Chapter 2 - Welcome to Fairy Tail!

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! I'm back with a whole new chapter that you guys will like. As I said before, I own nothing but my own Ocs. Hope you guys like it. So without further ado, Enjoy!


"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Happy yells as four individuals were standing outside the Guild Hall of the most famous guild, and all of them smiled at the homey look it gave off.

"So this is Fairy Tail." Roxas gazed at the at the old building in front of him with amazement. 

Lucy was literally shaking in excitement. "Well, what are we waiting for!? Let's go in!"

Natsu opens the door with a big slam while Roxas and Lucy were greeted by the sight of the entire guild, which was roughly around thirty to fifty people at first glance. Roxas sees that everyone is completely different from one another with some having serious expressions while others were smiling and talking with their fellow guildmates. He loved it. He was so used to traveling in silence from place to place that he forgot how loud a group of people could be.

"So what do you think, Lu?" Roxas asked, looking over at his friend. 

Lucy, with sparkles in her eyes and a big smile on her face, said,  "It's amazing. I still can't believe I'm here."

Roxas had to agree with her. He grinned at this cheery mood... this was everything he needs, seemed very peaceful-


...Roxas's sweatdropped and Lucy looked shock as they saw Natsu kick a random guy. "HEY, THAT LEAD YOU TOLD ME ABOUT WAS A LIE! I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR BUTT!"



Roxas ducks as a brawl suddenly broke out in the hall...oh, he had to duck again to avoid a flying Happy who was flying not because of his magic, but because he was thrown like a rag doll! He cautiously walks in with his female companions, trying his best to avoid the ongoing fighting. "Well, that escalated quickly."

"I shouldn't be surprised. Fairy Tail is one of the most rambunctious in all of Fiore." Lucy said.


Roxas turned to his left to sees an almost nude boy standing there. He wore black boxers and had the Fairy Tail symbol stamped on his chest. He had jet black hair, a well-toned body and a silver necklace.

This is Gray Fullbuster, a very talented wizard but he...well... has a bad habit of taking off his clothes.

The almost nude boy starts walking towards the scuffle, but not before Roxas heard another voice yell out.

"Gray, your clothes!"


Roxas looks at the bar area to see a beautiful woman sitting there. She was wearing a bikini top and black, skin tight pants.

This young woman is Cana Alberona, and she holds the title of 'Fairy Tail's Heaviest Drinker.'

The young woman sighs in exasperation, "You see? The reason I don't date any of the men here is because they have no class." She spoke with disappointment and took a swing of her drink... WHICH WAS A WHOLE KEG OF ALCOHOL?!

Roxas looks to his right to see Gray kick a table out of his way to get to Natsu, "Come on and fight me Natsu!" The boxer wearing boy yells.

When the dragon slayer looks back at the ice user, he yells, "Not until you put on some clothes you perv!"

"It's already noon and you guys are whining like spoiled babies!" Roxas turns around and noticed a giant, dark skinned teen behind him.

This brute of a man is named Elfman, a muscle bound wizard who thinks that all you need in the world... are two strong fists.

"I'll show you how a real man fights!" Elfman yelled as he charged at the two rowdy members.

However, despite his exclamation he was send flying away with in a single punch! "All it took was one punch?!" Lucy yells as she was dumbfounded on how the biggest guy here, was easily defeated by the two smaller guys.

"Geez, it's noisy around here, huh?" The two mages look behind themselves to see a smiling, orange haired teen who was wearing blue sunglasses and a green jacket over an orange shirt with an odd skull picture in front of it.

This is the lady killer, Loke, ranked most high in the wizard bachelor list.

His charismatic smile disappeared as he was hit in the forehead by a stray glass. He growls angrily, oddly reminding Roxas of felines, before he looks at his female dates, "Hey, I'm going to join in, but only to protect you two!" he said with a smooth voice as the girls squealed in joy to be treated like that... not realizing that he only wanted to get revenge on those who had thrown the object to his face.

Lucy marks off his face as turn off because of his playboy attitude, "Well, he's off my list! Geez, isn't there anyone sane here?"

Roxas shrugged, "Kinda, depends on one's own view of rationality and normality. One might think this is sane while you think its chaos. Though, this place does feel energetic."

"Oh, hello! Are you two new here?" The two young wizards look back to see a slim, young woman of below average height. She has long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest. Her hairstyle's most distinctive trait is a short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. She has large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body with large breasts.

"IT'S MIRAJANE IN THE FLESH!" Lucy squeals as she met Fairy Tail's most beautiful and one of the most famous members. "My name is Lucy and this is Roxas."

"Hey there." Roxas waved.

This is Mirajane, a beautiful wizard who's known around the land for her bikini clad photo shoots in Sorcerer Weekly magazine.

Mirajane just giggled at the celestial spirits mage enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you both."

Roxas points at the fight in front of them, "You think someone should stop them? If this goes on, the whole place could come down."

"Oh, don't worry. It's always like this here, so I just leave them alone and besides-" The non-members gasps in surprise and horror as they see Elfman being thrown at her! "It's kinda fun don't you think?! Ughh!" The barmaid smiles, not caring that she was bleeding from the forehead and her spirit was coming out of her mouth.

"AHH! Don't die Mirajane!" Lucy yells but was interrupted by Gray bumping into her.

"GIVE ME BACK MY UNDERWEAR JERK!" The young man yells in anger as his only clothing was stripped off.

"YAHHH!" Lucy yells as she covers her eyes to avoid looking at the nude teen!

Gray looks at screaming girl and lifts his hand as if to get something, "Excuse me miss, can I borrow your underwear?"

Lucy then proceeds to smack him with a paper fan in return, "AS IF!" After sending the wizard to the other side of the hall, she was suddenly held by Loke who was taking advantage of her confused state.

"Heh, these guys are all so insensitive. They don't know what a woman needs!" he proclaimed as he winked at Lucy, but then was suddenly punched away by a recovered Elfman.

"Real men speak with their fists, Loke!"

Natsu charges out from the front and kicks the big man into the ceiling! "Cut it out!"

The fighting was getting crazier and everyone looked like they were about to get serious.

'This doesn't look good' Roxas thought and moved in front of the two girls defensively.

"THAT'S ENOUGH YOU FOOLS!" A colossal titan fell from above, the light did not come near him, leaving him as a black monster. All the laughing, fighting members halted in place, staring fearfully at the massive beast.

Lucy ducked behind Roxas' back, quivering in fear. The slivernette, however looked up in awe. "Awesome!"

Natsu smiles brightly while standing on Gray's back, "HAHAHAHA, I WIN! NOW, WHO'S NEXT-?!" the pink haired was suddenly crushed by the giant's big foot.

The giant then looked down at Roxas and Lucy. "HMM...NEWCOMERS!"

Lucy gulped . "Y-Yes...sir?"

"Yo!" Roxas grinned.

The giant then shrunk down until he was only a small old man. "Nice to meet you." He greeted cheerfully.

All Lucy and Roxas could do was look at the old man in disbelief as he jumped onto the balcony of the second floor of the guild, and then proceeding to pull out some papers before coughing into his hand to get everyone's attention.

"You did it again, fools!" He yelled and began to read off some of the things that the members destroyed, and Roxas was surprised when he began to hear all the things the guild has destroyed.

Shaking his head, Roxas then turned to Mirajane. "So, I take it that's the Master here?"

Mirajane nodded. "Yup! That's master Makarov."

Makarov burned the papers in his hands and threw them to Natsu, who gobbled up the flames. "The council members are always mad at me... But who cares! If you worry about what the higher ups think then you won't get stronger! Do not fear those fools in the council! We are Fairy Tail!" He yelled and with that large and resounding crescendo of a speech, all the guild members began to loudly cheer, laugh and smile in response; raising their hands collectively in their guild's infamous sign of unity.

All smiles, Lucy began to say, "T-this is so AMAZING!"

Roxas began to cheer along as well, exclaiming, "HELL YEAH, IT IS!" Then he thought to himself., 'This just gives off such a warm everyone here is connected...It just makes me want to be a part of it...I was right to come here and I can't wait for what it has in store for me either...'


Some Time Later...

Everything at the guild had finally settled down as the furnishings had all been put back where they belonged or replaced altogether as Roxas and Lucy waited to receive their guild marks from Mirajane. "Are you sure you want it there?" the barmaid asked the blonde.

"Absolutely, Mira!" Lucy beamed with happiness as Mira popped the stamp onto the back of the celestial wizard's right hand, and then lifting it up to reveal a pink Fairy Tail mark.

Turning to Roxas, she asked him, "And where would you like yours, handsome..?"

Roxas thought for a moment, but smiled as soon as he made his decision. He then rolled up his left sleeve. "I'd like it on my left shoulder, and I think I'd like it to be sliver...if that's not too much trouble..."

"Not at all..." Mira happily responded as she dropped the stamp onto his shoulder, shortly lifting it to reveal the boy's new guild mark.

Smiling as he gazed upon it, with Lucy doing the same, "Wow...We're officially part of Fairy Tail!" After that, she went to show go show Natsu and Happy.

Chuckling at the girl's antics, Roxas walked over to the bar, which he assumed was where they served food.

"Hey Mirajane, could I get something to eat?" He asked with a grin.

"Sure. You can just call me Mira, everyone calls me that." She said then walked off to fix Roxas something to eat.

"Thanks Mira." Roxas sat at the bar to wait for his food and his stomach growled from hunger. He began to twirl a little on his seat as he looked around the bar at everything interested.

"Hey, are you the guy that came here with the new girl?"

Roxas turned around and saw a guy in his boxers standing behind him send him a lazy wave. He noted that it was the same person Natsu had picked a fight with earlier. "Umm... Where are your clothes?"

Gray looked to see that he indeed had no clothes on. "Ah crap!" He ran off to find his missing garments.

Roxas sweatdropped before feeling a tap on his shoulder. Turning around again, he found the brown haired girl from eariler take a seat on the stool next to him. He could already feel his face heating up a bit from the way she was smiling at him.

"That was Gray, he has a bad habit of leaving his clothes everywhere." She said and rolled her brown eyes. "Name's Cana, what's your name handsome?"

Roxas laughed sheepishly, feeling his cheeks burn a little brighter. "I'm Roxas. Nice to meet you, Cana."

She leaned in a little closer. "Those are some cute whisker marks you got. Goes well with the sliver hair and blue eyes. Are they real?"

"Yeah, they are." Roxas said, sending her a toothy grin.

Cana almost squealed from the mage's reaction. 'How cute!'

"Hey Cana, stop teasing the new guy. It's un-manly!"

They both looked up to see the giant of a man from before walk up to them.

Cana sweatdropped. 'That's because I'm not a man...'

"Hey, the name's Elfman." He said with a grin.

Roxas grinned back. "Nice to meet you, Elfman."

Before long, people from all over the guild had gathered around to say hello to the mage.

"You're cute! Are you single?"

"Hey what kind of magic do you use?"

"Wanna join our team?"

"What's up with the whiskers?"

Not used to the attention, Roxas was starting to get a little overwhelmed.

Mirajane came to his rescue, carrying a tray of hot food in her hands. "Now now everyone, let's give Roxas some space to eat."

Roxas cried comical tears. 'Mira!'

Mira simply smiled and placed a plate full of food in front of him. "Here you go."

"Thanks!" Roxas said and began to wolf down the food. "This is great!"

After Roxas finished eating he spent the next couple of hours talking with some of the members of Fairy Tail. So far, he'd met some interesting characters. Gray, who was the guy that always seemed to lose his clothing, was a pretty chill dude. He learned that the guy didn't get along with Natsu at all and were fighting again. .

Elfman, who he learned was Mirajane's younger brother, and was a giant of a man that was obsessed with being manly that is.

Roxas was now sitting at a table with Cana, Elfman, and Team Shadow Gear.

"So handsome, where are you from? You don't look life you're from around here." Cana said, interested to know more about the mage.

"Well, I guess you could say I never had much of a home. I'm a bit of an adventurer and explorer, so I've never stayed in one place for too long. Though I believe this place could grow on me." Roxas replied with a grin.

"Hey Roxas, what kind of magic do you use?" The blue haired girl he came to know as Levy asked, she was a member of Team Shadow Gear.

Roxas rubbed his chin in thought. "Well, I'm actually use Nine-Tailed Fox Slayer Magic."

"Nine-Tailed Fox Slayer Magic?" Levy asked, confused. "You mean like Dragon Slayer magic?"

"Well, kinda. But a lot different." Roxas said. "Also, I can do this..." Getting out of his seat, he suddenly began to hover 30 feet in the air.

"HE CAN FLY TOO!?" Everyone collectively shouted, so amazed that their eyes were nearly popped out of their heads. Roxas then flew back down and plopped into his chair with a grin.

"THAT'S SO AWESOME!" Natsu exclaimed in awe.

"Amazing...I forgot he could do that!" Lucy said in shock. She hadn't seen Roxas use that magic in years.

"Is my dad still not back yet, sir?"

All eyes turned toward the voice; belonging to that of a young boy. Everyone fell silent.

"You're getting on my nerves, Romeo." Makarov sighed, inadvertantly identifying the boy. "If you're a wizard's son, have faith in your father and wait at home quietly!"

"He said he'd be back in three days, but he's been gone a week now!"

"If I recall, it was a job on Mt. Hakobe..."

'Mt. Hakobe? Why would anyone go there....?' Roxas thought.

"That isn't far away!" Romeo insisted! "Go look for him!"

Roxas exchanged a questioning glance with Lucy.

"Your old man's a wizard!" Makarov shouted back! "There's no wizard in this guild who can't take care of himself! Go home and have some milk or something!"

"Stupidhead!" Romeo punched Makarov in the face and ran headlong out of the guild, sobbing.

"That was really harsh." Lucy winced.

"Despite what he said, the master is really worried."


"Oi! Natsu! Don't break it!" Wakaba yelped as the dragon slayer's fist plowed into the board.

Roxas then asked, "Is he going to find this Macao guy?"

"I think so." Said Mirajane. "I think it's because of Romeo."

 Lucy then asked, "Does that boy remind of himself with Igneel?"

"Oh, I guess you don't know this, but Natsu was raised by a dragon." Mirajane said, making Lucy shocked while Roxas listened closely. "Well, Natsu was raised by Igneel when he was little and the dragon taught how to read, write, and fight. And then one day, the dragon vanished, leaving him all alone. I think he sees himself in Romeo. Natsu also looks for his father Igneel when he gets the chance, It's kinda cute dontcha' think.""

Roxas nodded about the dragon part, he also saw a bit of himself in Natsu. After all, he spent most of his time looking for Arceus, his father who was a Nine-Tailed Fox.

"I can understand where Natsu is coming from..." Roxas said, getting both girls attention. "My father, Arceus disappeared one day too and I spent most of my time trying to search for him. So I guess we have something in common."

As Natsu, was about to leave, Roxas stood up, "Yo, Natsu."

"Yeah?" Natsu asked as he turned his head slightly to look at Roxas.

Roxas then said, "I'm going with you." Natsu, Mira, and Lucy was shocked to hear that he wanted to go help Natsu find the father of a boy that he knows nothing about.

"Why?" Natsu asked as he looked at Roxas in confusion. "Why do you want to help me find my friend? This has nothing to do with you."

Roxas then said, "Because now that I became a member of Fairy Tail, I accepted you and everyone else in here as my friends." He then gave Natsu a grin, a thumbs up, and a wink. "And if a friend need help, I'm always willing to lend them a hand."

"Roxas." Lucy said as she saw the determination of Roxas and the shocked expression on Natsu's face. 

Soon, a grin broke on Natsu's face. "Well, we should get going then and bring Romeo his Dad back."

"Right!" Roxas nodded before he walked out the guild with Natsu and Happy.

"Wait up, Roxas! I'm coming too!" Lucy called and followed after the trio.

Mira watched the retreating back of Roxas and smiled. "He's such a sweetheart, isn't he?"


Later that day

"Wow, you don't so good pal." Roxas commented as he saw Natsu sprawled out on his seat, his face was bloated and purple and he looked like he was seconds away from vomiting.

"Ugh..." Natsu groaned.

Miles away Lucy, Roxas, Natsu, and happy decided to take a carriage to find Macao.

"Does he always get sick on wagons?" Lucy asked.

"Aye!" Happy nodded, sitting down and leaning on the walls of the carriage. "Also, on trains and ships. Pretty much any kind of vehicles makes him sick."

The blue cat then looked towards Lucy, "So, why are you here anyways Lucy?"

Looking curiously at the talking cat, which was still weird, "What? Does it bother you?"

"Aye! It does. You weight is making the carriage move slower."

"SHUT UP! IM NOT FAT!" And she definitely wasn't from what Roxas could see. Lucy had grown more woman like since he last saw her. Her body had curves in all the right places. Not mention flawless...He shook his head to get rid of the thought.

"Ugh...we have to find a way to get to Macao." Natsu was not good with transportation. He wondered if it was just him having to suffer with these damn effects. Noticing that the carriage has stopped he smiled and jumped to his feet, "It finally stopped!"

The man who was in charge of the carriage looked like he was about to freeze to death. Roxas took it upon himself to give him a slap to the face to wake him up. "Hey! I don't need you dying on us. You should head back, we have it from here." He didn't want the poor man to freeze because of them. The man smile and turned his carriage around and continued to head back.

Lucy didn't like that idea, "Wait, how are we going to get back!" before she knew it a gust of cold wind hit her and she began to shiver, "Why is it so cold up here?"

Suddenly, Lucy felt herself get warmer as something soft was placed upon her. When she looked, she noticed it was Roxas' jacket that was draped over her. She looked back to Roxas to see he was only in his sleeveless black shirt.

"Um, Roxas, not that I'm not grateful for the jacket, but won't you be cold." Lucy asked Roxas.

"Don't you remember Lu?" Roxas asked, "My magic keeps me just as warm as it would if I was a fire mage."

Lucy thought back to when he first told her that before realization hit her. "Oh yeah. Back when we were kids and we had that snowball fight, you never got cold."

"Yeah." Roxas grinned. "Just stick with me so we don't get lost in this blizzard."

"Okay." Lucy nodded then zipped the jacket up and snuggled it.

"Thanks, that's much better."

"MACAO! Where are you!?"

Natsu took to yelling out Macau's name like he was going to answer back. It's a blizzard out here and he thinks that going to help. "Whatever works for him I guess." Roxas shrugged. Noticing something was wrong he looked towards Natsu, "NATSU LOOK OUT!"

Taking immediate action Natsu back flip from his current position, just in time to dodge a Vulcan striking where he once stood. It had elongated chins, prolonged ears and pointed heads that resemble a single horn on top of its head. It also had gargantuan arms, and large hands that attach to its muscular torso.

Getting in his fighting stance, Natsu was waiting for the Vulcan to attack. Before he knew it, it knocked him down and went straight for Lucy. Roxas stood in front of Lucy, only to get tacked away from a charging Vulcan.

The Vulcan looked at Lucy with hearts in his eyes, "A Human woman." Lucy was more surprise in the fact that it talked then the way it looked. It unexpectedly picked her up and ran away.

Dusting himself up, Roxas went towards Natsu who was pounding his fist in his palm ready for action, "Ready Roxas?"

A smirk appeared on Roxas' face, "You know I am."


(Unknown location)

"How did it become like this?" Sitting in the middle of some sort of cave, Lucy just keep on looking at the weird monkey running around her in circles, "And that monkey is hyper for some reason!"

"Woman." The monkey kept staring at Lucy with desire in his eyes. He was just like any other male, he like woman and it was rare to see one around here, so why not?

"WUOOOO! I FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO YOU!" Running towards them, Natsu was ready for action when he suddenly slipped on the ice and hit an ice berg face first, "Hey Monkey, where's Macao?"

"Geez Natsu. You didn't have to run in head first. We could have attacked it when it wasn't looking you know." Roxas appeared right after Natsu's slipping accident.

"Natsu! Roxas! You guys came to save me." Tears started shedding from her eyes. They were here to rescue her.

"Hey Lu, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Lucy nodded.

After recovering, Natsu got up to face the Vulcan, "Alright you overgrown ape, where's Macao?"

The Vulcan looked at Natsu and smirked at him. He signaled for Natsu to come to him. Natsu, being who he is, went towards him. Looking over the ledge, where the Vulcan was pointing at, "Where is he?" The moment Natsu's guard was down, the Vulcan pushed him off the cliff.


"Me no like man... only woman."

Roxas palmed his face, 'Will it kill him to think for once?' seriously he fell for that obvious trick. Even he wouldn't fallen for that. Looking over at the Vulcan, Roxas got ready for battle. Looking over at Lucy he saw her take out one of her keys.

"Time to get serious. Open! Gate of The Golden Bull: TAURUS!"

An extremely tall, heavily muscular and athletic humanoid bull appeared. He wore a simple dark boot with lighter upper edges, consisting of three lines circling his legs, and had a red belt circling his neck, to which a golden cowbell is attached. His forearms are wrapped in bandages, and he wore brown, fingerless gloves. Crossing his chest diagonally and passing over his right shoulder is a large, plain dark belt closed by a simple buckle, to which Taurus attaches his signature axe.

Well that was impressive. It looks like he wasn't fighting this thing alone.

"Hey, who's the bull man?" Roxas asked, looking over at Lucy. "I never met that spirit before."

"That's Taurus. I got his key sometime after I left home. He's the most powerful spirit I have a contract with." Lucy told him.

"Lucy you have nice boobs like always" Well what do you know it's a pervert. Why not?

Ignoring his comment, "Go get him Taurus!" Taurus got his axe and charge at the Vulcan ready to Strike it. Roxas got into a stance when he sensed someone familiar.

"How dare you push me off a cliff?" Natsu had no idea what was going on, so when he saw Taurus he figured it was another monster. Running up to him he kicked it in the face, "What! There're more monsters to deal with."

"Natsu you idiot, not him!" Great now one of her spirits was down for the count. Realizing something that had been bugging her, "Wait. How did you survive?"

"Oh! It's all thanks to Happy." Happy showed up on Natsus back with his wings spread. She forgot he had wings.

"Um... guys not to ruin the reunion, but we have a monkey issue." Roxas called out. Both Lucy and Natsu were distracted by each other that they had forgotten their current situation.

The Vulcan started to charge at them. It leaped in the air ready to crush them, when Natsu and Roxas extended their legs and kicked it right in the stomach. It was thrown a few feet from them. Once it recovered it started to throw snowballs, only to fail when Natsu used his body heat to melt the snow, "That won't work on fire"

Looking around the Vulcan spotted an axe that was left from Taurus. Well this just got a lot more complicated. Roxas grinned and cracked his knuckles. "Come on, you over grown ape! Let's dance."

Growling, the Vulcan lunged at Roxas who, began to leap and dodge over the wild swings before Roxas shoved the Vulcan away.

"Nine-Tails' Spinning Talon!" Roxas said as his right leg was engulfed in blue flames before he spun around and kick the Vulcan in the face, sending the monkey sliding back as well as knocking the axe from it's hand.

Lucy stared in amazement, 'Wow.'

The Vulcan then shook off the pain it was feeling before charging angrily at Roxas, "Natsu you ready!" Natsu nodded at Roxas knowing what he was about to do, "Here you go!" Soon the Vulcan was lunged at a punch. With amazing strength and speed, Roxas caught the the Vulcan's arm and tossed the monkey into the air.

Natsu Jumped up in the air while fire formed around his right fist ready for the strike, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" With that, he punched the Vulan in the face and the attack sent it crashing into the icy wall.

Natsu landed next to Roxas and they both fist bumped each other. Lucy looked in amazement. She could not wait until she was that strong. A puff of smoke caught their attention, the Vulcan had suddenly turned into Macau. Before they knew it the wall of ice broke and Macao fell. Natsu was the first to act and ran and caught Macau's leg while Lucy caught Natsu's leg, only to begin to fall herself. Roxas was the last and was able to pull them both to safety.

A couple of minutes later Lucy was trying to take care of Macau's injury but it was too serious. Nothing was working so Natsu took it upon himself to use his fire to stop the bleeding, "Come on don't die on me."

Roxas was just watching smiling at Natsu, 'Natsu really cares for his Guild mates, doesn't he?'

Minutes later Macao was able to stand and his wounds were taken care of but he could still use a visit to the hospital. Roxas looked over to Lucy, "Are it okay Lu?"

Lucy looked at Roxas and smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Roxas then offered her his hand. "Come on. Let's head back."

Lucy smiled and took it. "Yeah."


After Macao reunited with his son, the group returned to the guild to relax after a harsh day. Roxas and Lucy were now sitting at the bar.

Roxas crossed his arms. "Man, I should really be looking a place to stay I wonder if there are any apartments...."

'Oh yeah that's right. He doesn't have anywhere to go...' Lucy thought, and she couldn't help but feel a need to help her best friend out. So after giving it some thought, she spoke. "Well, I found a nice cheap apartment today. If you don't have anywhere else to go... You could stay with me. I don't mind. It'll be just like a sleepover, like when we were  little."

Roxas looked at Lucy. She really hadn't changed in the passed 10 years. She was still as kind, beautiful, and caring as she was when they were kids, if not a still bit moody.

"Really? Are you sure it wouldn't be too much trouble?" Roxas asked, rubbing his head.

She played with her hair. "Well, yeah of course. You helped me and became my first friend back then, so this is the least I can do."

Roxas grinned widely. "Hehe, thanks Lu! You're awesome."

Lucy smiled back, a tad bit of red in her cheeks. Wait, did she just offer to let a boy stay with her? Yeah, he was her best friend and wanted to spend more time with him, but still...

"Hey, Roxas." The slivernette then looked over and saw Natsu smiling at him and holding his fist out. "Thanks for helping me out."

Roxas then grinned, bumped his fist and said, "No problem. I'm happy to help." He then looked over at Lucy and said, "So, Lu."

"What's up?" Asked Lucy.

Roxas then said, "How about you and I go get a bite to eat? I'll pay this time."

Lucy then smiled while blushing and said, "Y-Yeah, I'd like that."

"They like each other..." Happy said while giggling to himself. The cat must have sat at their table at some point in their conversation.

"S-shut up, you useless cat!" Lucy yelled and chased after the laughing feline.

Roxas just laughed at them. He knew he was going have fun here.


"Wow, this place really is great." Roxas said as he and Lucy enter her new apartment.

"Hey, don't thank me." Lucy said as she rubbed he arm with a smile on his face. "I just found a flyer for someone offering a place to live. It's a little pricey, but with the two of us living here, I'd figure that we can pay for it."

Lucy looked around and loved everything in this place, which made Roxas smile a little bit. She then went a door way and noticed something that bugged her about the place. She then said, "Roxas, we have a problem."

"Hmm, what is it?" Roxas asked as he walked over to where Lucy was and say a room with one bed and a desk. "Okay, it's a room. What's wrong?"

Lucy then explained, "It's the only room in this entire apartment."

"Yeah, it's your bedroom." Said Roxas. "What's the problem?"

Lucy was shock to her that Roxas just gave her this room. She then asked, "But...but where are you going to sleep?"

Roxas then pointed at the couch and said, "That's my bed."

Lucy then said, "Roxas, I don't..."

"Lucy, I want you to have that room. You bought this place and offered me to stay." Roxas said with a smile on his face. Lucy blushed at the sight of his smile. "Now, let's not argue about it and get to bed. I kind of want to sleep after that great meal we had a couple minutes ago."

"In a few minutes, I have to do something first." Lucy said, turning off the lights so that only her desk light was on. 

"Mkay." Roxas said, before heading over to the couch.

"He hasn't change at all." Lucy shook her head at the older boy before turning back to her paper. She waited till she heard Roxas' soft breath, indicating that he had fallen asleep.

Dear Mom,

You'll never believe what happened today. Remember Roxas? Well we reunited in Hargeon and joined Fairy Tail together! Can you believe that? I'm so incredible happy right now I can hardly take it. He's currently staying at my place right now. I couldn't just let him stay at the guild. Roxas hasn't changed a bit, at least personality wise. He is still as sweet and kind as ever, with the rare moments of teasing. But that's what I liked about him. I miss you mom, but you don't have to worry about me anymore. I'll be just fine, now that Roxas and I are together again.



Lucy quietly folded up the paper and placed in in an envelope. She smiled in satisfaction and placed the letter on the table. She would put it in the box in the morning. With out disturbing the sleeping boy, she crept over to her bed.

Quickly diving under the covers, Lucy looked towards the couch. "Night, Roxas" she whispered before falling asleep.

That's a wrap for this chapter! Hope you guys liked it! Sorry if it was a bit long. I will have the next one up soon, look out for it. Comment on your favorite parts and don't forget to vote!

Be sure to review. Until then, see ya!!!

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