Gruvia: A Date With Gray-sama

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I looked up at the sound of my name. I knew without having to look who it was. There was only one person who called me that. “Hey, Juvia,” I nodded. “What is it?” I noticed she looked fidgety, and her face was flushed slightly.

She tucked a piece of blue hair behind her ear, then brought her dark blue eyes up to meet mine. “I-Is Gray-sama busy tonight?”

“No,” I said, wondering why she wanted to know.

“Would,” she grabbed my hands, the blush on her face darkening, “would Gray-sama go on a date with Juvia tonight?” She had practically shouted the last part, and nearly everyone in the guildhall had turned to look at us.

Clearing my throat in embarrassment, I pulled my hands from hers. “No—“

“Gray!” Suddenly, I was being pulled from the guildhall.

“What the hell, Mira?” I asked when the silver-haired wizard finally released me. She put her hands on her hips, and was glaring furiously at me. What did I do?!

“Were you just about to turn down Juvia?” She asked. I had to admit, she was a little frightening when she got angry.


“No, you weren't,” she snapped. Her lips slowly pulled up in a devilish smile. “Now,” she said, grabbing my shoulder and pushing me back towards the guildhall, “you are going to go in there, and tell Juvia you would love to go on a date with her. I know you like her, so stop being such an idiot!”

“I don't like—“

“And if you don't,” her aura turned black as she continued smiling evilly at me, “I'll tell everyone about that little thing I found at your house last week.”

My eyes narrowed as I stared at her. “You wouldn't.”

She giggled, patting me on the back. “I would.”

Cursing under my breath, I stormed back into the guildhall. Juvia was where I had left her. She stood by the bar, her head hung slightly in disappointment. With a sigh, I walked over to her, trying to ignore the snickering of a few annoying on-lookers. “Fine,” I grumbled.

“What?” She breathed, her eyes wide in surprise.

Again, I cleared my throat. “I'd love to go on a date with you,” I said.

“R-Really?!” She asked, clasping her hands together as her eyes shined brightly.

“I'll pick you up at eight,” I told her, figuring three hours would be plenty of time to pick out a place and let her get ready.

“O-Okay!” She beamed. I found myself smiling as she ran off to get ready for our date.

“Gray's in loooooooove,” Happy giggled, flying above me.

“It's about time,” Lucy said, grinning.

“Hey, Gray, what'd Mira do to get you to say yes?” Natsu smirked.

“Shut up, flame brain,” I snapped, leaving the guild and heading into Magnolia. I don't have time to screw around with Natsu. I wanted to find the perfect place to take Juvia. Although I had pushed her away countless times, and acted annoyed by her affections, honestly, I cared for Juvia. “Now I sound like a sap,” I sighed.

I walked around Magnolia for over an hour before an idea hit me. “That might be kind of fun,” I murmured to myself, going to make arrangements.


“There,” I smiled, looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a white, knee-length skirt, a dark blue shirt which tied behind my neck, and dipped low in the front—with a cute, light blue bow at the end of the dip—and my favorite blue hat. I fixed my hair, nodding in approval as the waves framed my pale face. After slipping on a pair of black sandals, I went outside to wait for Gray.

Juvia wonders where Gray-sama will take her? I still couldn't believe he had actually agreed. I knew it had something to do with Mirajane, so I made a note to thank her later. If things went well, perhaps there would be more dates to come—dates that Mira didn't have to force Gray to go on. What if...what if Juvia and Gray-sama! I nearly fainted from excitement at that thought.

“Juvia.” My attention was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Gray's voice.

“Gray-sama,” I smiled. I felt my face heat up as I looked at him. He wore a pair of black pants, and a simple, navy, v-neck shirt. “Y-You look wonderful,” I told him.

“Uh, thanks,” he said. “So, you ready to go?”

I nodded, a little disappointed that he hadn't returned the compliment. I had been excited for him to see me in my outfit, so it was a bit of a let down that he didn't seem to notice it at all.

He held his arm out to me, and I gladly accepted. I wrapped both of my arms around it, happy just to be close to him. Even if he didn't notice Juvia's outfit, that's alright. He is still taking her on a date, so that is more than enough.

“You,” he paused to clear his throat, never looking at me as we walked into Magnolia, “you look nice.”

I gasped a little and looked up at him. “Gray-sama thinks Juvia looks nice?”

“That's what I said,” he told me. I swore I saw him blush a little, but I ignored it, figuring I was just seeing things.

“Thank you,” I said, holding onto him a little tighter. “Juvia is happy you think so.”

After a long silence, I let out a long sigh. “So, um,” I began, hoping to start a conversation, “where is Gray-sama taking Juvia?”

“I thought it might be kind of fun to go ice-skating,” he said.

“Really?” I asked, excitedly. “Juvia has never been ice-skating!”

“Seriously?” He asked. With a smile, he patted the hand I had on his arm, “I'll teach you, then.”

Gray-sama is going to teach Juvia how to ice-skate?!


“Come, Juvia,” Gray said, opening his arms, “skate into my arms.”

“Yes, Gray-sama,” I sighed, floating gracefully across the ice to him.

He wrapped his arms around me when I reached him, and pulled me close. “Are you having fun, my dear Juvia?”

“Oh, Gray-sama,” I breathed as he leaned in for a kiss.


“Juvia?” Gray asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

“Y-yes?” I replied, still a little lost in my dream world.

“What size skates do you need?”

“Wha—oh! Oh, um, these will do,” I smiled, grabbing a pair of white skates.

“Need help strapping them on?”

“N-no,” I told him, taking off my sandals and putting on the skates. I watched as Gray tied his on with an expert hand, as if he had done it a lot. “Do you go skating often?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“Yeah,” he nodded, giving me a smile. My heart fluttered dangerously fast as I looked at the way his perfect face lit up even more when he smiled. Juvia wishes he would smile more often.

“I usually come alone, though,” he said. “This is the first time I've ever brought anyone with me.”

“R-Really?” I asked. I seemed to be asking that a lot tonight.

“Really,” he chuckled. He stood and offered me his hand. “Careful, they're kind of hard to balance on at first.”

“Right,” I nodded, taking his hand. I wobbled over to the ice, blushing fiercely as he laughed at my awkward walking.

“Now, step onto the ice, and try to keep yourself upright,” he instructed.

“You won't let go, will you?” I asked, nervously.

“I've got you,” he smiled.

As he taught me to skate—rather, stand up on my own without falling—we talked and laughed. By the end of the night, my bottom was sore, but my chest was filled with pure happiness. I truly believed he had enjoyed himself as much as I had.

“You should have seen your face when you fell,” Gray was saying, laughing. “I let go of you for a second, and you hit the ground.”

“Juvia told Gray-sama she wasn't very good,” I pouted, nudging him in the side. “But, Gray-sama was always there to help Juvia back up, so she was alright with falling down sometimes.”

He stopped walking, and frowned down at the ground as if he were thinking. We had almost arrived at Fairy Hills, and it was almost time to say good-bye for the night. I'd had so much fun that time had flown by, and now I didn't want it to end.

“What is it, Gray-sama?” I asked.

I jumped a little when he suddenly grabbed my hand. “You know, Mira was the one who forced me to go out with you,” he said.

“Juvia knows,” I sighed.

“But, I'm glad she did.”

I looked up with a start. “You are?”

“Yeah,” he smiled, squeezing my hand. “And, um,” he cleared his throat, “I'd like to do it again, maybe.” We stood there in silence for several seconds. I was too overcome with joy to say anything. Is Gray-sama asking Juvia on another date?! “I mean,” he continued, taking my silence as a bad thing, “your skating could really use some work, and—“

“Juvia would love to,” I told him, grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh, okay,” he said, scratching his head with his free hand. “I should probably walk you home now,” he told me, continuing towards Fairy Hills. I followed beside him in quiet joy.

I sighed when we reached the gates of Fairy Hills. “I'll see you tomorrow, then,” Gray said, letting go of my hand. I reluctantly let go of him, nodding.

“G-good night, Gray-sama,” I said. Before he turned to leave, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Blushing from embarrassment as I pulled away, I noticed that his eyes were staring into mine. Feeling my face grow even redder the longer we stood there, I reached for the gates. His hand grabbed mine before I could touch them, and pulled me closer to him as his mouth crushed against mine.

We stood there, kissing, for a long time. “Good night, Juvia,” he said against my lips when we pulled away to breathe. He left me standing outside the gates of Fairy Hills, staring into euphoric space. Gray-sama just kissed Juvia!

With the biggest smile I had ever had on my face, I went to my room, my lips still warm from Gray's kiss.

Yay! My first request! So, how'd I do? :3 One-shots are a little harder for me because they're so short, but I think I'm getting better at them! (: 

The next one-shot will be Miraxus! ^w^ 

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