Chapter 36 - Power Unleashed

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. This is the start of my very own arc. The Dark Roxas Arc! Enjoy!


The sounds of splashing could be heard and bright sunshine was present in the sky. On the ground of what seemed to be an island, Roxas woke up after he looked to be unconscious. He looked up at the sky, having no idea where he was.'Where am I?' Roxas thought to himself. "Doesn't look familiar." he took in the surroundings around him, and something a fair distance from him caught his eye, there was a cave and inside that short cave was a tombstone made of light stone that looked to be surrounded by four smaller rectangular pillars. Roxas got closer to the tombstone. "Am I supposed to know what's going on here?"

"You're dreaming, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out." Roxas got a huge startle and turned to the source of the voice behind him. He saw a thirteen year old girl with long, pale, wavy blonde hair that reached all the way down to her feet, one lock of her hair pointed upwards on her head. She had angelic like wing adornments, just above her ears. She had pale skin with green iris-less eyes. She was wearing a pale pink robe with a pink ribbon tied around her neck in a bow. She gave a giggle when he looked at her.

"Wait, who are you? Are you the one who brought me here?"

"My name is Mavis, and you will see why I have brought you here." Suddenly right before Roxas' eyes the environment changed and he noticed that he and Mavis were now see through like spirits. They were in a familiar forest and they heard a child-like yell and loud punching. When turning to the side, Roxas saw a child with a red shirt and bright brown pants and red shoes and with a long, white scarf around his neck. Upon seeing the pink hair, Roxas pretty much knew who he was looking at.

"Wait, is thiat Natsu, when he was younger?" Roxas asked.

Mavis gave a nod. "I have taken you to see certain events that took place several years ago."

They both watched young Natsu punching crude drawings of what looked like, child faces of Gray and Erza that were tied to a tree with a thick rope. "Gray, Erza! One day, I'll beat the crap outta you both!" he exclaimed.

Roxas chuckled at what he saw. "Yep, that's definitely Natsu alright." Natsu charged backwards before throwing one more powerful punch to the tree, sending many colourful birds up into the sky.

Natsu's punching had was red with smoke coming from it, he had a pained expression on his face. "T-That didn't hurt!" he told himself before something big fell on his head after punching the tree many times. This object was egg shaped with several blue streaks around it. "What's that?" he asked.

"Wait..." Roxas looked back at Mavis. "You took me here just to see Natsu find..."


"-an egg! I found an egg!" Natsu cheered as he brought the egg back to the guild. Roxas and Mavis were standing by the entrance and watched Natsu cheering with it.

"Where did you find that?" Makarov asked, not looking that much from his current age.

"I picked it up in the East Forest!"

"The East Forest?" Makarov replied looking slightly confused.

"Look at that... Natsu's good for somethin' after all." The voice came from what Roxas could easily guess was a younger Gray, not ironically enough he was wearing nothing but blue shorts. "Everyone gonna eat it!?" he asked.

Soon a young girl with brown hair and an orange dress quickly appeared behind Gray. From just her looks, Roxas could guess it was Cana. "Gray, your clothes." She reminded he got a shock.

"You're kiddin' me!" Natsu answered. "This is a dragon egg, I'm gonna hatch it!"

"A dragon?" Cana asked.

"Just look at the strange markings. They look like a dragon's talons." Natsu cheerfully looked at Makarov. "So, Gramps... Force the dragon to hatch!"

"What are you saying, you dimwit!" Makarov answered. Roxas was slightly chuckling as the similarities between the Guild, years ago and how is now. "In this world, there is no magic that defames life." Makarov answered. "Life and birth is given from love. No magic can change that."

Natsu, Gray and Cana were in a long silence after Makarov gave his explanation. "I don't get you at all." Natsu said forcing Makarov to sigh.

"Perhaps you are too young."

A new voice was heard. "In other words, if you want to hatch it, you should work hard at it yourself." They looked to see that young Erza was saying this. "Since the only thing you usually do is destroy stuff, this is an excellent chance for you to learn how to give birth to something."

"Erza?" Natsu said.

"You were here?" Gray asked.

Roxas took everything he saw in. "So, Natsu, Gray and Erza are pretty much the same, so is the Master, the only difference is that Cana isn't drinking."

Mavis next to him smiled. "You think so? Maybe you should take a closer look!" Roxas was intitially confused, but he quickly saw that someone knocked over a chair.

"Erza's back you say!?" Erza turned her attention to a table which had a boy dressed in a blue suit and had white spiky hair, a younger girl dressed in a pink, collared dress also with white hair, and the source of the voice came from a girl who was dressed in a punk-gothic style. She had a dark purple crop top with dark blue, short pants with thigh-high boots with heels, she had a purple bow that tied her long white hair into a ponytail along with a choker necklace around her neck, she had dark blue eyes along with the others at her table. "We'll continue where we left off! Come at me!" she said with a confident smile.

"Fighting again?" the younger girl asked.

Erza turned to the girl that was challenging her. While Natsu and Gray had slightly scared expressions behind Erza. "Now that you mention it, we haven't finished things, have we... Mira!" Erza said as a red aura surrounded her, a bright purple aura surrounded Mira she prepared to fight.

Roxas had a stunned expression on his face.

"Wait... I'm not seeing things am I?" Mavis nodded while giggling. "THAT'S MIRA!?" Roxas was pointing at Mira.

"Yep, you surprised?" she cheerily asked.

"Uh, Yeah! That's not like the Mira I know at all!" Roxas replied.

"Well, she was called 'The Demon' at one point so..."

"I think I can see why now." Roxas still was unable to get over the shock.

Right after their conversation, Mira and Erza were now fighting. "DIE ERZA!" Mira yelled.

"I'll make you cry, Mirajane!" Erza yelled as well

Both of their punches made contact with their opponent's fist. Mira got the first strike and kicked Erza far across the guild. "You clanky bastard!" she yelled.

Erza immediately struck back and punched Mira far across the guild as well. "You midriff baring wench!"

Soon the both clasped their hands and butted their heads together and continued to exchange insults.

"You prickly bastard!" Mira said.

"You bony bastard!" Erza replied.



Roxas eyes grew as he watched the fight and had sweatdrops on his face, just like young Natsu, Gray and Cana. "Yep, Misty would definitely like this version of Mira."

"Way to lower the bar guys." Cana said

"And Erza was telling us not to fight..." Natsu said. "This is pissing me off..." he clicked his knuckles. "Erza, Mira... I'll beat up the both of ya one day!"

"Oh, honestly..." the girl with the shorter white hair approached them. "You keep up that tough guy act, and you'll never get a girl to like you."

Roxas quickly took in all this new information. "Okay, I know I haven't see her around."

"Oh." Mavis began to explain "That is Mira and Elfman's younger sister, Lisanna."

The two continue to watch the scene in front of them unfold.

"Ah, who asked you, Lisanna?" Natsu asked while stubbornly folding his arms.

"Hey, Natsu! Is it okay if I help you raise the egg?" she asked.

Natsu was excited that he would get help raising the egg. "You'll help!?" he asked.

"Sure!" she replied. "Raising an egg looks like fun."

"Is it really called 'raising' it?" Gray asked.

"What should we do to make it hatch?" Natsu asked.

Lisanna put her hand to her chin. "You warm it up."

"Well, that's my specialty!" he held the egg in front of him and shot flames from his mouth the fire surrounded the egg. Lisanna screamed while her eyes slightly stretched outwards. Gray pounced on Natsu.

"Are you an idiot!?" he exclaimed.

Roxas, again had a shocked look on his face. "H-he didn't actually think that would work, did he?"

"Sheesh, don't do that!" Lisanna scolded, with an angry look and her hands on her hips. "If you heat it that much it'll burn!"

"R-Really?" Natsu asked.

"Just leave it to my magic." A pink magical circle appeared in front of her. "Take Over! Animal Soul!" she transformed into a green bird with a bright green face and neck.

"Ooh, a bird!" Natsu noted.

"I get it now!" Gray said.

"I'll try warming it up like this!" Lisanna said before she wrapped her wing around the egg. As Lisanna tried to warm up the egg. Cana noticed the boy in the suit sulking.

"Elfman, what's wrong?" Cana asked.

Roxas quickly shook his head and rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing what he was seeing. "That's Elfman!?" Mavis nodded.

Young Elfman explains his reason for sulking. "Lisanna can use a full body Take Over, but I can't... Even though we're on the same team."

"Oh, right." Cana remembered. "You use the same magic as her."

"If I could use it, then I could turn into a bird and search for my parakeet."


"I had one as a pet, but I lost it..."

"Oh, I see."

"I wish I had an egg like that."

That was another surprise to Roxas. "Okay, first Mira, now Elfman!?"

"He really isn't too different from the Elfman you know." Mavis said.

Roxas quickly noted the differences between this Elfman, and the one he was familiar with, he quickly noted the lack of man phrases. Above him, the face of young Elfman and older Elfman had an equal sign between them with a question mark at the end, a buzzer went off and a diagonal line slashed through the equal sign. "You sure about that?" he asked while sweatdropping.


Roxas and Mavis were now at the South Gate Park. "So, what are we doing here?"

"You'll see." She answered while cheerily closing her eyes.

They both saw Lisanna still wrapping her wings around the egg while Natsu, in excited anticipation waits for it to hatch. "This is starting to get uncomfortable..." Lisanna said.

"So do we just do this and wait?" Natsu asked, still with an excited tone.

"Yeah! But that's kind of boring." After she said this the egg started to slightly move.

"Ahh! It's moving!" Natsu exclaimed. Soon the egg veered into Lisanna's face, ending her transformation. "What the..." the egg hang in the air for a few seconds before it bounced on the floor and into Natsu's hands. "Huh? It calmed down..."

"Wait, maybe the egg wants you to keep it warm, Natsu." Lisanna theorized.

"Huh? Me?"

"Yeah, it seems happy."

Natsu looked to the egg. "So, you want to be with me?" A sound was heard from inside. "It made a sound!" he exclaimed.

"That's got to be it!"

"Why you little..." Natsu started in excitement.

"Hey, why don't we make a home for the egg?" she suggested.

"A secret base."

As the discussed on where they would house themselves and the egg. Roxas was surprised by Natsu's excitement to nurture and egg. "Hey... are you sure we are looking at the same Natsu, I never would have imagine he would be capable of nurturing for something, much less being excited for it."

"People can surprise you, Roxas." Mavis told him.


The two spirits were now in the forest somewhere, Natsu tossed a bunch of rocks to form a makeshift shelter. "Finished!" Natsu yelled. "What do you think? Pretty cool house, right?"

"Does it really have to be cool?" Lisanna muttered, the rock shelter quickly collapsed in on itself forcing Natsu backwards. "Making a house is tricky, isn't it?" Natsu said with a sad look on his face.

"Substitution!" Lisanna yelled as she began to use her magic. "Leave it to me!" she transformed into a huge, purple bunny rabbit with green bottom paws.

Roxas took note of her magic, for the second time. "So her magic is to transform into many different animals." He clarified. Mavis nodded.

"You're huge!" Natsu commented.

"I'm a rabbit, okay?" Lisanna replied. "Just wait here a bit."

"Awesome!" Natsu said awestruck. "All I can do is break stuff!"

"Boy I'll say..." Roxas commented watching the situation.

Lisanna had quickly finished making a shelter in another location. The shelter was a thatch hut. "Finished!"

"Woah! You're so awesome!" Natsu yelled.

"Well, come on in."

Natsu sweatdropped. "Undo your transformation first." They both entered the hut with Natsu carrying the egg. "It's pretty spacious when you get inside."

"It is, isn't it? Anyway, let's have a seat."

"Sure." Natsu agreed

The egg was placed between them, as they began to converse. "We're almost like a family." Lisanna said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Natsu said narrowing her eyes at her.

"Well, there's a daddy and a mommy and a baby, right?" Lisanna explained.

Natsu blushed slightly. "Yeah, I guess it is."

Lisanna blushed as well as she moved closer to the egg. She began hugging it. "Let's warm up the egg together." They both hugged it as Natsu agreed.

"It's warm."

"Huh? It moved again!"

"I hope it hatches soon!"

Roxas and Mavis from outside saw this moments and shared a smile between them.


Natsu had taken Lisanna to the spot where he had found the egg in the first place. "So this is where you found the egg?" Lisanna asked.

"Yeah! It fell down from this tree."

"Huh? What's happening now?" Roxas asked.

"Look!" Mavis said pointing to a figure that was behind Natsu. This was a colossal beast that was covered in green fur, with a bright purple chest and abs, and a long tail, it had pink hearts lines on its arms.

The figure was large and slammed his hand on the ground. "WHOA!" both Natsu and Lisanna yelled.

"W-What is that!?" Roxas asked.

"That is a Gorrian, also called a Forest Vulcan." Mavis explained.

"What's it doing here?"

"Well, incidentally... it's favorite food happens to be..."

Roxas had quickly figured out the situation. "Wait don't tell me!"

"An egg! Hand it over boy!"

Natsu gave the egg to Lisanna. "What did you say? How about eating some of my fist!" Natsu exclaimed as he started to approach the Gorrian. He punched it in the gut.

"Ooh, that tickles." The Gorian said while laughing.

"DIE!" Natsu yelled but his attacks were doing nothing, as he was knocked around like a pinball. He bounced on the ground with four lumps stretching from his head.

"Natsu!" Lisanna screamed. "Wait, I'll help!"

Natsu slowly got back to his feet. "Lisanna, stay back!" the Gorian was busy flexing his muscles. "If I'm the dad, then I gotta protect you two right? And I'm the son of a dragon! I can't lose to no monkey, dammit!" He charged to the Gorian but was kicked away and punched away every time Natsu got close. He bounced off three trees head first.

"Natsu! Use Magic!" Lisanna yelled.

"I don't get it." Roxas started. "Why isn't he using magic, I mean, the Natsu I know would have been done with this already."

Roxas got his answer when Natsu replied to Lisanna's request. "This monkey is fighting with his bare hands, so I'm gonna beat him that way!" he weakly said getting to his feet again.

The Gorrian stepped towards Natsu. "Beat me! How?" he asked with a smirk.

Natsu wiped his face before giving a smirk of his own. "Bring it on, mountain-monkey! I'll cover you with white paint and throw you back to Mt. Hakobe!" The Gorian for some reason was angered by this statement, as evidence with the anger symbols seen on his head. He jumped high up into the air.

"NOW I'm mad!" he screamed. He gave Natsu a hard kick sending him back several feet. Natsu landed feet first on a tree and kicked off it, the impact of his kick destroyed the tree itself, he flew back the green furred monster and he slammed his skull into the Gorian's nose making him fall back on his back.

"Yay, yay, yay!" Lisanna happily exclaimed with dancing around with the egg.

"I did it!" Natsu said, though a huge bump was coming out from his head and his eyes were nothing but white circles, he forced a smile while giving a thumbs up.

"You're a wreck!" Lisanna yelled as she shrieked in terror from how Natsu looked.

"Unbelievable... and what's even more unbelievable is that Natsu still acts like this."Roxas said.

"He's one of a kind." Mavis said, smiling.


Roxas and Mavis continued to watch Natsu and Lisanna take care of the egg. After watching them run through the rain, they got back to their hut. "Wait, wait." Lisanna said. "Come in!"

"Huh?" Natsu was confused.

"Welcome home." Lisanna greeted while smiling.

"Huh, oh right..." Natsu still was confused by Lisanna's actions.

She narrowed her eyes in slight annoyance. "Wel-come Ho-me." She repeated.

"I-I'm home?" Natsu asked.

Lisanna blushed as his cluelessness and Natsu blushed as well.

"Is Natsu, clueless or what?" Roxas said.

Mavis giggled and looked towards Roxas. "Clueless, you say? You're one to talk Whiskers." She replied.

"What are you talking about?" Roxas asked, narrowing his eyes to Mavis.

"Nothing?" she sang.

Soon they all heard Natsu's stomach growl. "Sorry..." Natsu apologized. It growled again and he attempted to cover his stomach with his arm.

"So, Natsu... You live by yourself, right?" Lisanna asked.


"What do you do for meals?" she asked, getting on her knees and hands, slightly crawling closer to Natsu.

"I eat them at the guild."

"Do you pay?"

"That's why I do work." Natsu replied as if it was obvious.

"I kinda feel sorry for you..."

"Huh, why?"

"How about I make something for you?"

"You can cook?" Natsu asked.

"Well, I'm not as good as my sister, Mira."

"Wait just a minute, Mira can cook? I can't even imagine it." He actually imagined an image of young Mira holding two knives, with a sadistic, happy look on her face, and he imagined her saying: "I'll fillet you!" "Wait, even Elfman?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah!" Lisanna replied.

Natsu now imagined young Elfman cooking."Cook up nice and tasty..." ...Is what he imagined what Elfman would say as in his mind, he was holding a pan while frying eggs.

"For some reason I can see that. Actually, it fits a bit too perfectly..." Natsu's childish mind now began to work into overdrive as he now thought Lisanna was going to cook the egg. "I won't give you the egg! It's gonna hatch! It's gonna be Igneel's kid! Don't even joke about cooking it!" he fearfully yelled.

"Quit jumping to conclusions!" Lisanna screamed. Natsu kept the egg away from her while shivering. "Now look here. I'm also looking forward to when it hatches." Lisanna assured. "That's why I'm helping you."

"What'd you go scarin' me like that for?" Natsu asked. He began hugging the egg.

"You're usually so out of control, but you can be kind and cute... Just like Mira." Natsu stopped smothering the egg and gave a slight annoyed look to Lisanna, mostly because she compared him to Mira. Lisanna had her eyes closed. "When we grow up..." she opened her eyes and looked towards Natsu. "...can I be your wife?" she asked.

Natsu blushed while his jaw shot open.

Roxas also had his jaw open wide as he couldn't believe she was so up front with him. Mavis next to him simply giggled.

"What are you talking about, all of a sudden!?" Natsu asked.

Lisanna began to cover her blushes. "But you seem like you really love children, and you're dependable..." Natsu face was now fully red as smoke rose from his head. "What're your blushing for? I was just joking, obviously." Natsu got mad and got up in her face.

"You're like that word... you know, that thing Gramps talked about... Coprecious!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Don't you mean 'Precocious'? Aren't you the ignorant one here, Natsu?" she said giving Natsu a playful smirk.

Natsu frustratingly scratched his head. "I can't beat her in an argument!" he yelled. They both suddenly saw the sun shining through their house as the rain stopped, they both walked outside to watch the sunset.

"How pretty!" Lisanna commented. "I wish this instant would last forever..."

From inside, the egg started to shake. "It's shaking!" Natsu exclaimed.


"Wow." Roxas said surprised that he is actually seeing Natsu acting this way. "I've never seen this side of Natsu before."

"He may be reckless sometimes, but deep down he's got a big heart." Mavis commented. "Just like you."

"Huh, me?"

"You two actually have much more in common than you might think; one might say you're both kindred spirits."

They both looked at the two kids. "You really think so?"

"Yeah." She nodded.


The next morning, the sounds of Natsu panicking was heard. "THE EGG IS GONE!" he exclaimed.

"WHY!" Lisanna screamed.

The next minute they are both at the guild and Natsu is now asking who stole the egg. "Who stole it!?" he yelled.

"The egg's disappeared?" Gray said.

"I don't know anything about that." Cana looked at Gray. "And... clothes?" she reminded and Gray shrieked.

"Laxus! Was it you!?" Natsu asked.

Roxas was surprised to see young Laxus. "Is that really him? He looks so... not ready to explode and kill us all..."

"He was a lot more mellow, back then." Mavis next to him explained.

After Natsu asked his question, Laxus gave his response. "Not interested."

Natsu approached Erza while she was trying to pick out a job. "Out with it, Erza!" he yelled.

"Hey, aren't you being presumptuous here?" she asked.

"Mira, do you know where the egg is?" Lisanna asked with tears developing by the corners of her eyes.

"No. Natsu, didn't you eat it yourself?" Mira harshly asked as she turned to him with an evil smirk.

Natsu glared at her. "Why you..." he leaped to her and held her shoulder as he prepared to punch her. "I'll pound you!"

"You wanna go!?" Mira yelled and from behind her, Gray got caught up in the action as he fell after both of them bumped him.

"I ain't gonna hold back!"

"Natsu, you little!"

Makarov, Wakaba and Macao were watching the scene in front of them.

Erza tried to intervene. "Stop it you guys!"

Roxas who was watching this, gave a laug. "Here we go again." He looked to Mavis. "Has the guild really always been like this?" Roxas asked.

"Hmm, yeah, you could say that." She responded after she had some time to think.

He continued to watch the fight going on. "That's what I was afraid of."

Erza quickly broke the fight up. "Where's my egg go?" Natsu asked and sounded like he was about to cry.

"Sheesh. Don't cry, Natsu. Man, you're cute." Mira teased.

"I'M NOT CRYING!" Natsu yelled.

"Now's not the time, Mira!" Erza scolded. "Now, stop crying Natsu."

"I SAID I'M NOT CRYING!" he repeated.

Erza glared at Mira. "Now hurry up and give back the egg already!"

Mira butted her head against Erza's "I told ya, it ain't me! Maybe you ate it, pig!"

"What did you say?!"

"You're always eatin' a ton!"

Suddenly Cana remembered something important. "Now that I think about it, Elfman said something about wanting an egg like that." Lisanna comically panicked.

"HE ate it?" Natsu angrily asked.

"No, I couldn't believe it." Lisanna said.

Speaking of Elfman he walked to the group. "Natsu, Lisanna, sorry..."

Natsu stomped on the ground. "It was you, Elfman!"

"The egg!" Lisanna happily said.

"I didn't steal it." He admitted. "It was cold at night, and you toss and turn, so you let go of the egg."

"Then..." Natsu realized.

"You mean you..."

Elfman nodded. "Yes, I can't use magic very well, but I secretly warmed the egg myself."

"So that why." Natsu said.

"Thank you Elfman!" Lisanna thanked.

"Elfman, you're a real man!" Natsu said after Elfman handed the egg back to him.

Roxas chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. "So that where he got that whole 'man' thing from."

Mira angrily turned to Erza. "You accused me!"

"Well you accused me too." Erza stated.

Before their argument could escalate the egg began cracking. This got the attention of everyone in the guild.

"It's hatching!" Lisanna exclaimed.

Roxas watched in anticipation while Mavis had her arms folded with a smile on her face. The egg completely hatched and what was inside the egg was floating up to the ceiling of the guild.

The light disappeared and appearing from it was a small blue kitten with wings, it cutely meowed with a happy look on its face.

"A cat!?" Macao and Wakaba said in shock.

Roxas' mouth was a gape and Mavis couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. "Mavis... Happy was inside the egg the whole time!?" he yelled.

"Are you surprised?" she asked and gave Roxas a cute smile.

Natsu and Lisanna didn't seem to mind as they both had ecstatic looks on their faces. There were many questions like 'It's a cat?' 'It has wings?' 'It can fly?' The flying cat looked to struggle to fly in the air and it lightly fell on Natsu's head, it's wings disappeared in a gold flash.

The blue cat jumped onto his butt before saying the following: "Aye!" many guild members had hearts in their eyes after hearing it. Lisanna was gushing at the scene. "It's so cute!" the guild members repeated what she had said.

While everyone was gushing at the cat, a bright blue and blue parakeet landed on Elfman's shoulder. "A parakeet?" he was now happy because he recognized it as his parakeet that he had lost... well almost. "My parakeet is back!" he celebrated as he jumped around.

Mira and Erza watched the scene, Mira started to talk. "I was pretty sure it was a red parakeet, but..." she started while smiling.

Lisanna hooked Natsu's arm. "Look, Natsu... Everyone was so on edge before, but now everyone is happy!" both were now looking at the now sleeping cat. "He's like a bluebird of happiness." She commented.

"Happiness, huh? In that case, I'll name him Happy!" Natsu declared. Happy's ear twitched before he looked up at Natsu. The cat responded with 'Aye!' yet again. "Happy the dragon!" Natsu yelled.

"It's not a dragon." Erza commented

In the background, a younger Reedus was painting a picture. "Guess I'll paint a dragon."

Roxas and Mavis continued to eye the scene. "She was right, everyone is happy, I guess it's because of... Happy..." Roxas chuckled. "Wow, never thought I'd ever be saying that." He looked at Lisanna who was standing next to Natsu. "Wait...If Lisanna is Mira and Elfman's younger sister how come I haven't seen her around?"

Before Mavis could verbally answer his question Mavis had taken them back to the future where Natsu looked more like he was regularly and Lisanna was older as well. They were in the South Gate Park. "Fighting again, Natsu?" she asked.

"Lisanna? You're back already?" Lisanna stood in front of Natsu and Happy as they were sitting apart, mad at each other.

"Natsu ate all my fish!" Happy angrily said with puffs of steam coming from his head.

"Don't say it like I was hogging them all!" Natsu angrily replied with steam puffs also coming from his head.

Lisanna sighed with her hands on her hips. "Natsu, you're the dad right?" Natsu started to sweat while this got Happy's attention. "You're supposed to protect the mom and the kid, right?" she asked while winking at him.

"But, that's from forever ago." Natsu argued.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" Happy asked.

"N-Nothing!" Natsu asked with blushes on his face.

"We're family, so there'll be times when we clash. But nobody likes fighting. After all, Happy is our kid, right?" Lisanna asked while smiling with her eyes closed.

Happy wasn't sure how to take what Lisanna said. "She just said something crazy with a straight face!" he yelled exclaimed while sweating.

"Stop talkin' all weird man!"

"You're just as naïve as ever." Lisanna teased.

"Don't call me naïve!" he yelled.

Before Roxas could say anything Mavis explained what happened. "Lisanna went on a job with Mirajane and Elfman... she didn't come back."

"What do you mean?"

Both Roxas and Mavis were now in a white background, she showed Roxas clips of Elfman in his Beast Form smacking Lisanna with his arm and her disappearing as Mira cried over her.

"So that's what happened?" he flashed back to when Elfman told him that he was fighting Sol. Sol made a Lisanna sand figure that Elfman couldn't attack... now he knew why.

"Roxas, you're not the only one who has to worry about being out of control with magic." Mavis walked closer to him and placed her hands on his. "Roxas, listen. Magic can be dangerous if you don't fully understand it, but it's also something wondrous and beautiful once you do understand."

Roxas was confused with what Mavis was telling him. "But... how does this help me? If I were to lose control, what do I do?

Mavis didn't share the worried look that Roxas gave her, but instead gave a reassuring smile. "Just follow your heart and you'll be fine. I'll see you soon, Whiskers." Mavis began to disappear into gold sparkles, Roxas closed his eyes.


The next time Roxas opened his eyes he found that he was looking up at the ceiling of his and Lucy's shared apartment. He got up and yawned, after looking around he saw Lucy was sleeping peacefully in her bed. "So that was who Lisanna was?" he got up to his feet. "I know what I need to do next."

Roxas began traversing through the forest while a new moon was shining in the sky. He recognized the plants and landscape. "Alright, this looks like the place." He was walking to the spot where Natsu and Lisanna's old house was, however he was surprised to find Natsu standing there in front of a grave that was placed there. "Natsu, you're here?" Roxas asked.

He took notice of Roxas being there. "Roxas, wha'cha doing here? Couldn't sleep?"

"Something like that... Actually I met with this girl in my dream and she showed me your history with Lisanna, so I'm just here to pay my respects." He admitted. Natsu was surprised that Roxas now knows about Lisanna, not that he wouldn't tell him, it's just a subject he tries not to talk about. Roxas stood next to him as they both look at her grave. "You two we're real close, huh?"

Natsu nods before giving a small smile. "Yeah. She would really have liked you. You're definitely someone she'd get along with."

Roxas give a smile as well. "Yeah, I guess." He changes to a serious look. "Why did you build her a grave all the way out here?"

Natsu shared Roxas's serious look. "This was her favorite spot. She'd always come here to watch the sunset, now she'll never miss a single one."

"I'm really sorry Natsu. I know what it's like to lose someone close to your heart, or nearly."

"Yeah." Natsu replied.

Roxas thought of a way to cheer Natsu up. "Listen, when I with Arceus, he told me 'When someone you love leaves, that love doesn't go away, it's actually reborn as new love in the people that surround you now.' "

"Is that really true?" Natsu asked.

"It happened for me, when I met Lucy and you guys, I'm sure it has happened for you as well. Just look around, you're surrounded by people who consider you their family."

Natsu began to smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Roxas now turned his attention to the current problem at hand. "Natsu, there's something I need you to do for me."

"I'm listening."

"I...I don't know when it will happen, but there's a strong possibility that I'll lose control of my Nine-Tails state, if I'm ever forced into it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I won't be able to control myself, I may attack everyone and everything. Honestly, it scares me to death."

"But why?"

"Remember when we fought Jellal and the power I was giving off? That was because of all the anger and hate I felt when he killed Simon. I...actually had a dream where I lost control of myself in a dark form, and I fought against all of you, I didn't care whether I hurt you or not, I couldn't stop myself. If this were to really happen, I'll become a threat to everyone....even Lucy."

"Roxas, why are you telling me this?" Natsu asked sounding serious.

"I really hate to ask you do this, but... if I... do lose it. I need you to bring me down."

Natsu's eyes slightly grew in shock. "What? What exactly do you mean?"

"I mean fight me. Beat me up. Do whatever it takes, just make sure I don't hurt anyone."

"Why me?"

"To be honest, I think you're the only one who can. Lucy and the others would try to reason and talk with me, maybe even Gajeel , might be able to hold me back; but... I... don't think they'd be willing to bring me down. I think you're the only one who's actually willing to do it."

Natsu gave Roxas a serious look. "Are you asking me to kill you!? Cause I ain't doing that!"

"No! Not that far!" Roxas assured. "Just knock me out. But since I'm consumed with so much rage and negative emotions, that makes me all the more dangerous." Roxas explained.

"Oh. I think I get it now."

"So... will you? I hate to ask this of you, and I'll try to figure something out, but if it happens and I lose it, will you take me down?"

"Roxas..." Natsu gave a serious reply. "If this does happen... I'll do it, I promise. That's a promise from a wizard of the Fairy Tail guild."

"Thanks... Natsu." They both stared at the new moon in the sky before they walked back to their home.


The next day, Happy had met up with Roxas and Lucy as they made their way to the guild.

"Man, we need to get another job soon. I'm starting to get booored!" Roxas whined as his arms were behind his head. Lucy put a hand over her mouth to his left as Happy groaned next to him.

"Jeez Roxas, you sound just like Natsu. Why do you think I ditched him to hang out with you guys? At least get me some yummy fish!" Happy stated bluntly, getting a sweatdrop from the two mages.

'He only came with us for that?'

"Well sorry Happy, but no." Lucy announced, before her eyes lit up into stars. "We're actually gonna go get a job! Rent will be coming up soon and I want a job that is high in cash today!"

Roxas pounded his fist into his open hand, a foxy grin on his face. "Hell yeah! And high in cash usually means high in risks! I've been wanting to get some fighting in, and the regular guild fights are starting to lose their edge! Oh, I hope it's a big monster!"

"That I actually won't mind. I mean, your one of the best fighters I know, up there with Erza and Natsu. Your super strong too!" Lucy praised, as Roxas started to blush from it.

"Awe come on, Lu! Your making embarrassed blush!" Roxas waves his hand, pretending to become extremely bashful.

"That's true. But when Roxas gets made, he gets even stronger. Though he's also pretty scary at the same time." Happy stated nonchalantly, having Lucy look over at him with a wide eyed look.

Neither of them noticed Roxas' smiling face drop into a grown instantly, his eyes showing fear of the direction of where this conversation was going.

"Don't you think so Lucy?" Happy asked the blonde, who looked down in thought.

"I guess..." Lucy whispered, making time around Roxas stop as he froze in his walking while his friends went ahead.

"So, you are scared of me?" Roxas whispers, as he stared at the happy faces of his friends that walked ahead of him. 'But Lu... You lied?'

"Well, didn't I tell you?"

The booming dark voice of his other self echoed through his mind, causing Roxas to grab his head from the pain it causes him and gasp for breath.

"All they really we're doing was fear you. They only stuck around in case you would attack them for leaving." Dark Roxas sneered. Roxas at this point had dropped to his knees with a yelp, catching the blonde girl and cat's attention.

"Roxas...?" Lucy whispered.

"Roxas, are you okay?" Happy asked as the two ran back over to him.

"Stay... back...!" Roxas croaked out, before he yelled in pain again as he bent over low enough for his forehead to touch the ground, fingers clutching his hair to try and relieve the pain.

"So why not deal with these scared weaklings, and show them something to really fear?" Dark Roxas continued, a evil laugh following as steam began to float from the Roxas' body while his face began to morph into his Nine-Tailed features.

"Oh no, Roxas...!" Lucy was about to place a hand on the slivernette's shoulder, but Roxas smacked her hand away.

"Don't touch me!" Roxas snapped, his voice becoming a bit rougher and his body started to emit his crimosn-red flames. This caught the townspeople of Magnolia's attention as the all stared at Roxas.

"Look at them all stare! Oh how you hate it!" Dark Roxas pushed. "The time has come!"

"Stop it!" Roxas looked up with a slight crazed look on his face at the people around him. His sudden actions made people around him flinch or back up.

As his flames grew brighter. Flashbacks of the same looks he got from others, Lucy's father, the man he once scared when he tried to help someone, multiple towns he's paused through, all of these images formed into seemingly dark shadows with glowing eyes around as they either cackled or said harsh words like 'Monster!', 'Demon!' Or 're Spawn of Satan!' That made Roxas cover his ears. "STOP STARING AT ME! ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!"

"That's it." Dark Roxas chuckled deeply, as he walked out of the shadowed corner of the Slayers Mind. "Let the roots of this hate and fear you have take over. For I am in control!" Dark Roxas flung his arms outward to his side's as the shadows behind him flew out, covering the white area of Roxas' control with the evil magic.

"Roxas!" Lucy gasps, as suddenly the dark crimson flames around him shot upwards around his body, making Roxas appear as a dark black shadow in the light. Everyone around him screamed in fear as they ran away, especially after they hear a menacing roar rip through the air.


"Roxas!" Lucy and Happy shouted in shock and horror as they both backed up as to not get burned by the heat. Soon, as the flames began to died and what Lucy and Happy saw made their blood run cold.

In the place of their friend stood Roxas, but with glowing red skirted eyes, along with sharper nails and teeth and his whiskers were thickened. He was now wearing a black and red organic-looking bodysuit, and a more muscular build. But the what really shock was the shroud of crimson flames that surrounded their friend. Three tails of pure magic emerged from Roxas' tail bone while a pair of fox ears from the shroud formed on each side of his head. Soon, the crimson flames formed a fox-like figure and tighten around Roxas' body.

"Roxas...What happened to you?" Happy muttered in shock, as he was hiding behind Lucy and shaking in fear.

"R-Roxas?" Lucy tried in a shaky voice, taking a step backwards. This was the third time she felt this power, but this time it was on a whole other level.

Roxas had turned toward the duo and a dark crimson magic circle appeared in front of him.

"Nine-Tailed Fox's Howl!"


Next Time: Rampage!

With Roxas losing control to his dark side, he has become a threat forcing Fairy Tail to unwillingly fight against him.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, tell me what you thought and MysticKai, I will see you the next update. (Also I would suggest listening to any type of rock music for the upcoming fight)

P.S: sorry for leaving you at a cliff hanger lol, but it was part of the plan and this chapter became a lot longer than I expected, so I wouldn't extended past this point it even if I wanted to.

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