Chapter 36

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Hilo! So I'm going to give a little spoiler! There's Nalu! Very short scene! And you probably won't need a tissue to stop your nosebleed. Because it's not enough to give you one. But it's still a sexy Nalu scene! But let me make this extremely crystal clear . . . no sex!!!!! There is no sex in my stories! It might get a little kinky, but no sex! Got it? Good! Know I would like to dedicate this chapter to guile01! She is one of my new followers! She did start following me last week, but like I said before I have some catching up to do! I got quite a few more people to dedicate to a chapter. But I will get there! Anyway, love you guile01! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

We reached a little restaurant, sat down at the table, and were now waiting for our food.

"So?" I asked extremely eager to here about Lucy. Lucy still had her hood up, and hadn't told me why yet.

"So . . . . . . . what?" She asked.

"Tell me everything." I said like it was obvious. "How have you been? How are you still alive? Why won't you wake up? What is this place?" I wanted to continue but Lucy out her hand up to stop me, so I stayed quite.

"First, I've been okay." Lucy said placing her hand down. "Second, this is the part of my brain that when someone goes into a coma the mind and body can still function right while your unconscious. And third, the darkness is after me."

"Darkness?" I asked. "What darkness?"

"Kiara explained it to the whole guild, remember?" She said. "She said that the darkness that was attached to her soul is now attached to mine."

"Oh yeah." I said remebering when Kiara said Lucy wasn't going to wake up. But Lucy was unconscious when we were told that. "How did you know about that?"

"I've been listening to everyone, telepathically." She said a bit embarassed.

"If you can hear us, why haven't you tried to contact us?" I asked her. She looked down.

"I did try, but because I'm in a coma, I don't think I can contact anyone." She said.

"Oh." I said a bit disappointed. "So the darkness is chassing you, to take control?"

"Yes." Lucy said looking up at me. "The same thing happened to Kiara, but she wasn't expecting it, so it found her and took her over quickly. But after I went into a coma I knew what was going to happen and I was ready."

"And you've been running since." I said, not as a question. Lucy nodded. "Why? Why won't you just destroy it?"

"I don't think I can, not from in here anyway." Lucy said. "I've been running trying to find any clue as to where the exit is."

"The exit?" I asked.

"Yeah, the way out of here." She said gesturing to everything around us.

"And you haven't found anything?" I asked.

"No, I don't think I can defeat the darkness once and for all from inside my head." She said putting her chin in her hand.

"So to defeat the darkness, it has to be done from outside your mind." I thought out loud and Lucy nodded.

"But the problem is, I don't think I can get out of here." She said. "In order for me to get out of my head. I have to defeat the darkness."

"And you can't do that from in here?" I asked putting my head in my hands.

"No." She responded.

"So does that means that there's something we can do from the outside?" I asked.

"I don't know." Lucy said shugging.


Time skip: About an hour

Lucy and I had been walking around the little town for a while. The sun had been down for about the same time. And we had been talking about anything and everything.

"You know Lucy." I said. I stopped walking in front of an ally way. Lucy looked at me from under her hood. "You never answered my question."

"What question?" She asked.

"How are you still alive?" I asked, feeling a frown crawl upon my face. Lucy's smile fell from her face as well. She looked around and focused a bit on the ally way.

"Not here." She said and grabbed my wrist. A small smile formed in her face. "Follow me." She said as she dragged me down the ally. I looked in front of us to see a small ripple in the air like from before. We stepped through it to end up in Lucy apartment.

"What the hell?" I said in amazment. "How did we get here?"

"By a portal." Lucy said as she hung her cloak up on the coat rack. "There everwhere in my head."

"How do they work?" I asked as I sat on her bed.

"Well . . . when you go through a portal, you have to be thinking of a place that you've been before. It can't be a place that you read about or seen pictures of. You had to be there physically." Lucy said as she walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.

"What about people?" I asked. "Can you be thinking of somebody and go to them?"

"No." Lucy said looking down at her lap, her hair covering her eyes. "You can't." I got a feeling of saddness radiating off Lucy and grabbed her hand.

"Who did you try to go see?" I asked her.

"Pretty much everyone." She said. "You, Levy, Erza, Juvia, and almost everyone else in the guild." She said. But I felt like there was one more person.

"And?" I asked. Lucy looked at me, a bit surprised. "Who else?" Lucy looked a bit sad again.

"My mom." She said. "After I figured out the portals, I tried to see if I could go and see somebody. My mom was actually the first person I tried. I wanted to see if I could get more information about somethings."

"Like what?" I asked her.

"Like, if she could help me get out of here." She responded.

"How would she know?" I wondered out loud.

"Well when I died." Lucy begain, and when she mentioned her death I squeezed her hand a little harder and she squeezed it back. "When I died, I went to the Halfway."

"What's the Halfway?" I asked.

"Halfway between life and death." Lucy said. "When you have a near death experience, like how I did, were I had just a sliver of life left, you're given the choice of living, or dying."

"And you obviously choose to keep living." I commented. Lucy glanced at me and smiled.

"Yeah I did." She said. "Anyway, my mom was there to explain what was happening. She said that I could choose to either keep living with a small chance of waking up, or die peacefully. I almost chose to die, thinking you were dead . . . but something changed my mind."

"What was that something?" I asked. She looked at me.

"You." She giggled a little. "I heard you yelling at me, 'Come back to me Lucy!'." I could feel my cheeks heat up to the point of where I thought they were hotter then Igneels flames. And I turned my head away from Lucy.

'My hearts racing so fast, I feel like I can't breathe. So, I was the reason she stayed here?'

I felt my face cool down, as a smile slowly grew on my face. Thinking about Lucy choosing to stay alive with a chance of not waking up, all because of me.

"You want to know something?" She asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hummed, looking at her.

"Since I've been cheaking up on everyone in the guild, I've heard some pretty interesting comments." She said.

"Like what?" I asked her.

"Well resently everyone has been starting to give up on me. But then there was you, who thinks I'm stupid." She said looking at me a little irritated. I let out a nervous giggle, as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah, sorry." I said nervously.

"Then there's Erza, who thinks I should wake up soon because I'm missing out on all the fun stuff. Like Levy and Gajeel hooking up. And Gray and Juvia getting together as well. And then theres Gray, who thinks that I'm killing you slowly." Lucy finished.

"Well you are killing me." I said. Lucy looked at me questionably. "Cause I'm dying to see you wake up." I smiled.

"Smooth." Lucy laughed. I pouted at her as she made fun of me. She started to laugh even harder at my pouting face that caused her to fall onto her back on the bed. I then rolled on top of her.

"Don't laugh at me." I told her, our faces only inches apart. "Or else."

"Or else what?" Lucy said all serious. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Or else I'll have to punish you." I said seductively. For a moment Lucy had a nervous look, but then instantly turned into a evil smirk.

"And how would this punishment work, exactly?" She asked turning her head to the side.

"Well it depends." I said.

"On what?" She said as she puffed her chest up a little towards me.

"On how far your willing to push me." I said, lowering my body until I was laying on her. Out lips less than an inch away from mine. Lucy gave me a smile that made her way to sexy for her own good.

"I'll go as far as I want to." She said taunting me, as she slowly lifted her knee up to my crotch and lightly pushed. I smiled evily as I got even closer to her. She got a little nervous again as I did.

"We'll see about that." I said as I attached my lips to her neck, leaving love marks everywhere. I could feel her heart beat a little faster under my lips and against my chest, as well as her breathing speed up.

'I love that a simple kiss like this can make mine and her heartbeat race.'

Our enjoyment was then interupted by a loud 'bang'. I rolled over off of Lucy and sat up as did Lucy. And there, flooding in from the door, was the darkness.

"No!" Lucy cied. The beasts and vines made their way in slowly from the door and windows, taunting Lucy to make her skirm.

"Lucy it's okay. You're going to be okay." I said trying to reassure her. I wrapped my arms around her to try to comfort her as the darkness got closer.

'There's no way we're getting out of this.'

"Natsu." Lucy said as tears fell from her eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"Its okay." I said stroking her hair, as tears slowly fell from my eyes as well. "It's not your fault."

"No. I'm sorry!" Lucy cried as a white light formed in her right hand.

'Lucy's not apologizing, she's saying goodbye!'

"I love you!" She said as she slammed her palm into my chest. "Rebound!"

"NO!" I screamed.

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