Lolu: Flirt

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“Open, Gate of the Lion: Leo!” I shouted, summoning Loke. I was training behind Fairy Hills, trying to build up my stamina. I had already summoned Cancer, Aries, and Gemini and had sent them all back. Now it was Loke’s turn. Since he was the leader of the zodiac, summoning him took more magic than it did the others—not to mention I got flustered every time he was around.

I had vowed the day I got to Fairy Tail that I wouldn’t fall for his womanizing, but he was so much more than just a playboy. Sure, he was a giant flirt, but he could also be incredibly genuine.

“Hey Lucy,” Loke grinned, adjusting his sunglasses, “you’re looking quite beautiful today. What can I help you with?”

“Oh, uh, well, there isn’t anything I really need help with,” I admitted. “I’m training, so I summoned you to practice stamina. I want to be able to use you guys for longer periods of time without running out of magic energy.”

He smirked. “If it’s stamina you want to build up, how about I—”

“Don’t even go there,” I warned.

He chuckled. “I was going to suggest that I stick around today and do some random stuff with you. Keep me here as long as you can, then send me back.”

“That’s a pretty good idea,” I murmured. There was, however, a problem to his plan.

I would have to spend the entire day with Loke.

My stomach twisted itself into a knot just thinking about it. Come on, Lucy, it’s only one day. Besides, Loke is too much of a flirt to realize that you actually like him. It’ll be a piece of cake.

“So, where-to first?” Loke grinned.

“Wouldn’t you rather spend the day at Fairy Tail, instead of with me?” I asked.

“Of course not!” He chuckled. “Let me treat you today, since I’ll be here. I also want to stay to close to you in case you use up too much of your magic.”

“I’ll be fine,” I frowned.

“I’m sure you will, but I’m still going to stay with you.” He grabbed my hand, heading into town. “Come on, I know a great place we could go for lunch.”

“O-Okay,” I agreed, allowing him to pull me along. When he didn’t let go of my hand as we walked, my face grew hot, and I knew I was blushing.

“Here we are,” Loke smiled, holding the door of a small café open for me.

“Loke!” A young woman squealed, throwing her arms around him. “It’s been too long! Where have you been?”

“I’ve been working for Lucy,” he told the girl, smiling at me.

“Oh,” she said, looking rather disappointed. “Well, let me get you two a table,” she beamed, leading us to a small table. Loke sat across from me, ordering us both a slice of cake.

“An old girlfriend?” I asked, pointing to our waitress as she scurried away with our order.

“I used to be a regular here,” he answered. I knew that I was right since he hadn’t directly answered it. I forgot that he used to date half the girls in Magnolia before he returned to the spirit world.

“Is something bothering you?” Loke frowned, gently touching my hand.

I immediately pulled it away, shaking my head. “No, sorry. Just waiting for that cake.”

He chuckled. “It looks like you won’t have to wait long, then.” Our waitress returned with our cakes then, flirting a little with Loke before leaving us alone again. I felt a little jealous as I watched how casually he acted towards her. I shouldn’t let it get to me. He’s like that with every girl, after all. That’s just how he is. Part of me wished I could lie to myself and believe that the flirtatious way he acted around me was because he felt differently towards me than he did other women, but I knew I would just be kidding myself.

It’s bad enough that I developed a crush on a celestial spirit, but why did it have to be the biggest playboy of them all?

After we left the café, we walked around Magnolia for a while. I was lost in thought when Loke grabbed my arm and brought me to a halt. I looked up at him, confused. I was a little taken aback by how intense his gaze was as it held mine, so I couldn’t even ask him why he had stopped.

“Lucy, what’s wrong?” He asked. “I can tell that something is bothering you. I’m contracted to you, right? So if there’s something I can help you with—”

“It’s nothing,” I lied, offering him a smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.”

Loke frowned. “Did I do something wrong?”

“N-No!” I shook my head. “It’s nothing like that.”

“You’ve been acting strange since I got here, so I thought maybe I had done something wr—”

“I don’t like it when you flirt with all of those other girls,” I blurted out, feeling my face turn scarlet as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

“You don’t?” He asked, sounding genuinely confused.

I sighed. “Of course I don’t. Why wouldn’t it bother me?”

Loke shrugged. “I don’t, I guess I just thought you didn’t really care.”

“Of course I care,” I snapped, looking away as the blush began creeping down my neck.

“Are you saying that my flirting makes you jealous?” He looked almost excited at the thought. When he realized what that would mean, his eyes grew wide and he stared at me. “Lucy, do you like me?”

“You don’t have to say it so openly like that,” I mumbled. I knew I must have looked like a tomato, which just made the entire situation that much more embarrassing.

Loke laughed, then wrapped his arms around me. I squeaked, startled by the sudden contact. Just as quickly, he pulled away and met my eyes. “Can I kiss you?” He asked.

“W-What?!” I practically shrieked. “Don’t just ask something like that! It totally kills the mood!”

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, “but the last time I tried to kiss you, you punched me across the guildhall.”

“You were being a womanizer that time,” I reminded him.

“Is that a yes?”

I sighed, grabbing the front of his suit. “Yes,” I said, pulling him forward until his lips met mine.

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! This one is for @angryducks! I hope you like it! :3 (Lolu is my guilty pleasure...I like it almost as much as Nalu... <3)

Next is my very first GraZa! 

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