Chapter 25

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Heyo! So guys. After this chapter, your probably going to hate me. But it's okay cause I still love you guys! Haha! Sorry that's a pun for this chapter! But it is true! I still love you guys! Also sorry that I haven't been able to update faster! I got finals coming up this week and I don't have as much time as I did when I started this story! So sorry! But once these next two weeks go by it will be much smoother! And I hope that this story will be lasting that long! And now I would like to dedicate this chapter to excusemycraziness! She is one of my new followers and she's really sweet! You know what I just realized that I've only dedicated girls! If there is a guy that is reading this. . . learn something from this! Girls stick together! No I'm just kidding! I just don't know any guys in Wattpad to dedicate chapters to! So love you excusemycraziness! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Levy

"Wait so does that mean your Kiara's mother?" I asked.

"Yes I am." Suzie said.

"But you died when Kiara was a baby." Erza said. "The town killed you for being married to a Dragon."

"No they didn't. I faked my death, in order to help keep Kiara safe. But once the town heard that she was alone after I faked my death, the town went to go kill her, and my husband got so angry he lost control." Suzie said sounding a bit ashamed.

"But what happened after that?" Gajeel asked.

"After that me and my husband took Kiara to a little town away from our home town. Hoping that we would find a family to take care of Kiara. It would have only put Kiara in more danger if we were to keep her. So we decided that at the right age we would go back for her, and train her." Suzie said.

"So does Kiara know you're her mother?" Gray asked.

"No, she doesn't. All she knows is that I was a close friend of her father." Suzie said. "But I was still so glad to be able to have met her."

"Was it your husband's choice, or yours to keep it a secret?" I asked.

"It was mine. Kiara was to young to understand why I did, what I did. So I asked my husband to keep it a secret. And he did." Suzie said looking down. "I only wish she knew now. Maybe I could have stopped her from turning into what she is now."

"Do you know what happened? The day that Kiara turned to the darkness?" I asked her.

"No. Do you?" Suzie asked, probably thinking I didn't. I smiled and nodded.

"Our first master, Mavis Vermillion, helped Kiara find and fight the Dragon that was thought to have killed Kiara's father. When really it was the Dragon's son, that killed Kiara's father. And at the end of that battle, your husband poisoned the dragon's son. And the Dragon's father also wanted revenge so he blasted a spell called Dark Soul: Sync, at Kiara and she was hit." I explained remembering the story.

"And that spell forced Kiara's soul to corrupt, turning it dark and evil." Juvia continued. "And once the spell was fully attached to her soul she destroyed the dragon easily. And when she asked Mavis to go with her and to help her take over the world, Mavis refused."

"Which then caused Kiara to get angry with Mavis and tried to kill her." Gajeel picked up. "Mavis fought back and when it came to the time where Mavis had a chance to kill Kiara, but she didn't take it."

"Because of the love they shared growing up together, Mavis couldn't kill the one she called sister. So instead Mavis turned her into a tree. She had also added to the spell that only a relative could summon Kiara back and allow her to take over their body. But only if they felt what Kiara felt during the moments that Mavis casted the spell upon Kiara." Gray said.

"So see, it wasn't your fault that Kiara is like this. It was that Dragon's fault. But Kiara took care of him." Erza finished.

"I see." Suzie said, flabbergasted.

"See sister, I always told you those Dragons of yours would be trouble makers." Tyler said taking a step forwards and with an arm around Medusa, and he patted Suzie on the head.

"Yeah, yeah. But I still love them. Just like you still do." Suzie said smiling up at her brother.

"Damn it woman! Would you quit reading my feelings!" Tyler yelled annoyed at his sister. Suzie laughed at his annoyance.

"What do you mean by 'reading my feeling'?" I asked.

"Right back on track." Suzie said, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. "As you probably already know Kiara's father was a Universe Dragon. And before Kiara was born my husband was very protective me."

"More like extremely protective. If she stubbed her toe on a table, it would be nothing but ash within a minute." Tyler said. Medusa, Suzie, Reggie, and Tyler giggled and nodded.

"Yes anyway, because he was so protective I got very little time by myself and it made it impossible for me to do things by myself. So I asked him if he would teach me some magic's. Just enough that I could easily take care of myself, if needed to. And he agreed." Suzie said.

"And at that time me, Tyler, and Reggie offered to help as well." Medusa said.

"Wait one second. How do the three of you fit into this exactly?" Erza asked.

"Well the five of us lived in the same foster home." Reggie said. "We grew up together."

"What do you mean five?" Gajeel asked. "Looks like there's only four to me." I reached over and slapped the back of his head.

"He means Kiara's father." I said. "Right?"

"That is correct." Suzie said while nodding. "Because he had every magic, he also had transformation magic. So he was able to transform from a dragon's body to a human's body."

"Oh so that's how you two . . . okay." Gajeel said. I slapped him upside the head again, a little harder than last time. "Ow! Damn it shrimp!"

'Wow he was really worried about how they did that? Ew!'

Suzie erupted into laughter.

"So what kind of magic did your husband teach you?" Gray asked, as Suzie calmed herself down.

"Well growing up I always felt what other people felt and could read their thoughts. And then as I got older I learned Depletion magic. And then my husband taught me Fire and Iron Dragon Slayer Magic. Then he taught me basic Water magic, Requip Magic, and Solid Script Magic." Suzie said grinning. We all gasped.

"Your husband taught you our magic?" I asked.

"Yep. He was very specific when I asked him to teach me new magic." Suzie said. "I asked him why those specific magics, and he said that it would symbolize something to me in the future."

"Well that's strange, how did he know?" I asked.

"He had premonitions, and was able to see into the future." Suzie said.

"Does that mean he saw his death? And what happened to Kiara?" Juvia asked.

"I believe so. I'm not entirely sure, but I think he might have." Suzie said.

"If he did, why didn't he do anything to stop it from happening? Then none of this would have happened!" Natsu said. I looked over at him to see him looking horrible, he was sweating and shivering. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he was dead.

"Well not every premonition shows the whole truth. And can be one of hundreds of different outcomes. So he believed that if it was destined to change, that it would change." Suzie said. "But he also didn't want to interfere with something, fearing that he would be the one to cause destruction. Or even make it worse."

"So, I have two questions." Gray said.

"Fire away." Suzie said as she nodded.

"How is Lucy related to you?" Grays asked. He took a deep breathe before asking his last question. "And, what was it that Lucy felt when she reincarnated Kiara?"

"Well Lucy is related more to Kiara than me. But she is related through your first master, Mavis." Suzie said. "Because we left Kiara with Mavis's family they grew up as-."

"Sisters!" Me, Gajeel, Gray, Juvia, and Erza shouted at once.

"Indeed. The spell Mavis casted upon Kiara, said that only a relative could reincarnate Kiara. It didn't say they had to be a blood relative." Suzie said smiling. "So Lucy is a great-great granddaughter of Mavis."

"But what about you?" I asked a bit confused. "You're a relative, why didn't you do it?"

"Well because Kiara was attached to our souls, she could control us. And because she didn't know that I keep the secret that I was a relative, she had us looking everywhere for any type of relative to her. And just recently we found one." Suzie explained.

"Lucy." I heard Natsu whisper just loud enough that only a few people could hear. Suzie nodded in response to Natsu.

"What about what Lucy felt?" Erza asked.

"Strangely . . . Lucy, and Kiara felt . . ." Suzie said smiling, dragging the answer out as long as possible. "They both felt . . . love."

"They both felt love?" Gray asked. "I thought that Kiara would have felt hate."

"Kiara didn't feel hate. She felt love towards your first master. The one she claimed as a sister." Suzie said proudly. "Even though Mavis rejected her, and the darkness took her over, Kiara could just not feel hate. The good in Kiara loved her sister, for what she was doing in order not to kill her. For Mavis felt love as well."

"I'm curious." Tyler said. "Who was the love directed to?" I looked left and right at my comrades, and caused me, Gajeel, Erza, Juvia, and Gray to smile and laughed. We knew the answer to that question easily. We then looked at the one who was to be the one that earned that feeling more than any one. We looked at him and he seemed to be sleeping, but his chest wasn't moving up and down.

"Natsu?" Gray asked as he walked over to his body. Gray shook him with no response, and Gray felt for a pulse. "Natsu? Natsu!" Gray yelled as he shook him.

"What's going on?" Erza asked, as everyone ran over to Gray and Natsu's body.

"He's not . . . he's . . . not breathing! His heart's stopped!!" Gray yelled trying extremely hard not to cry.

"Out of the way!" A voice boomed. Everyone turned to look to see that it was Laxus!

'Laxus must have just gotten back from his job!'

"Everybody get back!" Laxus yelled as he kneeled next to Natsu's body. His hands formed balls of lightning. He slammed his hands into Natsu's chest.

'He's trying to jump start his heart! Please work!'

After multiple tries, Laxus finally stopped. There's nothing else left to do.

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