Chapter 23

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Hi! So I'm still really mad at myself, that my story is starting to come to it's ending point! But don't worry I'm trying my best to stall that time from coming, as best as I can! But we can't run from the truth forever. It will come to an end at some time in the future. But I am looking for new ideas for a new story! I have an idea, but I don't want to start on that until I have finished this story! But if anyone has ideas please let me know I am willing to listen to you guys! And if you guys have any ideas that sound super interesting I will personally message you to talk to you and get more information from you! So please give ideas for a new Fairy Tail story! And I also apologize now for this chapter! Many, many feels! And now, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Lita_Hyoukou! She figured out my seceret! I'm hate to admit it. . . . but I am a otaku!!! So love you Lita_Hyoukou! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter! I hope.


POV: Natsu

"And knowing that she did love me! Even if it wasn't the way that I love her! That gives me a reason to keep fighting!" I yelled looking up at Kiara lighting my entire whole body on fire. Everyone backed away a little bit from the heat. I ran at Kiara to hit her, but she reacted faster than I thought she would of.

"Pure Universe Dark Fire Dragon: Roar!" She yelled and shot black flames at me. I crossed my arms in front of my face, to block the flames from my eyes. But once the flames made contact to my skin they burned me. Really badly. Once the flames cleared I screamed as I fell to the ground a reaming.

"Natsu!" Gray yelled. "Juvia help me!" Juvia made water wrap around my arms, and Gray touched it and it froze. I screamed in pain as the water and ice made contact to my skin.

"Just hold on Natsu!" Juvia said as I started seeing spots. Juvia started using her water to soothe the rest of my skin that had heated up quite a bit.

"Damn it." Kiara whispered under her breath, almost so quiet I almost didn't hear her. "She just doesn't give up."

'What the hell is she talking about?'

Then suddenly there was a large flash of light. I looked to see Kiara's body was lighting up.

"No!" Kiara yelled. "This can't be happening!" A few moments later there was a large flash of light and a wave of magic that traveled through the air and caused everyone who was standing to be pushed back. There was a 'crash' and a 'thud' sound before the light started to dim. Once the light was gone there was a girl, with purple hair, body was all the way across the room and where Kiara had stood was Lucy's lifeless body. At least I thought it was lifeless.

"N-natsu." I heard a whisper from Lucy's body. Kiara stirred and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on me and she quickly got up and started to quickly walk towards me. I tried to back up but was failing, caused by the ice casts on my arms.

"Get away from me!" I shouted. She continued to walked towards me until she was standing right in front of me. She crouched down and put out her hands. "I said get away!" I yelled again as I swung at her. She stopped my arm with her left hand and lifted her right hand to my elbow where the edge of the ice was on my arm. She touched the ice and ran her hand down towards my wrist. As her hand slid on the ice, it melted. And under it, instead of burnt flesh was healed skin. She then repeated this to my other arm. I looked at her only to see a pair of two familiar eyes.

"Natsu." She whispered. Her voice finally belonging to her body.

'No! This can't be real! She died!'

"You're not real." I whispered back. She frowned a little.

"Yes I am." She responded delicately.

"Prove it." I said. Her eyes widened a little at my demand but softened as she started to think. Then she smiled.

"You have promised me two things while we were on our last job. That you would protect me from anything I was scared of. And that you would always be yourself, no matter what happened." She said seriously. A smiled exploded in my face as I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her torso and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Lucy!" I cried into her chest. By now everyone in the guild was waking up from Levy's tornado. Fairy Tail and Shadow Fang guild members were standing around looking at us.

"I'm home!" Lucy yelled for everyone in Fairy Tail to hear. Everyone heard and cheered. Even members of Shadow Fang seemed happy.


POV: Lucy

"Welcome home!" Natsu said into my neck. He had been holding me since I proved that I was really me, and I didn't mind at all. Because I loved him. And I was able to hold him after not seeing him after so long. And knowing that he loved me, made me start to cry.

"You!" I heard a voice say behind me. I groaned knowing exactly who it was.

"Kiara." I said getting up and turning around. There stood Kiara, her hair sticking out every which way, and she looked like she was going mad.

"How did you do that?" Kiara said stepping forward. "How did you get that magic?"

"Easy. You gave it to me!" I said. Her eyes went wide with wonder.

"No I didn't! I haven't given you anything!" She yelled.

"The good in you gave it to me!" I yelled. "After all, that part of you is synced to my soul!" I said and Kiara got even angrier.

"I'm going to destroy you once and for all!" She yelled. "Pure Universe Dark Soul Fire Dragon: Roar!" She yelled but as her flames came racing at me. I smiled as I didn't move from where I stood but placed my arm out in front of me with my palm facing her. The flames blasted into my hand and evaporated at my touch. Once the steam dissipated Kiara stood stunned. I had just defeated her attack, without even trying. I smirked.

"Pure Universe Fire: Roar!" I yelled and sent an attack at Kiara and she was so stunned that she didn't have time to jump out of the way. She fell to the ground groaning in pain. I then did the same. I clenched my teeth trying not to scream out.

"Lucy!" Natsu screamed as I fell to the ground. He sat next to me holding my shoulders as I concentrating on not crying out. "What the hell happened?"

"She harmed me!" Kiara yelled. "I guess she forgot that I'm still apart of her. Because when she harms me. She harm herself! Which also means that none of you can harm me either!"

"I'm not going to let you touch them!" I yelled. I pushed myself away from Natsu and stood up.

"Lucy, you're hurt!" Natsu said standing in front of me, blocking me from Kiara. "Let us handle this."

"Natsu. You can't!" I said. "You wont be able to harm her! Her magic is much more powerful than you think! And weren't you listening? If you hurt her, you hurt me!" Natsu looked down.

"I-I know." He whispered. "But we also can't let her go. God knows what she'll do to herself, just to hurt you." I grabbed his hand.

"I know." I said. "And she's not going to get away." Natsu looked up at me and I smiled, trying to give him hope. Natsu then flew into me crying out. "Natsu!" I looked up to see Kiara had her hand out with a black liquid ball flowing on her hand. "You! What did you do?"

"I poisoned him." Kiara said smiling. My eyes widened.

'She what!'

"And now you're not going to be able to help him! He is going to die a slow and very painful death!" Kiara said giggling, and she had a creepy smile on her face, as it she was going mad.

POV: Erza

"Erza!" Lucy said. "Take Natsu and the others out side! Who knows how bad this will get!"

"What are we going to do?" Gray asked.

"Not we! Me!" She responded. We all looked at her, her face emotionless.

"But Lucy we're not going to leave you here! We're going to help you fight!" Levy said walking up to Lucy.

"I'm not asking Levy!" Lucy yelled, not looking at Levy. "Everyone in the guild! Out!" She yelled not taking her eyes off of Kiara. Then all at once everyone walked out of the guild, helping others up or walking, and picking up some that were still unconscious.

"Lucy we're staying here to fight!" I choked out, trying not to move from where I stood.

'I almost can't control my body. Lucy must be using Control magic, to get everyone out of harm a way!'

"Erza. Everyone." Lucy turned to me, Levy, Gajeel, Juvia, Gray and Happy. For we were the only ones still standing, where we were. "Take Natsu and everyone else, and get them out of here. I'm not going to let anyone else get hurt."

"But Lucy!" Happy said, crying. "Please be careful!" He said as he flew backwards and out the door, letting the Control Magic take over his body. I walked over to Lucy and took Natsu. Most of me wanting stay and fight, and a little bit wanting to leave knowing that there's nothing that we could do. But with Lucy using Control magic, we had no choice.

"I will. And you all so the same!" Lucy said, not asking, but demanding as that Lucy we know. I turned to walk away from Lucy with Natsu over my shoulder.

"Lucy!" Natsu choked out. I turned my head to see that he was holding onto her wrist. "I'm not leaving you! Not again!" He said, and I could tell that he was crying, whether it was from the pain of the poison or he didn't want to let Lucy go. Lucy looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"Natsu. You had promised me that you would protect me if I was ever scared." Lucy said. "Well. It my turn to protect you." And with that I walked away from Lucy, not giving Natsu time to argue with her. She has way to many problems that she had to deal with at this moment, she doesn't need another one.

'Erza, everyone.'

Lucy said telepathically.

'Will you all do me a favor?'

'What is it?'

Gray asked.

'Will you all please make sure not to let anyone in the guild. I don't want anyone getting hurt while I finish this. Especially Natsu. I know that he's going to do anything to get in here, even if he's poisoned.'

'What are you going to do?'

I asked.

'I'm going to do what I have to. So please, I don't want anyone getting hurt during my fight.'

That's when we all stopped before walking out the guild doors, and turned to look at her. She was crying. But so we're we. We all nodded at the same time. Lucy looked down at Natsu who had turned his head just slightly. Lucy had started to cry harder and she turned her attention back to Kiara. We walked out the doors of the guild and shut the door. But before we fully shut the door, we heard her voice probably for the last time.

'Thank you. For everything.'

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