Phantom slayers

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Yeah better to get this off the bat this is a new type of slayer magic I made for this book which is been refined over the years down below is the description for it

Phantom slayers are the fourth kind of slayer magic in fiore after devil slayers god slayers and dragon slayers what makes phantom slayers unique though is unlike the other three their a very new type of magic phantoms appearing left and right in strange places ranging from small burnt down houses to whole environments becoming their territories

Now phantoms have an odd way of choosing those who will become phantom slayers it's often those who are completely alone and abandoned in the world or those who aren't afraid of death whatsoever the phantom will take them under their wing arm tentacle whatever they have for an arm and raise them as best they can caring for them like as if they were actually their children though a lot of the time the children phantom slayers take in are very weak and frail and nearly at the brink of death but they keep them alive

A few unique powers exclusive to phantom slayers are the ability to float and hover in the air at their own will like a real phantom this helps phantom slayers who's bodies can't support their weight without straining their body another power to some phantom slayers is they can pass through certain materials with easy such as stone wood and most general things but this is not present in all phantom slayers only those of the highest caliber the phantom slayers have a breath attack like the devil slayers rage the god slayers bellow and the dragon slayers roar but for phantom slayers this is the phantom scream it's considered the most destructive breath attack among the slayers

For the reason it's not just a straight beam,funnel,spiral of their element it's a mass blast going in multiple directions some phantom slayer screams are unique depending on the element an example would be if a plant phantom slayer were to use their scream plants in the nearby radius would begin to grow explosively and begin to attack people but all phantom slayers have one massive weakness

They can't stand sunlight their not like vampires it won't kill them but it will cause them to have lots and lots of pain if they stay out in it to long causing headaches migraines and sometimes even make them go unconscious they share the same general weakness of dragon slayers motion sickness though for some reason

Though other then that not much is know about phantom slayers as of yet but they have a bright future ahead of them

And that was an explanation to phantom slaying magic I hope this enlightened you! Until then I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths until next time!

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