Chapter 11 - Mission: Destroy The Moon!

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Lucy: Last time on Fairy Tail: Legend Of Roxas
Roxas is seen in destroying pieces of the ceiling with his Fox magic.

NatsuWe did it! Happy!
Natsu punches Zalty in the face and he flies back and slammed into the rocks below.

Happy: Aye, we managed to beat Reitei and destroy Deliora!
Deliora is falling apart after Roxas and Natsu counters his punch.

Ariel: I was getting tired of that Dog Boy's voice.
Erza, Lucy, Ariel and Happy defeat the wizards from before, and looks for Toby.

Happy: Even though it was for nothing

Natsu: We will become S-Class Wizards for sure!
Natsu is seen fighting Zalty

Roxas: Aren't we forgetting something?
Roxas, Ariel and Natsu are yelled at for commenting on the village chief's sideburns


Much later after Deliora's defeat the entire group was now near the beach of the island.

"Hahaha! We did it!" Natsu yelled.

"Aye!" Happy yelled.

"I can't believe it, we completed the quest. Do you think Master will make us S-Class wizards?" Lucy asked.

"Somehow I doubt that." Ariel said as she sweatdropped. "As far as I'm concerned you're lucky to be in one piece."

"Also, there's her..." Roxas said, pointing at Erza, who a dark aura around her. Erza had a dark look on face. She was glaring at Roxas, Natsu, Ariel, Happy, Gray, and Lucy. The said mages were sweating in fear. Roxas rubbed his head and Misty looked away sheepishly. They had forgotten what they had done and now that it was over they were screwed.

Lucy was the first to remember, "On no, I completely forgot! Erza going to punish us!" she screamed, quickly hiding behind Roxas.

"At least grow a backbone, Lucy." Ariel said folding her arms.

Erza's glare disappeared, "You have something to take care of that before that. Wasn't the true goal to save the villagers who turned into demons? Your S-class hasn't quest ended yet."

"Yeah, I can't believe I forgot about that. Hahaha." Roxas began to laugh awkwardly.

"But, wasn't Deliora the source of their problems?" Lucy asked, poking her head over Roxas' shoulder.

"Moon drip's enormous magical power harmed people. There's no way the situation would change just cause he was defeated." Erza replied.

Ariel thought about it. "Yeah, you have a point."

Natsu still had energy from the fight, "Then let's go heal them real quick!"

"Aye!" Happy cheered.

"Well we can ask..." Grey said and they all looked to Lyon who was leaning on a rock.

"Don't bother asking 'cause I don't know." Lyon simply said.

Natsu and Roxas looked at Lyon in disbelief, "What!?"

Lyon crossed his arms, "We've know the existence of the village but we have never interfere with them. They have never visited us either. We had our own things to do."

Lucy stroked her chin, "Weird, you would think they would have investigated the ruins."

Lyon turned his head, "I have some doubts on the moon drip influence on the human body."

Natsu put his hands on his hips, "Don't tell me 'This isn't your fault'."

Lyon ignore Natsu, "We've been basking in the same light for three years." Lucy and Ariel gasped, "Be careful they're hiding something. Its not like its my business anymore. That's the guilds job, right?"

Natsu didn't believe any of it, "I won't let you destroy the village and- " A hand reached for his face and squished his cheeks stopping him from talking. He noticed that Erza had stopped him.

Roxas smiled, "It looks like our shining armor maiden has discovered something."

Erza had pieced some things together and had released something, "Enough Natsu. They each had their justice. They're not at fault. Now lets go."

As they left Gray looked at Lyon, "You should a guild. Then you'll have rivals and comrades. I'm sure you'll find a new goal." 

Lyon looked away and brushed him off. Gray smirked and walked off with the group.


When everyone returned to the village storage they realized that it was completely empty. There was no one is sight. They started to look around but couldn't find anything.

Natsu looked around, "Hey, why is nobody here?"

Roxas looked around too. "This where we last saw them, right?"

Lucy put her hand to her chest, "Yup, the village was destroyed. But what happened?"

"If I were to guess, maybe they could be hiding because they heard the screams from Deliora." Ariel said.

"Hello!" Happy called out.

They then saw a villager coming from behind and he found them. "Oh you guys are here. Please, come with me." He said.

He lead the group and what they saw shocked all but Erza. They saw that the village that was destroyed by Angelica's acid was all but normal again.

"Hold on, the village is normal again...?" Roxas asked.

"How is that possible?" Ariel asked. "We all saw it get destroyed by acid."

Natsu began knocking on the walls of the houses. "Is this the real thing?"

"I'm sure it is, so don't go breaking it again!" Lucy exclaimed.

"It's like the village went back in time." Happy commented.

This got Roxas thinking. "Yo, Natsu. You think that guy had something to do with this?" he asked and they both imagined the image of Zalty.

"No way...unless he had a change of heart." Natsu muttered.

"What are you guys talking about?" Lucy asked.

"He could've done this with his Arc of Time Magic. I don't see any other way the village could have been brought back." Roxas replied.

Lucy walked over to the village chief who was at Bobo's grave. 'Even Bobo's grave was brought back. That is a relief.' She thought.

"So you wizards came back?" he said looking at Lucy.

"Yeah, we managed to stop the other wizards from awakening, Deliora." Lucy said.

"I am very fortunate that you wizards had helped us in our time of need, but... WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO DESTROY THE MOON!"

"So we're back to that huh?" Ariel asked with a sigh.

Erza walked to the chief. "Destroying the moon will be a simple task. We will get right on that, but first I would like to ask you a few questions. Can you gather everyone in the village here?" Erza said.

"Hold on!? Is she serious?" Roxas and Lucy said in unison.

"Aww, you even say the same things together. Are you sure that you're not dating each other, Lucy?" Ariel teased.

"She liiiiikes him!" Happy teased

"CUT IT OUT YOU TWO!" Lucy yelled, her cheeks burning.

"Quiet! The three of you!" Erza said in her intimidating voice.

"Yes ma'am!" Happy and Lucy fearfully said

"Whatever you say, Armor Queen." Ariel said, putting her hands up.

"This curse that has been inflicted on you, so how does this curse take place?" she asked.

"This happens when the moon rises into the sky, and at night we turn into these hideous creatures." One of the villager's responded.

"I see, the curse has been going on for at least three years right?"

"I can't say, but it defiantly felt like that much time has passed." Another villager said.

Everyone stood before Erza as she questioned them about the "curse".

Ariel nudged Lucy. "You made sure to get rid of all of the pitfall traps, right Lucy?"

Lucy gulped. "Crap! I forgot to do that!" She said and began to sweat bullets when Erza started pacing back and forth. 'I should be fine, right? I mean... What are the odds of her stepping on one of the traps?'

"So if you have been inflicted for this long, then..." Erza's questions were interrupted as she stepped on fake ground. "Kya!" Erza fell into Lucy's pitfall trap and the entire group was surprised.

"The pitfall was resurrected?!" Happy exclaimed.

"She said... Kya." Natsu said in disbelief.

"That was kinda cute." Grey admitted.

"Uh Lu, you better start running." Roxas warned.

"This is not my fault! This is not my fault!" Lucy repeated as she panicked while shaking her head.

Ariel patted her on the back. "You reap what you sow." She told Lucy with a nod. 

The look on the blonde's face was priceless.

Roxas walked over to the hole and looked down into it. ""Hey, Erza. Are you alright?"

Erza climbed out of the hole and she simply dusted herself and looked towards the villagers. "So if you knew there was a temple on the island why didn't you investigate it?" she asked seeming not being affected by Lucy's pitfall trap.

"It's as if it never happened..." another one of the villagers said while some of them turned white and they sweatdropped.

"So, I would like to ask. Why didn't you investigate the ruins?" Erza asked.

"Believe us when we say that we tried to, however as soon as we left the village gates to investigate the ruins, we would always find ourselves back at the village gates never being able to get close."

"Hold on, why didn't you tell us that you couldn't get to the ruins, or that there were ruins in the first place?" Roxas asked.

The villagers looked very hesitant. "We didn't tell you because we didn't think you would believe us." Another villager truthfully said.

The villagers looked very hesitant. "We didn't tell you because we didn't think you would believe us." Another villager truthfully said.

Meanwhile a distance away Zalty over looked the village and he took off his mask revealing his face before his entire body changed into a female body and she had dark purple hair, with very dark brown eyes wearing a white dress like outfit with a yellow long ribbon that was tied at the back and she held an orb in her right hand. She was watching the action taking place.

In the middle of the village, Erza was being covered in a pink smoke as her whole body was wrapped in a golden glow and she was in golden like armor that consisted of huge shoulder guards that spiked upwards her arms were in thick dark blue armor that was covered in very thick golden gauntlets with both on parts on her right arm being much bigger than the ones on her left arm. She wore a gold plated tunic with a fur lining on the bottom of the skirt. The had golden leg guards with thick metal shoes that were dark blue below the leg guards dark blue stockings and on the top of her head she had golden like animal ears with a blue stripe going across them both. "Get ready, Natsu. You too, Roxas. We are going to destroy the moon!"

"Wait, what?" Roxas asked, looking at her in shock.

"Haha! Alright!" Natsu said while Gray, Lucy, Happy and Ariel all had very shocked faces.

Erza was looking up at the moon. "We are going to destroy that moon, after that is done. Your village will return to normal." Erza said.

"Even if this is Erza we are talking about... Is destroying the moon even possible?" Gray asked.

"I doubt there is a force alive that can do that much power, but I have no idea how strong Erza really is." Ariel said. 

Lucy look a bit scared. "Yeah, but why does she need Roxas and Nastu for?"

"This is exciting!" Happy exclaimed.

"This is The Giant's armor. It increases my throwing ability, and if I use this..." Erza summoned a very heavy looking staff. "The Lance of Haja, that is used to seal the darkness will be enough destroy the moon."

Natsu looked around. "We should to it from the top of the ruins, it's the highest point on the island." He said

"No, the lookout tower in the village will do, plus the Villagers can't get to the ruins anyway. Come." Erza said.

"Yeah! Hahaha!"

"But why am I needed too?" Roxas asked, walking with them.

"Those two are way into this!" Lucy exclaimed.

"However both the armor and the lance won't be enough, that's why I need you. Natsu. If use your Fire Dragon Slayer magic, the lance will be given a boost and it should be high enough to reach the moon. Roxas, with your Flight magic, you'll be able to fly alongside and then use you Nine-Tailed Fox magic to give a extra boost in speed and power."

"Ok, I get it now." Roxas said, looking up at the moon.

"Leave it to us, Erza!" Natsu said. "We're going to down in history as the slayers who knocked the moon out of the sky!"

"Lucy, lemme ask you. Were things always this crazy in this guild when you joined?" Ariel asked.

"The biggest thing we destroyed was a city, but I never thought we would destroy something this massive!" Lucy said.

"Even with Erza's strength, destroying the moon is unthinkable, she would have put more thought into this." Gray said.

Soon Roxas, Natsu and Erza were on the lookout and she aimed the lance right at the pink glowing moon. A yellow gem in her right gauntlet began glowing and she channeled her energy into that arm.

"Now Natsu!" Erza yelled and Natsu set his right fist on fire and he punched the back of the lance and Erza threw it far and as it rose through the atmosphere flames ignited from what looked like boosters on the side of the lance. 

"This plan isn't going to work." Gray said.

"I second that." Lucy agreed.

"Go, Roxas!" Erza called out.

"On it!" Roxas nodded as he took to the sky, flying high above the village before streaking off in a flash of sliver. As he began to approach the lance, Roxas engulfed his leg in blue flames and cocked it back. Once he reached it, he shot his leg forward at the back of the lance. The force of the kick released a large sonic boom as the lance shot even faster into the sky, becoming nothing more than a blur.

The staff sped through the air and it was nearing the high atmosphere. "Reach it!" Erza yelled and the staff as it climbed stopped it's motion as it impacted the moon and small cracks were seen on it and this got the villagers to start cheering.

Happy, Lucy, Gray, Ariel and even Roxas all screamed in disbelief. More cracks started to show until the entire face of the moon showed cracks. However soon there were cracks in the sky.

"The Sky is breaking?!" Lucy exclaimed. Suddenly there was a huge break as now the moon was its regular colour and there was a huge hole in the sky.

"Is that a hole in the sky?" Ariel asked.

Natsu was dizzy on the ground after he was blown back from the explosion that his fire punch combined with Erza's throw. Erza transformed back to her regular Heart Kreuz Armor. 

"What just happened?" Roxas asked, landing back on the ground and looked back up at the moon.

"It was a lens that was created by the gas of the Moon Drip." Erza explained and suddenly there was a white light that was surrounding all the demons. "The lens was the reason, that the moons purple appearance."

"What's happening?" Gray asked.

"The light will be returning them to their original forms." Erza said and the light then dimmed and the demons were surprisingly still in their demon forms.

"I don't get it, nothing happened." Lucy said.

"Precisely it's because they were originally demons." Erza said.

Gray, Lucy, Ariel, Happy, Natsu and Roxas had shocked looks on their faces. "WHAT!?"

"So this whole time, you were actually demons?" Gray asked looking at one of the villagers.

"Well now that you mention it." One of them began.

"However the demons do have human forms, when the Moon Drip took effect on the island it didn't affect their bodies but rather their memories, they through their human forms were their original forms."

"But what about Lyon and the others?" Lucy asked.

"They were humans, the effects of the Moon Drip only affects demons." Erza answered.

Lucy falls to the ground in disbelief onto her knees. "I still don't believe that they were demons the whole time."

"But there is more, they could not approach the ruins is because the temple is surrounded by a holy light that prevents evil from approaching it."

"Funny they may be demons but they don't seem so evil." Roxas said. "I've come across people that were more evil."

"You and me both." Ariel nodded.

Suddenly a familiar figure stepped towards everyone in the village. "Yo." He said.

The village chief slowly walked towards the figure. "Bobo." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Hold on, Bobo as in, The one we saw on the boat?" Roxas asked.

"AHH! So it's the ghost!" Lucy exclaimed.

"But we thought..." the chief began.

Bobo pointed at his chest. "It would have killed a human, but I'm a demon remember?" and he began to chuckle.

"But how did you disappear from the boat?" Gray asked.

Bobo sprout demonic wings and he flew up into the air and he folded his arms. "Sorry I didn't tell you wizards but I knew I had to do this or you may not have solved our problem."

"So you knew the whole time?" Gray asked.

"I had all of my memories, when I left the island. If I came back when everyone thought they were humans, I wouldn't be able to fit in."

The village chief sprouts tears from his eyes and he sprouts his wings. "Bobo!" he exclaimed and he hugged his son in mid-air. Once he does this the rest of the demons on the island then followed them into the sky and joined father and son.

The village chief sprouts tears from his eyes and he sprouts his wings. "Bobo!" he exclaimed and he hugged his son in mid-air. Once he does this the rest of the demons on the island then followed them into the sky and joined father and son.

"Yep, they are definitely demons." Erza said.

"When I look at them like this, they look more like angel than demons." Natsu commented as they were all flying in the bright moonlight.

"I agree. These demons may look scary but in actually fact they are much more hospitable and nicer than most people in the world." Roxas said.

"Can't argue with that." Ariel commented.

"We shall have a demons feast!" one of the flying demons yelled.

"It's probably going to get rowdy around here." Lucy figured.

"Aye." Happy agreed.

Later Gray was lying on a wall by himself and a blue demon came up to him. "How are your injuries, Gray?" she asked

"Uh... well."

"I was the one who treated you." She said and she transformed to her human form.

"Oh, I remember you." He suddenly remembered and a group of demon girls came up to him.

"You would prefer us in our human forms wouldn't you?" one of the other girls asked.

"N-no." stuttered. "You real forms work for you." He said.

"You have given us confidence!" three of them said.

"So let's dance." And they began to drag him away.

Roxas saw the scene and he noticed that Natsu was eating the fire off flame torches. "I would be completely shocked if I didn't see this before." He said as he was eating an chicken leg.

"Then you would've been even more shock if you saw me 'eat' water." Ariel said, eating a apple.

Suddenly they heard footsteps and they saw two very familiar figures inside the village. "It's you guys again!" Roxas exclaimed.

The two figures were of Sherry Blendy and Yuka Suzuki have returned to the village. "You have really put on over on Reitei Lyon." Yuka said.

"We have come to seek, payback. That is, love." Sherry said.

"You still talk like that?" Ariel asked.

Lucy stood up. "But everything is fine now, Lyon..."

"He doesn't know of this, we came on our own accord." Yuka said interrupting the blonde.

"Well there are more of us this time." Ariel said. "You guys never had a chance before what makes you think you have a chance now."

Natsu got up and into a fighting position. "I'm ready for ya!"

Erza walked closer to both of them. "Wait, everyone. We can't afford for anymore damage to come to the village. That is why I will fight you." She said.

"I'm not in a rush to beat them down again. Knock yourself out." Roxas said.

"So, you are Titania. Erza Scarlet." Sherry asked. "Soon we will do battle, this must be love."

"Will you knock it off with that?!" Ariel growled.

"Erza watch out for her, she can make minions out of things around her." Lucy warned.

"And eye brows can use magic that cancels magic!" Natsu said.

"Also, I see Dog Boy isn't with them either." Roxas added. "He uses claws that paralyze you."

Erza ran towards the both of them. "Then I better end this before they use their tricks!" she exclaimed and she kneed Sherry in the face and punched Yuka instantly defeating them.

"Whoa!" Natsu and Ariel said in awe.

"She beat them that quickly?" Roxas asked.

"Such is The Great Erza!" Happy exclaimed.

"The Great Erza?" Lucy asked looking at Happy.

"So you really are as strong as you say." Yuka commented. "However we are not here for restitution."

"Come again?" Roxas asked.

"We don't mean to bring harm to you, in fact we wanted to come for punishment, we feel terrible for what we did to the village." Sherry said. "We were also affected by Deliora so we also wanted Reitei Lyon to defeat him."

"We will accept any punishment you give us." Yuka said getting on one knee and both Roxas and Natsu walked to the both of them and Roxas extends his hand to Yuka. "What- what is this?" he asked with a surprised voice.

"I believe all people have some good in them, even the darkest of souls can be brought to the light." Roxas said and he brought Yuka back up. "Besides, you guys don't seem like bad people to me."

"You really do have some wisdom don't you?" Lucy said with a giggle.

"Actually, I just came up with that now..." Roxas said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

Natsu then put his arms over the both of them. "Don't worry about that stuff." He said.

"But... we're your enemies..." Sherry said.

"Never mind that!" the Dragon Slayer yelled out and suddenly Sherry and Yuka were in the middle of the village and were sitting at one of the tables with lots of food on them. "Now let's feast!" he yelled.

Just as the festivities continued Zalty was sitting on a tree branch and he had a Lacrima orb next to him. And he took off his mask revealing his female form.

"Why did you bring back the village?" a voice from the orb asked.

"I don't know, maybe I was feeling generous." She said.

Meanwhile Roxas heard something and he looked up at the trees, but saw nothing there. "Must've been my imagination..." he muttered, before going back to eating.

Ultear stepped from behind the tree with a smirk. "We will meet again...Nine-Tails." she said and jumped from the tree with the orb floating around her.


It was the next morning and Lucy was observing Gray and she was looking at a scar on his forehead that was mostly covered by his hair.

"That's a pretty deep scar. It may be permanent." Lucy said.

"That's okay, I like it. It makes me look a lot cooler." Gray said with a smirk.

"What's so cool about a scar no one can see?" Natsu asked and Gray got up and glared at him.

"You wanna go, hot head!"

"Bring it on! Ice Princess!" and the two were enveloped in a dust cloud as they were both fighting each other.

"It's this early in the morning and they are fighting already?" Ariel asked, with her hands on her hips.

"Haha, you'll get used to it." Roxas said as Lucy nervously laughed.

The group was getting ready to leave while Erza was talking with the village chief. "While I appreciate your generosity in awarding us the reward. We cannot accept it, the request wasn't accepted officially. It was just a few idiots breaking guild rules."

"But please take it, not as a reward, but as a gift of thanks from us." The village chief said.

"Well if you put it that way. We would accept it, but we can't take it, it is against our guilds principals. However we will be happy to accept the Zodiac key you were offering." Erza said.

"We don't want that!" Natsu and Gray exclaimed.

"Hell yeah, we do!" Lucy yelled.

"Despite doing an unofficial request you still get the key, must be your lucky day, Lu." Roxas said.

"Yeah, I guess." She said smiling.

Bobo stepped forward. "I would be happy to take you back to Haregon if you like."

"That is okay, I have my own transportation." Erza said and when they got to the beach they saw a pirate ship waiting for them and there was what looked like a captain's crew and they all had hearts in their eyes.

"Welcome back, My lady!" the captain yelled.

"A pirate ship?" Gray asked

"Y-You hijacked it?" Lucy said with disbelief.

"But why are they still on it?" Ariel asked.

"They must have taken a liking to me." Erza responded with a smile.

"Such is The Great Erza." Happy said.

"Hey, knock it off with 'The Great Erza' alright?" Lucy said to the cat. "There is no way I'm getting on that!" she said and Ariel and Natsu looked to the water with playful smirks on their faces.

"We can always swim across!" they both said playfully.

"WE ARE NOT DOING THAT!" Lucy yelled.

"I have a suggestion if you're comfortable with it," Roxas said.

"What is it?" she wondered.

"I can fly you back," Roxas said.

"Seriously?!" Lucy asked excitedly. She hadn't done that with him in years. Deep down, she missed it.

"Yup. Of course, you're going to have to hold on tight," Roxas said. Lucy blushed but looked at the boat. Gently biting her lip, she looked back at Roxas and got close.

"D-Don't... drop me," she mumbled.

"You know me better than that, Lu.," Roxas grinned, quickly scooping her up princess style. Lucy blushed at the position but her thoughts quickly changed as she and Roxas immediately rocketed into the air, cratering the ground below a bit. She buried her face in his chest in fear before slowly lifting it, chancing a glance at her surroundings. Her eyes went wide as she looked around. The sight was enough to make her cry a bit; she could see the whole island the glimmering ocean down below.

"Enjoying the view? Roxas asked her.

"You... have... no idea. I missed this feeling," Lucy said, moving some of her hair out of her face.

"If you want, we could go flying like again." Roxas offered.

"Really? That sounds great!" Lucy smiled.

The ship begins leaving the island and is heading back to Hargeon, with Roxas and Lucy flying close by it. They all said their goodbyes to the villagers, save for Natsu who was about to blow chunks off the boat as he looked into the sea.

Meanwhile Lyon, Sherry, Yuka, Toby and the followers were looking at the boat as it wandered off into the sea.

"Aren't you going to do something? Lyon. He was Ur pupil as well." Yuka asked.

"Not at this time..." he then looked into sky. "Sherry, are guilds any fun?" he asked.


Meanwhile in an area of Fiore called Era the purple haired woman from before enters a room and as she walks in she sees a man that Roxas met a while back. "I apologize for not being able to control Deliora, Siegrain." The woman said.

"Never mind, that." He simply said. "We had no way of knowing that the demon was already dead."

"It is a shame that, that foolish woman actually defeated him." She said.

"Are you sure you should be talking about your mother that way. Ur's tear. Ultear?" he asked.

"I don't care about that woman, all she ever cared about was her magic. So much so that her husband left her, so I care not for her former affairs."

"Yet if she was still alive she would have become one of the Ten Wizard saints." The man known as Siegrain said and he looked at her face and noticed something weird. "Ultear, what's wrong with your face?" he asked and growing from the left side of her face was a pink bump and it was growing. She began panicking and screaming. "So it grew?" he asked.

"It must have been from Natsu." She said. "I was only using half of my power, and he still hit me pretty hard, he is only going to get stronger. But also, there is that sliver- haired wizard with whisker markings on his face, Roxas. And he seemed to be in control of something called 'Kitsune-Slayer' magic. It was unthinkable when I saw this, people even refer to him as Nine-Tails."

"Where is his strength compared to Natsu?" Siegrain asked, interested in Roxas more.

"Natsu will only get stronger, but Roxas could be in a class of his own. If I stuck around any longer he may have known I would have been related to her. And his magic is sketch, I haven't heard of Kitsune Slayer magic in my life before, It's could even be part of the Lost Magics for all I know."

"It must take some skill and power to be able to use Lost Magic. We must keep an eye on him, both him and Natsu. For my plan to work Natsu and Roxas must get stronger." Siegrain said.


Meanwhile in the town of Magnolia the group is walking back to the guild.

"I can't believe we did all that work for a key." Gray sulked.

Roxas nudged Lucy, who was walking with a skip to her step. "I bet you're fine with it though."

"Yup!" She chirped. "There are only twelve golden keys out there, and with this one I now have five."

"I wonder if Gramps will make us S-Class wizards when we get back." Natsu said

"So what key did you get Lucy?" Ariel asked.

"Sagittarius." She said and she pulled a thumbs up and winked.

"Isn't he a man who is a horse?" Gray asked an he imagined a man with a horses head.

"I think you got is backwards." Lucy said as she imagined a man in a horse's body with a bow and arrow.

Natsu was thinking of what looked like a flower head with a purple tentacle like body. "I don't even know what that is, you're thinking of Natsu." Roxas commented.

"Easy going, are ya?" Erza rhetorically asked as she was pulling her cart filled with numerous supplies. "Don't forget that you stole the request in the first place, because of this you will be punished, even if the Master believe it was Roxas' idea, which I doubt."

Happy flew up to their level as Natsu, Lucy, Ariel, Gray and Roxas looked at each other with terrified looks on their faces. "I wonder if he's going to make us do that again?!" He said.

"This caused Gray to fall to his knees and hold his head in agony. "NO I cannot go through that again!" he yelled.

"WHAT IS THAT!?" Lucy, Ariel and Roxas asked in unison.

"Don't worry you guys. I'm sure Gramps will understand." Natsu said.

"I don't think so, you disobeyed guild rules, and that wont go unpunished, you will face judgment by the Master. I am looking forward to it." Erza said with a smirk.

Roxas, Ariel and Lucy took a look at Natsu who was now sweating profusely and suddenly he was being dragged by Erza to the guild and he was screaming as he didn't want to face punishment.

"No I don't want to face that!" Gray cried out.

"What is that?!" Lucy yelled out as Ariel and Roxas didn't look to fond of the likely punishment they would receive.


This brings an end to the Galuna Island Arc, Changeling is next. Please review and tell me what you think. I'm still accepting ideas for later filler chapters. See ya on the next chapter.

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