavis appeared as well, we were shocked that our sister Luciliya being hurt before her 18th birthday. We roared at them and declare the war and the beginning of the destruction of Fiore, surely the Celestial spirit world was one of our alliances as well as dragon realm 2.

Together, we crushed other places by other places forced ex fairy tail trying to protect their kingdom to retreat and one by one except them is infected, ex fairy tail will be the last one to be infected with the deadly dragon curse which let the cursed the people to got into dragonic berserk mode killing people they see and infected the people and make them as a group, then they fight again with each other everyday, they will always find new fresh targets first and kill them and infected them they repeat this process over again until fairy tail get their turn to taste the infection.

6 months later everyone is fighting, killing, eating each other again and again, they are granted not able to die due to the curse. Now fiore is a living hell kingdom with full of undeads fighting, killing, eating each other.

After watching this endless undead drama in dragon realm with my sisters and Luciliya's true friends if they are free for a year and I am free too. (she doesn't watch a year straight. It is a recorded one not live.) I start to have a desire to change the fate of Fiore. So I going to inform 1 year 1 day ago of my self, since I am an electronic dragon type based. Electronic dragon types based are able to communicate the future selfs or past selfs not only that, they are able to teleport things to each other. (Sounds cool and awesome right?)

I transfered my holographic record of how Luciliya nee being hurt and the war to my past self, hopefully she can stop the war.

Present Sakura pov

Hmmm..... What's is this look like a holographic record, I open the record and watch.... What the? This is so serious.... what a brutal scene.....have to inform Stifer sis to join me to stop the incident..... (Note Luna is with Sakura before the record being sent to her)

As I walk to where my sis and let her know that we have to stop fairy tail from destroying fiore's future.

No one pov
(Crystifer and lucy (luciliya) are twin, Luna looks like them)

Sakura, her best friend, Luna and Sakura's eldest sister, Crystifer head to fairy tail to stop the brutal dragon-human war whereby humans in Fiore are cursed by the dragon's extremely rare poison after buildings, infrastructures are fully destroyed by dragons, the dragons disappears and leaves the curse that drives humanites in Fiore to be destroyed, and repeated its brutally tragic cycle.

Sakura, Crystifer and Luna reach fairy tail and open the door.

They are angry when how the guild members sitting as one group lnsulting Lucy.

Mirajane sees Sakura and Luna at the guild. They formed a team together and completed her first and last S class quest, after the completion of that, Mirajane decides to open a bar and become an administrator of fairy tail.

Mirajane: welcome to fairy tail, Sakura, Luna and you are Sakura's sister, Crystifer right? Thanks for visiting me and the guild.

Crystifer: I am and I heard from my sis and Luna about you as we reunited again, btw we come here today not just to see you we have a serious problem, Sa chan, you may explain since you know that matter better.

Luna: you're welcome, Mira nee. Yea Nasumi chan please tell Mira nee regarding of that video thing you let us saw just now.

Sakura: I will and I going to btw you're welcome, actually we suppose to visit you and fairy tail tomorrow. Firstly Mira nee, do you remember that I told you and Luna about me having two sisters, one of them is Crystifer Hibiko Angelise Celestine Excoblitz..... *Am cut by Mira nee*

Mirajane: Dun tell me that Lucy is Luciliya Angelise Nasumi Celestine Excoblitz and she is you sister, Nasumi chan right?

Sakura: yea, where is Lucy nee? As tonight close to midnight, she is in danger situation, those brats attack her, their friends block you and the others who with Lucy's side from saving Lucy. *Hand over the video record to Mira nee*

Mirajane: Lucy is on a huge monster hunting quest all by her own. Honestly that quest notice shocked me as I didn't saw it at before Lucy picked it out, this quest has a very high rewards consist of 777,777,777 jewels and also 77 legendary Celestial beast keys very attractive right. OK, let's go to master office later when he is back to let him know of the war is coming and fairy tail is the mastermind of causing the one sided war.

Crystifer, Sakura, Luna: ok.

Crystifer: seen like someone already trying to help Lucy and prevent the tragic war of Fiore before us. Just who else know about it too and act before us?

Sakura: yea seen like what Stifer sis had said was truth, someone who is an expert of using celestial spirit magic is helping her. I have one person In mind, queen Layla?

Luna: that's a good new.

Mirajane: yea it is. Queen Layla? Lucy's mum name. Layla as well.... It can't be her, according to Lucy, her mum died in year 777.

Sakura: eh yea in year 777 all royal dragons except royal dragon princesses who on mission to get ready to be dragon empresses class level wow Lucili's human realm mum is a dragon too. now Lucili sis is safe, let's join fairy tail, Stifer sis and Ritiko. Before Sakura can continue and other can reply to Sakura. They have cut by Natsu.

Natsu: Hi weaklings you will be going down. Anything related to Lucy is weak.

Crystifer: so you mean we are weak huh? ok here the deal, if we are weak, you are strong then you will able to take our weak basic attacks.

Before Natsu can reply, Crystifer give him a super strong jab on Natsu, making Natsu being send flying, follow by Luna charges at him and give him a strong skyuppercut make him sendng even higher then lastly, Sakura leaps up the midair above Natsu and slam Natsu hard to the ground by her left leg with insane high speed, making a 5m crater on where Natsu is landing at. Natsu is temporary inmobilize right now.

Lisanna: that's not fair 3 vs 1.


All the other members zip their mouth as in It's Natsu's fault to show off at the new girls that he not even know what their strengths are.


Natsu who can't barely to stand now due to Crystifer, Sakura and Luna attacks. He is scared of them right now, making him tremble in fear and keep quiet.

Erza glares at them: all of you're going down, Lucy is a weaking and you all related to Lucy make you a weaking too. WEAKLINGS ARE ALWAYS WEAKLINGS, HEYAAAAA MY STRONGEST POWER TEACH YOU WEAKLINGS A LESSON.

Sakura: we are weakling huh? I think you are, NOT US! Ok lets see I will counter you with my weakest power.

as she is re-equiping her armor and weapon, before she is able to land a single attack, sakura charges at Erza at speed of plasma (est 55km/second) launch mutiples punches at Erza body, multiples bone cracking sound can be heard from Erza body and she being send flying about 55km out of fairy tail, is out cold as she lands in a infamous brothel at Magnolia due to the high speed great impact of Sakura's extremely high speed punch.

Sakura: bye bye Erza the one love to bark, but can't do a single attack, opps I overdid and overestimated her, also same for that pootsu, I not even use any magic at all, that's only means she is only barks no bites at all.

Other members: ..... This's the first time someone ever describe Erza the Titania like this....

Everyone in the guild except Crystifer, Sakura, Ritiko and Mirajane are shocked of Erza's easy defeat and Crystifer, Sakura and Luna have joined Fairytail.

End of chapter 1

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