Chapter 28 - First Kiss

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. This story has become very popular, thanks to you guys. Please review and let me know what you think. Enjoy!


On the streets of Magnolia

"I can believe he did that to you!" Lucy shouted angrily, as she stomped down the street to her shared apartment as Roxas and Plue watched her.

After Roxas caught up to Lucy, the blonde noticed how her roommate's arms and jacket sleeves looked. She nearly went into a panicked when she grabbed his arms and looked him over, despite Roxas telling her that he was fine. Lucy took a deep breath before she asked him what happened.

Roxas told her what happened at the park and once he finished, she hopped up in anger at Laxus.

"Lu, clam down. I'm fine really." Roxas told her again, hoping to stop her rant.

Lucy looked stopped pacing and looked over at Roxas. "That jerk not only hurt Gajeel and you, but nearly Levy too! I mean I know Gajeel was wrong for what he did to the guild, but that was still wrong. And then, he does this to you when you were trying to help!"

Roxas just grinned at the girl and shook his head. "You really do have a big heart, Lu. That's one of the thing I admire about you." He placed his hand on the girl's shoulder. "It really means a lot that you cared if I was okay. But look, I heal fast."

Lucy looked down at his arms and saw that not a single injury he got from Laxus' lighting bolt was there. "Well, okay. If you say so."

Noticing the slightly sad look on Lucy's face, Roxas frowned. Not that he thought about it, the two of them hadn't gone on any jobs lately. He then got an idea. "Hey, since we got time tomorrow, how about we go on a job together?"

Lucy's face brightened. "...Just the two of us?" A blush crept on her cheeks.

Roxas grinned and nodded. "Sure!"

Lucy thought about it for a second and smiled back. "Okay, sounds great!"

"Punn~" Plue said.


Later, Roxas, Lucy and Plue had entered their apartment at close to night time, Lucy and Plue were looking around while being cautious of their surrounding expecting something like an ambush, much to Roxas' amusement. When it looked to be safe, Lucy sighed while Plue stood there shivering.

"No one's here." Lucy said in relief. "And why do I come home always feeling tense?"

"Well, Phantom Lord, That whole business with Jellal... not to mention that Natsu almost always breaks into this place." Roxas said.

"Yeah. I have been through a lot."

"I'll get started on food." Roxas said.

Hearing that, Lucy looked at her childhood friend in shock.

"Wait, Roxas. Do you know how to cook?" asked Lucy intrigued.

"Yeah," replied Roxas grinned, not giving importance to the look he was getting from the blonde.

"Come on, you can't be serious," said Lucy with a doubtful smile. "Do you really know how to cook?"

"What, don't you believe me?" Roxas asked, looking at the blonde.

Lucy put a hand over her mouth to hide her smile. "No way! When we were kids you almost set my mom's kitchen on fire!"



"Hey Roxas, are you sure you know how to...?"

"Of course, leave this to me, Lu! I'll prepare something good, don't worry."

"If you say so..."


"Ahh! Roxas, what happened!?"

"I think I burned something...Maybe this is more difficult than I thought..."

"We're going to die out of hunger..."

Flashback ends


Roxas put a hand over heart in mock offence. "That was one time and I was like, six!" He then grew a proud grin as he placed his hands on his hips. "I've grown since then and I can prove it!" He told her.

"To tell you the truth, you look like someone who would be very clumsy in a kitchen," Lucy said mockingly, and then a wide smile appeared on her face. "So why don't you cook something to prove me wrong, Roxie?"

"Oooh ho ho, now you two have done it, Lu," Roxas said as he narrowed his eyes. He then marched to the kitchen with determination. "Let's what kind of ingredients we got!"

Lucy smiled slyly at him as he turned to head to the kitchen, "And no setting the kitchen on fire or you're paying for it!"

Roxas looked over his shoulder with a reasonable look on his face "Oh ha ha, you're a comedian."

"Great. I'll take a bath then." Lucy headed to the bathroom while Plue followed her. The blonde mage was in the tub while her body and hair was wrapped in a towels. "Ahh. It's like I'm back from the dead." Lucy attempting a comedic conversation began to talk to herself. "Who are you calling 'dead', you?!" she was quickly embarrassed by her actions. "Comedy isn't funny when you are doing both parts." She saw Plue in the water, he now looked deflated, his long nose was hanging. "Wow, you actually do wilt if you get soaked in hot water. She began playing with Plue's deflated body. "How cute." She laughed. Lucy then thought back to today's events and the conversation she had with Bisca and Levy earlier which involved Roxas....



Lucy let out an exaggerated sigh and leaned forward onto the bar. After all the time she has been around Roxas, She had come to terms with the fact that she had feelings for Roxas. But everytime they appeared to have a moment, she would either choke or someone would interrupt.

"Hey Lu, what's got you so down in the dumps?" Levy asked and took a seat next to her seemingly depressed friend.

"H-Huh? oh nothing. Just lost in thought." Lucy mumbled and buried her face into her arms.

"If it's about boy troubles, I can relate." Bisca said, appearing up to the duo.

"Wait, aren't you and Alzack finally boyfriend and girlfriend yet?" Levy asked her confused.

"N-No! We're just friends!" Bisca shot back with a red flush on her cheeks, before her eyes saddened. "At least, that's what he wants. I'm almost ready to give up on him asking me soon."

"Well why don't you ask him?" Levy responded with a curious expression.

"We've been friends for so long, we came from the west to Fairy Tail together. If he doesn't feel the same, I'll ruin our friendship..." Bisca replied saddened and heartbroken, before her eyes darted to Levy. "What about you? You've got Jet and Droy all over you, how you picked one of them yet?"

"No, to be honest I don't really see anyone in that way yet..." Levy replied quietly, yet her eyes followed a certain long black haired dragon slayer as he walked past to argue with Natsu about something.

Bisca sighed heavily. "It's so easy for you Lucy, seeing as you've already got the perfect boyfriend. Roxas is a lucky guy."

"W-What!?" Lucy's eyes widened as she shouted in shock. "Roxas and I aren't boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"Really?" Bisca asked somewhat surprised. "I always thought you two were. That's what Misty said told me."

"No, we're not." Lucy reaffirmed them, before playing with her hair. "Sure he's strong, brave, funny, cute and good looking, also I've known him since we were kids, but..."

"You really got it bad for him, don't you?" Bisca said with a giggle.

"W-what's that supposed to mean?" Lucy mumbled and buried her face into her arms.

Levy laughed softly and put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "It's kinda obvious, I think the only member in the guild that doesn't know is him, I mean its kind of cute."

"A conversation about love?" A new voice spoke, Juvia stood next to them, before sitting down next to Lucy. "May Juvia also partake in this discussion?" It wasn't really a question, as she had already joined in, her eyes darted over to Lucy and shot her a hidden glare. 'Strong, brave, funny, cute and good looking. She claims to be lin love with Roxas-san, but she must be talking about my Gray-sama! Finally Juvia will know about your feelings towards Gray-sama, former rival in love!'

'It's that obvious, huh?" Letting out another sigh, Lucy sat up and looked over to where Roxas was. "I don't know what do... Finally realizing I have these kind of feelings. But every time I try to tell him, something always prevents me from doing it."

"I KNEW IT!" Juvia shouted with an enraged fury. Pointing a dagger of a finger towards the blond girl. "YOU CLAIM TO LOVE ROXAS-SAN, YET YOU SEEK GRAY-SAMA'S HEART FOR YOUR OWN, WELL YOU'RE LOVE WILL NEVER TRIUMPH IN THE FACE OF JUVIA!"

"Don't comment on things when you haven't heard the first part of the topic." Bisca spoke in an amused fashion at the blue haired water mage.

Levy frowned. 'Poor Lu...' She looked over to where Roxas was sitting."I understand what you mean Lu. But from what you told me before, Roxas really is a great guy. I mean, he's made you laugh when you were upset, helped you when you needed help the most. He even supported you when you confronted your father. Most girls would kill to have a a guy drop into their life like that." Levy replied with a stern tone. "If you leave things as they are now, he might get stolen away before you know it."

"Yeah, but..." Lucy mumbled, but then snapped her head up when she realized what Levy said before. "Wait, what do you mean by get stolen away?"

"Come on, do you really think there aren't girls out there who feel something for him?" Bisca asked, looking at the blonde girl as if she asked something obvious. "You said it yourself; he's strong, brave, funny, cute and good looking. If you don't want your man with another girl, you'd better get cracking."

Lucy blushed at that, but she knew Levy and Bisca were right. "Okay, I've made up my mind!" With that said, Lucy stood up and started walking towards her target.

'Go get him Lu, you have my support!' Levy thought with a fierce expression.

"Yee-haw! Go get him, girl!" Bisca cheered.

As she drew closer, Lucy noticed that Cana was now sitting next Roxas. She looked to be try to get him to drink with her. 'A powerful foe has appeared...!'

"Come one Roxas, don't be so stingy! Have a drink with me!" Cana whined while playfully pulling on the teen's jacket. "Sorry Cana, I don't really like alcohol..." Roxas nervously declined, trying to get back to his food.

"Hey! Give Roxas some space, can't you see he's uncomfortable?" Lucy said while pointing an accusing finger at the brunette.

'Oh? She's making her move now?' Cana smiled slyly before grabbing Roxas' arm and putting it between her bust, earning a growing blush on the teen's face. "I was just trying to have a drink with a fellow guild member, what's wrong with that?" She said and looked at Roxas's still growing red face. 'Plus I just can't help teasing this guy, he's just too adorable!'

Lucy stared at the scene play out before her, a tick-mark slowly making it's presence known on her forehead. There was no way she going to let any girl take her Roxas...Wait her Roxas?

'Uh-oh, maybe I went a little too far?' Cana thought as Lucy began to tremble.

"Oh my, what is going on here?" Mirajane walked over to the table and saw the look of hunger on Roxas face as he stared at this now growing cold meal. "Now, you should leave Roxas alone to eat, Cana. The poor thing looks like he's starving!" As if to go along with what she said, Roxas' stomach gave out a loud growl.

"Food... Food..." Roxas groaned.

Cana laughed awkwardly and let go of his arm. "Sorry Roxas, my bad. But seriously, come have a drink with me later!" She said with a wink and walked off to find some booze.

"Thank you, Mira..." Roxas said with comical tears streaming down his face.

The barmaid giggled. "Now, eat up! I worked hard to make that for you, we wouldn't want my efforts to go to waste now would we?"

Roxas shook his head and began to devour his food.

Lucy sent Mirajane a thankful look before noticing the expression on the girl's face as she watched Roxas scarf down his food. 'Don't tell me... Mira too?'

Feeling Lucy's eyes on her, Mirajane sent her a wink before walking off to the kitchen.

Lucy sighed and sat down next to her crush. Something told her these next couple of days were going to be troublesome.

Flashback ends


"Even after that, I still couldn't tell him." Lucy sighed, before a determined look appeared on her face. "I can't give up! Tomorrow, it'll just be me and him. I still have a chance!"

After taking her bath, Lucy put on her night clothes and walked out the bathroom. Seeing that Roxas was still in the kitchen, she sat on the bed and waited for him.

Roxas soon walked out of the kitchen, the boy with a plate in his hands with his jacket over his right shoulder, most likely because it would have been a bit uncomfortable for him to cook while wearing it. He saw Lucy on the bed and walked towards her.

"Okay, here you go!" Roxas said, putting the plate on the bar before putting his jacket on.

Lucy looked at what Roxas prepared with curious eyes. It looked like a big grilled pancake containing a variety of different ingredients. It looked really tasty, and it smelled really good too, she couldn't deny that. The only thing they had to do now was to eat it and check if it was truly as good as it appeared.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Roxas asked, a confident smile on his face.

Lucy looked at the Fox slayer. "What is it?" She asked.

"Okonomiyaki," Roxas replied.

"Okono-what?" Lucy asked confused. "Is this a dish from somewhere else? Because it's the first time I see something like this."

Roxas chuckled. "Yeah, it is. I asked Mira about it since I wanted to prepare something you haven't eaten before. Go on, give it a try."

"Okay..." Lucy said before grabbing the fork that was on the plate. She picked a piece of the pancake and then put it in her mouth. Suddenly, Lucy's eyes went wide. "Wow, it's...delicious!"

"Of course," Roxas said, a smug grin on his face. He looked out the window and saw night had fallen. "Man, time sure flew by..."

He looked at Lucy again, but then he realized that the Okonomiyaki he prepared was gone, and that could only mean one thing.

"Hey, did you eat it all already!?" Roxas asked. "You could have left something for me!"

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," Lucy said, sticking out her tongue in a cute way. "You could prepare another one if you're hungry."

Roxas smirked. "Are you indirectly telling me to cook more?"

"Maybe~" Lucy replied innocently.

Later Lucy was catching up on her writing while in the background Roxas was playing with Plue. After the three of them brushed their teeth together, both were proceeding to bed. Roxas lied down on Lucy's couch with a blanket over him.

"Goodnight, Lu."

"Goodnight." Lucy replied now climbing into bed before falling a sleep.


The Next Morning...

Roxas and Lucy stood in front of the mission board, looking for a job that they would want to do.

"What do you think?" Lucy asked.

"Hm... How about that one?" Roxas suggested.

"Another monster hunt? We always do those." Lucy whined. "We should do a different type of job this time."

An arm came between them. "I think you guys should take this one."

The duo turned to find Levy pointing at a request that said: "Missing Fishing Boats"

Lucy picked the paper off the board and read it. "Wow, this one looks good. It has a seven-hundred-fifty thousand reward. There must have been quite a few boat disappearances."

Roxas looked at Levy. "I guess you're coming with us then, Levy?"

"Sorry, but I'm already going on a mission with Jet and Droy. I just came over to help you guys find a decent job." The bluenette explained.

"Okay, thanks." Roxas grinned. When he wasn't looking, Levy winked at Lucy and gave her a look that said. "Good Luck!"

Lucy smiled gratefully at her best friend before looking over at Roxas. "Then it's decided."

The fox slayer grinned. "Yep! Now let's get going!"



"I thought we were here for a job." Roxas said with a flat look.

"We are, what makes you think otherwise?" Lucy questioned innocently.

The duo was now at a beach that was near where the boats were disappearing. Their job was to investigate the reason behind it all and take care of it. But what the fox slayer didn't understand was why they needed to be in their swimwear. Roxas was wearing black swim-trunks that had blue flames at the bottom. Lucy wore a plain white bikini.

"We should be battle ready, not in our swimsuits. Who knows what we'll find out there." He said while nodding his head sagely.

"Sorry, do I look so good in my bikini that it's distracting to you?" Lucy teased, and snickered when the slivernette turned a few shades redder.

"I'm gonna see if I can sense anything weird." Roxas grumbled and walked towards the water.

Lucy walked along the beach and noticed two large trails in the sand that lead into the ocean. 'I wonder who these belong to?'

"Hey, Lu!" Roxas called out.

The Celestial spirit mage turned to see Roxas coming back to the shore. Walking over to him, she pointed over at the trails she found. "There's a big trail going into the ocean, looks like you'll be getting your monster hunt after all."

Roxas nodded. "Yeah I think you may be right, I also found where all the missing boats are underwater. Let's go check it out."

With the that, the duo swam to where the boats were.

Roxas pointed to the entrance of a large underwater cavern and upon entering, the blonde gasped. There were ships all over the place, or at least what was left of them.

The boats were thrashed to say the least, metal and wood scattered throughout the clearing.

Swimming closer to one of the larger ships, Roxas noticed it was covered in what he thought looked like teeth marks. 'This was definitely the work of a monster.' He thought.

At the touch of his shoulder, the fox slayer turned to find Lucy who was pointing up, before she began to swim towards the roof of the cavern. Making his way towards the girl, Roxas began to see why she was going up, there was another opening going up to an air filled cave.

Swimming up to the surface, Roxas climbed up and onto the surface of the water. "So, what do you think? Monster hunting time?" He asked after removing the water bubble from his head.

Lucy nodded. "There is definitely a monster somewhere in those waters. What else would be able to bite chunks that big out of those boats like that?"

Roxas felt a chill go down his spine. 'This feeling...!' He jumped off of the water and landed next to Lucy just as a giant pair of jaws snapped where he once stood.

"Eep! What is that!?" Lucy shrieked.

"Looks like we don't have to go hunting, the monster came hunting for us." Roxas said as the creature stared at them with hungry eyes.

The creature looked like a giant crocodile and was at least twice the the length of the sunken ships they found. This was definitely the thing that was behind all the disappearances, if those giant sharpened teeth had anything to say about it.

They all jumped back when the crocodile climbed out of the water and into the cave with them, it's two long tails dragging along behind it.

'What a freaky monster!' Roxas thought, then looked over at Lucy. "Lu, let's take this thing out!" He yelled.

"Right!" Lucy said and sprung into action. "Open, Gate of the Archer: Sagittarius!" she chanted and summoned the horse dressed spirit.

"You called, Ms. Lucy?" The spirit saluted before firing a barrage of arrows upon the beast. The shots didn't seem to do anything either.

"It's scales are too hard for our attacks to pierce!" Lucy said as Sagittarius continued his assault.

"Let me have a try!" Roxas yelled as he ran passed them and towards the roaring demon, with a clenched fist . He swiftly dodged its snapping jaws and jumped onto the thing's back. "How do you like this!" He yelled as he jumped into the air and drop his heel into the crocodile's scales, earning a loud thud and some crunching noises.

It collapsed onto the ground and hissed in pain. "I'm not done yet!" Roxas grabbed onto one of the demon's tails and pulled.

Lucy watched in awe as the paladin swung the monster over his shoulder, slamming it into the water causing a huge splash.


Roxas jumped onto the water and watched as the two tailed monster sank motionlessly. He turned to Lucy and gave her a thumbs up. "Mission accomplished!"

Watching her cheer, the fox slayer laughed before sensing something and looking down again. 'Aww cra-'


"Roxas!" Lucy shrieked as she witnessed the teen get swallowed up by the crocodile. She ran to the water as the creature sank back into the water and began to swim away.

"Oh no you don't!" Lucy yelled and jumped into the water and pulled out a golden key.

'You're not eating me that easily!' Roxas thought as he pushed the demon's mouth open. With all the water rushing passed his face and barely being able to breath, it took all he had just to keep the crocodile's jaws from closing. It had brought them out into the middle of the ocean.

He felt a sudden crash and the pressure seemed to loosen a little. Taking advantage of the moment, Roxas pushed with all his strength and forced the mouth to open enough to allow him to escape.

After getting some distance from the giant reptile, the fox slayer looked around and saw Lucy with Aquarius battling with the creature.

His vision started to blur. 'Crap... I need air...' He quickly created a wind bubble and breathed in a mouthful as soon as he felt the air cover his head. "Aah...That's better!" He said between gasps.

He then looked towards the ongoing battle. "Hang on, Lu!" He then began to make his way towards the battle.

The celestial spirit mage seemed to be holding her own against the monster, Aquarius was truly a force to be reckoned with.

Roxas swam up to Lucy and the girl's eyes softened. "Roxas! You're okay!"

The slivernette nodded and looked at the monster as it avoided the water currents shot out by Aquarius. "I'm not very useful underwater, got any plans?"

Lucy thought to herself for a second before looking at him. "Yeah, but I'm gonna need time."

Roxas grinned. "I guess it's my turn to buy you guys some time then. Okay, here we go!"

As Aquarius began charge a large water current, Roxas swam full speed towards the giant crocodile.

He then charged a a white/blue flame sphere in his hand. Gaining gotten its attention, the beast began to swim towards him with its jaws open to swallow the slivernette whole.

The sphere began to cause the water around Roxas to swirl until a miniature vortex was formed. 'Still not big enough...' Roxas thought as he pumped more magic into the technique, making the whirlpool increase in size.

The two-tailed monster drifted head first into the vortex and tried to escape, but couldn't and helplessly swirled in the rotating water.

Roxas watched as the sea monster swirled around helplessly. He sensed an intense flare of magic behind him and turned just in time to see a water vortex easily three times as large as his own storm its way towards his location.

Immediately canceling his spell, Roxas rushed out of the way just as the magical water crashed into the whirlpool he had created and proceeded to carry the monster up towards the ocean's surface.

He stared at the display of magic with wide eyes before looking over to the cheering girl. 'She's good.' Roxas thought with a grin.


Roxas whistled as they walked over to where the two tailed crocodile had landed. After being hurdled into the sky by the powerful spell, it flew all the onto the beach and crashed into the sand. This thing wasn't getting back up, that's for sure. "That was awesome! I didn't know you could do that kind of magic."

Lucy snickered. "I'm are pretty awesome, aren't I?"


After informing the mayor of their success and getting their reward, the duo was now walking e now on a train back to Magnolia.

Lucy stretched out in her seat and yawned. "Ahh, I'm tired. That was a hard battle..." But it was worth it! Now she didn't have to keep asking Roxas to pay for her half of the rent. Speaking of the fox slayer, he had fallen asleep the moment the train departed.

"He's so cute when he's asleep..." Lucy said with a giggle. ' I wonder how comfortable it is to sleep next to him.' A blush shot across her face, as her eyes widened. 'What the heck am I thinking!? I shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that at all!'

Glancing back over at Roxas, Levy and Bisca's words entered her mind, causing Lucy's blush to deepen. It couldn't hurt to try, right?

Getting up from her seat, Lucy snuck over to the side opposite of Roxas and sat down next to her friend and secret, depending on who you asked, crush. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she rested her head on the slivernette's shoulder. 'I'm just making sure no random girl..person tries anything, that's all!' Lucy reassured herself as her eyes slowly closed. 'So warm...'

The rest of the ride was then quiet as the duo was asleep. Roxas had his head leaning against Lucy's and his arm had unconsciously enveloped her in a one armed hug. Finally, the few hours had ended and the train screeched to a halt, the hiss of the hydraulics filling the ears of Roxas.

The Fox slayer opened his eyes and moved to stretch, but found one of his arms was asleep. He turned his head to see Lucy's blonde head of hair was on his shoulder, as she snuggled up to him and was fast asleep. She was drooling slightly, Roxas noted with a grin, feeling a sudden, powerful, surge of affection for the celestial spirit mage.

He poked her in the forehead just for fun. "Hey," Roxas whispered. "Lu, wake up. The train stopped." She stirred but didn't do any more than that. He poked her again. "Lucy." This time she did wake up, brown eyes clouded and unfocused.

"Whozzair?" She slurred. She looked up at Roxas, looked him dead in the eye drowsily, blinked once, then again for a brief second before realization struck. Her face turned red and she gained a shocked expression, her mouth agape.

"Roxas! I-I-I-I." Lucy sputtered before jumping off the seat. "I was getting cold! Yeah, it was cold!"

Roxas laughed a bit. "Really, because you seemed a really comfortable."

The celestial spirit mage blushed furiously before grabbing her baggage and walking towards the exit of the train. "W-Well, you were really warm..." She muttered with a blush.

"Hey, Lu?"

She blinked at her friend's sudden seriousness. "Y-yes?"

"You've been acting kinda strange lately, are you okay?" Roxas asked with slight concern in his voice. Lucy usually had those random mood swings from time to time, but recently they were happening more often. Maybe it was because of her meeting with her father?

Lucy looked at him blankly before smiling. "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Roxas studied her for a long second before walking towards the exit of the train, stopping right at the steps. "If anything's bothering you, just let me know." He said before looking back at her and grinning a toothy grin. "Okay?"

Lucy nodded and followed him off the train. "Okay."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Roxas chuckled.


"LUCY! ROXAS!" a voice suddenly cried out. An elderly woman appeared at the apartment door, as said duo arrive.

"Yes, ma'am! Here you go! The rent for the month!" Lucy said, portioning some out. The woman looked at her and Roxas before heading back inside. As she left, Lucy let out an audible sigh before smiling at Roxas again.

"That was really fun." she said. "Thanks, Roxas."

"Don't mention, Lu. I was happy to help." Roxas said. The duo then made their way inside.

"Oh yeah." Roxas said, snapping his fingers. "I almost forgot." He took a rolled up flyer from inside his jacket. "Happy asked me to give this to you."

"What is it?" Lucy asked, before she took the poster and began to read it.

"It's a poster for the Magnolia harvest festival." Roxas said.

"Wait, Happy said it was going to help us with our rent how does this..." Lucy's eyes darted to the bottom right of the poster. "'Miss Fairy Tail Contest!?'" Lucy exclaimed.

"Yep. Check it out, the prize for the winner is 500,000 jewel!" Roxas grinned.

"500,000! That's seven months' worth of rent! And it's perfect for us!" Lucy squealed.

"Oh yeah... Now I remember why Happy told me to give it to you." Roxas had his finger on his chin as if he was remembering something. "Also, Mira and Cana are participating so...yeah."

Lucy now contemplated her thoughts. 'Mira... She used to do photo spreads for the Weekly Sorcerer...' she imagined Mira in her swimsuits that she modeled for the Weekly Sorcerer. 'But... I'm younger! So with my fresh new charm...' "I CAN DO THIS! I'm gonna win this thing! Oh, yeah!" Lucy exclaimed with excitement. Suddenly, her foot slipped off the bed.


"Lucy!" Roxas yelled in an attempt to catch her, but only caused her to fall on top of him.

Lucy groaned and opened her eyes, only for them to widen exponentially. Roxas stared up at her with equally wide eyes. She was on top of him, and their lips were touching.

The door opened and Natsu with Happy on his shoulder walked in. "Hey guys, did you get the flyer -" They slapped their hands to their mouths when they saw Roxas laying on the ground, and Lucy on top of him and they were kissing.

Roxas and Lucy broke apart, looked up and blushed furiously.

"...Sorry to have bothered you!"



There was an awkward silence in the room, the only thing that could be heard was fading laughter.

Lucy jumped off of Roxas and spun around. "S-Sorry."

Lucy's mind was in a similar state, her heart was beating like there was no tomorrow. 'This isn't happening! This isn't happening! Please tell me that didn't just happen!'

She just kissed Roxas, on the lips! It was a complete accident, but kissing was still kissing!

Roxas got and rubbed his head, blushing. "I-It's fine..."

Lucy just stared at the ground in front of her, and hand on her lips. 'I-I just... K-k-kissed Roxas...!'

Roxas picked up the Harvest Festival paper and sat on the couch. "So, you're going to enter the 'Miss Fairy Tail Contest'?"

Finally calming herself, barely, Lucy got up. "Yeah. If I win, all that cash will be able to cover both of us for 7 months!" She said happily.

Roxas grinned. "I know you'll do great, Lu." He then began to stretch his arms. "Well, I think I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm starting to get tired."

Lucy stretched and yawned as well. "Yeah, me too. Goodnight." She said as she turned off the light.



Lucy and Roxas' eyes shot open as they laid on the bed and couch, respectively. They were both red in the face and had one similar thought. 'How can I sleep after that!?'


Next Time: The Fighting Festival

In celebration for Magnolia's Harvest Festival, Fairy Tail hosts a beauty contest dubbed the Miss Fairy Tail Contest. However the contest is interrupted as Laxus Dreyar and his Thunder God Tribe appear to start the Battle of Fairy Tail. Who will win? What is the purpose of the Battle?

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