Chapter 32 - Final Clash

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. Here it is! The event you've all been waiting for. The final fight of the 'Battle of Fairy'!

With that out of the way here's another chapter! Enjoy!


Elsewhere Natsu was screaming in frustration as he ran through the city alone. "Where are you Laxus!"

Erza was running through empty streets and yelled out for Laxus to show himself.

Levy meanwhile was still at the guild, she was trying to take in the current situation. "The Thunder Palace... Rendering the judgement of the god of thunder. There is only 10 minutes left. Is Laxus really serious?" she later perked herself up. "But it'll work out, right? We still have Erza, Natsu, Roxas and Misty... and Gajeel's there too! And wasn't Mystogan around too..." a sweatdrop appeared on the side of her face. "Although I've never seen him..." Levy saw a shadow approaching the guild. "Huh, who is that?" walking through the open doors of the guild was Porlyusica.

"Where is the old fool?" she asked.

"P-Porlyusica! What are you doing here?" Levy asked.

Porlyusica turned away from the bluenette before repeating her question and not answering Levy's. "I asked you where he is."

Levy pointed in the direction of where Makarov was. "H-he's in the clinic." With nothing but a very slight grunt, the old woman proceeded to the clinic. "Um, excuse me but... Right now he's..."

"I know." She responded. "That's why I came."

"Wait, you came to treat the master?" Levy caught up with Porlyusica before stopping a slight distance from her. "Uh..." Porlyusica resumed walking to the infirmary before Levy sighed with blue lines to her sides.

Porlyusica got to Makarov's bed side and saw he was asleep. Levy had followed her into the room. "Bring Laxus here." Levy was now confused. "Bring that fool of a boy who's playing around while his grandfather lies gravely ill."

"Gravely ill?" Levy asked fearing for Makarov's health. "You're not serious, right?"

"Just bring him here... please." Porlyusica turned to Levy and tears began falling from her eyes. "He doesn't have much time left." Levy was shocked at what Porlyusica had just said.


Laxus was currently by himself in the Kardial Cathedral sitting on the bottom steps inside the building. He was remembering when Makarov wanted him to watch the Fantasia festival with him when he was a kid, and also when he introduced him to Fairy Tail. "Why am I remembering these stupid things now?"


He had a flashback when Makarov confronted him about not going to the Fantasia festival. Laxus' response was that since he was little, everyone has seen him as his grandson. He wanted to step out of Makarov's shadow and be recognized for his own accomplishments. Makarov asks him if anyone gets recognized for their own accomplishments anymore. Laxus went on about how Makarov shamed someone in the guild; he then asks Makarov why he expelled his dad, Ivan from the guild. Makarov's reasoning was that Ivan brought harm to the guild. Laxus defends him and reminds Makarov that Ivan is his son.

Makarov explained that even if they are family members, he can't allow those that threaten the lives of their comrades to remain in the same guild. He says that is how the second Master of Fairy Tail protected him.

Laxus asks Makarov to kick him out as well so that he can join his dad's guild and crush Fairy Tail. Makarov was surprised that Ivan had started his own guild. He then asks Laxus if he knows his location. Laxus claims that Makarov doesn't care. But Makarov tells Laxus that Ivan left the guild in possession of information that would harm the guild, he says he has to find him or else Fairy Tail will be in danger.

Laxus says that he will surpass him, not for his dad, but for himself. So that he will be recognized and become his own man.


When Laxus' had finished reminiscing he now looked more determined to achieve his goal. "The time is ripe. Old man, I will surpass you!" Laxus gets up and looks at the runes floating in the building. "6 minutes until the Thunder Palace activates... Is he not going to step down? Stubborn old fool, as usual." He suddenly heard footsteps walking into the building.

"You know, stubborn old men don't back down so easily." A voice said. Laxus turned his head to see Mystogan walking into the building.

"Oh? You came, Mystogan?" Laxus said with a bit of excitement. "I didn't think you'd be participating in this game!"

Mystogan began to talk in his muffled voice. "If you call off the Thunder Palace right now, it is still possible to pass this off as merely entertainment."

"So blissfully ignorant... Haven't you heard the rumors figuring who is the strongest in Fairy Tail, you or me?" Laxus asked

"Although I don't really care, aren't you forgetting Erza?" Mystogan asked.

"Erza? Not a chance." Laxus replied. "The girl's on the right track, but still weak."

Mystogan slightly chuckled. "Erza, weak? Are you truly that blind?"

"All I am saying is that I recognize Mystogan's skills. Between the two of us, I wonder which one of us is really the strongest in Fairy Tail?"

"If that is all your eyes can see, I wonder who is the one so blissfully ignorant?" Mystogan said

"I'm sick of talking about it. Let's settle this! We'll decide who's the strongest!"


Natsu, Ariel, Erza, and Roxas were able to hear the explosions and began making their way to the Kardia Cathedral

"The Church?" Natsu questioned.

"It's coming from the Cathedral." Erza said as she ran.

"So that's where you are!" Ariel said as she made her way to the church.

Roxas saw the explosions. "Found you!" He then flew to the direction of the explosion.


"LAXUS!" Mystogan and Laxus turned to see Erza, Roxas, Ariel and Natsu standing at the doorway of the Kardia Cathedral. "Erza?" Natsu said, surprised to see Erza at the Cathedral.

"Natsu? Roxas? Ariel? You got out?" Erza asked.

"Yeah, you can thank Levy for that." Roxas replied.

The three of them saw Mystogan. "Erza, who is that?" Natsu asked.

"Mystogan!" Erza revealed.

"Wait! You mean the guy who put us all to sleep before?" Ariel asked.

Mystogan after seeing Erza tries to cover his face. "You let down your guard!" Laxus yelled, he shot a thunderbolt to Mystogan's face blowing off his head gear and bandana in the process. As he was heavily breathing, the three of them saw the familiar blue hair and the red face tattoo, immediately Natsu, Roxas and Erza had shocked faces. Mystogan turns around revealing himself to have the face of Jellal.

"Jellal!" Erza gasped.

Natsu and Roxas meanwhile glared at him. "You're..." Natsu began.

"What are you doing here!?" Roxas asked with slight anger. "Well?"

Tears were beginning to form in Erza's eyes. "Jellal... you're alive." She silently said.

"Oh, a familiar face?" Laxus said.

"What's going on?" Natsu asked. "Are you Mystogan... or Jellal?"

"Jellal." Erza started.

"Erza, I especially didn't want you to see." He sees Erza's tears falling from her eyes. "I'm not Jellal." He revealed. "I know of him, but I am not him."

"I don't get it, you say you're not Jellal but you look just like him... unless... you really had a twin... but then Siegrain was..." Roxas who was trying to figure everything out now had smoke coming from his head, suggesting that his brain was unable to figure out what was going on.

"I guess I never had the pleasure of seeing him face to face." Ariel said.

"I apologize..." Mystogan began. "I leave the rest to you." He then disappeared in smoke and Natsu and Roxas both scream at him to come back.

"Now I'm all confused..." Natsu said.

"You're telling me." Roxas added.

"But I'll deal with that later. Laxus, I came here to fight! Erza, Roxas, Ariel you'll let me handle him, right?"

"Wait, what!?" Roxas yelled.

"Don't be stingy, Natsu! I wanna fight him too!" Ariel shouted. They saw that Erza looked troubled. "Erza, what's wrong?" suddenly she was shocked by Laxus' lightning which gave frights to Ariel, Roxas and Natsu.

"Don't go making ugly faces, Erza! Now come at me!" he punched her, forcing her to the ground.

"LAXUS!" Natsu bellowed as he now got mad. "I said that I'd fight you. You bastard!"

Laxus smirked at the opportunity Natsu was giving him. "Huh? Oh, you're here too Natsu?" Laxus mockingly asked. Natsu looked comically hurt by the comment as his whole body turned white.

"I wouldn't underestimate me!" Natsu's right hand became engulfed in flames.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Ariel asked looking at Roxas.

"Let him first. But if push comes to shove, we're joining in." Roxas told her.

Laxus drops his coat and takes off his headphones as Natsu jumped up to punch him with a fiery fist. "Now fight me, Laxus!" he missed as Laxus dodged his attack with very little effort. Erza was starting to get up and she saw that Natsu was fighting him.

"You are so annoying, always charging straight in!" Laxus said as Natsu was flying towards him. "Get lost, Small fry!" he blasted a stream of lightning to Natsu but the Dragon Slayer avoided it, as he was now high above Laxus. The Lightning wizard smirked and charged lightning in his right hand again but Natsu was coming at him too fast.

"Fire Dragon's Talon!" Natsu yelled as he kicked Laxus on the arm, the Lighting Wizard was able to block Natsu's fiery kick. Soon after this he used the same arm to throw Natsu away from him which caused him to fly a distance away from Laxus, he slid on the floor as his right hand dug into it to slow his momentum.

"Natsu!" Erza worriedly said.

Natsu chuckled. "Don't worry about me!" With Natsu being distracted by Erza, Laxus took full opportunity and kicked Natsu in the chin with a foot engulfed in lightning. As Natsu fell back Laxus grabbed his arm.

"You ain't getting' away, see?" He began punching Natsu with an electrified fist continuously.

"Natsu!" Ariel worriedly said, she was about to intervene but Roxas stopped her and shook his head.

As Natsu was getting punched, he used his arm that Laxus was grabbing to take hold of Laxus' arm. He smirked while Laxus looked angry. "You think I was running? This is a chance to take the top spot!" he punched Laxus in the face with a fiery fist. As Laxus fell back his grip on Natsu's arm tightened and he produced an electric shock which weakened the Dragon Slayer, he went on to again punch Natsu repeatedly with his free hand. But soon after Natsu's hand twisted around Laxus' arm and it tightened and he threw a fiery punch back to Laxus. The exchange of fire and electricity punched went on briefly before Laxus arched his arm back.

"I'll crush you!" he tried to punch Natsu with a charged electrical punch but Natsu engulfed his feet in flames and tried to slide Laxus' legs but the Lightning wizard jumped over them and his right foot was now covered in a growing electrical sphere. He stomped on Natsu's head forcing his head to smash through the floor. He charged another electrical punch and this forced Natsu away from Laxus, however he still looked pumped and ready to continue fighting. But soon he was forced to the ground by Erza.

"Huh, Erza?" Laxus said.

'I must forget about Jellal... I mean, Mystogan for the time being...' she thought. 'Right now, It's Laxus!' "Requip!" Erza said covering herself in a bright light. She was now in her Black Wing armor.

Erza then tried to slash Laxus with her sword but Laxus blocked it with an electrical energy that was covering his left arm.

Shen then pointed her sword at Laxus. "What are those things floating in the sky, Laxus?" Erza asked.

"It's the Thunder Palace." Laxus answered. "Haven't you heard of it?"

"You're seriously intending to attack Magnolia, you fiend?"

"It's a new rule... It really pains my heart..."

"Yeah, I'll bet!" Ariel spat.

"You vile fiend!" Erza snarled, she tried to kick Laxus but her foot was caught.

"Only two minutes left." Laxus reminded.

"Natsu, Roxas! Ariel! Destroy all of them!" Erza said.

"I can't!" Natsu comically yelled.

"Are you out of you mind, girl!?" Ariel shouted.

"They mean that if we do, then we'll get destroyed ourselves." Roxas explained. "The Thunder Palace will do the same damage back to anyone who attacks them."

"What?" Erza gasped. "So that means, Body Link magic?"

"Yes, not one can touch those Lacrima!" Laxus said with a smirk.

"You coward!"

He engulfed both Erza in lightning. "I'll destroy you with my lightning as well!" he threw the readhead back, before Erza back flipped while covered in a bright light.

"Requip!" Erza was now covered in a new armor that was pale blue and yellow, it covered her chest and below was a white fabric that had a yellow outline, and the symbol of the moon also appeared on it. Her arms were covered by spiked gauntlets that had the same design as the rest of the armor, she also had shoulder guards that went from her shoulders to her forearms. Her legs were covered in dark blue boots while them had pale teal armor on them as well. On the back of her outfit were long fabrics that had dark blue balls on them, her scarlet red hair was now tied in a long braid with a ribbon head band with bows on top of her head. In her right hand she held a spear with a circle on it and a white ribbon on it as well.

Laxus chuckled while sparks were flying off his hand. "Thunder Empress Armor? You seriously think that'll protect you from my lightning?" he shot another beam of lightning to Erza which she swiftly dodged.

"It's not just about defense, Laxus!" Erza said. She spun her lance before the blade split into two and shot a teal electric bolt at Laxus. The Lightning Wizard flew from the attack in his lightning form. Erza landed on the ground and stuck her spear onto the floor and made a teal coloured barrier in front of her.

"Try and block this Erza!" Laxus blasted a lightning burst at her with both his hands, it was successfully blocked and the four fabrics on the back of Erza's outfit each blasted teal coloured beams of lightning outward.

Roxas and Ariel were watching the battle intently. "So that's Thunder Empress Armor?" Roxas asked.

"Pretty cool." Ariel said.

"Not bad." Laxus praised.

"When two wizards of the same type clash, the factors that determine the outcome..." Erza started

"...Are who has the highest magical power, and their technique and experience, right?" Laxus finished.

"And, their heart! You should have learned this from the master!"

"Oh I learned..." Laxus began with a smirk. "I learned that the most important thing is power."

"It's villains like you who-"

Natsu stood up and faced Erza. "Erza, stop getting' all fired up!" Natsu said. "I told you, I'll be the one to take on Laxus!"

"Not alone though!" Roxas began. "This isn't just your battle Natsu, I'm going to help you and you can't stop me!"

"Don't forget me!" Ariel said. "Laxus has gone too far...The three of us will stop him!"

Erza looked at the trio's determined faces. "I guess I'll believe in you then." She began to run out of the building.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Natsu asked.

Roxas quickly realized what she was thinking. "No... you're planning to stop the Thunder Palace? Aren't you?"

Laxus laughed. "You don't have a chance. Just destroying one risks your life. And right now there are countless lacrima up there, there's no time either..."

"I will destroy all of them at the same time!" she declared.

"Erza! That's insane!" Ariel yelled. "Even if you figure a way to do that, you won't survive."

"...But the city would be saved..." she began to run out of the Cathedral while Laxus was shocked at this outcome. "You three, stop Laxus!"

"Hey!" Laxus yelled. "Are you going to break the rules of the game?!"

"Guess I should believe in you too, Erza." Natsu said.

"I know you'll come back, you don't die for your friends, remember that!" Roxas yelled.

Erza stopped running for a second and smiled before continuing on. "Roxas, Natsu... Mine is a life that you saved. I won't go throwing it away."

"Damn it!" Laxus cursed. He charged to Natsu, Roxas and Ariel.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu shot huge flames from his mouth, through a fiery magic circle.

"Nine-Tails' Howl!" Roxas shot a powerful blast of blue fire.

"Water Dragon's Grand Splash!" Misty threw large water ball.

The attacks made an explosion that forced Laxus away.

"We will defeat you!" Natsu said with a face of anger.

"You little brats!" Laxus said.

"Bring it on!" Roxas yelled.

Natsu has his arms engulfed by flames. "Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!" he shoots a fireball to Laxus who easily counters with a powerful lightning bolt which more than easily destroys the attack making a huge smoke cloud. Natsu slid back this allowed Roxas to quickly speed to Laxus. He then created nine spheres of blue fire in his hands

"Nine-Tails' Will-o-Wisp!" he then shot the spheres at Laxus, but he simply destroyed them by expanding his Electric energy.

"Water Dragon's Scales!" Ariel sent a large number of scale-shaped masses of water at Laxus , but he quickly dodged them.

"You should realize this, Natsu, Roxas, Ariel!" Laxus yelled. Natsu was confused by what Laxus was saying. "Don't you see how pitiful this guild has become?" he make a powerful ball of lightning in between his hands and throws it at the trio who manages to dodge it by going off in different directions. Laxus was currently surrounded by electrical sparks. "I will change the guild!" both Roxas, Ariel and Natsu were dodging Laxus' lightning that was travelling on the ground, after Roxas avoided another lightning attack, he grabbed Natsu and Ariel, pulling them to safety. "And to do that, I must become the Master!"

Roxas engulfed blue flame to his right arm. He then launched to Laxus. "I WON'T LET YOU! Nine-Tails' Sacred Fist!" Roxas' blue fire fist collided with Laxus' electrical fist, causing a explosion. Laxus kicked Roxas to a pillar with an electric foot. The Fox Slayer bounced off the pillar and was falling to the ground. When he hit the ground Laxus looked down at him with a smirk. "Is that really the best you've got... huh you little runt?" Roxas glared looked up at Laxus.

Natsu then raised a fiery fist to punch Laxus but his attack was countered by Laxus' electric fist and in this dual Laxus was on top and he grabbed Natsu's head and threw him to the ground where he made a huge hole in the floor. While Roxas stood up, the Lightning Wizard looks at the runes that represented the timing of the Thunder Palace.

"Still a minute and thirty seconds until the Thunder Palace activates? What the hell are you doin' old man. Don't you know what'll happen to the city?"

"I wouldn't worry if I were you, no matter what happens, you're not gonna win." Roxas said.

"What do you mean?"

Natsu smirked. "You can blow up this whole town, but you'll never get your hands on Fairy Tail, and even if you do, you still won't be satisfied." Laxus' eyes widen as he is shocked to hear this.

"You know as well as I don't that it's not really what you want; you chose your path, but now you're upset because you've already come this far and you can't back out of it!" Ariel shouted.

Laxus grits his teeth and glared at the trio. Flame forms above Natsu's fist, Roxas engulfed his fist in blue fire, while Ariel surrounded her's in swirling water.

"Besides, Magnolia's gonna be fine, Erza's taking your Thunder Palace down." Natsu begins to run to the Lightning throwing maniac with Ariel and Roxas at his side.

"It's not so easy sticking to a cause you don't fully believe in, is it Laxus!?" Roxas shouted.

"SHUT UP! LIKE ANY OF YOU HAVE A CLUE!" a surge of electrical energy forms in Laxus' fist as he arched it back and punches Natsu, who is knocked back to Roxas and Ariel but he quickly gets up. Roxas glares at Laxus. "LAXUS!" he furiously yells as he summons blue fire around his fist as he ran to meet Laxus.

The Lightning Wizard likewise charged to Roxas with his entire arm surrounded by his yellow Lighting, both attacks hit as a huge mixture of blue flames and lightning surrounded them.

Soon, they began to trade blows, but Laxus punches Roxas and sent him crashing through three pillars. "Is that seriously all that you have, kid? Perhaps you're not all that tough." Laxus was then surprised to see Roxas flying at him, before he shot lightning from his open palm but he was missing and Roxas was speeding to Laxus and he shot into the air. He was now a high distance above Laxus and he made a grunt before slamming into the ground right in front of him which made a huge shockwave to slam into the Lightning wizard's gut that sent him flying to a wall.

When Laxus got up he saw Ariel firing more water scales. Laxus was soon cloaked in his own lighting and easily dodged the attack. He flew at Ariel, but she ducked down as Natsu jumped over her and decked Laxus in the jaw with a fiery fist. Laxus' cheek was smoking from Natsu's flames he rubbed it and looked as Natsu, Roxas and Ariel were standing together against Laxus.

"You really think you can stop me, there is not even three minutes until the Thunder Palace activates! What can you three possibly do?"

Natsu was first to respond. "Ain't nothin' gonna happen!" he sped to Laxus and tried to kick him in the face with his fiery right leg, but Laxus easily blocked it by guarding the side of his face with his arm.

"Shut the hell up!" he exclaimed. He punched Natsu in the face which sent him flying back to the open entrance.

"Nine-Tails' Inferno!" Roxas shot a huge stream of blue fire hat made a firewall in front of Laxus. The firewall soon began to form a circle around Laxus, he then noticed the flames were moving faster and getting wilder. Roxas forced the flames to engulf Laxus which made him scream out and sparks were seen exiting the cyclone. The attack caused an explosion of white smoke.

"How did you like that!?" Ariel said.

Through the smoke, a spark was seen which Roxas noticed, he saw a figure obscured by the smoke behind Ariel. "Ariel, look out!" Roxas yelled but Laxus got to Ariel first as he slammed the side of his fist into her side, forcing Ariel to make a sizable dent in the wall she crashed into.

"You must really think you are all that don't you!?" Laxus primed a Lightning fist towards Roxas, but the Fox Slayer crossed his arms to protect himself, however it proved to be useless as Laxus slammed right into him as his punch connected which made Roxas flip through the air three times before arriving at the wall causing a dent. Roxas smirked and looked at the runes.

"Heh...seems like you're out of time."

Laxus saw the runes for the Thunder Palace, disappear. After they did, Ariel began to speak. "So, what's plan C? Huh, Laxus?" She mockingly asked.

"What part of this guild needs to be changed?" Natsu asked going into a fighting stance. "We're all in the same circle of friends. You never even tried to join that circle! How're you gonna become the master, Laxus?"

Laxus' eyes were not seen and he did a loud yell before he made a powerful thunderbolt engulf him, this sent shockwaves that were pushing Natsu, Roxas and Ariel back.

"How am I going to become the master, you say?" Laxus said. "By Force!"


Next Time: Final Clash Part 2

With Laxus' plans falling apart around him, he decides to unleash his true powers and he plans to kill everyone around him using Makarov's most powerful magic. Will Natsu, Roxas and Ariel be able to stop him?

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