Episode 7

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Battle Theme


(3rd POV)

Everyone went to their respective opponents as Iron Man, Gray and Natsu with take on Fukuro. Happy carried Natsu while he flew by using his magic to create wings on his back. Yn uses six powers to give his friends buff stats. Iron Man fires multiple shoulder missiles at his opponent. Fukuro uses those big rockets on his back to fly very fast dodging Yn missiles.

Fukuro about to tackle Iron Man except the Armor Hero activate Time Stone to froze him in place.

Fukuro: W-what the?!

Iron Man: Now!

Iron Man uses his Power Stone to give Gray and Natsu a buff stat to increase their attacks.

G, N: Ice Make: Geyser/Fire Dragon: Wing Attack!

Iron Man fires a powerful Repulsor Blast from both hands alongside his friends magic attacks hitting Fukuro that deals very good damage.


Fukuro: Aaahh!

Got knocked across the area. He immediately repositioned himself, shook his head and wonder what just happen.

Fukuro: What was that? How did you do that?!

Iron Man: Sorry. A magician never reveals his secrets. Last chance to back down, birdbrain.

Fukuro: Never!

Iron Man: Poor choice.

With Lucy and Juvia fighting against Vidaldus. His extended to strike at the two girls. They quickly move out of the way.

Juvia: Water Slicer!

He tries to absorb her water magic like in canon. Thankfully the power boost she got from Yn is slices through Vidaldus hair.

Vidaldus: What the hell?! My hair!

Lucy: Lucy Kick!


Vidaldus got sent flying through the area as he landed on the wall.

Juvia (🤨): Lucy Kick? Seriously that's your attack?

Lucy: I was trying to be original! Besides with this buff I didn't feel like I'd need my spirits.

Juvia: Now you mentioned. This power feels incredible. But only a very small fracture of it. Although....

Lucy: Yeah. Can't let it go to our heads.

They saw Vidaldus got up and he's not happy!

Vidaldus: Your gonna pay for doing that to my hair!

Erza and Ikagura clash their swords against each other. Pink hair swords woman already struggled again Erza.

Ikagura: 'What's is this?! Is she this power? No. That aura with mixture of different colors'.

Erza back away as she switches into another armor.

Erza: Heaven's Wheel!

Erza flies up. Then activated her magic skill.

Erza: Circle Sword!

Ikagura: Yasha Senkuu (Yasha's Empty Flash)!

As Ikagura attack made contact on Erza swords it didn't work like it suppose too. It went right through it as Erza swords dealt critical damage onto Ikagura.

Ikagura: Aghn! 'No way! How? It should've shatter her swords'!

Erza: Requp!

*Transformation sfx*

Erza: Demon Blade Benizakura!

Erza pointed one of her swords at Ikagura.

Erza: Prepare to be defeated by my blades.

Ikagura: Hmph. We'll see.

Back with Gray, Happy, Iron Man and Natsu their pushing Fukuro against the wall. Tries multiple to devour Iron Man, Natsu and Gray. Unfortunately for him no such luck especially the girls powers out match Fukuro.

Happy flew fast speeds. Punches Fukuro couple of times. Gray comes out from a portal from above about to bring the hammer down. Literally!

Gray: Ice Make: Hammer!

Ice hammer snacks Fukuro down towards the floor.

Iron Man: Natsu!

Natsu: Right!

Iron Man and Natsu combine Unison Attack with powerful blast instantly K.O. Fukuro without killing him in the process.

Happy: Awesome! Nice one, you guys.

Iron Man: He's gonna be out cold for awhile.

Over at Lucy and Juvia battle. Vidaldus uses his magic to brainwashed Juvia which didn't work at all. He was really irritated.

Vidaldus: No way!!

Lucy takes out her Celestial Spirit Key.

Lucy: Time to finish this.

Juvia: Thought you weren't gonna use you're keys.

Lucy (smile nervously): The kick is the original attack I got!

Lucy had an idea since she's a buff up thanks to Yn. Blonde hair girl is curious if she'd can pulled off.

Lucy: Open gate of the archer and gate of the bull! Sagittarius! Taurus!



Juvia (0_0): You can summon two spirits?! Amazing!

Lucy scratches her head.

Lucy: Actually it's thanks this power I'd can do that. All right. Sagittarius and Taurus attack!

Sagittarius: Yes!

Taurus: I'm on it, Miss Lucy! Mooo!

Juvia: I'll use my magic as well. Water Nebula!

Sagittarius fires arrows imbued with magic, Taurus swung his axe creating slash wave and Juvia powerful water combined finish Vidaldus off for good...... without killing him.


Vidaldus: Gaaagh!

Dust clouds clear. Reveals Vidaldus is K.O.

Lucy (happy): Alright!

Erza and Ikagura battle still rage on. Match each other's attacks and speed. Although now Ikagura is on her last knee.

Erza (panted): Time to finish this.

Ikagura: A-agreed. Karura-en (Garuda Flame)!

Dust clouds died down. Ikagura eyes widened.

Ikagura: Impossible!

Erza: This is my Flame Empress Armor. Now it's my turn!

Flames ignited on her sword and unleashes a more powerful flame slash without accidentally killed Ikagura.


Ikagura: Aaaaaah!!!

Ikagura falls onto the ground into unconsciousness. Simon and his are in awestruck by their incredible strength.

Wally: I see it. I still don't believe it!

Millianna: That was awesome!

Sho: Whoa.

Simon: 'They might defeat Jellal after all'.

End Theme

(Yn POV)

We round up the Trinity Raven and have them tied up by Millianna magic restraints.

Iron Man: Good job everyone.

Happy: What was that power from? Was it-

Iron Man: Yeah.

Lucy: When did you have time to think that idea.

Iron Man: Hmmm......been in my mind for awhile. Wasn't sure how much of your body can take. Decided to send at least a small amount and so far it works.

Juvia: I-I see. 'Glad it work or other wise.... better not think about it'.

Now for the final boss. Could use the stones power to dispell Zeref power. Should be quicker anyway. Need to take her down before the Cannon goes off from the Magic Council. If I have to I'll just dusted.

Iron Man: 'Almost done'.

Chapter End

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