Chapter 4 - Enter the Water Dragon Slayer

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. I do not own anything but my OCs. I hate the fact that I'll be saying this in every chapter, so I'm just going to stop. So without further ado, Enjoy!


Sitting on a stool, Roxas organized a few papers on the table he was sitting at. Nothing interesting has happened for a while now since he and his friends gotten back from the Daybreak mission and met up with Gray along the way. Even the guild members were calm, which was strange considering that there's always a brawl happening. Right now, he and the others were in the library, tidying up a bit. Well....not all of them.

"Hey you bastard, give me back my clothes!" Gray shouted angrily.

"Not in a lifetime chance. Come and fight me for them, Ice Prick!" Natsu responded, swinging Gray's clothes around.

"Natsu! Gray! Stop rough housing the guild and come help me clean!" Lucy scolded them, putting a few books away.

"Yes Lucy..." Gray's voice said.

"Why do you have to ruin our fun Luigi?" Natsu's voice asked in a whiny tone.

"It's LUCY!" Lucy corrected him though Natsu failed to notice.

Roxas shook his head and chuckled. "It's fine Lu, I'll help you out."

Lucy sent him a grateful smile in return when they heard a voice.

"Young wizards...a word please." The three looked up as their guild master Makarov Dreyar appeared up at the top of the staircase with his hands folded behind his back.

"Something wrong, Gramps?" Roxas asked, sitting the papers down.

Makarov shook his head. "No, nothing like that. I have received intelligence that there is a lost wizard coming to Magnolia soon. Apparently, she was raised in the mountains by a dragon."

Hearing that, everyone looked up at the master in shock, but none more than Natsu. "WHAT?!" said fire mage blurted out, his face shocked. "So she's a DRAGON SLAYER like me?!"

"Mmhmm. She looks like a valuable candidate for our guild. We don't know her full potential but, if we recruit her we'll know for sure. Roxas, Natsu, Gray, Lucy...I trust you four to get this job done."

"We're on it. Let's go Happy!" Natsu called for his best friend.

"Aye sir!" A winged cat flew in, landing on Natsu's head. After that, the duo took off out of the library.

"Come on, let's go!" Roxas called out to Lucy and Gray before he followed Natsu and Happy.

"Hey wait up!" Lucy and Gray shouted as they followed their friends out of the guild. Makarov smiled to himself.



"Is this the place?" A teenage girl looked at the city gates that towered above her head. Peasants walked along both sides, not paying attention to her. She was around 17 years old with thin, cyan swaying hair that was casually short, but there was a tuft of hair tied up on both sides of her forehead, and indigo colored eyes. She was wearing a teal sleeveless skintight top with a high collar and a cutout over her chest, with yellow outlines. She wore white and green-lined fingerless gloves, with sleeves that reached above her elbows. She also wore black shorts and a waist-cape, which was two strips of teal cloth that draped over either side of her hip, with a smaller blue strip hanging in the back. Her shoes were black and red, with silver armor pieces.

"Doesn't look like Magnolia Town..." She muttered to herself.

GGGGRRROWWLLLLL. She laughs with embarrassment, patting her stomach. "Time to find some food!" She walked through the gates and looked for a food mart.

"Let's see...Fish, Chicken, Beef...whatever that is..." She looked at every single store, eyeing the food suspiciously.

"Hey kid." She looked up at the store owner, his black mustache twitching slightly. "If you don't have money, get lost."

"Fine, your food looks like crap anyway." The girl huffed and sauntered off, leaving an enraged shop owner. 'Sigh...not only am I hungry but, I don't have any money. This is bad.'

"Get out old geezer!" She looked up as this old man was thrown out of a shop. A bunch of crooks sneered at him, the ring leader chuckled. He walked up and placed his foot on the man's back.

"Listen here, my boys and I are hungry so if you don't get your act together, you'll have another thing coming."

"P-p-please, I beg you. M-m-my staff and I can't possibly make two thousand meat buns ready in time."

"Shut up you!"

"Hey!" The men looked up as the girl walked over, her face serious.

"What do you want girl? Can't you see we're busy?" The leader said, kicking the old man. He cowered slightly.

"How can you treat an elderly person like that?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"He didn't do what we wanted and we're hungry. If he doesn't give us what we want, this is what he'll get." One of the goons stated.

"P-p-please.." The old man crawled over and hid behind the girl. "M-my staff and I can't possibly make their demands. It's not possible."

"Obviously some one needs to teach this old man some manners. Hey you," The ring leader called to one of his men. "Go and retrieve that man. First thing we'll do is cut his tongue."

"Alright boss." The man laughed and sauntered up. The old man cowered as by standers stopped to watch. The owner's staff coward fearfully near the door.

"Geeheee, come here old man." The man reached forward but the girl smacked his hand away, glaring hard.

"Miss..." The old man said.

"Mister get back. I'll be down in a few minutes." The girl ordered and the old man hurried to the sidelines.

"You...get out of the way." The man tried to intimidate her with his height but, the girl just crossed her arms and gave him a bored look.

"You talking to me big guy?" She taunted.

"Why you little–" The man swung forward and the girl dodged, crouching down and aiming a kick at the guy's face. The impact sent the man flying into a concrete wall where he slumped, unconscious. The young female turned her gaze towards the group who backed fearfully but the leader bolstered their courage.

"Go on you pussies, your opponent is just a girl! Get in there and fight!" He ordered and the whole gang swarmed.

"Heh." The girl grinned. "Come if you dare!"


Not to far away...

"Maan, how is it to search for this one girl?" Natsu complained as the group looked left, right, up and down. They walked around for at least 2 hours.

"We can't give up Natsu, I'm sure she'll show up sooner or later." Roxas assured him.

"Aye." Happy nodded.

"That depends on if she even arrived here." Gray remarked.

"Hey guys, what's that?" Lucy pointed as a plume of smoked rose up in the air.

"Looks like a fight or something. Let's check it out." Roxas led the way. When they got to the scene, their jaws dropped literally. Crater size holes, water was every wear, and some men had wounds that weren't made by humans. By standers whispering to themselves.

"Whoa, what the heck happened here?" Natsu questioned.

"PLEASE HELP ME!" A guy wailed out and the group saw him fearfully sitting on the ground, arms raised in self-defense. He was bloody and beaten badly, like he was hit with a two by four.

"Look..." Lucy whispered as a girl around their age walked up to the grounded guy. Her white-blue hair was blew through the wind, sapphire eyes angry with a shimmering gleam, and fists clenched so tight that her knuckles turned white.

"I think...I think...I"M IN LOVE!" Natsu, Gray and Happy chorus in unison, their eyes were replaced by heart-shaped ones.

"Cut that crap out!" Lucy smacked them all upside the head.

"Who is that...?" Roxas muttered to himself. "And why does she give off the same feeling as Natsu?"

"P-p-please spare me!" The guy pleaded as he looked up at the girl.

"I don't think I will." She snarled and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling her right fist back. The guy waited for the blow but, it didn't impact his already ugly face. The girl sighed and toss the man on the ground hard.

"Listen very carefully at what I'm about to say." She leaned over him, sapphire eyes glaring hard. "Take your men and get out of here. If I see you anywhere near this old man's place, I'll kill you for sure! Now beat it!" At that instant, the man could've worn he saw the image of a massive blue dragon appeared behind the girl.

"Y-y-yes Ma'am!" The guy whimpered and took his gang out of the city, away from the scary girl.

"You're safe now." She smiled as the old man hobbled up to her.

"T-t-thank you very much." He wiped away a tear. "Rico and his gang always come over to make fun of us, destroying my restaurant and hassling the costumers. I can't thank you enough."

"No big." She smiled. 'So that guy's name is Rico...not so tough now is he.'

"Please come in. You're my guest of honor." The old man led her in the door, everyone rose up and bowed with respect. The girl smiled and gestured everyone to sit.

"You wait here. My staff and I will make you something." The old man disappeared into the back room.

"Excuse me." A girl's voice called out and the girl turned to look at her. She saw a girl with blonde hair and a boy with sliver hair walk up to her with two other guys and cat following the pair with heart-shaped eyes.

"May I help you?" The girl addressed the group.

"My name is Lucy. These are my friends Roxas, Natsu, Happy and Gray." The boys nodded their heads in turn. "We are from the Fairy Tail guild."

"Fairy...Tail?" The girl murmured, then realized that she needed to introduce herself. "Oh, my name is Airel Vallière."

"That was pretty cool how you help that man out." Roxas said, placing his hands behind his hands behind his head.

"Oh, that. It was nothing. I couldn't just stand aside and let those bastards treat innocent people like that." Airel said, rubbing her head. "So, you guys said you're from Fairy Tail, right? Is there something you wanted with me?"

"Well, our master wishes to see you. Are you available to come now?" Gray asked her.

Airel looked over at the old man and his staff, cooking in the kitchen.

"Hmm...Sure. Give me a second." She walked over to the kitchen door and called the owner. They had a talk, with the owner nodding his head once in a while. After talking, Airel walked back to the group, a bag in her hand.

"Okay, let's go." She followed the group, her hands carried the bag of meat buns in a box. The old man wrapped them for her and asked if she'll return to visit. She promised that she'll return to visit the man in his restaurant when she gets the chance.

"So are you actually a Dragon Slayer?" Natsu spoke for the first time, giving the girl a look.

"Yeah." Airel stated simply.

"What was your dragon's name?"

"Lugia, the Water Dragon."

"Do you know a dragon named Igneel?"

"Uhh...sorry. Can't say I do."

"Wow, Natsu completely forgot we're here!" Gray growled with displeasure. Natsu was oblivious to Roxas, Lucy and Gray as he kept asking Airel questions.

"Nah, he's just excited that he gets to talk with another Dragon Slayer." Roxas said, as they headed back to the guild.


"We're here!" Natsu said a few minutes later and ran up to the archway, gesturing with his hand excitedly and a huge grin plastered on his face. "Welcome to Fairy Tail"

"...Woooooow!" Airel exclaimed as she walked in through the doors. The guild was huge and full of banners of all kind. Wizards of all ages from 17 and up cluttered about, some were looking at the Job Board, some were arguing with each other and others passed out from drinking too much.

"Welcome back!" Mira greeted the group, smiling broadly. Airel scurried behind Natsu and peeked at her with curious eyes, gripping Natsu's clothing lightly.

"Come on Airel, that's just Mira. She won't bite." Natsu gently pushed the girl forward. She smiled embarrassed at the young woman in front of her.

"My name's Mirajane Strauss, Fairy Tail's barmaid. You may call me Mira, nice to meet you." Mira smiled cheerfully.

"Airel Vallière. 17 years old. Please to meet you."Misty replied.

"Is our new member here?" Makarov's silhouette showed up and the wizards looked at their master. "Oh you're here. Please, I want a word for a few minutes." He disappeared and Natsu led Airel up the stairs to the master's room. They entered the master's chambers, seeing the little master sitting on his comfy chair.

"Please sit. Natsu get out, this is only between me and her." Natsu huffed and walked out. Airel could see his shadow hovering behind the door.

"Now then, let's get down to business. First off I want to welcome you to Fairy Tail, the journey must have been harsh. My name is Makarov Dreyar, the master of those young jokesters. If you want to be a guild member, you are more than welcome to. Once you get a brand, you belong to the guild permanently."

"...I see."

"What led you to Fairy Tail?"

" I...I was looking for my mom. My name is Airel and I am on a journey to find her." Misty explained. "I heard that a guild was recruiting members and so I decided to come here. If I stayed with a guild, maybe I'll find them."

"Hmmm..." Makarov scratched his chin. "Very well. Would you like to join Fairy Tail for the time being?"

"If I must...yes, I'll join Fairy Tail." Airel answered.

"Very good. From now on, you are one of us. I'll have Mira give you your brand later. Now then, you may leave. Natsu will give you a tour around the guild. Have fun." Airel bowed and left the chamber, meeting the wide grin on Natsu's face. Roxas, Lucy, Gray and Happy smiled as well.

"ALRIGHT now you're one of us! Come, I'll show you around." Natsu led Airel on a tour. "This is the Job Board. Wizards like us do odd jobs around town, from babysitting to catching criminals. I almost forgot." Natsu held out a stack of money. "10,000 Jewels!"

"Jewels?" Airel asked him, inspecting the material.

"These are Jewels, our currency. Master told me to give you in case of emergency . Did you know? 100 Jewels is equal to 1 US dollar?" Natsu grinned as he passed Airel the money.

"Thanks so much." She said as she placed the money in her wallet.

"Your brand's ready Airel." Mira walked toward the group, a stamp in hand. "Where would you like it?"

"I can place it anywhere I like?" Airel asked.

"Of course. See?" Natsu turned around to show her his brand on his right shoulder. "Roxas has his on his left shoulder, Lucy's on her hand, Gray's on his chest, Happy has one on his back. You can place it anywhere."

"Then...I want it on my right shoulder too." Airel turned so that Mira could put her brand on.

"Done. Looks good." Mira smiled. "Now you're an official member of the Fairy Tail guild."

Airel looked down at the guild mark and saw it was a light cyan color.

"Awesome! I can't wait to work with you, Airel!" Natsu said in excitement.

Airel looked over at him and smiled. "Same here, Natsu?"

"Hey, Airel. Do you have a place to stay?" Lucy asked the girl.

Airel rubbed her head. "No. At least, not yet anyway."

"Well, Master talked with the owner of Fairy Hills, the dormitory of the guild, and, after telling him who you are, he gladly accepted to give you a room while you're here. It's close to the guild so you won't have to walk much." Mira told her.

"Wow, thanks for the favor," Airel said.

"It's no problem. I'll be happy to help you get there." Mira smiled.

"You also sleep in Fairy Hills, Mirajane?" Airel asked, getting a nod in return.

"What's Fairy Hills?" Roxas asked, looking a bit confused.

"It's a female dormitory," Lucy replied. "It's for females only."


Mira and Airel walked to atop of a rocky, grassy hill that was not far from the Fairy Tail guildhall, "Welcome to Fairy Hills!"

Airel took note of the building that Makarov is showing him. Fairy Hill's, is a large and mildly imposing building composed of bricks. It consists of a central, elongated section at whose sides sit two wings protruding outwards, with the one to the center's right acting as the main entrance, which takes the form of a double door with a pyramid-shaped upper part topped by a similarly pyramid-shaped roof, held up by wooden beams. Enforcing the multitude of standard bricks on the edges and marking rectangular sections in the central part are larger, lighter bricks lined up in vertical rows, with light beams instead marking sections horizontally. The front part of the building possesses a porch adorning the central part, with a steep tiled roof split in sections by beams being held up by simple wooden pillars paired with arcs. The two wings are each adorned by small numbers of large, arched windows, while the central section's windows are similar in design, but noticeably smaller and more numerous. Each section possesses an elongated, pitched roof composed of tiles; the wings, beneath such roofs, have round windows adorning their top part. Sitting in front of the entrance were two pillars composed of stone and bricks, flanking the pathway leading to the building, and each topped by a sculpture of a stylized Fairy Tail's symbol. Above the entrance there is a large, mildly arched sign reading "Fairy Hills" in sober, elongated dark characters. "W-wow..."

"The rules state that no man can enter this building, only females are aloud here." Mira told her as they reached their destination. The door then opened as they saw Cana waving at them with smile etched onto her face.

"Hey, is that the new girl?" She asked, opening the door wild. "Come on in and check out your room."

Airel then followed her escorts as they lead her upstairs, "So, how much is it going to be to stay here?"

Mirajane looks back and slows down a bit, "Well, the rent is 100,000 jewels a month and discounts are not possible. But once you start to take jobs, you should have enough to keep staying here."

Airel nodded. "Got it." 'Wow! It's going to cost that much to stay here!? The water sounds better than this.'

Cana smiles, "It's gonna be nice to have such another girl living here."

Airel smiled back, "Thanks..."

When the three reach the third floor, they see an elegantly decorated door stood out from the rest of the doors. Once opened, Airel was greeted by the sight of a big room. "Whoa!"

"Wow, this is a really nice room!" The female dragon slayer spoke in an astonishment voice.

The walls were painted creamy white with blue accents decorating them as elegantly as possible. The ceiling was also of the same color as the wall, but with a big Fairy Tail symbol printed on it. "Just beautiful..."

Cana looks at the new tenant of Fairy Hill's, "Do you want some help unpacking?"

"No need, I only have a few things is all." With that said, the two girls left the room, leaving Airel alone. The cyanette took off her bag and looked all over the room. A smiles appeared on her face before she jumped on the bed bed and sighed, "Despite this being my first day... I like it here... tomorrow will be my new start..."


Well, that's a wrap for this chapter! Let me know what you guys thought of it. Could I have added more or leave it? See ya!!!

Next Time: Lullaby

As Natsu asks Airel to join his team, Erza returns and requests help about a demonic flute. Will Roxas, Natsu, Lucy, Airel, Gray, and Happy be enough? Find out in the next chapter of Fairy Tail's Fox Slayer!

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