Chapter 12

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Hey! How's it going? Look a new chapter! Yay! And you're going to love this . . . there's finally action! And it getting interesting! Yay! I'm so excited! I hope you are to! Well any ways I would like to dedicate this chapter to KatieLarryLover! She was my first unknown voter! Wahoo! I got another voter yeah! And if you wondering who the other votes are, their just one person, who I'm not naming! *Sticks tongue out at you* So there! Anyway, so love you KatieLarryLover! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

"You know her?" I asked him. He nodded and pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

"I do." Loke sighed. "She was once a regular teenage mage who was in love with the Celestial Spirit King's son."

"The Celestial Spirit King has a son?" Lucy asked completely shocked.

"He had a son." Loke corrected Lucy. "Until one day when the two went on a mission together and Medusa was given a choice. She either lose her magic ability for eternity, and get to walk away alive with the one she loved forever." He stopped.

"Or?" Erza encouraged him to go on.

"Or, be given more power, but have to kill the one she loved." Loke said after taking deep breathe. "And you can obviously see she chose more power."

"What!" I hear Lucy whisper under her breathe.

"The Celestial Spirit King was so devastated by Medusa's actions, that he turned her into what she is now. And here she's is, here to guard the tree, for her own magical pleasure!" Loke spoke through his teeth.

"You sick bitch!" Gajeel said turning his fists into iron.

"The beasts that come here, are attracted to the tree. And they would stay near the tree and away from humans. But, they are driven away from here because Medusa wants the power for herself."

"But what about the military that came here to push them back towards the tree, what happened to them? Was it Medusa?" Levy asked.

"No. Not really anyway." Loke said. "It was the beasts that killed them, because they were hungry. But if they hadn't been driven away from here, they wouldn't even care the humans came into the forest."

"Then why were we not attacked the whole time we walked here?" Lucy asked.

"Because I kept them away from you." Medusa said, finally speaking up.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want something that only she has!" Medusa yelled pointing at Lucy.

"Juvia is curious to what exactly is it that my love rival has, that you want so badly?" Juvia asked stepping forward.

"She is the only living being on Earthland that has the power to extract the magic from this tree." She said hissing. "And there's one thing you got wrong Loke!"

"And what would that be?" Loke asked.

"I'm not the only one that wants this power. Me and my guild have been setting this whole mission up just for you Lucy Heartfilia!" Medusa laughed.

"Your. . . . guild?" Lucy asked.

"Yep." Medusa said smiling. She then put her hand to her mouth and whistled. Then out of nowhere people started dropping from the branches of the tree. Men, women, even children, some younger than us, others older.

"What in the hell!" Gray yelled.

"Nice work Medusa!" Said a man with short purple hair, green eyes, and was wearing a purple shirt, like his hair, black pants, and a black cape.

"Why thanks babe." Medusa said while wrapping an arm around his waist, and he wrapped an arm around Medusa's shoulders.

"Who the hell are you?" I yelled. The guy looked at me.

"I am Tyler Jones." He said introducing himself. "The guild master of Shadow Fang." He looked at Lucy and started checking her out. "For now."

"What do you mean by 'for now'?" Lucy asked as Loke stepped in front of her.

"Why you miss Lucy Heartfilia, are going to be our new guild master. Sort of." Tyler said. Lucy's eyes widened.

"Umm. . . no thanks." She said.

"This is not a request miss Heartfilia." Tyler said taking a step forward. Loke pushed him and Lucy back as well. "You will be our guild master. Well at least your body will be."

"What in the hell are you talking about?" I yelled at Tyler. "And quit talking in riddles it's giving me a headache!"

"Fine." Tyler said. "Lucy Heartfilia, you are going to extract the power from this tree! Then our true guild master will rise!"

"I'm not extracting anything!" Lucy said stepping in front of Loke, as she stood up to Tyler. "And you can't make me."

"We'll see about that." Tyler smirked. "Now!" Then all of a sudden all of the people that had dropped down from the tree ran towards Lucy.

"Let's go!" I yelled and ran forward as my fists caught on fire. We all ran forward as Loke grabbed Lucy. "Loke! Get Lucy out of here!" Loke nodded and picked Lucy up.

"No! Loke put me down!" Lucy yelled flailing in his arms. "No I want to fight! Put me down now!"

'Sorry Luce. But we can't risk losing you. I can't risk it.'


POV: Lucy

"Loke!" Natsu yelled. "Get Lucy out of here!" Loke nodded and picked me up and took off running. I tried to get out of his arms, and failed.

"No! Loke put me down!" I yelled trying to get him to let me go.

"I'm sorry Lucy." Loke said. "But I can't deal with you being taken away. For me, that's just as bad as you dying."

"No I want to fight! Put me down now!" I kept yelling and fighting against his grip.

"Where do you think your going?" I heard a familiar voice ask as we got hit from the side hard. I went flying out of Loke's arms and into the air. Then I felt warm arms around me. We hit the ground hard and went rolling down a hill. But not once did the arms around me lose grip. We hit a tree at the very bottom of the hill and when we stopped I opened my eyes to see Natsu had his arms around me, he had broken my fall and was now on his forearms looking at me.

"Are you okay Luce?" He asked, his voice sounding like he was in pain while breathing heavy.

"Yeah." I said breathing heavy as well. "You?"

"I think so." He said, getting off of me. He stood up and held a hand out to me. "Come on we need to get you out of here." I took his hand and he pulled me up. I heard rocks rolling down the hill, and looked to see Medusa was slithering as fast as she could to get to us. Natsu grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Medusa.

"Natsu, what are you doing here?" I asked as I followed him into the woods.

"After you and Loke took off, Medusa followed you! And I knew Loke was going to need back up to get you out of here!" He said as we ran. "Where is that Celestial bastard anyway?"

"He probably went back to the Celestial World!" I answered. "But Natsu, what about the others? We should go back to help!"

"We can't! We need to get you somewhere safe!"

"Natsu there was too many mages back there, they're not going to be able to handle all of them!" I yelled with concern. Natsu didn't answer me, but he just kept running.

"You just need to believe in them Lucy!" Natsu finally responded.

"You idiot!" I yelled. "I do believe in them! Their family for god's sake! You can't believe in someone if you don't consider them family!" Natsu looked at me with surprise. "But there's just too many!"

"Luce." He started, but I didn't let him finish.

"Natsu! I'm going back! Whether you like it or-!" I yelled but was cut off by the same thing that caused me and Loke to go flying. Medusa's tail.

"Lucy!" I heard Natsu yell as I hit a large tree branch and fell to the ground. I looked up to see Natsu running towards me ducking and dodging Medusa's tail. My vision was becoming blurry, but I was able to see clearly enough to see Medusa fire green flames at Natsu. And Natsu fell to the ground unconscious.

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