Chapter 34 - Fantaisa

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Disclaimer: Hey guy! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. This chapter will contain the Fantasia Parade, hope you all like it. Enjoy!


Somewhere in an unknown location a whitish blue sphere of energy was floating through a world that looked like the interior of a volcano. It stopped to look at a pair of yellow glowing eyes surrounded by scales. "Why have you come, Grandeeney?" the figure with yellow eyes bellowed.

"It's been a while." The orb of energy known as Grandeeney replied.

"I thought coming here or meddling were forbidden!" the figure angrily said.

"That child really goes overboard, you know. Even Arceus's boy us the same. I wonder who he takes after?" Grandeeney rhetorically asked. "But his luck won't last forever. He might die. As for the other...well, he has yet to overcome the darkness within himself. It might conquer him as well."

The figure widened his eyes. "GET OUT!" he bellowed, soon the rock he was inside exploded and was covered in flames. "Do not interfere with the humans! Do you wish to anger me? Anger Igneel!?" he said revealing that he was the Fire Dragon Igneel. He flapped his wings and gave an angry roar.

"If it's my son you're worried about, then don't be." A deep voice said, getting the duo's attention. Soon, another figure made it's presence now, but in the appearance of a thought projection. There stood a massive kitsune with nine long swiping tails. It had white-sliver fur with black fur around its eyes that stretches to its ears, piercing golden irises with black slits for pupils and the upper-body structure of a human, complete with opposable thumbs on its clawed hands.

"Arceus...." Ingneel said.

Arceus nodded his head at the dragon before turning to Grandeeney. "I'm well aware of the darkness within Roxas has grown and plans to take him over, but his heart is made of gold and won't waver. I have complete faith that your son and his friends will bring him out of his darkness, Igneel, and bring him to the light."

After this, Grandeeney seemed to agree. "Yes. No matter how we may be worried, there is not a thing we can do. All we can do is believe in the power of the humans. Zeref is... Never mind, let it be." She said choosing to leave the situation. 

"As for Roxas,." Igneel replied. "He will soon find out how powerful he can be, and that is when we will see whether he is deserving of the magic he possesses."

"Indeed..." Arceus said.


Porlyusica was walking through the streets of Magnolia, people were discussing about how the Fantasia festival has been postponed until the following night. There was talk that Makarov would be replaced due to his deteriorating health, they wondered who the next Master would be. However, their talks would be in vain as Porlyusica walking from the guild after successfully healing Makarov.

When Erza announced this to the guild, everyone was ecstatic.

"Thank goodness." Lucy said. "I didn't know what was going to happen for a little while there."

"That old man ain't gonna kick the bucket just yet." Gray said.

"But the master is quite old. Stressing his heart more will only make his health worse. Don't forget that everyone." Erza reminded

"Aye sir!" Everyone yelled.

Lucy had some concerns though. "But are we really doing Fantasia under these conditions?" she asked.

"It's what the master wants." Mira said. "It's precisely at times like this that we should do it."

Juvia clasped her fingers together in glee. "Juvia is also looking forward to seeing the Fantasia!"

Cana walked by their table. "You'll be participating too." She said which surprised her.

Juvia was now far from the table nervously pecking at the wall with her finger. "But... Juvia just joined..." she said repeating her action only at a faster pace.

"Is she troubled or happy by it." Wakaba asked.

"I don't know." Macao said.

"She's so cute..." Cana added.

Happy appeared by the wall. "Well we do have a lot of injured people. The rule is: anyone who can still move has to participate?" Happy said while he enjoyed a fish in his mouth.

"Then I guess I'll participate too!" Lucy said with a determined face.

"Whether you are happy about it or not." Gray jerked his thumb backwards. "Looks like those guys can't participate, though." He said with a humored expression.

"No kidding." Lucy added.

Sitting on two benches were Natsu, Ariel and Gajeel. They were all covered in bandages so the point where moving would be difficult, Their bandages covered most of their bodies, they all had slightly annoyed looks on their faces. Ariel had bandages around her head and arms. Though weirdly, Natsu had bandages covering his mouth. Gajeel had similar bandages but he had a cast on his right leg and a crutch was seen next to him. "I don't wanna hear that from you." Gajeel said.

Natsu said something but it was muffled due to the bandages covering his mouth.

"I have no idea what you're saying." Lucy said.

"It's probably nothing important." Happy said.

Gajeel leaned back. "Not a chance. No way you can participate, trash." Gajeel said. Natsu said something that was inaudible as he covered himself in flames. "W-what does that have to do with it?" Gajeel said with a slight nervous tone.

"You didn't have to take it that far, Natsu." Ariel said.

"Totally uncalled for, bud." Roxas called out from his table. Like Natsu, Ariel and Gajeel, he was also bandaged up but not as bad, thanks to his healing ability. He had a bandage on his right cheek and casts on both his arms.

I wonder how they can understand him?" Lucy asked with a sweatdrop on the side of her face.

Happy was now stuffing his face with something else. "It's probably nothing important, though it is probably because they are just as stupid as Natsu is."

"That can't be it." Lucy said, then looked over at Roxas. "Hey, do you need help with that?" Lucy asked. Roxas had a sandwich sitting in front of him, but with the casts on both of his hands, she didn't think he'd be able to eat it by himself.

The Fox Slayer wept comical tears. "Damn bandages! I can't eat my food like this!"

"W-Well... I guess I can feed it to you, since it can't be helped." Lucy mumbled with a tint of red in her cheeks. It would be embarrassing, but how else was he going to eat?

Roxas looked over at her. "Really? Thanks Lu! You're a life saver!"

"N-No problem..." Lucy stuttered before she fed Roxas his sandwich.

Lucy blushed furiously has she fed him. She turned an even darker shade of red when she saw Happy and Ariel looking at her, giggling at themselves. "Not a word, you two!"

Meanwhile Erza and Gray were standing together. "I still can't believe that Roxas and Natsu beat Laxus." Gray said.

 "I didn't have a doubt in my mind." Happy said. "It was those two that managed to save Erza take out that Jellal creep."

"I still can't believe that they both performed a Unison Raid." Gray pointed out.

"It's something that is very rare and not just anyone can perform it. Yet Roxas and Natsu performed it twice." Erza flashed back to when they both used their first Unison Raid against Jellal.

"You know what would be great." Elfman started. "If we saw a fight against them, I wonder who, would win?" 

"Uh... wasn't Laxus' plan to have Fairy Tail fight against each other anyway?" Ariel reminded.

"Well... yeah I mean there's that..."

Erza looked at Natsu and Roxas and they looked to be joking with each other. 'Natsu... Roxas... I believe that you two are more connected than we thought.' She then looked at the many smiling faces in the guild. 'With this, we have fixed many problems in the guild.' She thought.

However the cheer was cut short when a shadow of a familiar figure walked through the guild doors. It was Laxus who was also covered in bandages, and he had his black jacket on him, that moved with the wind.

"Laxus!" Macao growled.

"Why you!" Wakaba said

Laxus continued to walk into the building, ignoring their comments. "Where's the old man?" he calmly asked.

Jet blocked his path. "Oh yeah, like we'll just let you waltz in here and let you see the Master!"

Droy got prepared to fight Laxus. "You really think you can just come in here and request something like that? After everything you've done!?"

Soon many members of the guild were yelling at Laxus. Even when Levy tried to get them to cease their outbursts, it did nothing."

"That's enough!" they all heard as a yell. They all saw Erza getting to her feet.

"Erza...?" Levy said to herself.

"Are you nuts!?" Jet yelled to the redhead.

"He's in the infirmary." Erza answered; Laxus began to walk there without saying a single word. He walks past Roxas and Ariel who gave him a indifferent look and glare, respectively. Soon Natsu gives a muffled yell and gets into Laxus' path while glaring at him.

"Natsu." Laxus said. The Fire Dragon slayer pointed at Laxus before yelling something to him, which made everyone else in the guild turn white in confusion.

Gajeel had now joined everyone else as he got up. "Some interpretation, if you please?" Lucy asked glancing at Gajeel.

"This time was four against one, so I ain't satisfied. I ain't gonna lose next time. I'll fight you anytime, Laxus! He said." Gajeel translated.

"But, I thought he and Roxas won?" Lucy said.

"Yeah, but you're missing one important thing." Ariel started as Laxus began to walk past Natsu with the Fire Dragon Slayer was still pointing in that direction while shivering. "He and Natsu won, and it was four against him when he started. I get the impression he wanted to beat Laxus by himself."

Natsu was furious that Laxus ignored him, so much so that he turned around and yelled Laxus' name through the bandages covering his mouth. Laxus raises his arm as a sort of casual wave to Natsu behind him, Natsu now became less hostile and Roxas gave a relieving sigh.

Everyone was surprised that Laxus didn't act hostility to anyone in the guild. Now that business over with, Fairy Tail had begun making preparations for the Fantasia festival.


Makarov was lying in bed while in a blue and gold robe. Laxus was standing by the door of the infirmary. "Such a noisy bunch." He commented calmly.

Makarov got out of bed and looked at his grandson. "Do you understand what you have done?" he asked. Laxus began to slightly look away. "Look me in the eyes." He gave a serious look to Laxus. "Guilds you see, they are a place where people gather, a place where people can find work, and kids with no place to go, they can be a home. They are not something you can simply just own. A guild is the confidence and good will of each individual, and from the tough bonds that are formed. You went against that good will and threatened the lives of your fellow members. This is something that cannot be forgiven."

"I know..." Laxus answered while clenching his right fist. "I wanted to... make this guild... stronger." Laxus replied with an honest look in his eyes.

Makarov gave a grumbled sigh. "You're so awkward." Makarov said. He began walking to his grandson. "Try relaxing a little, would you? If you did that, then maybe you'd see the things you can't see. You'd hear the words that you can't hear now." Laxus looked to be thinking about Makarov's words. "Life is more fun. Raising you was like a new lease on life for me. You don't need power, You don't need strength. Just be happy and healthy. That's all I ever wanted for you..." Makarov was giving a slight smile. Laxus was now uncharacteristically getting slightly choked up. "Laxus..." he extended his right arm to his side. "You are expelled." He said in his angry tone.

Laxus looked to have understood the decision despite being shocked about it, briefly. "I understand." He replied. "Sorry... for all of the trouble." Laxus was seen walking out of the infirmary with a faint smile. "Grandpa... Take care of yourself."

"Get out!" Makarov said as he began to cry but tried to keep it hidden by turning away from Laxus.


The sun was now setting over Magnolia a loud voice was heard in South Gate Park. "You've got to be kidding me!" the yelling voice revealed itself to be Evergreen's. "Why are you the only one that's expelled?" The Thunder Legion were now with Laxus.

"Aren't we just as guilty?!" Bickslow yelled.

"As guilty..." Bickslow's dolls repeated.

"It's what the old man wanted." Laxus replied standing in front of them.

"Then we'll quit!" Evergreen swiftly said.

"Without you, we're..." Bickslow said.

"What a pain you guys are." Laxus remarked while folding his arms. "What? Can't you just say goodbye?"

"Why trying to take all the responsibility on yourself?" Freed asked.

"That's not the case." Laxus replied. "Unlike you, I don't have any attachments left to the guild."

"We'll ask the Master!" Evergreen suggested.

"I'm sure Natsu, Roxas and Gray will be against your expulsion!" Bickslow said. "No matter what they say..."

Laxus turned to them with a smile on his face.

"Laxus..." Freed said.

"Well, goodbye." Laxus turned away from them, he began to walk away from them.

"Laxus!" Evergreen yelled.

"What the hell!?" Bickslow angrily yelled. "What'll happen to the Thunder God Tribe!?" He was letting is frustrations out while Evergreen began to cry. "Damn it!"

Both Bickslow and Evergreen took his comment seriously. Freed however didn't look affected by Laxus' departure. "We'll see each other again. Laxus..." He thought before a smile appeared on his face.


Fireworks were now being lit up in the night sky all over Magnolia. The Fantasia parade was taking place. People all over town were ecstatic for the show that was about to take place. There were many floats on display. Including the one that was in the front that was a green angler fish with a figure of Happy sitting on top of it, the figure of the cat was consuming a white jelly fish.

On one of the floats, Cana was moving her cards around her while the cards themselves were surrounded by pink glittery hearts Macao was seen throwing a purple stream of fire into the air, where it shot through and outline of a pink heart. They both exploded into sparkles.

Meanwhile in one of the corners by an alley, behind many of the happy on lookers, Laxus was watching the festival with slight smile.

Down below on another float. Lucy, Levy and Bisca were dancing with flags in matching outfits and smiling at the crowd.

On a smaller float next to the one Lucy was on, Elfman was in his Beast Form on a float that was shaped like a castle, on top of the castle was a pink rose petal, Mira appeared out of it before she waved to the crowd. She became surrounded in gold energy signaling the was going to use her transformation magic. The crowd were excited to see what she would transform into, but they turned while, becoming stunned when she transformed into a a large salamander, it had her pony tail in front by her forehead. He now increased weight managed to crush the float completely. All this spooked Elfman.

The float behind them was a blue themed one. An ice castle was made while fountains of water were shooting from it. Gray was dressed as a prince while Juvia, was like a princess. Gray nodded to her, Juvia threw water upwards to the top of the castle where Ariel in the same outfit she wore in the Miss Fairy Tail contest was waiting, though she still had her bandages on. As soon as it got to her she took control of it and began making a large water whip around herself, above the float she nodded to Gray, he shot a sphere of ice energy to the large mass of water Ariel controlled, and when they collided a bright flash was created, out of the flash the people could see the words 'FAIRY TAIL' in ice that was curved and on top of a large circle of water that both Juvia and Ariel were controlling.

The next float had Erza on it. Erza who was dressed in a yellow, white and red dress had blades dancing around her in a circle. She was causing the blades to dance around her while on fire, making it more visually appealing. She forced the flaming swords to fly high into the air, Erza requipped into new outfit, except her hair was in pigtails, she held two curved flat blades, and begun to dance. This dance made the fire swords fly around, where she was easily able to dance and dodge around them. When one was heading for someone by the crowd, Erza quickly caught it without any trouble, she winked as the person who the flame sword was heading to with a smile, and the young man fainted with a comical smile on his face.

Behind them Natsu who had less bandages on him, and Happy was walking on the street with Fire from Natsu trailing them. Natsu then spit the flames into the air, spelling the words 'FAIRY TAIL' Natsu appeared to be coughing after his spit out the flames.

Finally on a float behind them was a another castle float with the Fairy Tail symbol carved on the front. Roxas also had less bandages. For his performance, he shooting multiple blue fiery blasts in the sky, as they created fireworks. After that, he shot a sphere of blue flames into the sky, resulting it to form into the shape of a large nine-tailed fox. The fox then ran across the sky, it's tails dancing behind it as everyone looked in awe. The fox then jumped into the air and compressed itself into a ball, then exploding into bright, blue fireworks. Roxas sat on top of his float before waving to the crowd.

Makarov who was dressed in yellow, purple and bright pink shirt with a large purple bow, he was wearing sea green pants, he also had on red fingerless gloves. He was on a Float that hadn't moved yet. "Master." He heard. He saw Gajeel leaning on his float.

"You're not going to join in?" Makarov asked.

"Ain't my style." Gajeel said, smirking.

Makarov had a childish smile form on his face. "Oh yeah, Mr. Shooby doo Bop?" he gleefully asked. Gajeel's cheeks puffed in embarrassment.

"Here, Master." Gajeel said, handing a piece of paper the guildmaster . Makarov was slightly confused at what Gajeel was giving him. "Master Ivan, your son. I found out where he is."

"Sorry about giving you such a dangerous job." He apologized, slipping the note into his back pocket.

"It was nothing, I didn't screw up. He has no idea I'm a double agent." Gajeel said, still with his smirk. Makarov placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You did well. I can't let him do as he pleases." He was then asked by one of the helping guild mates if her was ready. "Well, I'm off!" he cheerfully said putting on a red cap with cat ears and a pink paw on the forehead.

Laxus was walking in the crowd and heard they were talking about Makarov. He saw that he was doing, in what the crowd described as freaky movements; it was revealed he had a fake tail, completing his cat 'motif'. Laxus closed his eyes as he remembered when he told Makarov about the 'message' he created when he was young. The same one that meant: 'Even when I can't see where you are, I'm always looking at you.' This was done by pointing the pointing finger into the sky and extending the thumb. Makarov had a huge teary eyes when Laxus first showed him.

Laxus continued to look at his grandfather acting silly while he formed the symbol with his hand. He turned around to walk away, but he quickly felt something. When he turned around, he saw Makarov with a serious face throw his pointing finger into the air with his thumb pointing outwards. Laxus was completely shocked that he remembered, but it had a much deeper meaning, that Makarov was always going to be watching over him. It wasn't long before every single member of the guild performed this. This touching display actually brought tears to Laxus' eyes "Gramps..." Laxus said as he was getting choked up.

'Even if I can't see you... Even if we are separated far apart... I'll always watch over you... I'll watch over you forever.' Makarov thought.

As if Laxus could hear Makarov's he had thoughts of his own. 'Yeah. Thank you.' Laxus thought.

Roxas was sitting on his float looking up at the sky that was filled with sparkles and different kinds of shapes. He was thinking to himself as he looked up to the sky. 'You know, I really didn't think much about this place when I first got here. At first, I thought it was just a place where people come together and find work, but seeing how they treat each other, how they're all willing to stand up for each other and how they see the world, I can't help but feel warmth and happiness. I'm glad that these people will be here to help me; just like a family, one I'm honored to be a part of.' He thought deeply to himself.

He gave a satisfying sigh. "I'm a proud member of Fairy Tail."

Happy soon popped up in front of Roxas. "So Roxas, when are you going to tell Lucy that you like her?"

Roxas sweatdropped while he was slightly blushing.

"Way to ruin the moment, Happy." Roxas muttered to himself.


Next Time: The Fateful Encounter

Fairy Tail moves on from the expulsion of Laxus, The Thunder Legion begin to open up to the others and a reporter from the Weekly Sorcerer arrives to interview everyone in Fairy Tail... well almost everyone.

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